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ay u wanna rp with wreckidydo [casual-advanced]


Martyr Complex
ay how u doin. this is my recruitment thread.


- anything that has a post apocalyptic setting



- science fiction

dead space

mass effect


- slice of life

grand theft auto


- original settings i like

nothing with

- fantasy

now, i like fantasy elements, but i rarely do straight fantasy. no fairies or wizards etc.

- medieval (straight medieval)

- academy/school

- drama/teen angst


- i can post up to three paragraphs with mildly good punctuation up to two times a week if i'm still interested. you might need to prod me to post. however, i might go MIA for a few days due to circumstances. i understand that people have lives, so i'm not really concerned about activity. i only ask that you match me with length/detail. if for any reason we need to cease, please let me know. here's a sample of my writing:

Meanwhile in the depths of Hell...

Amenadiel has poured a glass of brandy across the table and set it alight. In the company of Amenadiel is Lucifer, the Angel of Death and formerly Samael, who now casually sits across from the great emperor of the West and his burning glass of amber alcohol.

"That's an eighty year-old Janneau Armagnac. If I'd known you were going to waste it on melodrama, I would have given you the '78," Lucifer quips.

The fair-locked demon met his eyes with the firey irises of Amenadiel's while combing his hair back with his trimmed fingernails.

"The world is on fire, Lucifer Morningstar. I wanted to make that point forcefully. Otherwise we could squander the evening in stale repartee," the growl of Amenadiel's voice was full of fervor and hatred, a bit uncanny for one of the leaders of the Thrones. Lucifer raises a coy eyebrow, "I've no desire to trespass on your evening at all, Amenadiel. I'm sure there are many places where your company would be almost welcome."

Lucifer had kicked out everyone in Hell, closed down all the doors and gave the key to Morpheus. Lucifer asked Morpheus to cut his wings, and Morpheus did. Hell was no longer a thought for the rebel angel, who had opened his own piano bar in downtown Los Angeles. Everyone was aware of the unspoken irony between the location and its resident.

"The world has been stoking in embers for ages. I firmly believe you needed an excuse for this performance today," Lucifer adds."Like a child needs the most pious reason to cry." Amenadial's lips curl around his teeth, and with a chuckle he begins, "As you sit here, a cocky grin plastered on your face, in your mortal bar above Hell, a place created for you to rule but could not. Instead you played the director in a civil war, digging your fingers into every demon like an infant puppet master. Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies, Azazel the

Abomination; they all did your bidding. It takes one to know one, my friend." The fire that dances across the brandy is a warm flicker that reveals the bright blue, misty eyes of Lucifer, who in the midst of Amenadial's soliloquy had stood up and leaned against the dark velvet wall; his blonde hair was still slicked on the sides from the night before.

All of what Amenadial says is true, and unfortunately Lucifer was quick to hide behind a very human, makeshift smile. "It's admirable how you keep so many broken pieces of the past and try to poorly force them together into a mirror," he paused as his took a sip of his drink, the ice clinked together as he did so. "But somehow, your virgin mirror is melting into a dirty, worthless mosaic," he said as he rose his glass to eye-level to look at the ice that was inside. Outside, the veins of Hell course with lights and greed, in fact much like any other city on Earth. A brief pause in conversation allowed Amenadial to smugly study the face of Lucifer, who had no idea what he was about to discuss. A very-- mortal thing. An almighty hill, not yet large enough to be a mountain, was quickly becoming an object of worship to several deities. Of course this would be concerning to Lucifer, the very embodiment of a paradox, who rebelled against God and, still drenched in holy banishment decided to escape from the responsibility of ruling Hell by opening a bar on Earth. Oh, it would be very concerning to him, indeed. After all, doesn't an angel belong in the garden?

character preferences

- i prefer to play the dom.

- i prefer to play males. i can play females but they will probably end up acting like guys.


- human x human

- alien x human

- alien x alien

- mercenary x mercenary

- mercenary* x scientist

- scientist x scientist

- junkie* x civilian

- junkie x junkie

- dealer x junkie

- dealer x civilian

i think that's it. want to set something up? pm me or post here. k buhy.

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