Awkward Moments

Poisoned Youth

the Anathema
I'm such a dork.

Most Recent Awkward Moment: I just got a mocha frappe at McDonald's, and when the cashier said "enjoy your meal," I said, "you, too."

Most Embarrassing Awkward Moment: I was in the mall, and someone asked me for directions to some shoe store, and I said, "No, thank you." And then: ran away. I quite literally RAN. RAN. At full speed, over hill and dale. I don't know what I was thinking!!

The worst part is that...after I get in these situations, later that day, I will think, like, "Oh, btw, that stupid thing you did will resonate in the minds of all who saw it for eternity."

Aghh, why does this always happen to me??

What are some instances of awkward situations in YOUR life?

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