Avoiding the Truth Technique versus Judge's Ear Technique?


New Member
Hey all,

I'm running a game now with a sidereal masquerading as a mortal savant in order to move the PCs into place like chess pieces as part of Heaven's plan to beat FaFL, and said sidereal has the charm Avoiding the Truth Technique.

Before he uses this charm though, I'd like some ideas on how exactly this would work against someone using Judge's ear. Judge's ear apparently can perfectly detect all lies and deliberate half-truths, which works fine with Avoiding the Truth -except- when the sidereal actually tells the truth while using it.

Suppose the sidereal said, in the middle of interrogation from his 'mistress', acting fed-up and dismissive, "Pfft, yeah, a sky-ninja came to you in your sleep to implant that dream into your head, sure, that's totally what happened", and beat the solar's DV on the roll. While the solar has Judge's ear on.

WTF should I tell my player?
That the Sidereal actually believes what he is saying to be the truth, but that such a statement is impossible.
"I'm sorry, but he seems to be telling the truth, no matter how impossible his words may seem. Please roll Stamina + Resistance versus a migraine headache."
Since he's telling the truth it wont interact with Judge's Ear Technique and you resolve Avoiding the Truth per it's rules. If it overcomes his MDV, he'll think he's hearing a lie and have no way of knowing the difference between thinking that because of JET or just normal intution without some sort of essence sight up.
Isn't the roll-off rule applicable in this instance? Two charms in conflict, with no clear defensive supremacy = roll-off to determine the victor.
MrMephistopheles said:
Since he's telling the truth it wont interact with Judge's Ear Technique and you resolve Avoiding the Truth per it's rules. If it overcomes his MDV, he'll think he's hearing a lie and have no way of knowing the difference between thinking that because of JET or just normal intution without some sort of essence sight up.
That depence on how charms works in your world. In mine: when a person using a charm to spot something, no matter if it's a hidden foe or a lie, she will know what it was the charm that helped.

So in that case you will know you just heared a lie, but your detect lie charm didn't go off - and then the player have to make her own conclusion as to why that is. But I guess most players would suspect magic of some kind.
skafte said:
MrMephistopheles said:
Since he's telling the truth it wont interact with Judge's Ear Technique and you resolve Avoiding the Truth per it's rules. If it overcomes his MDV, he'll think he's hearing a lie and have no way of knowing the difference between thinking that because of JET or just normal intution without some sort of essence sight up.
That depence on how charms works in your world. In mine: when a person using a charm to spot something, no matter if it's a hidden foe or a lie, she will know what it was the charm that helped.

So in that case you will know you just heared a lie, but your detect lie charm didn't go off - and then the player have to make her own conclusion as to why that is. But I guess most players would suspect magic of some kind.
Oh there's nothing stopping a character from thinking some sort of essence mote manipulation is going on. However, without essence sight effects, JET and other similar charms will not in any way hint to you at what is going on beyond how the two powers in question interact and what conclusion that might create. Hence my reply.
Chaka said:
Isn't the roll-off rule applicable in this instance? Two charms in conflict, with no clear defensive supremacy = roll-off to determine the victor.
They'd have to be in conflict. The Sidereal would have to word their honest statement in a certain way to trip JET.

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