[The Official RPN Character Challenge 2015]Tetsuun Ayane


Current image reference missing longer sweeping bangs and resting bitch face.

Tetsuun Ayane








RP From:

Naruto: Brave New World






Tetsuun has a rather striking appearance, which can be attributed to several different factors. Puberty was not too kind to him - or rather, the lack thereof. While his fellow academy students were graced with the magic of growth hormones, Tetsun alone was left to deal with an unimpressive height of four foot six. At a glance, he may appear even younger than his really is, but one look at the sour expression typically found curling his thin lips contends against that. His frame is built lightly with his stomach and arms just burly enough to reveal muscle. Otherwise, he is too scrawny, as suggested by the bottom of his rib cage poking out, his collarbone appearing pronounced and his scapulae becoming visible with particular movements.

The palm of his hands are somewhat rough and calloused, being one of the only blemishes on his otherwise smooth skin. His accommodating skin tone is of a pasty pallor, contrasting with his other features, with lips that chap and redden during the colder seasons, though a light spray of freckles helps to amend all of this. These freckles dot along his cheekbones and a little beyond to his nose and cheeks. Tetsuun's fine, unkempt hair is black and flows down to his ears, barring bangs that are swept aside just enough to not conceal brown irises. He has a diamond-shaped face, making his features all rather angular, and in some instances, his cheeks will appear somewhat hollow.

His casual attire is simple, as he cares very little about his appearance outside of not wanting to stick out any more than he has to. Typically, he can be found wearing a plain heather shirt that is entirely too large, falling loosely around his shoulders and hanging about his waist, which aids in hiding his gaunt frame. He often wears windbreaker pants, accented with red shades for his otherwise grayscale clothes. For warmer weather, he will wear shorts of the same material, though they will no longer have the accents along the hem.

As for ninja attire, he wears a dark gray jacket with mesh armor underneath and the swirling fire symbol on the back, sleeves just long enough to cover his shoulders. His pants are long and black, stopping just short of the standard blue sandals. A cream pouch resides on the back of his left hip, while a holster is wound around his right leg. Tetsuun alternates between having his blue headband on his forehead and tied to his arm, just short of the sleeves, though it is more often found on his arm.


Generally the first thing people ever learn about Tetsuun is that he is an exceedingly difficult person to get along with. He is judgmental and relies heavily on first impressions, generally shutting people out upon the assumption that they are weak-minded or excessively emotion. He is not afraid to act on these biases, shooting people disdainful looks and making derogatory comments if they attempt to speak to him. More often than not, he finds a reason to look down on others, as he possesses an ego the size of a small country, though that's not to say his opinion of people can't change with time.

Tetsuun finds great pleasure in provoking people, both exploiting it as a means of a battle tactic and doing this to give him something to do, be it through blunt insults, expressing his condescending nature, or just bitter sarcasm. He is crude, possessing a colorful vocabulary that he casually throws out in many of these situations and others. He is clever and has good instincts. Though far from being at some remarkable genius-level, he is able to pick up on small details quicker than most of his peers and, if there is a need, can usually come up with some sort of plan to act accordingly. In the event that something goes wrong, or he has to deal with what he perceives as some general form of idiocy, Tetsuun will undoubtedly become annoyed. His temper is ruthless the instance he loses it, lashing out against people he knows he can hurt or treating them with a cold, fragile silence when he knows he can't. This is something he attempts to control, as shinobis are supposed to have no emotions, but his naturally hot-blooded nature often overpowers his sense of restrain.

Tetsuun is prideful and unable to turn down challenges directed towards him, so long as he finds them not
too unreasonable and not too pointless. His competitive nature is blatant, in this respect. Tetsuun has a tendency to work hard to achieve a particular goal set out for him, though would rather do this where other people don't see the precise amount of effort he may have to put in to meet the challenge. However, his inspiration is short term, and he inevitably slips back into putting minimal effort into things as a result of his assurance in his own abilities. Because of this, he is prone to developing rivalries, but just as easily as these form, he will drop this relationship after beating them in the area he had fixated on.

The easiest way to get him to back off is to simply ignore him. Tetsuun is the sort who will rarely speak unless spoken to, sometimes refusing to engage in conversation even then. He is not the sort to harass someone continually without any reason, becoming quickly discouraged if the other person reacts with sorrow as opposed to anger. He cannot recognize a lot of emotions with people, but he can at least differentiate between those two. Even in the rare instance where he may feel a pang of regret for his actions, he is flat out terrible with apologies, preventing him from being able to deal with this.

Though particular aspects of his personality may make the boy come across as lazy, Tetsuun is a very reliable person. He is quick to take responsibilities when the situation calls for it, with or without being asked to do so. When he says that he will do something, he follows through with it to the best of his abilities. In situations where he is seemingly helpless, he becomes restless and abrasive, as he hates feeling vulnerable in any way. He becomes quick to snap at people and gets caught up in his frustration, creating a vicious cycle where his anger breeds more anger and prevents him from overcoming the initial problem. In spite of his nasty attitude, when it gets right down to it, Tetsuun is still just a kid. The unknown and unfamiliar intimidates him, though he loathes to admit it and will snap at anyone who suggests that this is the case. He becomes very much on edge under these condition. It is during these times of being faced with a real threat that he is forced to become aware of his own vulnerability, and he hates that above all other things.

Tetsuun can sometimes struggle with teamwork, having to rely on his allies being able to predict his own intentions, but is excellent at acting on his own. He is strongly independent and does not need or want much instruction, as he easily comes up with means of acting on his own, sometimes even going so far as to tune out orders. He is impatient when dealing with others slower than him, either repeatedly making snarky remarks about it or, after he grows weary of that not having any affect, shows his contempt through body language.

The only time he expresses manners and treats someone in a polite fashion is if they have managed to earn his respect or are one of a few people he truly cares for. Except for in the case of someone of a high status, it is very difficult to receive this decent treatment from him. However, this aspect of behavior is drastically unpolished right off the bat, and it takes a long time of him warming up to someone before they may even realize how fond he is of them. Normally, even if he wants to appeal to someone, his lack of interpersonal skills can often lead to him offending someone by accident. He is nowhere near being in touch with his own personal feelings and is uncomfortable having to deal with them, let alone recognizing them. Because of this, he can sometimes seem very hypocritical, considering his perception of himself and what he does can be somewhat skewed.


Tetsuun was born to a small family, not anywhere near large enough to be considered a clan, lingering on the eastern edge of The Hidden Leaf Village. The household was structure after very ancient traditions, where the man of the house is expected to take care of the family and any girls are not meant to train. His father was an ambitious jonin, constantly working to impress their village's Kage in hopes of being promoted into the ANBU ranks, leaving him very little time to stay at home. His mother worked as a florist for one of the small local businesses in the village, and when she wasn't home doting over her husband, she would be tending to a beautiful garden she had sculpted in the back yard.

During her pregnancy with Tetsuun, his mother became sickly and, consequently, she was unable to keep her job as a florist and had to stay at home. While she was able to go through with it, she did not rebound immediately to full health. This gave her time to raise the boy while her husband was away on his various missions. Three years after him, Soto was born. Tetsuun eagerly took the mantle of an older brother, allowing them to form a close bond, but the addition of a younger sister brought unneeded financial stress on the already struggling family. His mother attempted to get her old job back, but with a very inflexible schedule and no one willing to look after the two rowdy kids for long, she was forced to face her future as a stay-at-home mom.

When he was five, tensions between villages had reached an all-time high. For the first time in over 150 years after since The Seventh fought in the Fourth Shinobi World War to bring peace to the nations, the world plunged right back into another bloody war. His father was swiftly enlisted to help with the war efforts. This had very little impact on their day-to-day lives, though it put their mother in an even deeper state of unease. She tried to cover this up with an air of optimism and confidence, but in some instances, her concerns seemed overwhelming and her facade slipped up. As young kids, however, caught up in their own world, they were unaware of the reason behind her strained smile.

A couple of years later, Tetsuun was permitted to enroll in the academy. This was the first time that he was regularly exposed to other kids his age. He made and broke friendships as per usual for kids that age, but as the years progressed, a clearly evident height gap began to appear. At first teasing remarks were infrequent and playful, but as they persisted, Tetsuun developed an insecurity over it. Suddenly he was countering with aggressive tongue lashings, the likes of which he had learned from his mother's own nature to deliver witty insults, the likes of which she hadn't realized her son had been gradually absorbing. This finalized his alienation from his peers, quickly growing a reputation as one of the most rotten, ill-mannered kids the academy has had to handle. The only breaks he got from this hostile socializing was when he was home with his mother and sister, which soon became a safe haven to be free from judgment.

At the age of twelve, Tetsuun was able to advance and become a genin. His new sensei, a man named Mabuchi Haga, was a huge disappointment to him, as he found out that the man was a complete pushover. Tetsuun perceived him as unhelpful, with the man's philosophies of compassion solving things, and overall let the squad get away with whatever they wanted to do. His father had taken a break from the war at that point, doubling as a means to congratulate his son and make preparations for a particularly dangerous reconnaissance mission with spies in the land of Lightning that could finally determine his future as an Anbu Black Op. During this time, the two had some of the most bonding than they ever had, as his early years of childhood only left him with fleeting memories of the man. His father introduced some more advanced ninjutsu techniques to him, opening up his first access to his chakra nature.

Not long after his father had to leave again, the war finally ended with no one nation truly emerging as the victor, though the Land of Lightning seemed to have the upper hand in the conflict. However, his father never returned from his mission. Time wore on, and it soon became apparent his mother was sick again with yet another pregnancy. Tetsuun's hope for his father ever waned significantly when the village officially declared him as missing, though they insisted they were doing everything they could to find him. He grew to realize that the financial burdens and general familial responsibilities were on him now, and though it caused the adolescent much undue stress, he met this challenge with his best efforts, taking on any missions that he could in an attempt to earn some sort of income. He mimicked his mom when her husband first left for the war, acting cheerful and loving at home, but pent up emotions made him all the more volatile around his squad.

In the most recent history, the villages finally signed an armistice. Part of the agreement was for Konohagakure to become the main hub for squads mixed with shinobis from different villages to form as an expression of trust and peace. Squads were shifted around, with Tetsuun getting a new sensei and one new teammate. This squad is still very new, but it's quickly becoming apparent his new sensei, a man who built a fearsome reputation in the war, is nothing like his old one.


Tetsuun arguably has a natural inclination to the shinobi life. Though he was in the academy for five years, he has only been a genin for about a year and any talk of his first sensei from him is purely condescending remarks about how he was a pushover and had no idea what he was doing. He has some experience with combat because of this, but he's far from being a seasoned ninja. In spite of his good instincts, there are many scenarios that he simply isn't prepared for.

In combat, the boy is a top ten contender for the most obnoxious opponent a person may have to face. His use of nasty remarks is utilized at this point, throwing out insults in an attempt to anger the opponent to make them distracted and sloppy. It takes someone particularly intimidating to keep his mouth shut, or once he's assured that he's drawn out the desired affect, in which case he quiets down and focuses on the situation in front of him. This behavior can be traced back to his tiny stature. Tetsuun doesn't take hits well, as he has little to no mean of tanking them, and while he keeps himself in fit condition, straight-forward kicks and punches can be easily brushed off by the vast majority of people that are larger than himself.

In an attempt to mitigate this, he works on his speed to dodge and counter attacks, all the while gauging the strengths and weaknesses of the person he is facing. He intentionally draws opponents out to make the first move, and while this may work excellently against his peers that have little practice with suppressing their emotions, people who can keep a cool head can easily set up traps for him. In addition, he is rather clueless on how to launch a first attack of his own. In a roundabout way, this has all trained Tetsuun to be analytical and learn how to improvise. However, once he runs out of ideas, he seems to lose all of his wit, instead turning reckless.

Tetsuun carries around a mostly standard set of shinobi gear and has a basic knowledge of how to use each thing at the very least. A holster is wound around his right leg and a pouch hangs from the back of his waist, making all these tools easily accessible to him to use in various situations.

Holds five kunai knives, which prove to be rather versatile weapons. These black daggers, wrapped in bandages around the handle for easier grip, can be used for thrusts, stabbing, slashing and throwing out. The metal of these prove to be rather durable, but breaking one of these is far from impossible.

Five backup kunai are held here.

• Holds
ten standard-sized shuriken, all in the shape of a four-pronged star. These are most effective being used as projectiles, but the hole in the center of them allow them to be easily held.

Fifteen explosive tags, or paper bombs, are stacked neatly against each other. They are white slips of paper inscribed with a kanji symbol that allows for them to react to chakra. On command, these tags can set off a decent-sized explosion, or can be infused with chakra so that they go off after a certain period of time. These tags can stick to many surfaces, allowing them to be hung up on a tree or wall to potentially set up a trap. They can also wrap around kunai handles to give the daggers an extra punch when thrown, if set off. These tags will work even in rain.

• Holds
two smoke bombs, which are tiny spheres wrapped in paper. Upon being thrown against a surface, a cloud of smoke is released. Tetsuun's are the standard set, releasing a harmless, odorless gas is purely meant to obscure an opponent's vision. The smoke dissipates after a certain amount of time, lingering longer the more that are thrown.

• Holds
one flash bomb which, similar to the smoke bombs, are tiny spheres wrapped in paper, though a kanji is written on it. Upon rough contact with a surface, a blinding light is released. This is purely designed to disorient an opponent and has no effect outside of the temporary flash. These can be hung on the ring of a kunai from the string attached to them and set off on command, similar to the explosive tags.

• Finally, the pouch holds a spool of
wire strings that stretches out to be twenty-five meters long. This weapon is extremely versatile, being sharp enough to cut into flesh, and is the closest thing to a specialty weapon that Tetsuun can claim to have. These can be used to set up traps such as tripwires, though he rarely uses them for that purpose. Instead, they are used to ensnare opponents, potentially repelling weapons, and manipulating his own, in particular being able to control the directions of shuriken being thrown.

Outside of using weapons and taijutsu, Tetsuun can use several very basic ninjutsu techniques and a couple of more advanced ones for someone of his rank. Tetsuun's has enough control over his chakra to perform these techniques as needed, but he has a tendency of using too much and is somewhat wasteful as a result. Due to this, he is very limited with his more advanced techniques and attempts to use them conservatively.

Teleportation Jutsu - Rather unique to Tetsuun as a genin, after a single hand sign, the user is able to put a burst of chakra into their feet to temporarily move at a high speed. To most observers, the speed is such that it looks like the user has teleported. Depending on the distance between the user and the desired destination, this can take a little or a ton of chakra. Tetsuun is limited in this regard, and is limited to moving perhaps twenty-five feet from him. This is used conservatively, for the benefit of catching people off guard and not wasting too much chakra.

Substitution Jutsu - A basic technique taught to academy students that requires a series of hand signs to perform. The user's body will be replaced by another nearby object the instant the user is meant to take an attack. This momentarily creates the illusion that the hit landed, while the user is instead at a safe distance to either strike, flee or otherwise. Explosive tags can be attached to the replacement object in some cases. Though considered a basic technique, it is a very potent technique and cannot be used too many times without exhausting his chakra.

Disguise Jutsu - A cloak or cloth can be held up against the user, allows the user to blend into their surroundings and essentially turn invisibility. This requires little to no chakra, depending. At the moment, Tetsuun does not have access to such material and is unable to use this.

Clone Jutsu - Creates an illusion of multiple copies of the user after a brief series of hand signs. These copies are intangible and therefore cast no shadows, are incapable of disturbing the environment, and cannot hit or be hit, which can clue opponents into which is the real one. Repetitive use and maintaining these too long can gradually exhaust chakra. Major distractions, like taking hits or otherwise, can disrupt concentration of maintaining this and force them to dissipate.

Lightning Style: Earth Flash - The most advanced technique Tetsuun knows, a series of hand signs allows the user to create a wave of electricity from their hands. He is limited to a small to medium surge, looking like streams of lightning jumping around between each other and pushing out. Contact with this ranges from mild shocks to a little more intense. However, pushing beyond the mild shocks on his part is exhausting, as this technique requires him to mold the chakra into his chakra nature, then follows up with using up a vast reserve of his chakra. He can use this with relative comfort two times, but a third attempt will leave him feeling drained, and anything beyond that is impossible and will backfire.

Escape Jutsu - When the user is tied up, they are able to free themselves, provided the method of binding them is basic enough. This does not require the use of chakra and can be used relatively quickly.

Transformation Jutsu - With the use of a series of hand signs, the user gathers chakra and changes their appearance to whatever person or object that is desired. This is purely for illusion purposes, as this has no impact on the user's physical capabilities. The accuracy of this transformation depends on the skill of the user. Tetsuun is competent with this, though sometimes he can forget small details. This requires a constant use of chakra, and therefore cannot be maintained for too long. Disruptions can force him out of the jutsu.


• He has taught himself to cook a selection of things, but he's far from good at it.

• Tetsuun is a graysexual grayromantic, but is completely unaware of the asexual spectrum and thus oblivious to this fact. Either way, he's barely even a teenager.

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