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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Maniac who was being guided by several officers to a armored car due to the complaints civilians made heard most of the stuff people had said. Sighing he mumbled "you people just don't get it" he said shaking his head.
Reaper said:
Harry turned around and put his hands behind his back. "Go ahead. Cuff me, Kurt."
Kurt laughed, "Simply because you asked me to? That's a mountain of paperwork and vacation days lost if I've ever heard it. I'll pass."
"Yah, I had that look when I first got in here," Perry walked in. He recognized most of the scientists, and he especially trusted him to keep their mouth shut about both who he's harboring and his secret spider projects. "These... Are my scientists, they create everything from iPhone apps to military grade robots," he said and he moved his look to his robot butler. He's been around for a while, back when his father started the company. It was pretty much a robotic Alfred. "That is robo-Alfred." @InsaneKiller19

"This isn't my tower, I am not even part of these Avengers. And I call @#$@!%#@! on the president. Do you have any evidence he even did call you?" She asked Kurt.
Harry turned around and punched him in the nose. "There's a little extra incentive. Sorry about your vacation though." He turned to Cassandra. "When... He... Comes to earth, they'll beg us to be heroes. Just wait."
(@Reaper This reminds me of the JLA cause the cops and everything were after all the members but when they beat up Darkseid they're all like YAAAAAAYYYYY HEROES)
Reaper said:
Harry turned around and punched him in the nose. "There's a little extra incentive. Sorry about your vacation though." He turned to Cassandra. "When... He... Comes to earth, they'll beg us to be heroes. Just wait."
Kurt held his nose, "WHY YOU LITTLE!" He pushed Harry to the hood of his car, HARD. There was a dent left from impact, he began to cuff the boy and made sure he put them on as tight as possible, "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you don not have one, one will be provided for you..." He shoved Harry into the car and got into the drivers seat, he turned to Cassandra as he got in, "I don't care what you think girl! Piss of and let me do my job!" With that he drove off...
Victoria nods listening to him, before looking around and then at Robot Alfred, "Hello there.." She replies, as she was in her casual form.
LokiofSP said:
The woman spat on Finn as he walked away, "WHO'S FUCKING SIDE ARE YOU ON?"
"Who's side am I on? I'm on the side of those who want true peace in this world. So quite obviously that would be their side." He cleared his throat. "What side are you on, that's the question. Answer wisely, because if you answer wrong, I'm moving to Canada and letting the villains get you all." He grumbled the last part to himself. He was fed up with these people, besides it seemed as if they didn't want them there any more so they would go somewhere where the people were actually nice.
Phoenix and redd decide to return to tower, and at least try to repair what is left. "We are going to need more hands to repair the tower." Redd said. "Yesss, I sssupose we could ask for help." Phoenix said as he yawned, nearing the tower.
"Stay here as long as you'd like, I'll be in the room next door working on some projects," Perry said and he walked off.
Victoria nods watching him walk off, before looking around. She heads towards a corner and sits down in it, watching everyone as she hugged her knees. Becoming Seeker, Seeker turns off and goes to search something in her data files
(Um.. ACTUALLY in comics the police use specialized handcuffs that block powers! But in this rp cops and soldiers are more stupid)
For the moment Connor wished the guy was a villain, so he actually had an excuse to hit this self righteous little a-- "It might be in your best interest, and theirs to keep them away from the tower. If they we're to try and destroy it then it's automated defenses might come online and someone could get hurt. And who's fault would that be that you couldn't do your job and keep the people back? Yours?" Maybe hitting him would be worth it. Even Harry was willing to be arrested at this point. Connor turned around briefly away from the officer and poked his ear piece on, "Someone make sure nothing happens with the tower and the civilians outside? Please? I'll be....detained." It was the last thing they needed. Then shouting followed by Harry's arrest and he sighed, he was going to ask Harry to take his shield to someone so the cops didn't get it.

The blonde turned around to face the closest officer with a smile. Sorry about this pal. Bringing his foot up he jammed it onto the officers own foot. He held up his wrists to the officer gratifyingly , "Take me away."
I'll break you guys out, I promise, she thought as they drove off. She could've do it herself of course, she had the kill switch on her. But his dad was a different story.

Perry held together a variety of blueprints for other suits across the years. I think I can do this...
Seeker wakes up and stretches, looking around before staying in her corner....trying to connect to her father, checking to see if he was alive or with the jailed superheros
CasualDragon said:
"Who's side am I on? I'm on the side of those who want true peace in this world. So quite obviously that would be their side." He cleared his throat. "What side are you on, that's the question. Answer wisely, because if you answer wrong, I'm moving to Canada and letting the villains get you all." He grumbled the last part to himself. He was fed up with these people, besides it seemed as if they didn't want them there any more so they would go somewhere where the people were actually nice.
"Fucking hero apologist" The lady mumbled as she walked off


Ivory woke up to the feeling of cold concrete, he woke up and vaguely made out blurry outlines of people and heard them talking, "Yeah, couldn't get the damn monsters off, and when I went to try again, the damn thing stabbed my foot!" He loo"onths ago, to the tests, the walls, the "disciplining" and he paniced, he heard the animals begin to panic as well...






"Come on bud! Keep it together, just uh... pretend their not there! SHIT! YOUR BLEEDING! THIS IS BAD!"

At this one Ivory looked down and paniced, blood flowed through his nose and ears as hundreds of voics filled his head, "LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT!" He couldn't hear himself think, they were just so overpowering, and he couldn't put them away! So he did as they asked...When he did he was tased by an officer, left to be tourtered by the voices again....


Crono said:
For the moment Connor wished the guy was a villain, so he actually had an excuse to hit this self righteous little a-- "It might be in your best interest, and theirs to keep them away from the tower. If they we're to try and destroy it then it's automated defenses might come online and someone could get hurt. And who's fault would that be that you couldn't do your job and keep the people back? Yours?" Maybe hitting him would be worth it. Even Harry was willing to be arrested at this point. Connor turned around briefly away from the officer and poked his ear piece on, "Someone make sure nothing happens with the tower and the civilians outside? Please? I'll be....detained." It was the last thing they needed. Then shouting followed by Harry's arrest and he sighed, he was going to ask Harry to take his shield to someone so the cops didn't get it.
The blonde turned around to face the closest officer with a smile.
Sorry about this pal. Bringing his foot up he jammed it onto the officers own foot. He held up his wrists to the officer gratifyingly , "Take me away."

The bumbling cop jumped at the sight of Conner, his name tag read, 'Hello my name is Bob' it was obvouse he was a new recruit, he smiled sheepishly and said, "Oh it's no problem sir! After all, you're Captain America's son!"


[QUOTE="The Regal Rper](So did the doors get ripped off or not?)

(This is hard, okay?)

The doors flew off as the car swerved to avoid traffic and shake the girls...
(I guess, public's gonna hate superheroes more though)

"Hey, Victoria. Like the new look?" Perry walked out with a grin.

Pyosimros said:
(I guess, public's gonna hate superheroes more though)
"Hey, Victoria. Like the new look?" Perry walked out with a grin.


(How many effing suits is Perry gonna have?)

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