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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

The girls ran in the Tower after Jack. "What is that crowd attacking you guys for? You have helped the city so much!" Amelia said confused. Tanya seen Ivory get tazed and thrown into a police car. "They are taking Ivory!" She turned back to Jack. "What do we do?!" @The Regal Rper
Perry needed to go to Stark tower and warn Victoria. He looked back at everyone getting thrown into cop cars and he just felt mad at himself for not helping them, and he continued walking about to Parker Industries. "Mr. Parker! You need to get to safety!" one of the officers said and against Perry's will, he was escorted back.
(Wait is Connor cuffed?)

He'd seen the officers before they tackled him but hadn't fought back, he knew it would make things worse. "You do realize I'm an Avenger right!" He was yelling over his shoulder at the officer with the knee in his back. The blur of Ivory rushing up had him shaking his head, "Don't!" But it was too late, he felt the weight lift from his back. He caught sight of the boy being tased and put into a police car as he pushed himself to his feet. "Hey!" He called out to the nearest officer, "He's one of us, get him out of there!" He pointed at the car Ivory had been placed in, he wasn't about to let them take off with Ivory. The boy was also aware he might draw attention back to himself, but that didn't matter to him.
"Stay back" he said. "With the way things are things won't turn out well" he said and walking towards the officers he let himself be detained
Harry Osborn approached the policemen. "You should let them go. I know you know who I am." He looked at the officers name tags. "I'll remember all of you. Let them go."
Crono said:
(Wait is Connor cuffed?)
He'd seen the officers before they tackled him but hadn't fought back, he knew it would make things worse. "You do realize I'm an Avenger right!" He was yelling over his shoulder at the officer with the knee in his back. The blur of Ivory rushing up had him shaking his head, "Don't!" But it was too late, he felt the weight lift from his back. He caught sight of the boy being tased and put into a police car as he pushed himself to his feet. "Hey!" He called out to the nearest officer, "He's one of us, get him out of there!" He pointed at the car Ivory had been placed in, he wasn't about to let them take off with Ivory. The boy was also aware he might draw attention back to himself, but that didn't matter to him.
Reaper said:
Harry Osborn approached the policemen. "You should let them go. I know you know who I am." He looked at the officers name tags. "I'll remember all of you. Let them go."
(Conner was never cuffed)

The officer growled at the heroes, "Quite frankly I don't care who the hell you two are, this all has been a long time coming. You damn heroes do whatever you want with no regard for others and it's about damn time that changed!"
The girls stayed out of the vision of the public. "What do we do?" Liona asked. Amelia thought and thought if what they could do. "Maybe the Boss can help. She may be able to get them out of prison. But wait till they actually leave with them."
Smasher pushed the bot to the bottom of the largest body of water he could find and swam up as it exploded. The force propelled him up and out of the water, dropping him back on the sand. He shook head head of water before becoming Finn again and making his way back to Stark Tower. He looked around the angry mob of people confused. Didn't they just save these people for the tenth thousandth time? Couldn't they just chill for one moment?

He shoved his hands in the pockets of his wrecked shorts before doing a double take. He was a shirtless guy in ripped shorts, he was almost certain they would see something was up. He tried his best to blend in with the crowd. Angrily he yelled, hit and pushed his way through the crowd, trying to convince them that he had a huge beef with the heroes. At the front of the crowd he quickly pushed his way to the sides where some of his friends were being arrested. He tapped his foot nervously, Ivory was in bad shape. He couldn't bring himself to leave Ivory like that, but at the same time the only way to save Ivory that he could think of was to assault the officer and run off.
"Stay safe sir," the officer said and he left. Once Perry saw that he was gone he rushed inside the building and he went into the room Victoria was in. She was the only one that was in Parker Industries still. "Look, they're jailing superheroes. I know a play where you can be safe." @InsaneKiller19
Harry got close to the officer who spoke up to him. "And the police don't? That's rich. Officer... Kurt." He looked at his name tag and tapped a button on his watch. "I know where you live. And you're right. I do what I want." He turned and went to walk away.
CasualDragon said:
Smasher pushed the bot to the bottom of the largest body of water he could find and swam up as it exploded. The force propelled him up and out of the water, dropping him back on the sand. He shook head head of water before becoming Finn again and making his way back to Stark Tower. He looked around the angry mob of people confused. Didn't they just save these people for the tenth thousandth time? Couldn't they just chill for one moment?
He shoved his hands in the pockets of his wrecked shorts before doing a double take. He was a shirtless guy in ripped shorts, he was almost certain they would see something was up. He tried his best to blend in with the crowd. Angrily he yelled, hit and pushed his way through the crowd, trying to convince them that he had a huge beef with the heroes. At the front of the crowd he quickly pushed his way to the sides where some of his friends were being arrested. He tapped his foot nervously, Ivory was in bad shape. He couldn't bring himself to leave Ivory like that, but at the same time the only way to save Ivory that he could think of was to assault the officer and run off.
A woman wearing quite....eccentric clothing bumped into Finn, she looked to where he was looking and smiled, "To think, they're using monsters and claiming it's in our DEFENSE?!" She look disgusted, "This...All of this is them finally getting the spoiled fruits they worked for. It's beautiful, isn't it?"
Reaper said:
Harry got close to the officer who spoke up to him. "And the police don't? That's rich. Officer... Kurt." He looked at his name tag and tapped a button on his watch. "I know where you live. And you're right. I do what I want." He turned and went to walk away.
Officr Kurt looked at the Harry with rage in his eyes, "WHERE THE HELL DO YOU GET OFF?! FIRST YOU WANT TO SUPPORT US AND NOW YOU TURN AGAINST US?! I THOUGHT YOU USED TO STAND FOR PEOPLE LIKE US, WHO HAVE TO SIT BACK AND WATCH WHILE THESE HEROES DESTROY OUR LIVES!" He turned his head to Conner, "I had a wife once..." Tears began to fall from his checks, "Two months ago...she disappeared into the sewer, when I was called into work about these blobs of human goo going around the city I saw her...Just shambling..." His hands curled into fists, "THEN ONE OF YOUR BUDS BURN#ED HER! TO A CRISP! I COULDN'T EVEN TELL IT WAS HER! AND YOU SAY YOUR INNOCENT? GET OUT OF HERE!"
"Follow me," Perry said gesturing her to come. He knew where to go. The lowest place in the building, it's where all the secret experiments were being held and, where he was going to make his new suits secretly.
Harry turned back around. "Listen. I'm sorry. I know how it feels to lose family to heroes. My father... Well he might've deserved it, but when people lose family, they become hateful and enraged, like you right now. And while I'm sorry for your loss..." He whispered in his ear. "These avengers are my family now. I. Will. Not. Lose them. Last warning. Let them go."
Reaper said:
Harry turned back around. "Listen. I'm sorry. I know how it feels to lose family to heroes. My father... Well he might've deserved it, but when people lose family, they become hateful and enraged, like you right now. And while I'm sorry for your loss..." He whispered in his ear. "These avengers are my family now. I. Will. Not. Lose them. Last warning. Let them go."
Officer Kurt faced Harry and took a breath, allowing himself to calm down and stop the tears from flowing, "Sir...If you do not stop...I will arrest you for harassing an officer of the law....This is your final warning."
"Listen to the man," Cassandra said and she went next to him. "I'm Corporal Thompson, I have full authority over you, let them go."
LokiofSP said:
A woman wearing quite....eccentric clothing bumped into Finn, she looked to where he was looking and smiled, "To think, they're using monsters and claiming it's in our DEFENSE?!" She look disgusted, "This...All of this is them finally getting the spoiled fruits they worked for. It's beautiful, isn't it?"
Finn recoiled in horror. Who was this woman and who did she think she is? He glared at her. "These monsters? These monsters have saved this city more than I can count. These monsters risk their lives and the lives of their family and friends to protect you. These monsters have dealt with death, grievous wounds, terrifying enemies, all so that you don't have to!" He turned away from her breathing heavily. He kicked at a stone with his prosthetic leg. He'd lost a leg to protect these people, they had lost Tony, Dimitri, and Thor to protect these people. Almost every hero had been dealt some sort of horrible wound that would last with them forever to protect these people. And here they were condemning them. "What have we done to deserve this." He mumbled to himself.
"Oh for..." He breathed in angrily, stopping himself from saying something he'd regret. Did they have to choose today to pull this? Couldn't they have waited until tomorrow maybe? He looked at Harry as the boy started speaking, maybe Finn judged him a bit harshly? What would Connor know, he'd been gone the last two months.

Then the officer Harry was speaking to was shouting and then he was looking at Connor with the emotions and Connor felt bad for him and then he was yelling at Connor. He didn't know what had truly happened to the mans wife but he knew nothing he said would help or calm him, "Sorry." he mumbled as he did indeed walk away to let the man stew already feeling guilty, instead going to another nearby officer maybe his partner.

"Look." He told the officer, "You really want to deal with the mountain of paperwork that goes along with arresting a Hero, an Avenger at that? We'll have him out in no time and it'll have been for nothing. Let him go and it's over, he hasn't even done anything worthy of the arrest." Ivory wouldn't do well in a cell, so Connor guessed. Had he been arrested before? Connor hoped not, either way this probably wasn't going the way they wanted it to. "Let him out or arrest me too. Or do I have to break one of the cars windows for that?" Did he just threaten to break a cop car window? No, he wouldn't actually do it but he could find a way to get arrested, he wouldn't let Ivory sit in a cell alone atleast.
Pyosimros said:
"Listen to the man," Cassandra said and she went next to him. "I'm Corporal Thompson, I have full authority over you, let them go."
"Oh miss Thompson I'm sorry I-" Kurt paused as he got a broadcast on his radio, "Sorry, just one moment miss...." He stepped away for a few moments and came back, a smirk n his face, "I apologize "corporal but this is out of your jurisdiction, I have orders from the president to carry out this order." He turned to Conner, "Unfortunately you have done nothing we can claim as wrong, so unless you wish to patronize me more, we have a crowd to control...After all, it would be a shame if they got through and demolished your tower..."
CasualDragon said:
Finn recoiled in horror. Who was this woman and who did she think she is? He glared at her. "These monsters? These monsters have saved this city more than I can count. These monsters risk their lives and the lives of their family and friends to protect you. These monsters have dealt with death, grievous wounds, terrifying enemies, all so that you don't have to!" He turned away from her breathing heavily. He kicked at a stone with his prosthetic leg. He'd lost a leg to protect these people, they had lost Tony, Dimitri, and Thor to protect these people. Almost every hero had been dealt some sort of horrible wound that would last with them forever to protect these people. And here they were condemning them. "What have we done to deserve this." He mumbled to himself.
The woman spat on Finn as he walked away, "WHO'S FUCKING SIDE ARE YOU ON?"

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