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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Perry opened a closet and grabbed a lab coat, and he put it on. He looked back, "I feel great! Broken arms are always give a good adrenaline rush!" he smiled and gave a thumbs up. "Jokes aside, I feel terrible. I've been battered in almost every direction, my favorite shirt has a hole in it's side from someone," he looked over at Marko and he returned his gaze onto Victoria.

"First thing that's in order, press is outside waiting for me. Gotta take care of that," he responded to Ivory.
Victoria nods, "I hope you get better...meaning about your broken arms and such.." She replies, looking over his arms before looking back at him. "You shouldn't keep the press waiting....just know I will be here with my father when you get back.." she smiles at him, with a small chuckle

Tanya looked at him confused. "What happened to Perry?" She asked. She hoped he wasn't injured or killed. That is he last thing we need. The avengers in mourning while all this shit is happening. @The Regal Rper
Pyosimros said:
Perry opened a closet and grabbed a lab coat, and he put it on. He looked back, "I feel great! Broken arms are always give a good adrenaline rush!" he smiled and gave a thumbs up. "Jokes aside, I feel terrible. I've been battered in almost every direction, my favorite shirt has a hole in it's side from someone," he looked over at Marko and he returned his gaze onto Victoria.
"First thing that's in order, press is outside waiting for me. Gotta take care of that," he responded to Ivory.
Ivory nodded and began to walk to the exit, right now he just wanted to lay down and sort things out with everyone back at Stark Tower, he needed the talk to cool down and a press conference wasn't going to help that. As he walked out of the building and to Stark Tower, he took off hos mask and suddenly his bones and injuries became more noticeable, he had been through allot, he hoped to god they could have at least a few weeks to catch their breath after the past few days... He made his way to the lawn to see a group of women, Jack and Conner standing at the broken down bots. No police or military had arrived yet thank god, but a crowd had amassed. He slipped between people and began to walk towards the group...
"I have a healing factor, stuff like this takes around five days to heal," Perry responded. "Alright, see you later," he waved goodbye and he walked outside the building. I could get used to this, he grinned as a horde of people walked over to him, asking questions and one of the news reporters pointed the mic at him. "Hi everyone. You guys may know I was targeted in a terrorist attack by Spider-Man, but other then suffering a broken arm... I'm all right! I mean the real damage here is that billboard, so Bill! Get to work and don't get bored!" he shouted at no one in particular. Then the crowd went silent. "Tough crowd," he muttered. "Anyways, we have uncovered evidence that Spider-Man was mindswapped by... Him!" he pointed over to Joseph getting loading into the Raft-Mobile. "And he gave me his deepest apologies, though what would happen if this were to happen again? And I were to get targeted and eventually die? Well I thought about this and I made a tough decision. I decided to cut all ties with Spider-Man and I'll stop designing tech for him."
"Oh good." Tanya stated. She looked at Jack and remember Justice talking about him as if they were old friends. "What is the history between you and Justice. He spoke fondly of you." @The Regal Rper
"We were good friends" he said "kinda like family" he stated walking towards the tower. "Anyway help me with the others" he said avoiding to dig any deeper in his past
Tanya and the girls followed Jack. "His methods may have been twisted but I learned he wasn't actually that bad of a man." She stated to him. "It kinda saddens me to know he is dead." @The Regal Rper
Ivory began to make his way to the tower when a hand grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, he looked up and saw a woman with a concerned look on her face, "Young man don't go out there, the cleanup is about to start..." She paused, a look of hate crossing her face, "Damn kids are up there without any adult supervision, they think they can do what they want when they want without the mind of US, the people, look at what they do to US!" She points to a robot that landed on an apartment complex, "One day they all just show up and declared themselves savioures, they dared call themselves "The Avengers" But look, the real Avengers would have never let THIS happen." She picked up a can on the ground and threw it at Jack, "BOO!" Many people followed and soon a small mob was formed, chucking objects at the building and the kids. Ivory ran past all of this to try to get inside, dodging objects that flew past his head...
"Even when he used us as his puppets, he did not treat us poorly. Though at one point we were worried he was goin to kill us." Tanya stated. Amelia walked up behind them. "Tanya, I think Boss might actually come here herself. With all the things that happening she is probably going to intervene."

"Your probably right." Tanya answered. @The Regal Rper
Maniac pulled out his katana and cut the can in half before it reached him making everyone go silent. "Tsk tsk tsk" he said sheathing hhis blade.
"Now! Plans for the future of this company, first I'll be-" he looked at the mob of people and the half of a person. He needed to check it out, but it was something for Spider-Man to do, no Perry Parker. "HOLY @#$@!!!" Perry pretended he was very scared and he ran into Parker Industries.
[QUOTE="The Regal Rper]Maniac pulled out his katana and cut the can in half before it reached him making everyone go silent. "Tsk tsk tsk" he said sheathing hhis blade.

Ivory finally got to the doorway only to turn around and see a scared crowd, one of the people in the mob screamed, "HE DREW A WEAPON, HE'S TRYING TO KILL US!" That one paranoid theory threw the mob into a panic. Most stayed behind and began to throw harder, metal objects, while some took stray shrapnel and metal parts and began to rush the young heroes...
"Sorry Vicky, I can call you that right? Anyways our hang out time'll have to out for a bit, I have to take care of something," Perry had just finished putting on his suit and he slipped on his mask. Back to the classic red and blue, lets pretend to be someone I'm not, he sighed and he web-zipped over to Stark tower. "No need to panic! The original Spider-Man's here to help!" he stood proudly and there was cheering. If my Spider-Man has a bad rep I could always be my dad.
Connor heard the boo's from his location on the ground, he didn't want to look, too much effort. But he did when he felt something hit his leg, pulling himself up to a sitting position. The group of people looked angry, shouting, and he had half a mind to shield himself through the objects and put them in their place. Or try to, but he wasn't going to. The mob grew angry and scared about something and Connor turned seeing Jack and sighed, but now the objects they we're throwing we're actually kind of dangerous and he found himself needing to put his shield up.

"You have got to be kidding me right now." He mumbled as he pushed himself to stand slowly.
Pyosimros said:
"Sorry Vicky, I can call you that right? Anyways our hang out time'll have to out for a bit, I have to take care of something," Perry had just finished putting on his suit and he slipped on his mask. Back to the classic red and blue, lets pretend to be someone I'm not, he sighed and he web-zipped over to Stark tower. "No need to panic! The original Spider-Man's here to help!" he stood proudly and there was cheering. If my Spider-Man has a bad rep I could always be my dad.
The Regal Rper]"Alright that's enough" he said pulling out his gun he shot all the objects out of everyone's hand without them noticing. "Jeez" he said [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16829-lokiofsp/ said:
One person jerked his hand at the last minute the bullet hit, injuring himself, the crowd freaked out, the man called 911, reporting the teenagers in the tower for what they did, damaging public property and injuring a person, the woman whom Ivory had talked to went berserk, taking up a metal pipe she led a small team of people to attack head on, two of these people began to bang and beat Conner's shield, while the other two went up and began to beat down Jack. Meanwhile another group began to panic at the site of Spiderman, believing he was back up there to harm them they began to hurl stones, one of them hitting Perry's arm. In the distance, sirens where heard...
"Hey! Even Perry Parker said I got mind-swapped!" he shouted as he got hit with rocks. He could have dodged them but he didn't want to. "What a load of crap!" one of them shouted and Perry swung off. Oookaayy not a good way to start my coming back announcement. Just gotta beat up some criminals and I'll be good.
Maniac stood there taking the hits but then got tired after awhilr "Alright kids" he said taking their tools away "Daddy has better things to do" he said walking back towards the tower
Connor took the hits against his shield, not like he could really fight back. They we're civilians, annoying civilians, but civilians nonetheless. He was getting frustrated at the relentless assault, thinking about what they'd gone through today, the last two months even and he snapped. Stepping back ahead and out of their range before reaching quickly out and grabbing one of the pipes and pulling it from the mans hand. "Enough!"
Crono said:
Connor took the hits against his shield, not like he could really fight back. They we're civilians, annoying civilians, but civilians nonetheless. He was getting frustrated at the relentless assault, thinking about what they'd gone through today, the last two months even and he snapped. Stepping back ahead and out of their range before reaching quickly out and grabbing one of the pipes and pulling it from the mans hand. "Enough!"
The police arrived on scene and saw Conner take away the woman's pipe. They had just arrived on scene and it was all they saw and as officers of they couldn't take the chance that this was not an act of aggression, they rushed forward and tackled Conner to the ground, "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you do not have one one will be provided for you..."

Ivory watched this happen and gritted his teeth, he slipped into the building, knowing his costume was to ripped and his current makeshift gear was exactly the same as his make-shift costume, he allowed the suit to envelop him one last time, his old costume on his body. He ran up to Conner and pulled the officer off Conner, when other officers attempted to detain him he shot out tendrils, not one to impale or hurt the police, but soft stub ones to push them away. Never the less the crowd screamed when they saw this,"THEY HAVE A SYMBIOTE!" Ivory was immediately tased and detained, hand-cuffs were thrown on him and he was thrown into a police car, in the confusion they had left Conner on the ground...
Perry looked back, helicopters. He needed to get out of the suit. "Spider-Man! Put your hand in the air and-" he quickly zipped into Stark tower and he took off his costume. He stuffed his costume into a closet later and he went outside, pretending to be an confused citizen.

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