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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Clair ended up giving up on tv but decided to start reading instead, getting comfortable in the hospital bed as she got drawn into her book. while she missed Dimitri and the others, the book kept her distracted nicely.
While the others had gone after Perry's body Maniac who was buried under a bunch of spider bot corpses shoots his hand out of the rubble. "Why do I always get buried with work" he said slowly pulling himself out with a spider bots head on top of his.
Connor stood over one of the last, if not the last, conscious soldiers on the battlefield. He threw a tired punch at the mans face to knock him out before sitting down amongst the rubble, machines, and unconscious men. He looked around wondering where most of the others went before laying down on the ground so he was staring up at the sky trying to catch his breath with his limbs sprawled out. The group that had chased after Perry's body had left the group that stayed behind with a much harder battle on their hands, but they had in fact succeeded.

He was exhausted, sore, sweaty and didn't want to move for the rest of the week. "What a welcome home this has been." He chuckled, as if he'd expected anything else and clutched at his ribs with an annoyed flinch. I'm not helping clean any of this up.
"They knock-out the enemy, but that's an AI taking control no an actual person!" Perry shouted as Joseph attempts to stab Dimitri.
Pyosimros said:
"They knock-out the enemy, but that's an AI taking control no an actual person!" Perry shouted as Joseph attempts to stab Dimitri.
Ivory jumped down from the rafters, he had been hiding and tailing the group so that way he could provide support if needed, he shot a web line at Joseph's hand and pulled back hard to stop the knife, the only problem was he pulled a bit to hard, he heard bones snap and pop as he pulled and winced, "Sorry Perry, that one might take a bit to heal..."
Marko dives in front of Dimitri, getting stabbed in the stomach. He attempts to fire a large blast of energy straight into Josephs

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Perry quickly faked a punch to the left and then he grabbed something in his body's pocket. He then and once again quickly put the item onto the body's neck and it fell to the floor. "S.H.I.E.L.D. EMP device, I was suppost to use it if Cassie ever got out of line," he huffed and he placed his body and himself onto the machine.
"Thanks for the save, bug juice." Dimitri said to ivory. "But... I did that on purpose! He was playing into my hand."
Reaper said:
"Thanks for the save, bug juice." Dimitri said to ivory. "But... I did that on purpose! He was playing into my hand."
Ivory's eye twitched, "You guys really need to tell me these things, anytime I make snap judgments you always have some other plan..."
Marko shrugs "Things happen. I was just gonna dive for the knife but thankfully you were here" Marko rubs his almost ripped up tummy "Perry with a broke arm. Let's just say Joseph tripped down the stairs"

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Harry crossed his arms. "He didn't have a plan..."

"Uhh yes I did! Why don't you go back under the bridge, goblin!"

"Goblins don't do that. That's trolls."

"Well then go back to... World of Warcraft!"

"Really? That's it?"

They continued bickering indefinitely.
"WoW guys let's just stop," Perry smiled, pleased with himself. "See you guys in a bit, bye," he said and he pushed a button. Then the worlds went dark.
Marko falls back "What the? Why is everything black? Who turned off the lights? This isn't cool" Marko searches for a switch

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National said:
Marko shrugs "Things happen. I was just gonna dive for the knife but thankfully you were here" Marko rubs his almost ripped up tummy "Perry with a broke arm. Let's just say Joseph tripped down the stairs"
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Reaper said:
Harry crossed his arms. "He didn't have a plan..."
"Uhh yes I did! Why don't you go back under the bridge, goblin!"

"Goblins don't do that. That's trolls."

"Well then go back to... World of Warcraft!"

"Really? That's it?"

They continued bickering indefinitely.
Ivory stood their soaking it all in. Then seemingly for no reason a smile grew onto his face, then a few snickers were heard, then it turned into full blown laughter, "Oh-Oh my-*Laughs harder* Guys, guys I-I just realized that Perry's gonna have to explain this to his family later!" He crawls onto the floor laughing at the funny images he imagines, "Oh god! His mom and dad are gonna be soooooo pissed!"
Dimitri's hand became engulfed in fire to light the room. "I'm not sure... But thanks for trying to save me, Marky mark. It was pretty badass."
Allison began sifting through the wreckage of the spider bots. She opened one up and began looking through the components and parts.

"What are you doing, Allie?" Amelia asked.

"Seeing if their is anything interesting. If not, we will just leave them." She replied. Liona looked around and seen Jack with a robot head on.

"What exactly happened here?" Liona asked him. @The Regal Rper
Is just gonna say, Vision and Victoria was watching them throughout the whole thing in secret and then followed them to wherever they are since I don't know what the hell is going on anymore lol @National, @Pyosimros , and @anyone else
Perry woke up in pain. "Ow!" he yelled as he tried to move him arm. He took off his mask and looked at the group. "Other then the feeling that I got run over by a truck everything seems to be alright," he said to them and he took off the rest of his costume. "At least he didn't change my wardrobe," he yawned and he walked out of the room.
Victoria made a small frown, before looking up seeing Perry "How are you perry? Are you okay?" she asks, her father standing right besides her
Clair would feel a rush of wind in the room as Dimitri returned. "You ever think about making a suit like your sister, or something cool like that?" @The Dragon Rider
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Pyosimros said:
Perry woke up in pain. "Ow!" he yelled as he tried to move him arm. He took off his mask and looked at the group. "Other then the feeling that I got run over by a truck everything seems to be alright," he said to them and he took off the rest of his costume. "At least he didn't change my wardrobe," he yawned and he walked out of the room.
Ivory jogs quickly to catch up with Perry careful not to hurt himself, "So where do we go now? Today we saw a good friend's father die, a person who just wanted to do good get killed, and someone who swapped minds with you! That's not to mention all the physical and emotinal pain we've al, gone through, so what do we do Perry?"

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