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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Missile launch ready, launching now, one of the arachanaughts said and a wave of explosives flew into the air.

"Uh... Guys! Look up!" Perry shouted over to them. Right now a shield probably won't protect them from all of the explosives.
Seeing the explosives coming towards them, Amelia fired her missiles at some of the explosions while Liona shot her rail gun at them. Tanya used her telekinesis to try to keep the explosives from hitting the ground. "Who the Hell is attacking us now?!" Tanya yelled.
Pyosimros said:
Missile launch ready, launching now, one of the arachanaughts said and a wave of explosives flew into the air.
"Uh... Guys! Look up!" Perry shouted over to them. Right now a shield probably won't protect them from all of the explosives.
Redd then puts his shield up, and phoenix then hops onto his shoulder with a slingshot. He aims to the closest arachnonaut and fires a rock at its eyes, making it attack anything nearby, even its allies.
Joseph looked over. That robot made one of his arachanaughts attack it's allies. It started firing lasers in every direction frantically and it followed with machine gun fire. He pushed a few buttons and the robot's eyes turned red. "Self destruction protocols imminent."

"No! Sir we're still in the robot! Let us out!" Some soldiers shouted through their comm. "And your point is?" Joseph laid back on his seat. "We'll all die in here!" one of them responded. "Then you better try to find a way out then!"
Pyosimros said:
Joseph looked over. That robot made one of his arachanaughts attack it's allies. It started firing lasers in every direction frantically and it followed with machine gun fire. He pushed a few buttons and the robot's eyes turned red. "Self destruction protocols imminent."
"No! Sir we're still in the robot! Let us out!" Some soldiers shouted through their comm. "And your point is?" Joseph laid back on his seat. "We'll all die in here!" one of them responded. "Then you better try to find a way out then!"
"Perfect. Redd! Keep your shield up, I have a plan." Phoenix said as he loaded another rock into his slingshot. "Take me to the arachnonauts, I have an idea." He added as redd nodded.
There were things that Finn was not a huge fan of, including explosives, spiders, and villains. He seemed to be surrounded by all three. He got into his zen place before letting Smasher out to play. While Smasher wasn't the smartest crayon in the box, he was smart enough to see the one robot attack its own. While at first that seemed like a great thing, soon it wasn't all that great. Even Smasher knew that red eyes meant self-destruct. He propelled himself forward and snatched up the robot that would explode. With one fist he smashed a hole in the top and shook out the people inside, not really caring if they were hurt or not. When they were all out he leapt forward again, hoping to make it to the outside of the city before it exploded.
Upon hearing Perry through the comm Connor did indeed look up, and at that moment he wished he had his shield even if it wouldn't be much help.

Shit!..Shit!...Shit!...Shit! He yelled internally while scrambling away to try and escape what would soon be the blast radius.


Not the time! He dove behind the corpse of one of the mechanical spiders left in the wake of the battle as one of the missiles exploded just on the other side. He covered his head as he waded out the hailstorm of dust and debris. "I don't suppose anyone has some anti-missile powers?" He asked through the comm jokingly. Taking a moment behind the destroyed bot to catch his breath.
Pyosimros said:
Joseph looked over. That robot made one of his arachanaughts attack it's allies. It started firing lasers in every direction frantically and it followed with machine gun fire. He pushed a few buttons and the robot's eyes turned red. "Self destruction protocols imminent."
"No! Sir we're still in the robot! Let us out!" Some soldiers shouted through their comm. "And your point is?" Joseph laid back on his seat. "We'll all die in here!" one of them responded. "Then you better try to find a way out then!"
Ivory's eyes twitched at Josephs self-destruct order, "CAN WE GO ONE BATTLE WITHOUT EVERYTHING BLOWING UP!?" He looked up to see Joseph trying to leave, he threw back Conner's shield to it's owner before attaching a web line to Joseph's ship, "Perry, anyone who's able, lets go after the main man!"
Maniac who had just killed a spider bot says "I can" he said pulling his guns out and shooting down the bots that had started to gather. "Where is he?" he asked still firing while walking towars them.
Harry flew close to the main boy and threw pumpkin bombs that would explode into instant cement at the bot's joints. "The itsy bitsy spider...."
Clair could feel the sweat break out on her forehead as the defense systems for the tower finally came back online. Heading out she found Dmitri, She smiled in relief at the sight of the speedster and with a groan she looked down to see her blouse and a wound after opening, the blood seeping through as she collapsed to the ground.
Joseph noticed that the bot was immobile now and soon enough they would break through the glass. He quickly pushed a few more buttons and lasers started firing at Harry.
Marko races over to Joseph's now immobile bot and pushes it over "Timber!!" He flies up next to Harry

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Dimitri caught Clair and eased her to the ground. "Oh my god, what happened?? Did anyone see what happened?"

Harry banked to avoid the gunfire, then turned his glider vertical and hid behind it. A few moments later Marko joined him. "Nice one bolt! Break his glass though, we need him."

@The Dragon Rider
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Marko nods "That's still Perry's body" he fires a large blast of energy straight into the glass, cracking the mighty glass. He gets on the robot and wails on it, the glass shattering

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Marko reels back "That's Perry's body alright "Marko steps up to Joesph and immediately returns the favor

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"Yah, and don't say my name in public okay? Unlike you guys I keep a secret identity."

Joseph quickly dodged to the left and he elbowed Marko in the jaw. "This is very unfair. If you try to defeat me in hand-to-hand combat my spider senses and superior speed will aid me," he taunted and he went for another hit.
Clair was shaking slightly as the pain finally began to set in and she hissed as she looked up, the towers defenses taking out the remaining robots. She always felt close to Dimitri as he had started drawing her out of her shell since she got here.
Harry flew above the two. "What do you say, buddy. One last spider/goblin fight. For old times sake." He winked and jumped off his glider onto the ground near the bot.

Dimitri swore. "This is going to hurt to move you. I'm sorry in advance. Just... Squeeze my hand." He said, dashing to the hospital with her.
Marko falls down as the elbow catches his chin "This guy is using his wizardly spider powers. I wouldn't fight him hand to hand Harry" He wipes his face and gets back up

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