Avengers International


Master of Malign Maladies

Brazil: 2:45pm

"The creature has been sighted sir! We're inbound on its location now!"

This was getting old quick, bad enough they were up against 'him' let alone being in one of the most hostile terrains in the world. Why he wanted to return to Brazil in the first place Gordon would never know. His squad moved through the city trying to box it into a corner while alpha and beta squads tried to lead it through the city with the least damage was possible with a force of nature like him.

"S***! We've lost him!! He was heading towards the rainforest!!"

Gordon and his squad stopped in their tracks and took a right turn through a couple of uncrowded streets, the tiered buildings above whirred by as they tromped through the paved streets. They led out onto a dirt path, a roar split the air and Gordon took a deep breath before signalling all squads to enter the jungle.


New Zealand: 10:45pm

"Hahaha! You've got to do better than that guys!!"

Th winds blew across the rooftops and his laughter could be heard for miles around, Maui leaped and bounded from one building to the next while black clad soldiers and a crimson haired beauty chased after him. Tranquilizer darts, hi-tech bolas and nets whizzed by as he evaded all their attempts to capture him.

"Come on kid, we can do this the easy way or my way, let us take you in or I'll have to get rough."

Maui laughed his amusement at her and proceeded to jump into an alleyway. Natalia smirked, it had been too long since she had faced a challenge like this, she felt nostalgic. Nothing had been the same since New York and the 'Avengers' had parted ways. She had always been undercover and maintained her anonymity but now that her face was plastered all over the news she couldn't play spy anymore but none of that stopped her from doing her job.


Atlantic Ocean: 5:42am EST

The command center of the helicarrier was busy, operatives, agents, soldiers and technicians walked in and out of the large room going about their duties like ants. Above them all like a silent sentinel stood the enigmatic Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury. He stretched out a glove hand to have a tablet placed in his hands, he swiped through a few pages and nodded.

"Things are coming together nicely."

He handed the tablet back just to receive another , this one detailed the Belltower base just below the Helicarrier. Yet again Fury swiped through a few pages and with another nod of satisfaction he returned the tablet and moved to a holographic display of Planet Earth and the location of several targets, the one in New Zealand seemed to be causing Black Widow a bit of trouble while Hawkeye and Captain America hadn't yet reported back on their progress.


  • Pacifica_Station_by_JacobCharlesDietz.jpg
Casper Orillion was having his usual fun. He was smoking through the city of Kingston,Ontario,looking for something to do. He was in his getup,and kept to the rooftops. After stopping that robbery and turning the faces of half of the FLQ goon squad to scorched hamburger,he was emboldened. He felt invigorated. I can turn into smoke whenever I want! I'm invincible! As he drifted across another gap between buildings,Casper thought about the news coverage later that day. Costumed man thwarts bank robbery with searing hands! said the anchor. He didn't stick around to be questioned. All he wanted was something to do that day,really.

As he reconstituted into his human shape on the next rooftop,a dart pounded home in a vent,as a bola battered a wide chimney. Whipping around,the Smoke Wraith,as he was dubbed by the media,saw a cadre of men and women in light assault uniforms,wielding handguns and carbines,with bolas clipped to their vests. He reached into his coat and withdrew a package of smokes. Removing a cigarette,he slid the package back inside,and he extracted a matchbook from his pocket. Striking the match on his mask,he threaded the smoke into the mouth grate,and lit it,and began a long,slow drag.

One of the troopers called to him, "Come with us,Smoke Wraith!" Casper had to suppress a chuckle,as he continued his drag. It was an astounding one,the smoke was nearly all ash,now. Finally,he exhaled and dropped the tiny stub of a smoke filter,simultaneously turning to smoke himself,and said,just before his head changed, "I'd rather not." He drifted in his smoky form towards the squad of troopers,some of which began to fire at the approaching cloud. Their weapons,instead of making a loud bang,made hissing sounds,almost like paintball guns. Their munitions,presumably darts,simply flew through Casper's smoky form. After a few of the darts had no effect,they stopped shooting,and the entire group began to backpedal.

Casper quickly caught up with them,and simply hung around their heads for a minute. They began to cough and hack as his thick smokeform was inhaled into their lungs. Then,growing bored,he simply drifted away,behind the squadron,and reformed,then taken off at a dead run,calling out, "Catch me if you can,suckas!" Infantile,but he didn't care. This was looking to be fun! "Mask up and pursue! Press him to Hotel Echo!" Casper could only smile.

Casper saw another squadron on the rooftops on the opposite side of the street,and the squadron behind him was giving chase,keeping up. "Come on,boys! Can't beat a smoker in a foot race?" He looked over his shoulder to see a set of bolas spinning towards him,and smoked just before impact,allowing the weapon to pass through harmlessly,then reconstituted. "Can't you do better than that?" He jumped to a rooftop that was nearby,and only slightly lower than the one he was on. He landed on his feet,stopped. It made his knees smart a bit,but he never like parkour anyways. He only did it to keep his lead.

That's when a whole mess of arrows sank into the area around him,one even passing through his hood. The archer who fired the arrows was on the next rooftop,nocking five arrows at once. The arrows had blue fletchings,and had something behind the arrowhead that he couldn't make out. Casper broke out laughing when he saw the ridiculous outfit. "You look like you came from a circus!" The archer shouted to him, "Come with us peacefully,or I'll shoot!" Casper guffawed. "Can't stick smoke,Legolas!" As Casper smoked,the archer fired. The five arrows landed around Casper,and began to unleash great arcs of electricity. It struck the smoke,and forced him to reconstitute. "GRAAAGH!" The pain was intense. It was like he was draped in a net made of live tasers.

It was at that moment the squadron on his tail caught up,and one of their number opened fire on him,sticking him with five darts. Alongside the pain,Casper could feel the world slipping away with a strange euphoria. Am I going into shock...? And then the world turned black.

"Call Big Bird. Objective secured. We're making our way back to base." The team,led by the archer,made their way to the airport,and left in a trio of helicopters. During the trip,Casper regained consciousness only once. "Urgh...How much--" That's all that he got to say,as he was jabbed with a needle and immediately sedated once more. When he woke up later,he was in his normal clothes,a black waistcoat and trousers,with a white dress shirt beneath,and loafers. And he was in a room he didn't recognize. "Where the Hell am I!?"
Jack Knight prepared for the heist of his lifetime, The Stark Castle. When Tony Stark revealed he was Iron Man, everything in that manor ballooned in value. It would make a pretty penny after he sold it to the local Fence, Garrett. He cloaked in his Nightingale attire and set out in the back streets. It wouldn't be long until he was wriggling in shiny coins and crisp bills. He arrived to the gate of the castle. "Maximum security, should have expected that." He spoke to himself as he loaded a tranquilizer arrow into his bow. He launched the airborne stick into the neck of a well-dressed guard. It knocked him out. There was a rule against killing on the job. Never do it unless it is absolutely necessary. He ran up the stone wall and gripped a windowsill, pulling himself up and entering without alert. "Beautiful. Just beautiful." He chuckled to himself and his high chance of fortune. He turned to face a man dressed in Red, White, and Blue. "You know in America, stealing is a felony."

"Oi, what are you gonna do about it?" He mocked the man. He reeked of Star-Spangled stupidity. "This is Scotland, you damned fool. Not America, not my problem." As soon as he finished that sentence, the American enigma launched his round shield at Jack, knocking him back out the window. "Come down and fight me like a man!" He yelled, giving up on the heist. He immediately stopped in his tracks after seeing a squad of people in high-tech battle suits. Jack drew his sword and taunted them. "Gonna have to take me dead, sad tossers." He charged, unleashing Vengeance spirits upon the castle grounds. Their flaming skin melted the grass around them. "Take no prisoners." He commanded them, sending forth into a battle. Unfortunately, he felt a prick in his back. A tranquilizer. He fell to his knees, his vision blacking out and his monsters being pulled back to the depths of the Otherworld. He woke up in a foreign room, dressed in normal attire. His usual Black and blue scarf was wrapped tenderly around his neck, his royal purple wool pea coat over him. He began freaking out. An alien room in his normal form. Worst possible thing. "Where am I?!"
The dark room was lit only by the light blue holo projections. The low hum of the devices sung in a tune to faint to be noticeable. A man with a white coat slept on top of a console. A cup of coffee located in one of the gaps between key spacing's. A still burning cigarette in the mans hand as his forehead pressed down the forearms. A gold ring glinted on the mans finger as he continued his restful nap.

The screech of metal doors sounded as it penetrated the quiet area. A man with a rich black suit and neatly trimmed black hair and beard entered the room followed by another in a grey suit. As the lights flicked on The man in the lavish suit and tie made his way over to the sleeping scientist. Puckering his lips Stark let out a loud whistle as it pierced the area. The scientist groaned as he swiveled uncomfortably in his chair. Slowly rising up from the console he turned to see Tony Stark, his boss staring at him. The scientist Alex T Snow was still half dazed as Tony placed his hand on his shoulder and looked at the boy. "Tag in." He said in a serious and comical tone. Alex moved his right cigarette hand towards his face as he rubbed the sleep away. "What?" He replied to his boss.

"I'm done your up Tibers." Stark took his hand off of Alex's shoulder. as he made a motion with his head towards the man in the suit at the door. The man seemed to be a stickler and one who didn't seem to like fun or any kind of game. He must be an agent from somewhere. Stark started to talk again "You remember SHIELD right? You know the angry black cyclops guy?" Alex shook his head slowly as he came back to the realm of awake. Stark continued "Well, I'm done your in. Good Luck." Snow seemed almost puzzled and frustrated by this confused Snow asked "Well what about my research?" Stark began to walk away into the office in the back as he called over his shoulder. "Don't worry about that your fired now go play super hero." The door clicked to the office as the man in the suit stepped forward. "Doctor Snow, SHIELD would like to have a word with you." The dim cherry of the cigarette puttered as Snow brought it to his lips. As it flashed a bright red as the thick smoke filled his throat and lungs. Exhaling as the smoke bellowed out "Looks like my schedules clear."

Snow clicked the keys on his laptop in the ships lab continuing his research on the rings radiation emission. checking the frequency and potency. His screen lit up as pop up windows emerged as his teammates woke up from their captivity. He was watching them through the ships security system. He brought the cigarette to his mouth as it rested lazily on the tips of his lips as he huffed air out his nostrils gawking at his new teammates. The new Avengers...
The chiming of Monet’s pager was a disturbing contrast to the quiet morning, a loud chirping that made her tea cup clatter slightly against the saucer. A slight hum emanated from her throat, removing the offending device, “HQ ASAP” is all it read. Quickly hopping off her barstool, she adjusted the collar of the plaid shirt she was wearing, managing to unbutton it. As usual she wore her costume underneath, making it quite easy for her to get out the door, or window in this case. Before she fully left her apartment, she flipped her hair up and around, using her bandana to secure it in place.

Headquarters, as Chief Howard abbreviated in the page, was a distance, but from the constant buzzing of the same page, she knew it was important. Roof-running was now something second nature to her; running, jumping, and climbing from building to building. The descent to the street came easier with a shield she created around herself, the usual aqua glow to the force that created it. It broke her fall, and she tumbled onto the low roof of the police building, finding both a chopper and Chief Howard.

There were men there she hadn’t seen before, the lettering of ‘S.H.I.E. L. D.’ on there ballistics vests, and all packing some form of weaponry. Chief Howard approached her first, wearing his usual stained shirt and a rather unreadable look on his face. “They’re requesting you Gridlock…” he starts, to which she looks over him at the men again, who are simply looking back. After a pause, she hesitantly nods, already knowing they probably won’t take no as an answer. Still her eyes find the chiefs again, her slight frown touching her eyes as he forces a smile and sticks out his hand.

She hugs him instead, before nodding, the unneeded words of “I’ll see you again” hangs over their heads. Then she pats his shoulders, passing him and meeting the S.H.I.E.L.D. members halfway with a nod. “Gridlock” was all she said, and they nodded at her introduction, motioning towards the helicopter and starting to talk about where exactly she was being taken. Apparently Nick Fury had called the chief about her, and he had relented to calling her in before they took her forcefully. As they took off, she looked back on Denmark, a place she has spent her whole life.

The men explained they were headed somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic, and she would soon meet with the others they had recruited. Her eyes remained glued to the window, saying her silent goodbyes to Tressa, Oliver, and the others still on the streets. The soldiers were told she was one for silence, and relented with the uncomfortable one that she caused. When they landed at the Bell-tower base, she had still not said a word to them. Instead her expectant look was what got one to stumble some words out.

This was indeed where they were meant to be, and as she was let off, her eyes swept over the place, waiting for some kind of sneak attack. The Avengers…to think they would request someone like her to be a part of a global spectrum of super heroes. She wasn’t sure whether to be proud or confused, but at the moment, she was weary of the operation. There was no tell-tale sign that this was real, and for all she knew she could of been kidnapped. Instead of waiting for an escort, she continued towards the base by herself, sneaking through the halls as if anything was about to jump at her.
Valencia Harper was carefully arranging the components of her newest remote detonation charge bright and early in the morning, a recently emptied mug with the words "Eat Shit and Die" by her side. Her peaceful respite would soon be disturbed by rather rough knocking on the door. Rough enough that, it seemed, broke through the oakwood, raining chips of wood all over the place. Valencia, obviously unprepared for such rudeness, dropped the fuse. Cursing rather colourfully in fluent German, she grabbed the side of her desk and flipped it over, removing the Beretta taped under it as she did. Taking cover behind the desk, she cocked the gun and waited for the shooting to start. She just knew they'd find her one day, and she took the liberty to plate the underside of her desk's surface to withstand small arms fire just for such an occasion.

Nothing came. Valencia waited for almost a minute, which seemed to be an eternity to her. When another thirty seconds passed in silence, except for someone coughing, probably from the dust kicked up by the debris, Valencia poked her head out from the side of the table. Men in black ballistic vests with the words "S.H.I.E.L.D." embossed on the front stood in a formation just in front of her busted door, directing military-grade weapons at her hiding spot, but not firing. They trained their guns on her, but it seemed that something was holding their trigger fingers back. What was going on?

"Gentlemen. Meet Valencia Harper, or, as people call her, Armory." A clear voice shattered the awkward silence between Valencia and the troops. A gentleman with a golden hair slicked back from his face and plastered on his scalp with gel and a pair of shades hiding his eyes strode in, brushing past the armed men. His suit- a black jacket over a white shirt, coupled with a black tie- looked almost of the same build as hers. At least someone knows how to dress when crashing through a stranger's home. He smiled, showing his pearly whites and offered a hand to Valencia, who still lay crouched behind the table. "Frau Harper, I presume?"

Valencia straightened herself up to her full height, just an inch shorter than the man, and grasped his hand. "You are right. Valencia would be good enough. An explanation of your intrusion would be better."

The man chuckled. "I am a SHIELD Operative, and you are coming with us."

"SHIELD? Was ist das? I've never blown up anything you've owned, if that's what you're going to ask." Valencia shook her head and reset her table to its upright position, and began picking up the parts of the unfixed bomb.

"No, no, not at all. Come, we will speak on the way there, eh?" The Operative gave another smile and directed the armed troops to leave the flat. "Gather your things. The loss of your door will be recompensed, no worries," he said after realising what she was staring at as the troopers left.

Valencia sighed, wondering what she had gotten herself into. She threw her own black jacket over her shoulder, hastily made her tie, leaving it loosened, and picked up her duffel bag. After one last glance at her apartment, she started off, as a cleaning crew bustled past her, one of them carrying a new door. It looked like rowan. She hated rowan.
The Operative did not follow her as the helicopter landed on the ground. Bell-tower base, it was called. Hm, quite the odd name. Valencia had taken the liberty to remake her tie and straighten it properly and professionally, and had worn her jacket as well, on the way to the base. Shrugging her duffel bag to a much more comfortable position on her shoulder, she pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose, ignored the waving of the Operative behind her as the helicopter lifted off again. It was still a lot to take in. Avengers, a comic-book story in her own parts, especially since she had always been holed up in her own flat or her own syndicate's factory, or blowing up properties somewhere else. Moreover, that brought up another point, she mulled as she moved away from her drop-off point, not caring where she was to go. Why would they bring in her of all people?

If this was an elaborate trap set up by those pesky bastards, she had enough firepower in her bag to bring down a chunk of this base, as long as she set up the charges at the right places. Scowling, she made her way down the hallways, wondering about her door.
Somewhere in the Amazon Rainforest:

The soft crunching sound of boots tearing up the damp foliage on the forest floor, coupled with the laboured breaths of several heavily armed soldiers and the resounding thumps of some creature tearing a large path through the middle of the rainforest made for quite the cacophonous racket.

"Sir! We've found his track and are currently closing in on the target as we speak, unfortunately he's taken out squads Alpha and Beta. We need! Backup!"

Gordon huffed into the communicator attached to his face, he was running as fast as he could without tripping over and falling on his face.

"Just keep tabs on him, I'll have a team to back you up in a few a days maybe sooner."

Gordon sighed, keeping tabs on that thing was easier said than done, he slowed down to a jog and signaled his squad silently to do the same. They'd already managed to plant a tracker on the thing, at least with a change of orders they could return to the other squads and return to their base of operations in the city.


Auckland, New Zealand:

Maui stood mockingly at the tip of a spindly pine tree that barely so much as bent beneath his weight as it swayed in the wind. He laughed at the group of men who fired their unique ammunition tailored just to catch him. Maui frowned down at the group below when he couldn't see the crimson haired beauty who had been chasing him.

"Where did she go, has she given up already?"

He called down to his pursuers while he jumped unerringly from the tip of the tree to a nearby rooftop, he had led the uniformed men and women from the city rooftops into the suburban areas of Auckland to make it easier to escape them. This lot of uniformed goons however were a bit tougher than the usual thugs he had to deal with now and then. Maui frowned, he was growing suspicious, he had not seen the crimson haired woman with the well endowed curvacious body.

"Well boys do any of you know where she went?"

He asked the shouting group as they began to scale the side of someone's home to reach him. Suddenly he heard a roaring sound fill the sky he turned abruptly to see behind him, seeing nothing he looked up just in time to notice a black net envelope him. It came from some sort of hoverbike, riding the vehicle was the person he had been asking after, she looked down at him with a smile creasing her red lips. Maui smiled and lifted his hand but before he could do anything she visibly flicked a switch for him to see and his body was wracked by electricity.


S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters:

Nick Fury smiled as his three captives awoke from their enforced sleep. He had the three of them placed in three adjoining rooms. He stood at the entrance of the middle room and lifted the communicator closer to his mouth and issued an order.

"Have some men escort 'Snow' to the Prometheus Transport, send a squad to my location and have them ready to move the assets along the Transport as well."

Fury signaled to a camera to have the walls partitioning the three rooms retracted, pair of soldiers bearing trays entered the interrogation rooms first and placed them on the tables next to two of the captives. The trays contained what little personal effects their captives had on their bodies. Casper Orillion only had half a packet of smokes, Fury had it replaced with and identical packet of smokes, this one however was full. Jack Knight or Nightingale had a suit and several other bits and bobs, the experts believed that Knight drew power from the suit but could say little else in regards to the items' origins.

Fury waited a little longer when Black Widow, Hawkeye and Captain America walked down the hallway and entered their respective captives' rooms. Fury followed Black Widow through the middle door. When a guard closed the door behind him Fury regarded each of the captives for a moment and then moved into the light next to Black Widow. Before him sat the enigma that called himself Maui, despite all the resources S.H.I.E.L.D. had all they could pull up on this guy was that he was a Polynesian god of Mischief, the fact that he appeared in New Zealand kind of narrowed down the search options but they couldn't get any more information other than the local myths and legends on the demigod.

Casper Orillion and Jack Knight however were relatively easy to track down, they didn't jump out of stories from hundreds of years ago. These two lived lives in the here and now and left trails like everyone else. The origins of their powers however had baffled even the most egotistical geniuses.

"Welcome, I'm Nick Fury; Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and I have just recruited you with the full support of your respective governments."

"Before I get into the particulars here's a little video of you and your future teammates in action." Fury nodded into a camera, he and Black Widow moved aside as a large screen appeared from above.


Belltower Base:

Beneath the colossal Helicarrier where both Monet Vanille and Valencia Harper had just arrived appeared two women. The first woman had a somewhat artificial nature about her.

"Hello, I'm Nina, I'm the AI in charge of maintaining Belltower base and am at your disposal should you need me." The woman flickered in and out of existence for a moment without even noticing, her pleasant smile was omnipresent the whole time. She quirked her head at Monet for a second and her smile grew even wider before she began jumping up and down excitedly. "Oooh I can tell we're going to be besties for life!!"

The excited AI grew silent when she turned to see another woman dressed in a rather luscious red and gold sari. "Welcome to Belltower base, you may call me Parvati. If you haven't been briefed already then it is my honor to announce that you have been formally, albeit forcefully recruited to the Avengers: International with the full support of both you governments." She finished momentarily with an easy pause coupled with a smile that required little effort on her part. "This is Belltower base and it will serve as your home, it is fully staffed and each of you will have a private room. I will perform the role of Mission Control when you and your team are out on the field." She paused once more to let the information sink in properly.

"Now, If you'll follow me to the CIC I have some footage I'd like to show you. Parvati turned and walked into the building, the two sliding doors whisked open silently and Nina disappeared in an instant.

  • The video simply shows your character in action, In your next posts please detail the part of your video where your character appears. Feel free to show off a bit.
Orillion was leery when a wall was retracted,revealing four armed and armoured soldiers with two trays between them,and another man,seemingly in the same position as him. One pair of the troops marched into his room professionally,and deposited their tray on the first flat surface they could find. All that was on it was a brand new package of Players Light smokes,still in their cellophane wrap. Seeing the smokes,Casper very quickly pat himself down. His matches were gone,and his package of smokes was also missing. Even more disturbingly,his wallet and phone were absent,chain and all. When Fury made his announcement,Casper asked the most pertinent question. "Where's my wallet and phone,Fury? The smokes are nice,but I'd like to be ID'd when the green monster pulps me." Regardless,Casper didn't touch the new smokes. For all he knew,they were tampered with and repackaged.

A screen descended from the ceiling between the two seemingly imprisoned men. Double sided. When the screen jumped to life,Casper was none too surprised to see security footage of the bank robbery he foiled the other day...At least,he hoped the other day. How long was I out for?

In the video,a thick plume of black smoke poured into the bank's lobby,as a dozen men were barking orders at the patrons and staff in heavy Quebecois accents,brandishing stolen C7 rifles and SIG handguns. They all wore black outfits and face-concealing headgeat,but had blue and white armbands,bearing a fleur-de-lis. The smoke wafted across the room to one of the men in the back,and hung around him unnaturally,prompting a hack attack from the mountain of a man. His compatriots wheeled around,expecting to see riot officers lobbing in tear gas,but instead saw their ally hacking his lungs out in the orphan cloud of smoke.

The terrorists broke into French discussion,which was subtitled. The work of my hosts,no doubt,Casper thought. "What the Hell's wrong with Jean!?" "New gas weapon! Masks!" The Quebec ultranationalists donned gas masks,which also seemed to have been stolen from the Canadian Armed Forces. Are they ex-military? Or are they stationed in Kingston? Casper's thought process continued. Jean,as he was called,attempted to mask up as well,but he passed out at that moment,and collapsed in a heap. The cloud of smoke lingered for a moment,and crept back into the vent,the Quebecers now thoroughly spooked,sweeping the room. The footage cut to a different angle,from behind the teller's desk,showing Casper's orphan cloud of smoke wafting up from a floor vent,and coalesced into a man in a blue and gold suit,seemingly straight from Victorian Britain,and an iron mask seemingly made from scraps. He rose slowly,pressing an ungloved finger to the mask's mouth grate,and the teller gave a slight vertical jerk of the head,as close to a nod as Casper was going to get. He reeked. In the video,Casper stood up,and called out, "Bonjour,messieurs! Et comment allez-vous aujourd'hui?" The subtitles read "Hello,gentlemen! And how are you,today?"

The camera cut to the previous lobby view,and Casper was visible from the waist up behind the desk. The FLQ goons were momentarily flabbergasted,and stammered unintelligibly. One quickly found his tongue,and said,in French, "Who the Hell do you think you are!?" I couldn't understand him. Casper replied, "Je ne comprends pas. Mon Francais c'est tres mal." "I do not understand. My French is the worst [sic]." Really? A grammatical error? So,the FLQ goon repeated himself,in English. "Who the Hell do you think you are!?" Casper only chuckled,and whipped out a cigarette,lighting it by pinching the end between his thumb and forefinger,and began to take a drag. Thoroughly mystified,the FLQ goons only watched. Just as he done with the troopers that now hold him captive,the Casper on video taken a single,long drag on his smoke,and exhaled,dropping the now ashen filter,while saying, "The smoke." He laughed like a child about to engage in his favourite game,and was once again a cloud of smoke,this time advancing on the goons.

And this time,they lost their collective shit. They gave out howls of terror and opened fire in his direction,and the teller had the presence of mind to duck behind his reinforced desk,the 5.56mm NATO and 9mm rounds striking the desk and the room behind,making craters in granite and punching rough holes through drywall. The bullets whizzed through the approaching smoke bank without effect. What followed was a simple,methodical disabling of the enemies,with Casper simply consolidating beside the men,one at a time,cackling madly,and bringing his hand to their faces,under the gas masks. They howled in terror and agony as their balaclavas caught fire and their faces were burned by the smoke man's touch. He only had to do this to six of them before they surrendered,allowing Casper to collect their weapons and cast them out the front door to the police line below. Casper called outside, "They're all yours!" And melted into the curling cloud once more,and out the vent he made his initial entrance in. Just as he slipped out,easily thirty or more of Kingston's finest charged in behind a phalanx of riot shields,armed with automatic rifles,shotguns,sub machine guns,and a couple of drummed grenade launchers,loaded with smoke and tear gas.

The camera cut to security footage from across the street. The time stamp was fifteen minutes later,and Casper was seated at a patio chair at a bistro across from the bank,now revealed to be a ScotiaBank branch. His coat was hung up on the back of the chair,and the mask was nowhere to be seen. He was enjoying a smoke when a waiter approached,asking for his order. Casper replied, "French onion soup,please." And the video cut to an unfamiliar scene,obviously nowhere near Kingston. At least,not Ontario's Kingston,at any rate.
Valencia found herself obstructed by two ladies, and also in the company of yet another lady, who wore a plain shirt and a bandana. Valencia righted her spectacles for the second time that day and noted what seemed to be a costume that was on the other lady's physique. Ah. A 'super', as the locals and her once-comrades called them. Already she was finding herself in the company of one with powers, and she spent the next few moments studying this other lady rather than listening to the speech that the first odd lady made. Her features seemed fake, hollow, not of life, and when she flickered out of existence for a moment, it confirmed Valencia's suspicions. An AI. Valencia should write in to her old company to find such technology to use. That could be helpful. Perhaps model the AI after her image. Hm. That sounds good. Valencia nodded to herself, not at all listening to the AI.

The next lady that spoke, however, seemed to be real, and was of a foreign disposition, such as Valencia herself. This one, she listened to, taking in all the information needed. What Valencia heard, though, had all been given by the rather talkative Operative back in the heli that brought her here. Given a place in the Avengers, blablabla, Belltower base, and a lot of other trivial stuff. Sure, she may have gotten a nice room here, maybe one with better furnishings than her own apartment. But, would it give her the cosy feel that her dilapidated home would give? The privacy of it all, sealed away from all public eye, and the peace of being able to operate in her own schedule. Enough time to wire her bombs, enough time to take down the amount of grenades she had left, enough time to call up Leslie on the syndicate's well-being. Now that she was going to be here, she had a feeling she would be monitored on every move she made. She couldn't risk having her old comrades suffer the brunt of her idiocy if she decided to call them. This was both a taste and the purloining of her freedom. Quite irritated by this, Valencia did nothing to show her annoyance, except scowl even more and shifted her duffel bag, before following Parvati.

She turned to the other lady, whom she presumed had been brought here as well, possibly out of her own will. "Los!" Valencia waved at her. "Valencia Harper," she offered as an introduction, but without inserting any other niceties, as she sauntered off after this Parvati, with only a sideways glance to check if this other new Avenger was following.


In the dark of the room, which Valencia supposed was the CIC, or whatever it was called, the beam of a projector shone onto the screen, the first scene showing the scene of the first building she had ever taken out, the perspective from the bottom of the building. Debris rained down to the ground, as the building exploded into showers of glasses and metal beams, floor by floor. The camera panned down after 15 floors of area-clearing explosions, and zoomed in on a familiar figure in a suit and a pair of glasses, carrying an empty duffel bag. The figure stopped at a safe distance away, and turned to examine its handiwork, before removing its gas mask and stuffing it in its duffel bag. With a satisfied smile, the figure spun around and walked off. Valencia, of course, recognised herself.

The next few clips were short, cut videos of her mercilessly pulling her trigger on crime bosses that had threatened her company and those who were trying to make a name for themselves by reviving the rival that she had taken down. Each of her shots were successful blasts to the head, either from point-blank range or from quite a distance away. Her quarries didn't survive in any of the short clips. The following clips after that were in similar trend. Shortened, cut videos that played whimsically to the tune of Overture 1812, where the explosions replaced the cannon shots in the original melody. When the main melody died down, the cameras panned over the destruction that her bombs had wrecked, displaying complete and thorough annihilation of a target.

Valencia took out her glasses and wiped them on the hem of her jacket, before replacing them. They had been following her. They had been watching her every move. Her illusion of security now wrecked, her fingers twitched and would have punched the Indian lady if she hadn't reasoned with herself that this act would be directed at the wrong person. She would have to direct this anger elsewhere. She leaned back on a seat she found, keeping her duffel bag close and waited for the video of the other lady to start.
Jack flipped his shit when people poured in and the walls came down. He listened to the man talk, still in full anxiety mode. Avengers? Surely they must be mistaken about who is applicable. Jack is a Thief, not a hero. A screen descended and a video was played. The timestamp said that it was Eleven Thirty at night.

The video showed the interior of a house, more specifically a well-lit foyer. In the distance, was a figure cloaked in pure black attire. He pulled a bow from his back and readied an arrow. He launched it, puncturing the eye and hemmoraging the brain of a guard. He ran into the foyer, pulling a knife from his belt and stabbing another guard in the throat. The taping camera was shot and destroyed by an arrow from the bow of Nightingale.

Another security camera showed him cracking the safe in the downstairs vault of the house. He lifted its contents and left the manor without a trace. A camera showed Jack out of the Nightingale suit at a donation center. The time stamp was an hour later. About half of the vault's contents was donated, totaling to a whopping Thirty Thousand and Five hundred dollars.

A sigil was left on a post it note, next to the donated money. The Darkmoon Sigil.

Sirens had been wailing in down town phoenix for the better of 45 minutes. Robbers had taken refuge inside the Diamond store that had attempted to rob not even 30 minutes ago. But like always, Kain had been at the right place at the wrong time. Unfortunately, he had been there with his daughter, getting her wife a mothers day present. So along with 6 other hostages, himself and his daughter made 8. He dare not try anything at this point, but this was not a normal heist. They were calm and calculating. Finally, after nearly an hour, the police delivered what was demanded for all the hostages; an escape vehicle.

Funneling the hostages into the road, with assault rifles drawn they staggered all the people into a circle and after jumping into large 4x4; 4 in the cab and 2 in the back they sped off, police hot on their tail. In that instant it was relief for everything. Medical crews rushed to take everyone and they all split going in different directions. His daughter, Kailee, was scared, but she was strong and did not cry. That was till she saw her mother on the other side of the road. Kain stayed there while his fellow detective came over. They went through the normal. Descriptions, personas, and anything else worth while for the police incase they got away.

After his daughter was reunited with her mother, both of them began to walk towards Kain. His wife, Amanda, stopped mid street to pick their precious daughter up. For most young children it was the same for comfort, only a parent would know. Everyone else had cleared the street and at that exact moment the worst happen. The same 4x4 came blaring through the street. Somehow, the police had been utterly retarded and redirected them back through the same crime scene. The vehicle hurdled towards his family but the man remained surprisingly calm.

Up till this point Kain had never, not even once, revealed he was an Asgardian. Even with his life nearing 150 years in Midgard. Yes he had been in some pretty spectacularly marvelous events that could not be explained. A building on fire and escaped through a solid brick wall. Even captured by the mafia once, stuffed in a truck and buried alive; still escaped. The craziest was falling 10 stories off the top of a building, with a jumper, landing on a car and not getting more than a few scrapes. A few could piece the dots and he knew after New York, SHIELD had been watching him lightly for a few months. But in this very instant, there was no other option.

The bracelet on his wrist flickered twice as he took a step towards his Wife. The metal from it expanded and two greaves formed on his feet. 4 Steps left; His clothing changed to light grey in an instant with intricate designs. 3 Steps; Gauntlets formed on his hands and forearms. 2 steps; He cocked his arm back as the final panel of armor spawned from in between his shoulders and halfway down his spine. On the last step, he swung his fist forward. It connected with the front passenger side of the 4x4, The weak paneling bent and squealed under the stress of the attack and the vehicle lifted off the ground as if a wrecking ball had hit it, launching it skyward and altering its trajectory straight into the side of the building.

The vehicle flew, like in a movie and in slow motion before crashing spectacularly into the building. His Wife and child watching in shock as the vehicle missed them by a few inches. The vehicle, lodged completely into the structure, leaving everyone, once more, uninjured; well except for the unfortunate souls in the truck. Everyone turned and looked at the Detective in silence before a loud uproar and applause followed. Kain turned and his daughter nearly jumped out of her mothers arms to get to her father.

“I always knew you were awesome daddy!”

The mother, not understanding but not caring, continued over and hugged them both.

Behind the crowd two men in black uniforms proceeded to exit their black SUV.

”Mother Hawk, this is Baby Hawk, surveillance is complete. You were right. Approaching the target now.”

“Roger, do not be aggressive. You just saw what he did to protect his family. Our mission was a success. If he were to find out...”

“Roger Mother Hawk.”

Kain looked up to the side and saw the men. He knew who they were. In an instant, his clothing changed back to normal and his armor disappeared.

“Here babe.” He handed his angel back to his wife.

“Is everything OK Honey?” She asked, her tone a little high pitched and frightful.

“Yeah, It’ll all be fine from here out.”

Kain walked over to the men who had just arrived at the boarder of the scene. The officers tried to stop them but they flashed credentials and proceeded to meet with Kain.

“Lt. Sparks. I’m Adam, and this...’ He pointed to his partner, “...is Eve. We’d much appreciate if you would...”

“I know.” He interrupted them. “Take me to see Fury.”

Adam and Eve both looked at each other and then back at Kain. Adam raised his hand to his ear.

“Confirm Mother Hawk. If you will please come with us.”

Kain was about to ask about his family, but another black SUV showed up behind them and the back door swung open.

“...For your family. We will escort them home.”

The warrior bowed politely before signaling for his wife to proceed into the vehicle. He kissed his daughter and his wife goodbye and explained he would call them as soon as he could.

Hawkeye just watched from the top of the tower nearly 30 stories above the scene of action. Switching his nob a special arrow pulled out and he notched it swiftly. Looking at the door, taking an instant to gauge wind, elevation and target, he loosed the arrow.

After the vehicle left, Kain proceeded to get into the SUV

The arrow, silently flying, stalled out mid flight and began to drop. The tip separated from the rest and all that remained was a dart. A gust of wind pulled form no where, shifting back towards hawkeye and with it the dart picked up angel and like a perfectly orchestrated plan, lodged into Kain’s leg a moment before the door shut.

“What the hell!!!”

He pulled it out. Psh.

“You need more than tha...” and like a rock Kain fell over in the back seat out like a freakin boulder.

“Director Fury,” Hawkeye spoke, “Target willingly and successfully acquired. Heading back to base now.”


Kain awoke in a bed. He freaked out for a second, remembering that he got hit with the dart but he stopped upon the realization that it was no longer pertinent. His eyest adjusted before he looked around the room.

“Holy shit! That crap was STRONG. Wait... Where am I?”

After spending a few minutes getting sorted, he wondered into the room just in time to hear the end of Leader Fury explaining their situation. They were all shifted into a large blank room.


He watched the video of the girl with the mask. He kind of grimaced at the carnage and the dementedness of the video.

“Damn kind of violent isn’t it. Fury does realize he’s showing Video of your crimes to a Cop, right?”

Kain just chuckled lightly. He didn’t really care. If Fury wanted them here, There were far more important matters to be had then the killings of a few criminals and crime lords and some petty theft, especially if it was donated to a good cause.

Turning around he lifted himself up and down onto a table. He watched as the room flashed around and after viewing the youtube-esque videos it began to play scenes of himself over the last 10 years as an officer.

He was rather amused. The first of them was the fire. One in which he rushed in and busted down a wall, from the inside, to save 4 people right before the building collapsed. The second was him trying to talk down a suicidal young manager who had been framed for the tax fraud of his company, and the subsequent fall 10 stories and Kain climbing out with a broken but alive young man as if he had only tripped and fell a few feet. Though the car they landed on didn’t fair so well. there were a few other minor events, rescuing a few officers in a shoot out, stopping a criminal or two. Punching a dude and sending him about 10 feet back and lastly as if in conclusion the events that led him here. The robbery and about 15 different perspective videos of his armor transforming and ground pounding a 2 ton truck 10 feet into the air and the side of a building like a tin can.

Kain let out an obnoxiously nervous cackle, drawing some attention to himself.

“What? It was an accident...” He said as he shrugged waiting for the next video.
Blake held Tora tightly as the two operatives escorted him to the CIC whatever that was. Apparently he was in some place Belltower Base, whatever this place was it sounded important, the Belltower part didn't sound it at all, but the base part did..

"Tora, I hope the CIC isn't some weird sex slave market, or else me and you would be screwed...literally."

He then proceeded to sway back and force while balancing Tora on his head with a weird sort of grin on his face thus earning him glares from the both of his escorts. Blake chuckled at this and dropped Tor back to his arms.

"What, I'm just trying to relieve some sexual tensions here...oh I'm sorry your majesties I'll be a good little captive from now on, like everyone else here..." Blake apologized.

The two operatives gave him a questioning look before continuing to walk again, "Looks like they got a stick up their assses Tora, I wonder what would happen if we tried to pull it out," He whispered to his striped friend. The escorts just ignored him but no doubt they were getting annoyed. As Blake continued walking he remembered when those weird S.H.I.E.L.D agents came to his ever so colorful and cheerful room in the asylum. When they came they started babbling about some Avenger shit, they mentioned people like one guy named...Tony Stark was it? Honestly Blake didn't really care, he didn't really pick up on the daily news, his therapist would bring a newspaper from time to time, but he would usually make fun of the advertisements on it with Tora.

Back to reality his escorts stopped when they reached a room, Blake guessed it was the famed CIC room. There were a few people already there and a projector was showing some scenes that Blake wasn't too interested in.

"I thank you for bringing me to this oh so important CIC room, with that you are dismissed!" Blake said while manically waving his hands like he was casting a spell. The escorts gave him a neutral look then walked out, making Blake whisper to Tora rather loudly "Jerkbutts." With that he then took a seat and watched whatever was happening on the projector.
Jack chose to remain silent, wishing to know of his new teammates. They were intimidating in the videos, especially the Kain guy and the Smoke Wraith. This entire program seemed shady and unsavory. It left a bad taste in his mouth. He began formulating a plan. Wait for Nightfall, grab the suit, and steal the exit. Jack may do illegal things, but at least he knows the penalty. But this.. This just seems to odd.

But another part of him still wondered. Why him? Why them? Why any of this at all? He sat still and waited for this entire orientation to blow through so that he may resume his heists and pickpocketing on the double. Still a couple videos to go. Would seem like hours. Maybe even days.

He closed his eyes and meditated. He communicated to the Otherworld. He had befriended one Otherworldian. Azua, the messenger of the gods and patron to thieves. Kind of like Hermes in the Greek mythos. He's not exactly sweet as sugar, but he didn't try to kill Jack. He asked Azua for advice on this Avengers Initiative malarky. "Doest thou not wish praise upon thine mortal soul?" He replied. Of course, no help from a god.
Apparently, there was a man going by the moniker of "Seven" in Naples, claiming to be the seven deadliest of sins embodied, committing crimes on both the people, and the church. The Seraph's newest quarry had been stealing and killing from various homes and businesses in the area. As the local authorities have failed time and again to apprehend the criminal, Benito was sent as a "favour" to the people, to exorcise this blasphemous individual before he could bring more harm.

In the modern day, Benito was quite a sight, not much taller than average, but wearing a black longcoat with startling similarity to a priest's vestments, and hauling a massive oaken cross over his shoulder, walking everywhere he goes. What looked like a ridiculous lifestyle choice to the average passerby, was actually forced upon Benito, as he was incapable of "turning off" his superhuman trait as a walking gravity well. To sit in a car was to crumple it beneath its own weight, as riding a horse would snap its spine in twain. Weighing between 3800 and 5700 pounds depending on the concentration of his ability, Benito cracks weak consistencies of concrete simply by walking on them.

Three days in the city of Naples, and Seven struck twice more before Benito managed to catch up with him. It was immediately after the second invasion, while the sinner attempted to escape. Sprinting off into the night, chuckling to himself, Seven thought back over how easy it was to intimidate people just by playing the facade of seven deadly sins made flesh. Robbery made easy almost, he could probably write a book and charge way too much for it and make some more easy money. Laughing at the idea, the criminal almost didn't notice the figure blocking his path, standing at the other end of the alleyway he'd been planning to use as his escape route.

"Ehi, muoviti! Hai idea di quello che stai entrando amico!" he shouted, slowing to a walk as he drew a knife, attempting to simply intimidate this obstacle out of his path.

"Ascoltami, mio popolo, mi ascoltano, la mia nazione: la legge uscirà da me, la mia giustizia diventerà una luce per le nazioni. La mia giustizia si avvicina rapidamente, la mia salvezza è in cammino, e il mio braccio porterà il diritto alle nazioni. Le isole guarderanno a me e attendere nella speranza per il mio braccio." Benito quoted from memory, releasing the crucifix, "Capitolo Isaia cinquantun versi quattro a cinque."

The oaken cross slammed heavily into the brick wall to one side of the alleyway, and the refuse scattered about caught Seven's attention. Despite the breeze tonight, not a single paper near this preacher-man was moving, pressed flat to the ground, and as he began to move closer, so too, everything near the man fell to the ground. A trashcan, lying on its side crumpled in upon itself with a screech, and by then the robber was flattened beneath an incredible weight, his bones creaking beneath the strain.

"Inginocchiatevi prostrato sotto l'occhio del nostro signore." Benito said with ice in his tone. To have his time wasted by someone like this, he was amazed that the local authorities hadn't been able to catch such a predictable and pathetic criminal without his help. A loud crack could be heard as a handful of Seven's bones snapped beneath his weight, despite lying flat to the asphalt. Retracting his area of influence, Benito braced himself as his weight increased dramatically, careful not to kill this man, no matter how despicable he may be. Sputtering nonsensically, Seven was gasping for air, gulping like a fish out of water, his eyes bulging, despite being under only normal gravity now.

If he was going to be called out for something like this, then there must not be anyone worth the Seraph's effort here anymore, the Minotauro being the only one that Benito had to do anything more than approach in months.

This of course was about as far as Benito could remember, standing in the CIC with the others, obviously having been tranqued or the like while he'd been caught up in self-reflection. Unfortunately for him, to prevent his newfound teammates from being pounded flat, the exorcist needed to keep gravity at its highest concentration on himself. Like this however, Benito had some difficulty paying close attention to the videos that were being shown, though he did manage to recognize his own come up, from his latest work to breaking his crucifix over the Minotauro's head nearly two months ago. Besides this, there were several clips of his fighting with various members of the Maggia, including a scant few seconds with Madame Masque before her timely escape.

"Would simply asking us have been so much trouble? I assume that not many of the member's you've gathered exactly chose to come here, such as myself," Benito queried, whether everyone's full concentration was on the videos or not.

-Hey, move it! You've got no idea what you're getting yourself into friend!

- Listen to me, my people, listen to me, my nation: The law will come out of me, my justice will become a light to the nations. My righteousness is fast approaching, my salvation is on the way, and my arm will bring justice to the nations. The islands will look to me and wait in hope for my arm.

-Isaiah chapter fifty-one verses four through five

-Kneel prostrate beneath the eye of our lord.
Monet’s journey was cut short by the appearance of two women, and judging by the civilian in her peripheral, she wasn’t the only one. A glance at the girl in question made it obvious she didn’t belong here, no adornment of ‘S.H.I.E.L.D.’ covering her. In turn, the stranger seemed to be sizing her up, making her frown and shift slightly, not used to the scrutiny. Instead of focusing on the bespectacled woman, she turned towards the two women who had intercepted them.

The first was an AI, who introduced herself as Nina before briefly flickering and turning towards her and jumping up and down. Besties with an Artificial Intelligence Unit? Monet tittered, shaking her head with the slight smile that came. Pavarti was the woman dressed in gold and red, hanging behind Nina until it was her time for an introduction and a brief tell-all. Most of it Monet had already been told by the men in the helicarrier, who seemed to do so only to fill the silence.

The Belltower base…the name of this place on the other hand, was new to her, as well as the accommodations it held. From what she heard of it, she thinks she can get used to this place; the ability to watch over her old street gang pleased her. After the woman’s full explanation, she asked them to follow her to a CIC room, leading the way into the base. The girl next to her adjusted her duffel bag making her glance at her again, and noticing the scowl on her face.

Tightening her lips slightly as the girl turned back towards her, she stiffened when she spoke to her, waving. Valencia, the girl had introduced, to which Monet inclined her head slightly, not bothering to say her own name in response. It seemed she was already following Pavarti anyways, only a glance back in Monet’s direction to see if she too was following. She happened to be, slowly urging herself forward to this CIC room from behind Valencia.

The dark room that she was led to had a projector set-up, and it was from this that Pavarti showed them their teammates. Monet was somewhere at the end of the video, and most of the people she didn’t recognize. The woman besides her being the exception, seeing the hooded figure that just blew up a building taking off her guise. A grin made its way across her face…if anyone was going to besties with her it was probably going to be Valencia.

When Monet came on screen, it was from her time in police training, the bandana still used to firmly whip back her hair. The rest of her seemed foreign, covered in sweat and facing off against a larger man that she now knew as Chad. Surprised that the video didn’t automatically start into her power set, she watched herself easily out-maneuver Chad. The man had lunged at her and she quickly side stepped, swinging her left arm out behind him. As quickly as it hit him, she had used the momentum to flip onto his back unsurprised as he reached back to counter-attack. The younger version of herself was grabbed and as she was flipped, she turned her body to land on her feet, crouching and dragging the man off-balance. Right foot swept out and the man was knocked off his feet, with a helpful yank of his wrists, which she was now latched onto.

The image changed over, and this time it was what Monet expected, remembering the scene with a broad smile. Monet was placed as bodyguard surveillance for a man that had received a death threat, and she was patrolling the building when it happened. The alarm was tripped, and instead of going in the old fashioned way, car sized shields formed against the wall. Crushing the air in them at a speed barely visible, the wall exploded in, and a field was around her as she herself, rushed in. The camera must have had a smoke feed, because she remembered the scene to be must dustier than this.

Guns were immediately shot in her direction and the bullets stopped at the shield, dropping harmlessly as she walked in. Before they could grab the man cowering in the corner, her hand lifted, stopping their progression with walls of the aqua-like force she used. The one that currently surrounded her disappeared with the addition of the walls, but the men wouldn’t be getting out of the make-shift cell anytime soon.
Damian balked at everyone who entered the room from the guards baring trays to some of the most famous people i the world right now, he recognised each and everyone of them. The archer that everyone referred to as Hawkeye, the woman people were calling Black Widow and the man everyone knew as Captain America, his line of trading cards were some of the most collectible items on the market right now. Damian listened to the tall one eyed black man in the trench coat.

"All black everything eh?" He thought comically as a large screen descended form the dark roof of the room, on it he saw several images of people doing fantastical things. There was a bank robbery with a man who could become smoke, another robbery where that the criminal appeared to be donating his stolen goods to charity and so many other scenes he almost wouldn't have believed any of the things these people did were if it hadn't been for his own experiences and the New York event.

Finally when everyone else had their 15 minutes of fame Damian watched as the last scenes flipped over to show a familiar face; his own or rather it was Maui's face. He was standing atop the back of a whale in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, to his left was a small ship filled with protesters yelling with all their might at the large Japanese whaling ship. The Whalers sprayed torrents of water at the protesters and Maui alike, the protesters were soaked by the high pressure hoses but the water didn't so much as touch the tattooed man wearing a grass skirt.

Maui wore a comical grin on his face as though he were expecting something hilarious were about to happen, Damien knew however that the demigod was more serious than he had been in any of his past incarnations. Damien knew that the Polynesian demigod had enlisted the help of one of his godly benefactors. Tangaroa god of the sea and all those creatures therein. No one but the trickster demigod knew what was bout to happen, he looked on laughing when he saw the shadow of a colossal hand made of water rise from the violent sea, it rose from behind him and slapped down over the Japanese ship, the whalers were thrown from their feet as their vessel was carried away by a god.

Maui however was nowhere to be seen, the protesters had turned tail much like the frightened whalers had when they realised that there were forces beyond their control keeping them from their catch.


Fury flicked another hand and signaled for the screen to rise back into its home once more, he glanced over the three sitting before him once more, he regarded Damien strangely, he couldn't figure out how the man could turn into demigod capable of enlisting the help of a god no less. Another flick of his fingers and the doors burst open as armed guards ushered into the room, they lifted the three men from their chairs and bore them out of the rooms, down the hallways and through several doorways until they reached the Prometheus drop ship.

In the holding bay sat two other men, one dressed in much the same way as the SHIELD operatives and another who looked like a scientist, both men looked as though they had been brought to the ship in the same way. "This is the Prometheus dropship, it will be your means of transportation from this point on, don't worry, we've tested it on the Hulk and its managed fine so far." Nick Fury said in a matter of fact tone, the man saluted them all as the hatch closed blocking off the outside.


Nina appeared at the helipad once more as the next group of arrivals were due to to land, even then she could see the descending drop ship make its way to the base. The AI opened several dossiers that she'd only just received on the few that were just arriving. "What an eclectic group we've got gathered here." The passengers seemed to be rather disheveled from their visit to the Helicarrier, the feed from the drop craft's on board camera gave her the perfect angle to see their faces. On the seats next to two of the members were trays; one had a single packet of smokes while the other contained a suit of some sort and various weapons. The passengers themselves were unbound.


Parvati smile as she pressed a holographic button, the video footage disappeared and was replaced by a real time image of the earth. "Would you all excuse me for a moment? We have a few more guests arriving in a few minutes and it would be impolite of me not to greet them, Sir.... um Benito was it? I'll have to brief you later your arrival was somewhat of a surprise." Parvati looked up to see a man holding a stuffed tiger, she nodded respectfully at him.

"I will fully brief you all on why you are here and what is expected of you all soon but for the moment I must attend to our other additions." Parvati bowed somewhat and excused herself from the room, she'd leave the others there and greet the new arrivals. Out on the helipad her Sari was thrown askew as the force coming off of the landing Drop Ship gushed forth. She stood next to Nina who she had become accustomed to despite her odd origins and behavior. A few armoured men exited the dropship, they escorted their charges from the craft and Parvati lead the procession back to the CIC.

When the guards left the room depositing their charges on another semi circle couch.

"Now. Before I begin do any of you have any specific questions?
Casper saw the footage,and was blown away by the veritable kaleidoscope of morality,skills,and powers these people possessed. A person who could make force fields? A mad bomber? A decidedly grimdark Robin Hood? And an inquisitor with his own personal gravity well? It was quite a show. He felt inadequate by comparison. And then they were whisked away Fury and his benevolent masked men. As he was ushered onto the Prometheus,Casper wheeled around,and began, "HEY! What about my--" That's all he could say,as the dropship's boarding ramp closed at that moment. "Mister Orillion,please be seated. We're about to take off." Casper planted himself on seat in the passenger bay,and whipped out a smoke from the provided package. Might as well... However,that was quickly nixed. "No smoking inside the Prometheus,Orillion. Don't want people to think there's a fire." Casper sighed,rolled his eyes,and slid it back into the package. "Buzzkill."

As the VTOL landed at the Belltower Base below,Casper was quickly ushered,along with the rest of his imprisoned compatriots,into a building that reeked of the military. He taken this opportunity to stick the smoke into his mouth,and light it. Taking a small drag,he exhaled a puff of smoke. When they were seated on the couch,Casper was the first to give his questions. "First,where's the kitchen? I'm hungry,and I need to find out what I can cook up. Second,are we confined here? If so,I have some friends back in Kingston that need to be told I'm unavailable. Third,where is my wallet and phone? Like I told your cyclopian boss,I want to be ID'd when the Green Monster smashes me into a greasy smear on the floor." Caster stood up,and taken another drag on the smoke,blowing out the new puff upwards,acutely aware that his smoke may be a problem for non-smokers.
Hesitant as the group was ushered onto the transport, Benito chose to take a tentative step onto the ramp before simply strolling onto the carrier. Satisfied that the machine could support his weight, the exorcist stepped more confidently on board. On the ever so brief flight down to Belltower Base, memories started to fall back into place as the longer term effects of the tranquilizer wore off.

A dart had struck Benito in the back without warning, an irritating little pinprick, though the area had already begun to numb. Turning to find the source of this irritation, he was struck twice more, in the arm and chest this time, only giving Benito the briefest glimpse of a silhouette on a rooftop across the street from his little alleyway. Identifying the bow-wielder was short-lived as the exorcist's vision rapidly tunneled, and went black.

That would certainly explain a few things.

Touching down, the smoke-wraith as he liked to call himself, rattled of a handful of questions in rapid succession, already starting a cigarette, while the others on board began their own, questions, demands, or whatever they chose to talk about, Benito wasn't really listening. Grateful to step off the transport, even as brief a ride as it was, the VTOL practically seemed to spring up as he stepped off, or at least he imagined it to. The group seemed to be of more varying colours than the rainbow, all of different homes, and differing beliefs as well.

This mission would either go flawlessly, or the exact opposite, he doubted there would be an in-between.

  • Name: Rir

    Age: Uknown

    Gender: Female

    Race: Asgardian

    Power: Shapeshifting

Parvati turned to Casper, she had familiarized herself with each and every one of their dossiers and knew much about the people SHIELD has gathered. She was bout to answer the flurry of questions when when a rather loud beep sounded through the room followed by the appearance of a holographic Nick Fury who's stern look seemed to encompass everyone including the reappeared AI Nina and Parvati as well.

"Director!" She said, his sudden appearance had surprised her somewhat and she giggle slightly at her own foolishness. "The rest of your belongings are in your room. Right you'll have to make due with the communicators waiting for you back in the Prometheus dropship. You'll all have to do your pleasantries on the run because I've got your first mission." Fury paused for a moment as he cast a glance over each of the people in front of him. "You'll be heading to The Amazon Rainforest to capture and detain a presumably dangerous target, her abilities and identity are unknown but we have reason to believe she's not from here. Parvati and Nina will act as mission control from Belltower Base." Fury waved towards the dropship and summarily disappeared.

"Benito, there is a specialised seat in the dropship to counteract your powers and allow for safe travel. Your communicators will be presented to you by the co-pilot, with them you are able call or text as you please all over the world, all of you who had cellphones will find you contacts to be transferred to your specific communicator." Parvati finished before leading everyone out of the CIC room and to the Prometheus, the engines had already been started and thrummed with a low hum, air rushed from the turbines and her hair waved in the wind like and ebony ribbon. "Good luck team, I'll fill you all in when you get there."

  • I'm not gonna explain the science


As the video reel comes to an end, Monet realizes that more people have joined their little group in the CIC. Pavarti excuses herself and the girl takes the moment to find her notepad and pen, ready for the onslaught of more people. When the door opens again, the girl in the sari was trailed by one of the more notable powers along with the others; she realizes briefly she is the only one in costume. Immediately, the man started in on questions, as Pavarti had asked them, but due to not being anything related to why they were there, Monet caught herself giggling.

Just before the woman could answer his queries a loud beep sounded in the room and Monet turned to see Nick Fury. The momentary surprise passed within the group as he explained just what the smoker had been wondering. The man then went on to explain that the group had a mission to go on, and that the pleasantries would be skipped. Monet frowned momentarily…they were going to road test their team work? That didn’t seem very safe. It was already decided, by that point that the make-shift team would head to the rainforest though.

After Fury disappeared, the Belltower agents explained a specialized seat for the man with his own personal gravity. The other reminder was to pick up communicators from their co-pilot, which made Monet pull a face. Communicators? She worked via pager due to her preference of communication. She guessed that would be learned the hard way here, as the group was already being rushed off to the drop ship. As she climbed on to the ship, she ducked in the face of the wind and held her bandana in place, making sure to first grab her communicator before taking a seat.

As the others entered, her eyes scanned them again pulling out her notepad again to scrawl her name in it. She held it up, a smiley face drawn under both her full name and the moniker she now used.

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