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Fandom Avengers CS

Name: Mistral L'Étranger
Secret identity: Fragile
Nicknames: Collateral Damage Muscle Barbie, MB, Human Tardis
Age: 18 (Subject to change)
Gender: Female
A formidable giant of hulking muscle, they stand towering with a thick-set frame far above their peers at over seven and a half feet. Despite this, they hold a relatively innocent and youthful face that contrasts heavily with their physique, yet still holding heavy curves. A river of blonde hair flowing downwards to their lower back with a tendency to curl off in random directions despite efforts taken to neaten such. Bright azure eyes stare out from a bespeckled face with an ever-present soft smile
  • Non-Euclidean Physiology:
    • Mistrals would often simplify her power when explaining it as "I'm an Onion that's bigger on the Inside" as the full explanation is often difficult for many to wrap their head around. Her body extends out into a 4th dimension of space with a special warping effect, essentially manifesting as her body becoming structured as countless layers, doubling in density, healing rate and durability with each successive layer with a central core that essentially projects its mass into physical space. This also means her actual mass does not correlate with the exact mass in real space on the surface. Each layer can be approximated as 5 μm real space but doubling in actuality with each successive layer, with her body continuing to grow inwards over time and that distance reducing. In application, this gives Mistral an obscene amount of physical strength and durability, as well as interfering with attacks, equipment and powers which rely on distance and total mass that target or pass through her. This naturally has made actual medical scans and the like of her body distorted to the point of uselessness. They can use this strength to perform a variety of unnatural feats from raw power, but often overlooked is her bodies strange composition also extends to her brain.
  • Body Supremacy: Mistal has learned to use her body with extreme precision and accuracy, achieving full control of her own physiognomy. This allows her to control her muscles, body and movements with high efficiency to achieve otherwise unnatural techniques in martial applications as well as provide resistance to external manipulations of her body. This also allows her to speed up her body's natural healing preventing scarring with an injury that would take days or weeks instead taking hours.
  • Extreme Calorie Requirement: Mitigated somewhat by her control of her body, Mistral still requires calories in the tens of thousands to function properly.
  • Ranged Limit: Other than brute throws or shockwaves, Mistral lacks any precise ranged capabilities.
  • Collateral Damage: By the very nature of her strength, Mistral needs to exercise extreme caution when bringing it to bare, lest she causes far more destruction than those she is trying to stop or she harms innocents and team mates in the area. Should she lose focus this can naturally also cause an issue with her day to day life.
  • Big Girl Problems: Naturally, given her appearance, a secret identity is merely a formality and no amount of disguising can hide her distinct profile. This also results of course in a need for custom sizing and difficulties navigating normal life. Her weight in real space is over 3 times that of the average woman resulting a issue with weakened surfaces or gravity effects more easily creating unstable footing. Finally, there is also the issue that her costume and clothing are nowhere near as durable as she is despite advanced materials being used.
  • Skin Deep: While durable, their surface layers are as durable as the average person. This will often lead to a myriad of cuts and grazes in conflicts that can be very uncomfortable and painful when they build up.
  • Wilderness Survival: Growing up in a rural environment, Mistral was commonly exposed to the great outdoors and somewhat inhospitable conditions and developed an array of skills from this. Hunting, Gathering, and other parts of bushcraft became second nature to her.
  • Martial Training: More than pure brawn, Mistral has shown to be a talented hand-to-hand combatant with high creativity and Improvisation in her tactics. Her ability to use every part of her body in a fight can often throw off those expecting a brute brawler. She appears unnaturally adept at picking up new styles and techniques based on her experiences, in addition to the ability to imagine opponents mentally to refine herself in mental practice further.
  • Homesteading: Living at a residence that was somewhat off the grid, Sophie and her family would all be involved in the various aspects of homesteading from a young age. Basic repairs, tailoring, cooking, farming, the raising of animals and more was commonplace.
  • Equestrianism: A Personal hobby of Mistral and somewhat of a necessity on her homestead, she can comfortably ride not only horses but other larger animals that were native to the area.
  • Bilingual: Speaks both English and French Fluently
Backstory: (Subject to change)
Mistral L'Étranger was raised around the rural areas just outside Quebec Canada as part of a large family commune. Adopted by her parents, she was found wandering among the wilderness following a fishing trip by her father and taken in being raised as one of their own. The truth of her origin exists in the now-defunct Weapon X human research facility researching a cosmic artefact, with the lone survivor being Mistral, Project 246-01.

It would quickly become apparent however that Mistral was not a normal child, there appetite aside she would quickly tower above siblings several years her senior and displayed an inhuman strength. This was first realized following an accident that had her adoptive mother's leg pinned beneath a fallen tree, throwing it clear of the field to free her. Not wanting her to be taken advantage of and knowing the dangers in the world for those among the superhuman community, her father would take it upon herself to ensure she was properly prepared for what could happen in the future, though there was perhaps also the concern at learning to control her strength safely to prevent mishaps.

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“Your not even a match for me!”


Name: Shane Kanet

Secret identity: Wisp

Nicknames: None

Age: 21

Gender: male

Race: Inhuman

  • Survivor: The nickname for the power Shane received during his terragenesis. This power allows him to grow, But it is not fully developed. It develops over time, giving Shane infinite potential with the only limit being his mind. By replacing all his cells with a supercharged variant of stem cells, he can replicate them at super speeds to regenerate and recover at hyper speeds when trained. It also will eventually allow him to adapt to situations, unconsciously. Although he will never gain psychic powers or anything unrealistic like that, things like wings or fire breath are not out of the picture.
  • Muscle Hypertrophy: Shane was born with hypertrophy, thought to be a mistake in his genetic coding but now proving itself to be a blessing as the in humans took a look over his genetic coding once more. The rate at which he can grow muscle is simply phenomenal, with the muscle compressing itself, allowing him to have extremely dense muscles.


Pride: Shane is very prideful, and rightfully so. But when facing opponents weaker than him, he plays around with them. He isn’t afraid to play dirty, but when people are stronger than him, he underestimates them most of the time.

Increased need for oxygen: Having increased muscle mass means he needs more blood flow. And more oxygent his lungs are just normal lungs. For now.

Weight: Shane is very dense, at 90 kilos. He can move, but others struggle to move him, making transportation almost unviable for him.

Calorie intake: Shane needs to eat a lot.

Martial arts:
Boxing is what he excels at. After street boxing and fights until he turned 18, he became a natural at it, but after joining the ufc and being crowned the youngest champion ever, he seeks for more. He seems to become the best champion there ever was.

Backstory: Shane was born to no parents, haven been used from the sperm of two high tier inhumans who had failed their missions respectively. As he was born, the first thing the doctors noticed from him were his enlarged muscles, as he had killed his birth woman. He was plopped in an orphanage and experimented on for the next 8 years of his life, before being exposed to terragenesis. The mist wrapped him in a cocoon, and he didn’t know what was going on. As his eyes closed he prayed one thing, a thought that echoed throughout his mind. “I need to survive.” He came out looking the same, but they could see how his genes had changed. They put him in the human world to watch if his powers would grow, but he was eventually listed as an abandoned project. His memories were erased and he lived on the streets. He grew up being adopted by a local gang, before they were killed in a gang war. That was when his powers first came in. He had been massacred as well, all his bones broken. But his regeneration kicked in, a golden aura surrounding him is bones grew back stronger, and his muscles stronger. As they turned around, they seemed to miss his body being knit back to life. He stood up, clenched his fists and walked forward. That day, he killed 5 other people. Nobody ever found their bodies.

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Caden Artogo





Ashamed and self-conscious of his appearance, Caden attempts to wear clothing that hides his monstrous features. He hates hearing comments about these features, as it often reminds him of what he lost, and what he no longer is. He is bitter, and often quite hotheaded. With a short temper it doesn’t take much to get a rise out of him. He struggles to hold a conversation with others, though those who talk about soccer with him can often lead him into more pleasant moods. His struggles with self-acceptance and isolation has made him into quite the awkward mess. He struggles in conversations and even the tiniest bit of a good deed towards him often confuses him. Physical contact can make him flustered, even things like a simple pat on the back can lead him to an embarrassed and confused state. Underneath his exterior, Caden is generally a kind and energetic person. Moments of his old hyper-actice and overly-excited self seem to spring up in moments. Moments where the dreamer who always smiled and wanted to inspire others still exists.

Hero Alias:




Caden Viktor Artogo was an up-and-coming young soccer star in Texas known for his scoring ability and ever present smile on his face.. Ever since he was a child, he had always loved the sport, watching his favorite superstars score and dominate the field. They were like his heroes with how much joy and inspiration they had brought to their adoring fans, himself included. He trained hard over the years, mastering his skills, impressing friends and family alike with each goal he scored, and dreamed to be apart of the first American team to bring home a World Cup. He wanted to inspire, he wanted to achieve greatness, wanted to be the Soccer hero future generations everyone could look up to.

Upon visiting one the colleges that had offered him a scholarship, along with showing off their rather impressive soccer program. Caden thought he had found a new place to call home. The college was backed by many big names, one in particular being that of Norman Osborn. Caden had never particularly cared much outside of soccer and training, though even he had to admit there was a curiosity he wanted to sate. He had joined a group of students that went on a tour into one of Osborn’s facilities, Caden didn’t understand much of anything, but it had at least sounded cool to him. Unbeknownst to him at the time, one of the facilities projects had escaped, a small spider that had landed onto Caden’s hand and delivered a bite.

Most people screamed at his newfound appearance, his extra arms, the extra set of discolored eyes on his left side, and even his newly sharp teeth had erupted a panic within the facility. Multiple counts of being called a monster, with security guards chasing him all over left him in a state of panic. Even his friends couldn’t recognize him, and screamed at the person that they saw now. Caden had managed to escape the facility, running as far away from people as he could. He could feel his movements become increasingly faster, as if his body had weighed nothing. He ran until he could no longer see or hear a single person. Alone and confused, Caden began to live a new life in isolation.

He would often return to the city, usually dressed in outfits that completely hid his appearance. Sunglasses, scarfs, and tucking in his extra arms under a baggy jacket allowing him to pick up necessary items, less than legally most of the time. He began to find ways to release his pent up aggressions, often using his powers to battle other freaks and villains that rampaged throughout the city. He didn’t care much for collateral, often doing more damage despite “helping” in his own way. The Daily Bugle often wrote stories of how reckless and dangerous he was to society. Painting him as a monster that brought more harm to their city than good.​

Brock Rumlow
Eugene "Flash" Thompson"
Daisy Johnson
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff

Shield team Alpha is there to help the Avengers with their mission, personally paid by Howard Stark to waatch over them.

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