Avatar: World's Balance


Auburn Mystery
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Nick: [optional]

Age: [14-17]

Nation: [Of origin, or birth. Up to you]
Affinity: [What do you bend? You dont have to be a bender, remember chi blocker is acceptable as well]
Pet: [Optional, be creative]

Personality: [Doesnt have to be elaborate just give us an idea how your character acts.]

History:[Also doesnt need to be elaborate, just a basic how or why your in Onyx city, and if your new.]

Please feel free to be as elaborate as you want. EVERYONE will be starting in the town i established.
Friendships pre rp will be up to you guys. For the Prologue, everyones characters will actually be
between the ages 6-9, but make your characters as stated above. If this RP is a success, we will
move on to bigger and better things. Also please remove all text within []


Name: Elika

Nick: None

Age: 42

Gender: Female

Weight: 147

Height: 5‘8“

Nation: Northern Water Tribe

Affinity: Water

Pet: None

Personality: From a political stance, she is cold and calculating. Not siding with one or another that is not for the betterment of Onyx City. However on the other, end, as an older woman, she is much like a compassionate mother towards her city, and those who live here.


Like the rest of those who lead the city, she was elected by the towns people. She was groomed from a young age to be a leader, but unlike most she is far from corrupt and wishes only the best for her people.

Elika is also extremely spiritual. She has always had the ability to see, converse and guild spirits. She is very in tune with the energies of the worlds and because of this is a very powerful bender as well as chi blocker. It best not to be on her bad side.


Name: Manirak

Nick: Dad, Master Manirak.

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Weight: 238 lbs.

Height: 6‘4“

Nation: Northern Water Tribe

Affinity: Water

Pet: His Daughter, Makani.

Personality: Can be funny, knowledgeable and kind to all. Owns a bathhouse that anyone can use for a small fee. They offer, manicures, pedicures, showers, saunas, swimming pools, Hair care and many other personal appearance services.

History: Manirak moved here and started his business after his wife passed away at child birth. A devastated man, with a new sparkling star just needed to start fresh somewhere and this is where it happened to be.

Though he is a water bender, he often wears higher class, casual attire from olden times. a male kimono with the designs and fashions of the Northern Water Tribe. He does not use a sword nor wear armor.

He is in excellent physical condition and though most dont realize it. He is actually a Master Water Bender.�


Name: Makani

Nick: Maki

Age: 8

Gender: Female

Weight: 48 lbs

Height: 4‘ 2“

Nation: Northern Water Tribe

Affinity: Water


Makani’s little Tiger Squirrel. About regular size of a squirrel but has the strips and face of a tiger. Teeth are very sharp and pointed and it can be prone to maul anyone it does not like and still roars like a regular lion, somehow.

Personality: Maki is a ball of energy. She often talks without stopping, and plays without paying attention and has a way to annoy darn near anyone she befriends. Some people can put up with her and she always finds a way to follow people when she isn’t suppose to. She is except at water bending for her age, though sometimes it lacks power, but she is very creative in its uses.

Often she runs around in standard Water Tribe attire as a way to honor her mother.�



Name: Atsuko

Nick: Suki

Age: 11/19

Gender: Female

Weight: 112lbs / 159lbs

Height: 4‘8“ / 5‘6“

Nation: Northern Air Temple.

Affinity: Fire

Pet: None

Personality: -Unknown-

History: - Unkown-
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Mei-Hua (Girl)

Shiliin (Boy)











134 lbs

123 lbs





Northern Water Tribe




Mei-Hua is the friendly, caring sister-figure.

She is outgoing and loves to make new friends. Mei is strong-willed and not afraid to speak her mind. She's very protective of her younger brother, even though they are always mistaken to be twins. Mei loves to help people and is very kind-hearted. She acts motherly a lot, probably from always protecting Shiliin.

Shiliin is a young, quiet boy.

He's not one to get into conflict and tries to avoid people as much as he can. Shiliin doesn't hate people, he just doesn't know how to properly handle them. Shiliin is always with his older sister Mei-Hua, whether he wants it or not. He will however not back down when he is absolutely sure he is right. If you get to know him and are kind to him, he will talk to you, not as much as the normal human but he will consider you friendly enough to converse with.


Both Mei-Hua and Shiliin were born in the Northern Water Tribe. Their father was a belligerent drunk who eventually drank himself to death. Their mom was very sick and she did not survive after giving birth to Shiliin. So Mei-Hua became Shiliin's mother figure. They left the Northern Water Tribe to go live with their kind uncle in Onyx City. Thanks to his generous hospitality, they grew up with their uncle and he raised them as if they were his own. Having lost his wife and daughter in childbirth, he was more than thrilled to take care of Mei-Hua and Shiliin. Since then, Mei-Hua has been doing her best to pay back her uncle, despite his protests. She is determined to pay him back and earn enough money for herself and Shiliin. Soon, the uncle had no choice but to move back to the Northern Water Tribe due to personal issues and left Mei-Hua his little shop. There, Shiliin and Mei create little Waterbender trinkets and repair tools and weapons.

(@Kaine )


I really love this concept! What I want to see is a perhaps a specific antagonist. Other than that, I don't see much change needed! :)

@Kaine I hope you don't mind I combined my character's forms. I can definitely change it if needed.

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Name: Wen Lu

Nickname: The Wall

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Height: Five foot four

Weight: 152 pounds,athletic build.

Nation: Earth Kingdom

Affinity: Earthbending. Reactive school,focused on waiting for the opening for the one strike to end it.

Pet: None. There was an incident with a lemur that makes pets unappealing for him...

Personality: Wen Lu enjoys three things in life: Good food,good work,and,above all,good friends. There have been more than a few bloodied noses over people messing with his friends.

Background: Wen Lu was originally born in Republic City,where his father worked in the elite Metalbender Police Force. However,after an incident that resulted in an impaled leg,he was medically discharged with a sizable pension,and he decided to move his family away from the bustle of the big city to the frontier,to the Onyx Valley. Since their arrival,Wen's father,Ye Lu,has been a bit of a social icon. He was the man from the big city,and he knew how to metalbend. People very quickly learned who he was,and his family,resulting in a life of many friends.

As he grew up,Wen was taught the value of work and friends,and his mother's cooking was some of the best he's ever tasted. Xue Lu was her name,and was often asked to provide the food for many a social gathering,which she invariably provided. The family was a social hub for the community. Wen was no different; he was popular with the kids,being something like a brother figure,and he has made many friends as a result. However,he has never kept a pet,not since the incident with a lemur he found one day.

Input: I enjoy the setting quite a bit,and like the concepts of the bending arts. As for where I want to see the RP go...Organized crime in the setting is only ever mentioned in passing. I wanna see where you can take it.



Avani Royce




17 years old








Earth Nation




A Nine-tailed fox named Laban (lay-ben)

White in color


Avani is a serious and smart girl. She's always been looked to for leadership and responsibilities so she's unusually mature for her age. This shows in who she is friends with and how she deals with things. She's a think-first and act-second type person except for anything that has to do with her younger sister, Fiammeta.

She is very protective of her younger sister simply because Fia is often doing reckless things that cause trouble later on. She's taken on the motherly role for her sister, which is hard because of their difference in affinities.

Avani is often times more flustered to say anything, however she is rather unfriendly. In many ways Avani is like the element she bends, earth. She is very hard pressed and serious when it comes to most things. She doesn't let much emotion show except to those she truly trusts.


Avani was born in Ba Sing Se where her father was stationed as a soldier under the Earth Nation military. When she was a year old he was transferred to Onyx Valley to be one of the Commanding Officers of the defenses there. Sharing the same Affinity as her father, who is also an Earthbender, she was naturally close to him.

When she was three years old her mother, a beautiful woman with a kind temperament, gave birth to their second child; a baby girl that was named Fiammetta after the affinity she was blessed with. Avani loved it in the Onyx valley, that was until her mother was stricken with a deathly illness that killed her. Avani was five years old. With her mother dead and her father rather busy with military affairs, Avani and Fiammetta were given into the care of a nurse who raised them until Avani was eleven.

At this point she didn't feel the nurse was needed anymore so she pressed her father and it was agreed she would care for Fiammetta instead. This was a hard task though since Avani didn't know how to deal with a small Firebending child. Avani had to grow up quickly, getting some help from other local firebenders that agreed to teach her younger sister control the affinity.

Avani was fifteen when she expressed interest in following in her father's footsteps, saying she'd like to join the military as well. He was pleased but said not until she was eighteen and only if she did well in her studies. Satisfied with that she began to work hard, controlling her affinity to the best of her abilities and pressing a hard study schedule onto herself.

She is now the top in her Earthbending Military Training course, something her father agreed to let her join on her seventeenth birthday so that she could prepare for her future.



Fiammetta Royce


Fia (Fee)


14 years old








Earth Nation




Dire Wolf named Ciar (KEER)

Black in color.


To put it in rather simply terms, Fiammetta is very reckless. Being born the younger of two siblings whose mother died when they were very young has made life a bit different for her. She has always been looked after, whether she'd care to admit to it or not, and because of this she hasn't really developed a sense of fear. At least not a normal sense of fear. She's brave, but very rash. She doesn't tend to think before doing things, which is very until her older sister.

She's also very friendly, talking to anyone and blurting out the truth are just things that come naturally to her. She's bubbly when her mood is right. When made mad - due to the fact she doesn't have full control over her affinity just yet - she tends to lash out without meaning to. She set her neighbor's hair on fire once because she had been upset with the game they were playing. In some ways she is quite spoiled.


Fiammetta was born in Onyx Valley, Earth nation; which was quite odd because she doesn't have that affinity. Fia took after her mother and claimed the affinity of Fire, which caused many problems for her poor sister as they were growing up. Their mother died when Fia was young, to young to even remember her face. This has made Fia a but conflicted about her life, a piece of her missing because she never knew her mother.

She was not motherless though, for the first few years of her life she and her sister were taken care of by a nanny; though Avani seemed to do most of the caretaking. Fia started getting into trouble at a young age, often setting things on fire or playing jokes on anybody who put their guard down long enough. This caused her sister a headache of a child to take care of, something Fia regrets and is thankful for at the same time.

She understands that if Avani hadn't taken charge of her, Fia would have most likely been sent away to a Fire Nation school. The though frightens her, which is why she is controllable - without that threat she would have run wild a long time ago. She and her sister had always been close, which was the reason why she felt so hurt when Avani decided she wanted to take the Military route like their father.

Fia had never been close to their father, he had refused to see the girl from the time her mother had died until she was ten because Fia looked like her. Avani's choice caused a very large gap between the two sister, Fia refusing to accept that her sister was going into the military.

As Avani began to study hard Fia began a plan of her own, she decided that if her older sister wouldn't listen to her then she wouldn't listen to Avani either. Fia started running wild until Avani started the Training Course. It was very clear her sister enjoyed it, so Fia agreed that she would support her. However she had somehow developed a dream of her own, to travel the Nations and eventually see them all.

Fiammetta now works hard - though she still tends to be a trickster- in her studies so that her father will allow her to travel the Nations.


Well... how shall I start? I love The Avatar. Which would make me a fool if I didn't join in right?

I'd like to see some journeying, maybe a quest of some sort that will help them defeat the antagonist -whomever that may be!

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Nick: -


Gender: Female

Weight: 115lbs

Height: 5'5

Nation: Fire Nation

Affinity: Firebender

Pet: Yui (Messenger Hawk)


Personality: Asuka is curious, perceptive and observant, usually just letting her eyes do all the work. While she may not speak much, she's not unsocial, she just doesn't think there is a need to speak out. She enjoys the company of others pretty much, even strangers. Loyal to the core, she'll do anything to protect the ones she care about, even if it means risking her own life.

History: Asuka's parents died when she was a small child, and she doesn't know how or why, no one ever told her, and she never really asked. She was raised by an old couple who ran a small pharmacy in a small town in the Fire Nation. While she usually spent her days running errands and doing odd jobs for the old couple, she didn't really mind, mainly because she got to watch a few teenagers practise their firebending skills by the blacksmith's forge. They often travelled between their Fire Nation and Onyx Valley, as they had another branch ran by one of their relatives. Asuka was often entranced by the sights of Onyx Valley. When the old couple passed away, she was left with no one and no home. So she packed her bags and along with her her trusty messenger hawk, set off to Onyx Valley in search of a new job, and hopefully a new home.

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112 lbs.




Fire Nation



Pet: Tem (Porcupine-Wolf)



Zet is a bit quiet, more of a background person most of the time. But on the occasion that somebody needs help, or he's insulted, or another such thing, he gets quite loud, and sometimes angry.


Zet has lived in Onyx City since he was two years old, not having much memory of his home back in the Fire Nation. The reason he was brought to Onyx City is because his parents thought it would be a nice place, and also safer. His parents died a few years later of unknown causes, and he lives alone now, aside from his loyal porcupine-dog Tem.


This is a great idea, and I've been getting bored of not having Avatar-related things to do anyways. I don't really know what you could change, but if I get any ideas I'll let you know.
Name: Jun Tai-Li

Nick: The Angry Airbender, Tornado Jun

Age: 8/16

Gender: Female

Weight: 120 lbs.

Height: 5'8"

Nation: Eastern Air Temple, Air Nomad

Affinity: Airbender

Pet: Meizen, Air Bison

Personality: A frustrated mix between the pacifist many Air Benders are, and more aggressively stubborn. She's closer in personality to an Earthbender. She dislikes Fire Nation and has yet to meet a decent one and believes they are all murderers/pirates/thugs/hooligans/arrogant jerks.

History: Since she was a small child, Jun had been taught the Air Nomad history and how they were almost wiped out to the face of extinction by the Fire Nation over one hundred and fifty years ago. Few air nomads managed to escape, with their lemurs and bison. While other children sighed and were taught to not hold grudges against the children of those who wronged them, Jun somehow was different and had trouble with this concept. Due to the Northern Air Temple suffering some kind of technological inventions, Eastern temple became a Co Ed temple while Western remained for female Air Nomads and Southern for male Air Nomads. Jun lived her with her parents Xiou and Mulan for a short time before a trip to the Western Air temple would waylay Jun and her family and lead to her distrust and hatred of fire nation.

Her family made this trip when she was eight. Her father, an Air Acolyte, didn't seem to like the 'feel of the air' while her mother and also an Air Nomad felt the same way. Jun however was busy playing with her young Air Bison calf and couldn't feel the change at that time. But she did feel the blast that caused Chacha, her mother's Air Bison, to fall from the sky. The blast came from a group of Fire Nation Pirate thugs, who were intent on causing trouble and possibly stealing. Chacha fell and hit the ground hard. The thugs didn't give any of them a chance to breath or recover from the shock. They beat up Xiou, her father first before turning on Mulan, who fought a good Airbending defence. Yet a cheap shot rendered her on the ground as well by her husband leaving only eight year old Jun alone among these mean men with her scared air bison, Meizen. Meizen had fled to comfort her mother Chacha. Jun was so angry, and unlike other airbenders who practised pacifism, Jun was different. She invented a new style that day, it involved a mixture of small individualized tornadoes and gathering the air around the person.

The first was their leader, using psykinetic airbending energy she sent the man flying like a cannon of sorts using only air, such as compressing it then releasing that energy. Others were sent with such violent kinectic bursts of wind that when they slammed into rocks or even the earth it shattered. Others of the pirate group escaped. Though while all of her family including Chacha survived the encounter...all were injured with Chacha and Xiou suffering the worst. They were foced to recover in Onyx City and spent 5 months there. Jun hated every moment of it and it had it began to mold her into the person she is today. Because she invented a new technique, Jun got her air nomad tattoos at just the age of eight. She's mastered 30 of the 37 techniques but because she is troubled and aggressive, she has trouble unlocking or even mastering the other seven. She's unique in she implores airbending for air's more violent aspect, but has trouble with the more passive, sometimes that even passes to her flying with her air glider but not so when she uses herself as an 'air cannon' launch, and lands safely with another rush of air.
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Lin Xuan Feng








143 lbs


5’ 11”


Fire Nation


None. Absolute power needs no fanciness.


None. Absolute power needs no ‘faithful companion’ to bond with.


Xuan is a cheery child who never loses his smile. Even when he's bullied for his rather passive observer status, he never loses that peaceful smile of his. He doesn't react to taunts, beatings or any thing much, choosing to seek out friends rather than enemies. Quite a few are rather weirded out by his unchanging expression, however.

He has changed since he was a child, now becoming someone who only searches for the source of ultimate power, and one who wishes to become the strongest in the world. He despises losing and turning his back to the enemy more than anything, and will pursue strength to defeat those who stand in his way. He believes that his strength will make all who disagree with him bow down to him, and through this, he can usher in an era of peace with the use of fear. Despite this, however, he never loses his calm smile, even in combat. He never shows his anger and speaks in calm tones, hiding his ferocity behind his tranquil persona, showing it only when he brutalises his opponent, be they benders or no. He has the ability to give praise where it's due, and those who trounced him once or more, he truly sees them as worthy adversaries and respects them to the utmost, even after he has defeated them. Those he sees as 'friends' are under his protection. Those who dare even touch a hair on them will have to go through him and his merciless martial arts. His loyalty to his friends and, by extension, his father's words is what still keeps him from harming them.


His father a militant in the Fire Nation army and his mother an achieved Earth bender, it was surprising that Xuan grew up with zero talent in bending. No sparks, no flare, nothing. Lacking the ability, his father decided to teach him martial arts instead. Xuan was instead raised with the quick martial arts of Firebenders, though lacking the true power of their ability. However, he, too, lacked their weaknesses. While firebenders needed to keep up an offense, Xuan could easily switch between defensive and offensive arts to counter the enemy. It is also through his training that he learned how to deal with the elemental advantage his peers had over him. With both his mother and father teaching him, his only weakness now was how to deal with Waterbending and Airbending. This was when thoughts of power began to pervade his mind. If he was strong enough, he wouldn't need to worry about even defending against Benders. He spoke this out to his father, who hushed him and cuffed his ear, telling him that power wasn't everything. Those who pursued power alone were in danger of losing the battle against themselves, and this was a sign of a weakling. Xuan promised him that he will never fall to himself.

His father died in a 'valiant battle against piracy' after leaving him with a training dummy to hone his skill. Xuan and his mother returned to the latter's birthplace, the Onyx city. There, he is given residence in his maternal family's home. In order to honour his father's life and teachings, Xuan kept at his practicing, year by year, and hid his ability under a calm and pacifistic personality. Over the years, due to his strange calmness, his cousins and quite a few of the other kids enjoy bullying him. He chooses not to retaliate, and his lack of reaction seems to have pushed even his bullies away, though. Lately, he has started practicing more and more violent movesets, including swift closing in on them, trapping their movement, clinching, clutching and forceful palm strikes. His early years of learning martial arts have left him with rather unparalleled reaction time and movement speed.

Input: 1

Output: 0

Goddamn NOT gates.

Also dis rp sounds cool. And I was bored. Unlike some people, I don't whine about it on the shoutbox.



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Excuse me for the lack of clothing >.<

Name: Hotaru Koizumi

Nick: Shiwomotarasumono/Death-bringer {Townspeople} Baka-sama, The Wise One, Okaa-san {Nao - Yes, they are all meant to tease her}

Age: 9/17

Gender: Female

Weight: 60 kg - partially muscle mass

Height: 175 cm

Nation: Birth- Unbeknownst to the world/Origin-Fire Nation

Affinity: Fire Bender

Personality: Hotaru was more reserved then others, keeping to herself and the few friends she had as a child. Her gaze would constantly be on the ground, not being able to handle the glaring from the adults and the accusations. That made Hotaru see things differently from others, as she was not only non-judgmental but also more understanding. She was also a reluctant cry-baby, never showing tears in front of her 'bullies' but only when she was alone.

The current Hotaru is much like steel, unbreakable with her firm gaze. She refuses to show weakness and tries to live her life as ordinarily as she can. She is careful of her ways, never showing a dust of her true feelings unless she is in front of people she trusts. Those people are more precious to her than anything the world could offer and if you so as dare to lay a finger on them, she will hunt you down even if it takes her, her whole life. On the other hand, she has her own idea of what is wrong and what is right; due to her way of growing up. She tends to see things from other people's perspective rather then her own and is quite 'wise' for her age, usually having the motherly role in her small group of friends.

History: Hotaru was born to Shou Koizumi, the current leader of the Fire Heart organization. This underground organization, much like the White Lotus, was built long before the 100 year war and self-claimed to be peace-makers of the Fire Nation. Yet this organization went down literally after the 100 year war but their enemies still harbor hate for them. So when Shou realized his daughter would be in grave danger the moment she came to exist, he had sent her away with two of his former underlings. This wasn't known to Hotaru until she turned fourteen.

Instead she believed the two strangers to be her parents and lived quite normally, helping in the small herbs store they owned until one dreaded night. That day was the day that the townspeople started to hate her. She was eight years old when her father came to know that her 'parents' had betrayed him, so he sent Yoshiru and Aine; his most trusted friends. Aine used her water-bending to protect the sleeping Hotaru while Yoshiru burnt down the house.

The shock that entered the townspeople when they saw her, sleeping peacefully in the middle of her former home, burnt to ashes and her 'parents' bodies surrounding her. It was even worse when Hotaru had the week before the 'accident' learnt how to use her fire-bending nearly perfectly. She was kept under suspection for three weeks until she was realased but this didn't clear her name. No, they had started to call her Shiwomotarusumono and adults kept their children away from her.

A few months later, Nao came and he had instantly found a 'liking' in her. At the time, Hotaru didn't know that Nao was the son of Yoshiru and Aine. Instead she found a friend in him and a comforter. For years she found life to be fun yet she kept herself away from the townspeople. But life did not seem to like her as she almost lost her innocence. Hotaru still remembers that day clearly as the ones assaulting her was people she had seen her whole life in town. Boys that she had played with in kindergarten but they did not care about that, no, she was simply Shiwomotarusumono; the unwanted girl in Onyx Valley.

After being saved by Nao, Hotaru was told about her origin and started to blame herself for what happened with her 'parents' even if they may have hated her. She simply did not care as they had raised her, making her slightly detest her father. She decide that life would never be the same, she would not shy away from the townspeople but meet them with a firm gaze and large smile. They did not deserve to see her weakened.



Name: Nao Yukimura

Nick: Aho-sama, Hubby {Hotaru}

Age: 9/17

Gender: Male

Weight: 75 kg - Partially muscle mass

Height: 187 cm

Nation: Birth and Origin is Unbeknownst to the world, though most presume he is from the Earth Nation due to his bending.

Affinity: Earth+Metal bender

Pet: Shirayuki - A white tiger which clings to Nao. It's female and even though it seems like it hates Hotaru, it truly is just jealous. After all, without doubt she would save Hotaru in a heart beat if she is needed. Here you see Shirayuki when Nao was nine, unexpectedly she hasn't grown much at all during the years that passed and still resembles a cub.


Personality: As a child, Nao was quiet and much like a shadow to Hotaru more than anything; keeping his gaze firmly on her so that she doesn't get hurt. He didn't care about others, as they weren't his 'business'. Not many saw the loneliness in him nor his robotic actions. He gradually cared about Hotaru as more than his 'business' as he got older.
Nao is less than a shadow then before though he is nearly always at Hotaru's side. His lazy and teasing personality is but a mere persona as he finds it easier to observe people that way. He finds everyone but his friends boring and none of his interest lays upon them though this doesn't mean he won't dig into ones history nor refrain from talking to one. Actually, he tends to confront people easier then anything; to gauge their level of strength and see if they're a threat. Not many knows of his love to Hotaru, especially the girl herself, but he few that do can obviously see that he blindly follows her. He stops her from doing stuff she'd regret, he advises her and protects her from harm. Underneath his persona, he is but a mere broken young child which is slowly being mended together again. His heart

History: Born to Yoshiru and Aine Yukimura, the right hands of Shou Koizumi, Nao never had the chance of a normal childhood. He was trained like a robot, travelling through the nations with his parents and was told that he would protect the next leader of the Fire Heart organization. He'd sleep for mere hours before waking up and train, train and train some more. He learned metal bending at the age of seven even!

And during one of his boring training days in the northern water tribe; he came upon a small tiger. This little tiger was far away from home and Nao had been warned about the coming storm though it didn't stop him from playing with the animal until night fall. By then the storm had been to harsh for Nao to leave the tiger and instead he took it in, raising it. That was the first time Nao ever felt human rather than a robot and so he treasures Shirayuki as if she was his child.

A year later his family had taken him to Onyx City and after 'taking care of' Hotaru's parents, they left him behind to protect her. At first, he found it to be yet another mission rather than a joy but slowly he opened up to Hotaru; as he watched her suffer from something his own parents did. He felt as if it was his duty to protect.

Years went by and all sorts of things happened but then again, nothing compared to the anger which consumed Nao when those boys tried to take Hotaru's innocence away. He had almost left them dead and spared them merely because he had to comfort her. Ever since, Nao had realised his feelings for Hotaru while keeping an eye on every male which approached her and rarely would he deem the trustworthy.

Input; Oh dear lord, I'm the biggest fan of Avatar existing in this world and with an Avatar rp around... Who wouldn't join? I also like the concept a lot and I wish to see the characters develop throughout our roleplaying. I'm wondering if we will ever encounter the avatar perhaps :P

ACCEPTED In case anyone was unsure. All characters up to this point are. You may now post, as the intro has been unleashed upon you. And as a reminder, you may not post anything in this thread except Character Sheets. All discussion and questions need to be directed to the OOC thread

Yeah, I know I'm a tad late

-_- )....
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Ting Ting




Female (Transgender)






Fire Nation


Fire Bender


Ting Ting always holds her self with poise and grace. She isn't everyone's first pick to be around due to her constantly slit eyes and permanent scowl. This, however, doesnt mean that she doesn't have a fun side. She can be very fun to be around and is actually sort of crazy in a fun way. It seems like shes always trying to impress someone, whether it be with her looks or her intelligence.


If you were to describe Ting Tings childhood in one word, i would have to be "Interesting." She was obviously born a boy, but exhibited none of the stereotypical male qualities. She absolutely detested most male things, and would rather have sleepovers with girls rather than date them. Ting Tings parents found this troubling. Not because they didn't approve, but because of how the other closed minded members of the fire nation would react. Ting Ting was under constant suppression. "You can't do that Ting Ting," or, "That's not normal Ting Ting." This went on for years until Ting Ting had had it.

She found a Shaman in the far outskirts of her home city, hoping to find answers. It was then that she started her journey. She would see the Shaman everyday, for the she would give her a special elixir to help feminize her body (In modern times, it would be hormone therapy) and teach her the basics of being a lady. They formed a "Mother/Daughter" relationship and Ting Ting would even call her Mama. Mama was a mysterious lady and Ting Ting never asked about her past.

As Ting Ting got older, she was able to maintain a lovely, model-like figure, thanks to Mamas lotions and potions. She still exhibited masculine qualities of course, such as her tall height and minimal curve, but feminine none the less. This was a blessing and a curse, however, due to the growing harassment she received from other residence of the fire nation. Everyday at her bending classes, boys made fun of her and on her walk home, boys followed her, at the market, shop owners scowled, at home, her parents teased. It wasn't all bad, some people couldn't even tell she was still technically a boy. Regardless, she couldn't wait to move away with Mama to Onyx City...



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7edd4f6_KunOutfit1.png.26257ce4349f250418dba6ffe3e1b3ea.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10498" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7edd4f6_KunOutfit1.png.26257ce4349f250418dba6ffe3e1b3ea.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7ee0e4f_KunOutfit3.png.d3931a97417afbba44a147f36018da56.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10499" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7ee0e4f_KunOutfit3.png.d3931a97417afbba44a147f36018da56.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7ee451e_KunOutfit4.png.3552950c31db6c5e2edfe04950324419.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10500" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7ee451e_KunOutfit4.png.3552950c31db6c5e2edfe04950324419.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7f0ef83_DressyKun1.png.3cd937f2c862b87f517c7d361e78748c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10503" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7f0ef83_DressyKun1.png.3cd937f2c862b87f517c7d361e78748c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7f1272b_DressyKun2.png.b61f916bd3b250c46d5d6560f386787f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10504" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7f1272b_DressyKun2.png.b61f916bd3b250c46d5d6560f386787f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Well to be honest, I am a huge fan of the series and the avatar universe. Ive loved it ever since I was little, and I'm still facinated by the complex story lines and characters. I liked how you took it and sort of altered it and created your own plot, I REALLY admire originality in a role play. I'd like to see just a lot of adventure, travel, action, and an exciting and engaging plot :)



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The right one.

Name: Riyoshi Nihoma

Nick: [optional] Yoshi

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Weight: 180 lbs

Height: 5‘9“

Nation: Ba sing se, Earth nation

Affinity: Earthbender

Pet: http://mimg.ugo.com/201008/55656/cuts/hog-monkey_480x480.jpg

Personality:Even though his age may say that he is 17, he does not act like it. He tends to have a dependency upon the situation that he is in. If it is just his life in his hands, he takes the quick, and sometimes dangerous road out of the situation. But if there are lives of others involved, he tries to sit down and calculate out a plan of action. Was trained by his father to be a no man left behind type of guy.

History:Ever since he was a child, Riyoshi had loved to see fireworks. He loved the festivals of Ba Sing Se and this drove his fascination to go out and explore the other cities and see their festivities. He had heard of this one city that seems to go above all the other cities. Upon his travels from Ba Sing Se, he has hit all the cities to this location. He has been upon the road traveling from city to city hitting up and the festivals that he could. This has finally led him to the dream village, Onyx City.

Now lets take this step a bit backwards, to when Riyoshi was at the age of 9.

His father was a mighty figure head of the Ba Sing Se military and he was not about to let his son falter from his footsteps. His father was now ninth generation military figure head and he was going to make sure that Riyoshi would follow. It was long days of being schooled then coming home to be bombarded by his father to start his training. His father stood over his son in rage and disappointment seeing Riyoshi not able to master earthbending. No matter,how much his father trained him and hated him, Riyoshi never gave up. Sometimes practicing his earthbending into the late hours of the night.

By the age of 10, Riyoshi was able to slightly control the earth beneath his feet. It had been one entire year of learning earthbending and Riyoshi was slightly making progress. It was only after this, that his father began to drill in the practices even more. After seeing the slight bit of progress in his son, Riyoshi's father wanted him to leave the school and join in on the military training.

Now, throughout the years, it was a bit of a blur for Riyoshi. Being entered into the military, Riyoshi was on the fast track of losing his individuality and becoming a military drone. Even though he spent the last 6 years in vast amounts of training and sheer amounts of discipline, Riyoshi never lost his love of watching fireworks.

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