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Fandom Avatar the Last Airbender: The Avatar Games! (WIP)

Retro Nova

I'm okay with being average <3
Please fill this out thoroughly. I will be VERY picky with these so please be ready to change anything if I so ask.


Age: (18-21)

Gender : Keep it simple

Sexuality : Keep it simple

Appearance : PICTURE ONLY!


Main Bending : Water, Air, Fire, Earth

Secondary Known Bending: Water, Air, Fire, Earth; Only (1)

Proficiency Lv for Both : 10 is full mastery (No one will have this) 1 is just beginning to understand it.


Extras/Quirk/Pets/Weapons : Keep it simple

[b]Age[/b]: (18-21)
[b]Gender [/b]: Keep it simple 
[b]Sexuality [/b]: Keep it simple 
[b]Appearance [/b]: PICTURE ONLY!
[b]Main Bending [/b]: Water, Air, Fire, Earth 
[b]Secondary Known Bending[/b]: Water, Air, Fire, Earth; Only (1)
[b]Proficiency Lv for Both [/b]: 10 is full mastery (No one will have this) 1 is just beginning to understand it. 
[b]Bio[/b]: (NOT OPTIONAL)
[b]Extras/Quirk/Pets/Weapons [/b]: Keep it simple
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Name: Lulani Lee Phuong

Age: 19

Gender : Female

Sexuality : Straight

Appearance :


Personality: Lulani is very proud of her lineage and has no problem flaunting her wealth and privilege in others faces. She is an only child, so she was spoiled quite a bit as a child. She does have a temper and will not hesitate to unleash it on whoever may be unfortunate enough to be near her at the time. She comes off as callous at times and has a hard time feeling empathy or sympathy, but she is known to have soft spot for children. She can love, and whenever she does, she does it with every ounce of her being.

Main Bending : Fire

Secondary Known Bending: Earth

Proficiency Lv for Both : Fire bending = 8; Earth Bending= 5 (LAVA=3)

Bio: Lulani is currently the only heir to his highness Fire Lord Izan. She was raised on the Fire Nation capital all her life, rarely leaving the safety of it's walls because of her over protective father. She never really had friends growing up because all the other children around her were afraid of her. She became isolated and cold to the world. He only friend growing up was a small monkey which she named Blitz, on account of his speed when in the trees and his habit of sneaking up on people. Lulani's mother died giving birth to her and it is forbidden within the kingdom for anyone to so much as speak her name so Lulani knows almost nothing about her. Lulani received her letter shorty after her birthday and was not surprised by this seeing as her father and the current Avatar knew each other in their youth. She is currently making her way out do the kingdom an to the docks where a private ship is waiting for her to take her to Ba Sing Se for training.

Extras/Quirk/Pets/Weapons : Pet monkey Blitz and a charmed bracket that belonged to her mother.
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Name: Qannik

Age: 18

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Gay

Appearance :


With this tattoo:




Caring, soft, always wanting to help people, determined.


Easily irritated, what leads to agression. Doesn't mind people getting hurt with bloodbending, can be a stalker.

Main Bending : Water,

Secondary Known Bending: Earth

Proficiency Lv for Both : Water: 8

Earth: 3

Earth water combination (mud): 4

Air: 0

Air water combination (Clouds): 1

Fire: 0

Bio: Born in a wealty family in Ba Sing Se, Qannik was raised with some of the best earth benders around him. Enjoying the rich people around him, he got a little spoilt. Have privilage of some of the best training you can get, Qannik didn't excell really in earthbending. Which disappointed his parents. After discovering his true element, water, Qannik went to the North Pole to train there. Without having any friends there, Qannik had only one thing to do, training.

In his lonely time at the North Pole, Qannik was able to tame a young Wolf Cub, named Hji. He spend most of the time playing with his friend in the snow.

Extras/Quirk/Pets/Weapons : Pet: Wolf

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Savagai said:
Name: Qannik
Age: 18

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Gay

Appearance :


With this tattoo:



Caring, soft, always wanting to help people

Main Bending : Water,

Secondary Known Bending: Earth

Proficiency Lv for Both : Water: 6

Earth: 3

Earth water combination (mud): 4

Air: 0

Air water combination (Clouds): 1

Fire: 0


Extras/Quirk/Pets/Weapons : Pet: Wolf

Not Accepted; I need more personality wise, and you need a bio.
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[QUOTE="Wild Imagination]Not Accepted; I need more personality wise, and you need a bio.

Oops.. forgot to give it the w.i.p. tag :P

How long do you want the bio?
Name: Jampa

Age: 19

Gender : Female

Sexuality : Bisexual

Appearance :


Personality: A laiback, humorous and casual girl with seemingly no care in the world, can come of lazy, childish and hidonistic. However in truth just knows when to worry and when to let things go, having a certain wisdom beyond her years. She is clever and deeply caring to those she considers close and is very protective of them almost to a fault.

Main Bending : Air

Secondary Known Bending: Water

Proficiency Lv for Both : 8 and 3

Bio: Daughter of a travelling air nomad nun and a southern water tribe soldier, a union that was never meant to happen as her mother was attempting to reach true enlightenment. Her mother had Jampa on the northern air temple but was always distant to her daughter seeing her as representation of her failure. So Jampa was raised mostly by other air nomands and had worked hard growing up to be a good airbender to impress her mother but nothing seemed to work though. In the process she began to become a prodigy among the air benders becoming one of the younger to earn her tattoos and soon came to the realisation that life was too short to worry about her mother thought of her and tried to live for herself. However despite her best effort the want to sort things out with her mother still was important to her and soon wanted to get to know her father too. When rumors came that her father was to attend the avatar games and her own invitation arriving she hoped to knock two birds with one stone.

Extras/Quirk/Pets/Weapons :

Sky bison named Pema and an air bender staff.
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Name: Jampa
Age: 19

Gender : Female

Sexuality : Bisexual

Appearance :


Personality: A laiback, humorous and casual girl with seemingly no care in the world, can come of lazy, childish and hidonistic. However in truth just knows when to worry and when to let things go, having a certain wisdom beyond her years. She is clever and deeply caring to those she considers close and is very protective of them almost to a fault.

Main Bending : Air

Secondary Known Bending: Water

Proficiency Lv for Both : 8 and 3

Bio: Daughter of a travelling air nomad nun and a southern water tribe soldier, a union that was never meant to happen as her mother was attempting to reach true enlightenment. Her mother had Jampa on the northern air temple but was always distant to her daughter seeing her as representation of her failure. So Jampa was raised mostly by other air nomands and had worked hard growing up to be a good airbender to impress her mother but nothing seemed to work though. In the process she began to become a prodigy among the air benders becoming one of the younger to earn her tattoos and soon came to the realisation that life was too short to worry about her mother thought of her and tried to live for herself. However despite her best effort the want to sort things out with her mother still was important to her and soon wanted to get to know her father too. When rumors came that her father was to attend the avatar games and her own invitation arriving she hoped to knock two birds with one stone.

Extras/Quirk/Pets/Weapons :

Sky bison named Pema and an air bender staff.
Name: Tyson Sorenson

Age: 20

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Gay

Appearance :

Personality: Tyson can be a stubborn and unmoving person once his mind is made up. He knows this about himself, but has put no effort into become less thich-headed. He greatly cherishes his family and friends, often being the one that people talk to and shares their inner feelings with him, as he doesn't judge others. He can be quick to anger, but the anger doesn't cloud his judgment. When he sees injustice, it is against his nature to look the other way. This has gotten him in trouble and even a fair amount of danger on multiple occasions. Some say his stubbornnes is where his steadfast resolve derive from, as he doesn't waver in his conviction despite overwhelming odds.

Main Bending : Earth

Secondary Known Bending: Fire

Proficiency Lv for Both : 8 and 5

Bio: Tyson was born to a normal family of non-benders. His 4 siblings and him growing up in a farming town relatively close to Republic city. Being the oldest, Tyson bore the burden of being his younger siblings protector dutifully. One day, a small group of ruffians was tormenting Tyson's little sister, and out of instinct, Tyson unlocked his latent earth bending for the very first time. Needless to say, Tyson was able to drive away the bullies. However, a wedge had been placed between his family and Tyson that day, which would remain unknown to him for many years. His mother told him how her great grandfather had been an earth bender, but no one else had had the skill since. As the years went by, Tyson practiced his bending, growing from a fumbling inept beginner that could barely do anything at all, to a remarkable and talented individual. As his skills grew, the distance between him and his family lengthened. No one else in his family could bend, and secretly his siblings hated him for being special.

After hearing about the impending Avatar tournament, Tyson found himself wanting to try out other elements. Of course, he was a rare case in how he could even bend when the trait had been dormant in his family for generations. Knowing this, he held out no hope of being able to bend any other element, especially since though that could do so were usually descended from long lines of benders. Still, Tyson managed to find a traveling fire bender whom agreed to try and teach him the basics. After no success, Tyson finally grew so frustrated that somehow he fire bent a sizable blast of fire. Upon realization that he could too possibly become The Avatar if he could somehow learn and master the other elements, Tyson decided to start out on a journey. His family was not happy about this, and only his mother showed him off. His father and siblings calling him a traitor to the family and an unwanted freak that should never come back. Since then, Tyson has been ever practicing his bending in hopes of becoming the best.

Extras/Quirk/Pets/Weapons : Twin Dual Bladed War Axes

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Arvis90 said:
Name: Tyson Sorenson
Age: 20

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Gay

Appearance :

Personality: Tyson can be a stubborn and unmoving person once his mind is made up. He knows this about himself, but has put no effort into become less thich-headed. He greatly cherishes his family and friends, often being the one that people talk to and shares their inner feelings with him, as he doesn't judge others. He can be quick to anger, but the anger doesn't cloud his judgment. When he sees injustice, it is against his nature to look the other way. This has gotten him in trouble and even a fair amount of danger on multiple occasions. Some say his stubbornnes is where his steadfast resolve derive from, as he doesn't waver in his conviction despite overwhelming odds.

Main Bending : Earth

Secondary Known Bending: Fire

Proficiency Lv for Both : 8 and 5

Bio: Tyson was born to a normal family of non-benders. His 4 siblings and him growing up in a farming town relatively close to Republic city. Being the oldest, Tyson bore the burden of being his younger siblings protector dutifully. One day, a small group of ruffians was tormenting Tyson's little sister, and out of instinct, Tyson unlocked his latent earth bending for the very first time. Needless to say, Tyson was able to drive away the bullies. However, a wedge had been placed between his family and Tyson that day, which would remain unknown to him for many years. His mother told him how her great grandfather had been an earth bender, but no one else had had the skill since. As the years went by, Tyson practiced his bending, growing from a fumbling inept beginner that could barely do anything at all, to a remarkable and talented individual. As his skills grew, the distance between him and his family lengthened. No one else in his family could bend, and secretly his siblings hated him for being special.

After hearing about the impending Avatar tournament, Tyson found himself wanting to try out other elements. Of course, he was a rare case in how he could even bend when the trait had been dormant in his family for generations. Knowing this, he held out no hope of being able to bend any other element, especially since though that could do so were usually descended from long lines of benders. Still, Tyson managed to find a traveling fire bender whom agreed to try and teach him the basics. After no success, Tyson finally grew so frustrated that somehow he fire bent a sizable blast of fire. Upon realization that he could too possibly become The Avatar if he could somehow learn and master the other elements, Tyson decided to start out on a journey. His family was not happy about this, and only his mother showed him off. His father and siblings calling him a traitor to the family and an unwanted freak that should never come back. Since then, Tyson has been ever practicing his bending in hopes of becoming the best.

Extras/Quirk/Pets/Weapons : Twin Dual Bladed War Axes

Accepted. But I'm really upset. I love his character and I was thinking of having Lulani and him romantically involved at some point and I looked up and I cried because he's Gay..... (;^ ;)

Name: Lulani Lee Phuong

Age: 19

Gender : Female

Sexuality : Straight

Appearance :


Personality: Lulani is very proud of her lineage and has no problem flaunting her wealth and privilege in others faces. She is an only child, so she was spoiled quite a bit as a child. She does have a temper and will not hesitate to unleash it on whoever may be unfortunate enough to be near her at the time. She comes off as callous at times and has a hard time feeling empathy or sympathy, but she is known to have soft spot for children. She can love, and whenever she does, she does it with every ounce of her being.

Main Bending : Fire

Secondary Known Bending: Earth

Proficiency Lv for Both : Fire bending = 8; Earth Bending= 5 (LAVA=3)

Bio: Lulani is currently the only heir to his highness Fire Lord Izan. She was raised on the Fire Nation capital all her life, rarely leaving the safety of it's walls because of her over protective father. She never really had friends growing up because all the other children around her were afraid of her. She became isolated and cold to the world. He only friend growing up was a small monkey which she named Blitz, on account of his speed when in the trees and his habit of sneaking up on people. Lulani's mother died giving birth to her and it is forbidden within the kingdom for anyone to so much as speak her name so Lulani knows almost nothing about her. Lulani received her letter shorty after her birthday and was not surprised by this seeing as her father and the current Avatar knew each other in their youth. She is currently making her way out do the kingdom an to the docks where a private ship is waiting for her to take her to Ba Sing Se for training.

Extras/Quirk/Pets/Weapons : Pet monkey Blitz and a charmed bracket that belonged to her mother.
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[QUOTE="Wild Imagination]I'm really upset. I love his character and I was thinking of having Lulani and him romantically involved at some point and I looked up and I cried because he's Gay..... (;^ ;)

An Unrequited love angle might be an intresting side story.
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[QUOTE="Wild Imagination]Accepted. But I'm really upset. I love his character and I was thinking of having Lulani and him romantically involved at some point and I looked up and I cried because he's Gay..... (;^ ;)

I can put it as bi xD to make it interesting. I do like your character a lot, and I think they would be fun to have some interest in each other. Definitely good chances for character development since they are polar opposites on much
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
An Unrequited love angle might be an intresting side story.
Hahaha. That's would be cool. But I (In real life) would get frustrated in that situation. So I know Lulani will
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[QUOTE="Wild Imagination]Hahaha. That's would be cool. But I (In real life) would get frustrated in that situation. So I know Lulani will

Still I feel it is fun to see your character deal with it with her particular personality, the difficulty in her admitting she cares for him than have to deal with him not intrested back. I have a feeling that the old saying about a woman scorn wouldn't begin to cover it.
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Still I feel it is fun to see your character deal with it with her particular personality, the difficulty in her admitting she cares for him than have to deal with him not intrested back. I have a feeling that the old saying about a woman scorn wouldn't begin to cover it.
Hmm. I actually like the idea now that you've actually explained it.
Name: Uragi

Age: 21

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Straight

Appearance :

Personality: Arrogant, vicious

Main Bending : Water

Secondary Known Bending: Fire

Proficiency Lv for Both : Water - 8. Blood - 2. Fire - 2.


Uragi was originally born in the Northern Water Tribe as Karpok to a very well-respected Northern Water Tribe warrior. Due to this, he was a rather large infant (some say the size of a Polar Bear cub) and only continued to grow. His large frame helped teach him about steadiness which transferred to his Water Bending teachings almost flawlessly. By the time he was a mere teenager, there were rumors of him being ready to usurp his father as the next greatest warrior in both bending and combat. Before adulthood, Karpok was sent on a journey currently unknown, but it is known that he came back much, much different. Instead of the happy, cheerful heir that had left, he was corrupted into an angry, violent warrior who had learned a new talent: Blood Bending.

Some point after his return, the day came where he stood outside the castle's walls and issued a challenge to his dad. Before the journey, his dad was more than excited to hand the reigns over to Karpok, but not now. He took up Karpok's challenge, and almost the entire tribe gathered to watch the battle, which was almost one-sided. Karpok used what little Blood Bending knowledge he had to occasionally throw his dad's water strikes off target while returning his own. It wasn't long before Karpok ended the battle by slamming his father into the snow and almost completely burying him.

The tribe was resentful of the new warrior, but they more despised the fact that Karpok almost instantly turned his back on the Water Nation calling them "Weak", "Cowards", and "Undeserving of the title 'Warrior'" because they refused to accept his Blood Bending and violent behavior earning him the title of 'Traitor' and 'Abandoner'. He took to a place that would accept him: The Fire Nation. Here, he was given the name Uragirimono, or just Uragi, and was almost happily taken in to the Fire Nation Army where he proved to be a key character due to his physic, but didn't do much until a year and a half later when he started Fire Bending.
Extras/Quirk/Pets/Weapons : Due to his large stature and inexperience in Fire Bending, Uragi has trouble switching from the defensive stance of Water Bending to the offensive stance of Fire Bending in a smooth and timely manner. This allows an aware opponent an opening at which to strike. His Blood Bending is also not the best, as he can only cause slight shifts in another Bender's bending to throw them off a little, but it is highly draining on him. He usually uses the Blood Bending to throw his opponent off allowing him to move in and use his strength as a weapon.
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Arvis90 said:
I can put it as bi xD to make it interesting. I do like your character a lot, and I think they would be fun to have some interest in each other. Definitely good chances for character development since they are polar opposites on much
That would be awesome thank you. But make Lulani work for it a little. As you can feel she doesn't take rejection very well.
TwystedPhoenix said:
Name: Uragi
Age: 21

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Straight

Appearance :

Personality: Arrogant, vicious

Main Bending : Water

Secondary Known Bending: Fire

Proficiency Lv for Both : Water - 8. Blood - 2. Fire - 2.


Uragi was originally born in the Northern Water Tribe as Karpok to a very well-respected Northern Water Tribe warrior. Due to this, he was a rather large infant (some say the size of a Polar Bear cub) and only continued to grow. His large frame helped teach him about steadiness which transferred to his Water Bending teachings almost flawlessly. By the time he was a mere teenager, there were rumors of him being ready to usurp his father as the next greatest warrior in both bending and combat. Before adulthood, Karpok was sent on a journey currently unknown, but it is known that he came back much, much different. Instead of the happy, cheerful heir that had left, he was corrupted into an angry, violent warrior who had learned a new talent: Blood Bending.

Some point after his return, the day came where he stood outside the castle's walls and issued a challenge to his dad. Before the journey, his dad was more than excited to hand the reigns over to Karpok, but not now. He took up Karpok's challenge, and almost the entire tribe gathered to watch the battle, which was almost one-sided. Karpok used what little Blood Bending knowledge he had to occasionally throw his dad's water strikes off target while returning his own. It wasn't long before Karpok ended the battle by slamming his father into the snow and almost completely burying him.

The tribe was resentful of the new warrior, but they more despised the fact that Karpok almost instantly turned his back on the Water Nation calling them "Weak", "Cowards", and "Undeserving of the title 'Warrior'" because they refused to accept his Blood Bending and violent behavior earning him the title of 'Traitor' and 'Abandoner'. He took to a place that would accept him: The Fire Nation. Here, he was given the name Uragirimono, or just Uragi, and was almost happily taken in to the Fire Nation Army where he proved to be a key character due to his physic, but didn't do much until a year and a half later when he started Fire Bending.
Extras/Quirk/Pets/Weapons : Due to his large stature and inexperience in Fire Bending, Uragi has trouble switching from the defensive stance of Water Bending to the offensive stance of Fire Bending in a smooth and timely manner. This allows an aware opponent an opening at which to strike. His Blood Bending is also not the best, as he can only cause slight shifts in another Bender's bending to throw them off a little, but it is highly draining on him. He usually uses the Blood Bending to throw his opponent off allowing him to move in and use his strength as a weapon.
Accepted. But could we get a better visual for what he looks like. I'm sure he doesn't wear that 24/7
[QUOTE="Wild Imagination]Accepted. But could we get a better visual for what he looks like. I'm sure he doesn't wear that 24/7

Yeah, I'll try to find one better. Would be easier if we could just use descriptions though :P
TwystedPhoenix said:
Yeah, I'll try to find one better. Would be easier if we could just use descriptions though :P
Hmm. Nope. Find a picture. There are literally hundreds of Avatar OCs on the internet. You'll find one <3 would you like me to help? I saw some really good ones earlier.
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[QUOTE="Wild Imagination]Hmm. Nope. Find a picture. There are literally hundreds of Avatar OCs on the internet. You'll find one <3 would you like me to help? I saw some really good ones earlier.

If you wouldn't mind pointing me in the right direction I would be very grateful.
TwystedPhoenix said:
If you wouldn't mind pointing me in the right direction I would be very grateful.
Search up "Male Avatar OC" in Google and ban, there they are.
[QUOTE="Wild Imagination]Search up "Male Avatar OC" in Google and ban, there they are.

Wow, I honestly never realized it was that easy. I always saw people instantly have pictures ready and just assumed everyone had some special site to grab anime pictures from. The more you know.

Also, the pics are updated. His main appearance is Water Bender, because that's his origins (if I could photoshop I'd make the blue into red) and the armor is for his Fire Bender Army outfit.
TwystedPhoenix said:
Name: Uragi
Age: 21

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Straight

Appearance :

Personality: Arrogant, vicious

Main Bending : Water

Secondary Known Bending: Fire

Proficiency Lv for Both : Water - 8. Blood - 2. Fire - 2.


Uragi was originally born in the Northern Water Tribe as Karpok to a very well-respected Northern Water Tribe warrior. Due to this, he was a rather large infant (some say the size of a Polar Bear cub) and only continued to grow. His large frame helped teach him about steadiness which transferred to his Water Bending teachings almost flawlessly. By the time he was a mere teenager, there were rumors of him being ready to usurp his father as the next greatest warrior in both bending and combat. Before adulthood, Karpok was sent on a journey currently unknown, but it is known that he came back much, much different. Instead of the happy, cheerful heir that had left, he was corrupted into an angry, violent warrior who had learned a new talent: Blood Bending.

Some point after his return, the day came where he stood outside the castle's walls and issued a challenge to his dad. Before the journey, his dad was more than excited to hand the reigns over to Karpok, but not now. He took up Karpok's challenge, and almost the entire tribe gathered to watch the battle, which was almost one-sided. Karpok used what little Blood Bending knowledge he had to occasionally throw his dad's water strikes off target while returning his own. It wasn't long before Karpok ended the battle by slamming his father into the snow and almost completely burying him.

The tribe was resentful of the new warrior, but they more despised the fact that Karpok almost instantly turned his back on the Water Nation calling them "Weak", "Cowards", and "Undeserving of the title 'Warrior'" because they refused to accept his Blood Bending and violent behavior earning him the title of 'Traitor' and 'Abandoner'. He took to a place that would accept him: The Fire Nation. Here, he was given the name Uragirimono, or just Uragi, and was almost happily taken in to the Fire Nation Army where he proved to be a key character due to his physic, but didn't do much until a year and a half later when he started Fire Bending.
Extras/Quirk/Pets/Weapons : Due to his large stature and inexperience in Fire Bending, Uragi has trouble switching from the defensive stance of Water Bending to the offensive stance of Fire Bending in a smooth and timely manner. This allows an aware opponent an opening at which to strike. His Blood Bending is also not the best, as he can only cause slight shifts in another Bender's bending to throw them off a little, but it is highly draining on him. He usually uses the Blood Bending to throw his opponent off allowing him to move in and use his strength as a weapon.
Have your character come with Lulani.

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