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Fandom Avatar The Last Airbender next generation

(Pic of character)







Name: Karia

Parents: Aang and Katara

Age: 18

Element: Water


Name: Katana

Parents: Zuko and Mia


Element: Fire
Yes we do need an avatar but it doesn't have to be aang's and katara'a kid.

There could be a general story if you wanted one or we could make it as we go.

Name: Silver

Parents: Doesn't have any left

Age: 17

Element: Currently water and earth
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.87458098dc6ffdc7007802ae6260285a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="86799" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.87458098dc6ffdc7007802ae6260285a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name - Tan Bei-Fong

Parents - Toph and Sokka (Sokka agreed to take Toph's surname)

Age - 14

Element - Earth, but also has some special earth bending skills.

First of all, from the time he was born, he could control metal, as his mother Toph.

Secondary, he learned sandbending, which takes an average bender to learn 10 years, but Tan learned it in 1 year...

And last thing to say about his bending, is that he has mostly same species as Toph has, he can feel pulse through vibrations in Earth, and see if person is lying, and he also can see by feeling pulsations in earth, so it helps him a lot.



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Her father is the firenation general and her mother is a sword teacher for Nobles.




Firebending ( Blueish- white like Azula's since Azula was her mentor for a while)

Lightning ( can redirect it, learned it from Zuko)

Martial arts

Sword fighting and dagger throwing( Uses weapons more than Elements because she doesn't feel like she need it.)


Was born into a Noble family in the fire nation. Since she was a child she has always been a Prodigy, being the top of her class at the ROYAL FIRE ACADEMY FOR GIRLS ( the one that Ty Lee,Azula, and Mai attended as children.). Because of her father's meetings, she had met Zuko numerous times which is how she learned to redirect lightning. She learned sword fighting from her mother and other teachers. And firebendring from mentors but her most famous one was Azula, who became interested in Asama after hearing about her accomplishment.



Laid back, adventurous, straight forward, funny, self confident.She can sometimes have grandiosity. She's a good analyst and strategist. Sometimes people say she is nicer version of Azula but she doesn't know if that's an insult or a compliment.

Dual dao swords:



She has a thing for non-benders for some reason.

She sees Azula in the asylum some times.

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Parents: Shizuka and Kyofu.

Appearance:Kurai is exotic, in every definition of the word. His skin is that of the common color found in the Water Tribes, a mocha/olive tone. But his face bears the sharp features found among those of Fire Nation origin. Including the golden irises. His musculature is defined, but deceptively flexible as well. But his most stunning feature is easily is hair. A pure, snow white coloring while the locks fall down in a spiky mop around his hairline. Needless to say, he can stand out in a crowd. Kurai stands at six foot two, and weighs two-hundred pounds.


Personality:Kurai overall, is extremely determined. If he really, really wants to do something. There will be nothing in his mind that can or will stop him from achieving that goal. He will move the immovable object or die trying. And the latter is simply not happening in his mind. This being said, he is not stubborn. He will listen to reason and then decide if he should allow the advice to affect his following actions. Kurai is also very straight forward, actually being quite intelligent, he does not manipulate others nor does he allow himself to be manipulated. More often than not he will speak his mind regardless of who he is speaking to.

Kurai if anything also has a thirst for knowledge that is simply nigh unquenchable. He truly tries to learn a variety of new things every day if he can, even so he doesn't let his desire for knowledge consume him to the point where he is willing to abandon his own morals, which are few to begin with. He actually likes to relax most of the time, often coming off as even lazy, due to his non-nonchalant way of speaking. But if his motor gets going, he simply is not stopping. This goes from debating, to training, to physical activity to especially combat.

He treats everyone with a base amount of respect, which goes down or up over the course of interacting with them. He's not biased and tries his hardest not to let his personal opinion affect his judgment of others. Kurai has a very, very healthy appreciation however for nature and spirits. He has a great dislike for industrialized areas, stating that they make him feel nauseous at times.


  • Kurai is an experienced combatant. As such he doesn't make "rookie" mistakes on the battlefield very often. His form is crisp and always presents a challenge to the opponent if they want to exploit an opening.
  • Kurai's creativity in combat is arguably his greatest strength. His use of his flames as well reflect this better than any of his other skills
  • His ability to harm and restrain spirits as well as those who are deeply connected with them is a quite a boon.
  • His flames do not lose strength in the night nor are they lost during a solar eclipse.


  • His flames can only go so far. He's put a quite the disadvantage if he's pinned down by a person with long ranged weaponry.
  • He has an immense soft spot for children and will refuse to hurt or harm one.
  • His flames do not gain strength when in the presence of the sun.

History:Kurai was born on a solar eclipse to Kyofu,a nomadic Priest who gave up his lifestyle of service to spirits for the woman he loved, Shizuka,a high level firebender who was hotheaded and known as a feared bounty hunter. When he was young and newly born,his Father held him to the darkened sky and asked the spirits for his blessing that he would be safe. Due to his father giving up his lifestyle however,none of the Spirits gave Kurai their blessing. Except for one.This Spirit,along with his Twin spirit were spirits that though powerful,we're often ignored in prayers and blessings.These spirits were the spirits of the eclipses. The Solar Eclipse Ri Shi and the Lunar Eclipse Yue Shi. Ri Shi asked,that in return for granting Kurai his blessing,that He spread the word of both he and his Sister. And the Father agreed albeit Hesitantly. However, this small ray of light was not to last for long as nearly a month later his mother came home gravely injured from a battle. She would not make it through the night as she died, Shizuka Prayed to Ri Shi that her Son would not suffer from the same fate as her due to lack of strength, she even offered up her soul. Ri Shi agreed. And as she died,Kurai was granted the ability to use Black flames.

After that,Kurai grew up traveling with his father,going a great many places, and learning as he did so for to him,Knowledge was power.He was asked by his father to never Firebend in public,for fear of attention being drawn to them and attracting unsavory people. And thus he practiced in secret, learning from left over scrolls his mother had written and from other scrolls his father had given to him. While he was doing this however,he was also fulfilling his duties to the Eclipse Spirits,building shrines for them and telling people about them as he traversed the land. Even if due to some technological advancements this was made much more difficult. For 11 years of his life,this was all he did.

In his twelfth year,his father apprenticed him to a swordsman.For four years, Kurai practiced his craft and learned even more. It grew refined under the tutelage of his instructor. The news was then recieved that his Father had perish. It was by a chance arrow that struck his head, killing him instantly. Almost immediately after that event Kurai left. He traveled around, doing menial jobs and helping out wherever he could before he decided that he would take up his mother's occupation.

Conflict was very profitable after all.

Other:Has a pet Falcon.(Just a falcon.) Called Kyo.

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