Avatar The Last Airbender: Alternate Universe Role Play?


New Member

I am new to the site, but if anyone is interested please post here.

This is a non-cannon role play, so the characters from the actual series are not allowed to be played or mentioned (Unless given special permission.)

The four elements: Earth, Fire, Water and Air come together to form a perfectly balanced world. The Avatar has always come to the peoples’ aid to restore peace in a time of war. Seventeen years ago a war began between the revolutionaries and the leaders of the four nations. The revolutionaries claimed that the nations would no longer be ruled by kings and lords and they would demolish anyone in their path. The first obstacle the revolutionaries would have to overcome was the Avatar. They knew that the Avatar would try to stop them, so they set out to destroy Avatar Kyokso.

The revolutionaries believed they had killed Kyokso while he was in the Avatar State, therefore cutting of the chain of reincarnations. They counted the day as a victory and now nothing was stopping the impending war. What the revolutionaries did not know, however, was that Kyokso did not die in the Avatar state. He was gravely injured and died only a few seconds after leaving the Avatar State, preserving the chain of Avatars.

With the entire world believing that the Avatar was no more, the revolutionaries stormed the four nations. The battle has been ongoing for seventeen years and the revolutionaries have the upper hand. Any city that is not one of the major capitals is open to attack and anyone caught supporting or protecting any of the royal families will be captured and brought to the Revolutionaries’ headquarters or killed on the spot.

Not all hope is lost, however.

A new Avatar was born sixteen years ago and although the world may not know it, the new Avatar is destined to restore peace to the four nations. Although the revolutionaries may be fighting for a just cause, their violence is tearing the nations apart and the world needs the Avatar to bring the war to an end.

The world will regain hope as the Avatar masters the four elements and has the power to stop put an end to the Revolutionaries’ violence. What part will you play? Will you be an enemy or a friend? Will you help the avatar master Fire, Air or Water? Everyone has a destiny. It is your time to shine

The Fire Nation

The Fire Nation is only a few battles away from falling in to the revolutionaries’ hands. When/if the Fire Lord’s Armies fail him; the royal family will be executed for the whole world to see. Will the Fire Lord continue to trust in the strength of his military or will he and his family be forced to flee?

The Earth Kingdom

The revolutionaries are dotted all over the Earth Kingdom, conquering small cities and towns as they make their way to Ba Sing Se, which has became a refuge.

The Air Temples

The Air temples were the first to be attacked. The revolutionaries came to the Monks first, giving them a chance to join their side and help bring the revolution to the rest of the world. The Monks refused and the revolutionaries launched attacks on the Air Nation. The Airbenders fled to the three other nations and now the Air temples are vacant.

Northern Water Tribe

The revolutionaries have yet to reach the Northern Water Tribe for they do not have enough military power yet.

Southern Water Tribe

There is a heavy revolutionary influence in the Southern Water Tribe after they were conquered thirteen years ago.

NOTE: Plot was Edited upon new input from PyroWarriorZ. Thank you!

Wanted Characters/Canons!

I'd prefer to keep the number of role players small, so any player is encouraged to take more than two characters but no more than three. If no one takes the Avatar I will, but perhaps I won’t have too. Characters with Asterisks next to their names are priorities.


*The Avatar! (Earthbender)

*The Fire Bender Teacher (Needed First)

*The Water Bender Teacher (Taken!)

*The Air Bender Teacher (Needed Last)


The Fire Lord

Wife of Fire Lord

Children (No more than three, please.)


The Earth King

Earth King’s Wife

Children (No more than two, please.)


Head Chieftain

Head Chieftain’s wife

Children (One taken by Lux (Sakari)! One more available)



(Any other generals that you can think of)


Bounty Hunter (Some how the revolutionary leader somehow discovered that the Avatar was still alive and hired a bounty hunter to hunt him/her down. Whoever plays the bounty hunter has a small NPC task force that is theirs to control.)

Character Applications!:

Canon: (Which of the above characters are you applying for? Note, you don't have to pick a canon but it is preferred)

Name: (Please pick a suitable name for your character that matches the universe in which we are role playing)

Bending Element: (If any)

Age: (Please stick between the ages of 13-30, the Avatar is Sixteen)

Current Location: (I intend to begin the role play in River Village; info here: http://avatar.wikia.com/wiki/River_village)

Appearance: (No photo is required but a short description is. You can put a picture but please write a description on what can't be seen in the picture, like height and body build.

Brief Personality: (Because a character really begins to develop a personality through the role play, I don't mind if this part isn't too lengthy.)

Brief History: (How was your character affected by the war? Where were they born? Are their parents still alive? The role play does take place in a time of war, so a few sob stories are to be expected.)

Pets: (If any)

Other: (Any other information you feel is important for your character)




My Character

Canon: The Water Bender Teacher/ Northern Water Tribe Royal Family

Name: Sakari Of the Northern Water Tribe

Bending Element: Water

Age: Seventeen

Current Location: River Village, Sakari is passing through the city on her search for the Avatar.

Appearance: Tall and tan, Sakari has a thin but muscular body build. Her curly, dark brown hair touches her waistline. She has a heart shaped face with large, round, blue eyes. Sakari often appears a few years younger than seventeen because of her innocent appearance. Her usual attire consists of water tribe apparel, but since leaving the Northern Water Tribe for the Earth Kingdom she has adapted her outfit to better suite her environment.

Brief Personality: Sakari, bold but calming, is rebellious in her own manner. She is a talented waterbender and is very connected to the living world around her. Very mature for her age, Sakari doesn’t make brash decisions and thinks before she speaks. Nothing is more important to Sakari than her waterbending and restoring peace to the four nations. Her fighting style is very smooth and acrobatic, moving with the water rather than making the water move with her.

Brief History: Born to the Head Chieftain of the Northern Water Tribe, Sakari lived a sheltered life growing up. Once she began to bend she taught herself in secret since women weren’t allowed to bend in her tribe, only heal. Once Sakari turned sixteen she left home to find the avatar. Although most of the world believed the Avatar to be dead, Sakari believed he lived on and she was destined to be his/her teacher. For the past year she has been traveling the Earth Kingdom, searching for the Avatar.

Pets: n/a

Other: She is wanted by the Revolutionaries because she is a member of the royal family but has managed to avoid being identified.

Sounds interesting, I do like Avatar and I'd like to play a little Firebender. Though I'm just worried the bad guys won't be exactly the same as the Fire Lord from the original Avatar... I'm hoping the plot will be different despite it being evil Firebenders again.
PyroWarriorZ said:
Sounds interesting, I do like Avatar and I'd like to play a little Firebender. Though I'm just worried the bad guys won't be exactly the same as the Fire Lord from the original Avatar... I'm hoping the plot will be different despite it being evil Firebenders again.
I would hope so too. The whole purpose of it being an alternate universe role-play is that the role players can put their own spin on a well known plot ^_^
It is just with Fire Nation and Fire Lord again, in the new Avatar they use new enemies. So you could use a new nation, like Water, Air or Earth. An Avatar who has to face his own nation would be interesting. Or even if you keep fire, maybe not the Fire Lord again but renegade group. Or just an enemy made of different benders.

As long as it is not the Avatar vs. Fire Nation led by Fire Lord exactly the same as Aang.
PyroWarriorZ said:
It is just with Fire Nation and Fire Lord again, in the new Avatar they use new enemies. So you could use a new nation, like Water, Air or Earth. An Avatar who has to face his own nation would be interesting. Or even if you keep fire, maybe not the Fire Lord again but renegade group. Or just an enemy made of different benders.
As long as it is not the Avatar vs. Fire Nation led by Fire Lord exactly the same as Aang.
I like the idea of a renegade group, perhaps a group of benders reaching for a political revolution. Each nation is ruled by one ruler, which to some might not feel fair. So in each nation there is a renegade group to fight. Perhaps even though their cause is reasonable, the renegade group is going about it violently and needs to be put Down.
Yes, someone who wants to abolish the four nations. They are tired of kings, lords, princesses, etc. They hate royalty and have decided all royalty must die. So even though they want democracy they want to murder every royal in the world as well as anyone who won't concede to their new ideas of no more royalty, meanwhile they are still plenty loyal to their respective crowns.

Obviously the want the Avatar dead because they know he is there to keep balance and from one side ruling the world, unless they can get him to join.
PyroWarriorZ said:
Yes, someone who wants to abolish the four nations. They are tired of kings, lords, princesses, etc. They hate royalty and have decided all royalty must die. So even though they want democracy they want to murder every royal in the world as well as anyone who won't concede to their new ideas of no more royalty, meanwhile they are still plenty loyal to their respective crowns.
Obviously the want the Avatar dead because they know he is there to keep balance and from one side ruling the world, unless they can get him to join.

I updated the plot!

Now hopefully I can get team Avatar together!

Is this a signup? If so,let me know so I can move it to the appropriate section. Don't want anyone getting confused.
Riddle78 said:
Is this a signup? If so,let me know so I can move it to the appropriate section. Don't want anyone getting confused.
Oh yeah it is. Sorry! I'm still getting use to the site. I'd be pleased if you moved it to where it should be (:

Canon: Mercenary

Name: Morihei Tzu

Bending Element: Fire

Age: 25

Current Location: A small house located on the shore of the "River Village".

Appearance: 6"2, Medium length dark brown hair. He also has similarly colored eyes. He sports a beard, all be it a short one. ( I.E. mustache, goatee, side burns.) He wears a dirty, black dress shirt, covered by a piece of leather armor. He wears simple, brown trousers, which are held up by a large leather belt that is covered in satchels, bags and a dull dirk. He wears a pair of thigh high, black leather boots. A dragon that appears to be eating itself appears at the top of the boots.

Brief Personality: Can take a joke, even tell some, but when he's on the job he can be quite serious. When not on the job, he can be considered to be quite a happy person, even delightful. If something goes wrong for him, however, he can turn violent. Fast. He is known by his companions to be a light sleeper, due to his massive paranoia that the military is hunting him, all be it he has never stated which military.

Brief History: Tzu was born to a small fishing family located in Jang Hui. At the age of 17, his parents died in a cross fire between revolutionists and fire nation soldiers. After that, he spent a few months wandering from town to town, stealing whatever he could. In one of those villages, he met his two friends Che' and Zhang. Together they formed a small group of mercenaries, whom would take menial jobs, like hunting down tax dodgers, or taking out merchants competitors. Whatever paid. Over time, he developed his skills as a fire bender. (His parents often threatened others with this ability.) When he was 23, Tzu and his companions, along with a few other mercenaries, were hired to hunt down and kill the avatar. Now, at the age of 25, Tzu and his companions have tracked down the avatar to the area around "River Village", using his extensive connections.

Pets: He owns an Ostrich horse, whom he affectionately named "Henry."

Other: He is followed around by his two companions, Che' and Zhang. Che' tends to be more of a voice of reason, while Zhang tends to listen to whatever Tzu tells him, regardless of how bad the idea is. Che' wears simple, green clothes, and sports a cutlass on his belt. He has a small goatee, and a ponytail. Zhang is considered a large man, wearing only a leather vest, torn up trousers and a red sash for a belt. He doesn't wear any shoes, which some speculate him to be an earth bender. That or he's an idiot. His most notable feature is that his left eye is blind, due to a scar.


Now we just need the Avatar and a firebender teacher and we can get started!


asduskfalls said:
Dibs on the Fire-Bender Teacher but can I make him/her later? I have to get going soon.
Sure, after you post your app I'll wait a few days and if no one responds I guess I'll be the Avatar although I'd prefer not to.
Well since asduskfalls hasn't posted her application for Firebending teacher yet, I'll post mine.

Canon: The Fire Bender Teacher

Name: Zeke

Bending Element: Fire

Age: Eight

Current Location: Being transported through River Village on his way to a special encampment.

Appearance: Zeke is small even for his age, standing shorter than most of the other characters. He has messy dark brown hair that goes everywhere and big cute brown eyes. Heis wearing his traditional Fire Nation school uniform as he felt is as comfortable as any other clothes. He has a second belt that he wears as a headband like he heard some kid do to help keep his hair out of his eyes and also has a reddish scarf around his neck that falls past his back.

Brief Personality: Zeke is a very playful who loves playing pranks and having fun. He loves life and hates it when people get him down or talk about growing up, getting a job and being serious. He wants to be a kid forever! He also a temper and is known to throw tantrums and storm off or run away, sometimes even burning things uncontrollably in anger.

Brief History: Zeke is a Fire Bending prodigy, from just three years old he was already blasting out fire which is extremely rare if maybe never even happened before. At 6 he was already considered a Fire Bending Master as good as most others. Zeke is not the best Fire Bender out there, far from it. However he is already as good as those who have trained their whole lives. That is why the Fire Lord himself along with his own family began to worry that if at his young age he was already so good, what would he become when he got older. The Fire Lord banned him from Fire Bending and learning anymore. However when he got mad at school, he accidentally set fire to a room, the Fire Lord found out and had sent away to a special detention center for juvenile kids in the Earth Kingdom colonies they once controlled famous for breaking kids hoping to end his Fire Bending once and for all. Even his family let him get sent away....

Pets: He had a baby Dragon he was forced to leave behind and misses him very much...

Other: He carries a small dagger in his waist belt just in case he ever needs it. He also refuses to tell his last name because of his family allowing him to be sent away.
Are you still looking to start this one?

Character Applications!:

Canon: Avatar

Name: Iwaishi Mageru

Bending Element: only earth currently

Age: 16

Current Location: River Village, on his way from his home to the market

Appearance: He has light sandy colored hair and dark brown eyes the color of milk chocolate. He is 5 foot 10 inches tall and 175 lbs. of muscle due to the immense amounts of intense labor he does around the city both to help and to earn rent money for his home. He has an attractive face with the squarish jawline of a teenager headed towards manhood. He is attractive in the rugged tough sense. He has several scars on his face, one crossing from the left corner of his forehead to the bottom right corner of his left eye. He has rough calloused hands from hours of labor.

Brief Personality: Although he has the tough guy persona put on and can truly be such if he wishes he is really a sweet nice guy inside. He is especially kind to women as to the point of old world chivalry. But he knows the boundaries and respects peoples choice of doing something on there own. He is a bit bipolar sometimes and will go from kind and friendly to monstrous and terrifying if you push the right buttons. He has a soft spot for animals and children.

Brief History: He was abandoned as a child as far as he knows and was raised in a far away city. But after that city was attacked the man and woman who took care of him died and he ended up in the River Village while being a refugee. A man took pity on him and let him stay in one of his houses long enough for free for him to settle in. Iwaishi refuses to miss a payment in respect for the kind elderly man who did this kindness for him, hence the intense work. He came into his earth bending abilities when on his way to this village he saw a woman and child and their pet get attacked by a few revolutionaries. He saved them by reflex and discovered he was an earth bender. And a powerful one at that. He currently is the most powerful earth bender in his entire village and trains on his off time. He has no clue he is the avatar.

Pets: Pygmy puma names Nara and young brown bear named Akota, also has a friend badger mole on the city limits dubbed Kantath. He is also friends with every animal in the village and many outside of it.

Other: He is friends with every child in the village. Is considered the number one best bachelor by the teenage girls of the village but he doesn't know that. Has a weakness for Ginseng tea or a buttered roll with gravy.

I hope this is okay. I am definitely not a one line poster. But i am not a master and cant promise every day posts. I hope i can take up this rp though if you will let me. Is this ok?

Thanks for your submission! I intend to re-start the sign-ups when I can fully return to RP Nation, I've been super busy, don't have internet at my new house and I'm going to an event that is almost a week long, but hopefully when I come back I'll have more time on the internet. I think I'll create a new sign-up, and I'll message you with the link. Sorry for the delay, but I hope you are still interested even if the role play won't start for another week or two! (:

Ok. And yeah I will still be interested. I really want the avatar spot as the character i created so I hope if i put him up for it again he will be ok for the spot.
This RP looks to be set-up exquisitely and I'd love to join. *just finished watching ATLA again* Since I see you're allowing us to take on more than one character, I'd like the Fire Lord and the Airbending Master :D I'll post the profiles as I do them up. You can approve them, or not, at your leisure, but I really hope you do.

Fire Lord

Name: Katzu

Bending Element: Fire

Age: 46 (made more sense for the Fire Lord to be older; if you'd like me to change it, that's fine too)

Current Location: Royal Plaza, Fire Nation Capital

Appearance: Not a large man, Fire Lord Katzu sports black hair that is tied back, the tips just reaching his shoulders, with a top-knot in keeping with usual styles. He is a clean shaven, with grey eyes and a nose that appears to have been broken in several places. He carries several marks on his face in addition. These old injuries are a result of riots against his rule, when he thought to meet what were deemed rabble head-on, only to find himself meeting more resistance than he or his advisors deemed possible.

Brief Personality: The Fire Lord has in recent years become much more humble than he ever imagined someone of his station could become. His inability thus far to quell the rebels has left him quiet and reserved. As he struggles to hold onto his nation, Katzu ponders whether or not he should take his family into exile and leave the Fire Nation in the hands of the rebels. Genuine concern for what should happen to his people in his absence is much of the reason the Fire Lord has not yet surrendered.

Brief History: Katzu, as the only son of the last Fire Lord, was always meant to succeed to the highest office, but shortly into his reign, the peace was shattered by the threat of revolution. At first he thought little of it, as the mighty Fire Nation Army managed to put down whatever small riots first arose. But their momentum grew, and eventually Katzu faced a full-scale war. Not only this, but he could not call for help. These revolutionaries were everywhere! This was a worldwide phenomena and, save for a few Air Nomads who had fled to his lands before the tide of revolution, it became clear to Fire Lord Katzu that each nation stood well and truly alone.

Pets: None

Other: None
Is this rp going to happen? If so, may I reserve a spot for the bounty hunter? I'll make a character for them once I know the rp is still on :)
Hi Poizen. The RP has actually started, but you need to wait for Lux to approve your character, I'm afraid. Her internet access has been patchy at best, and she hasn't given anyone else permission to approve characters in her absence. I think you're golden and ready to go, but unfortunately it's not my call.

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