Sarafina [B]


Cal Bear

"Can't ya tell? I'm an Exceed."

Name: Sarafina

Nickname/Title: N/A

Orange fur with tiger stripes; peach colored chest fur. Blue eyes. Has a thin, hourglass build and small bust. Wears bandages across her chest like a tube top, small midriff-baring vest, exercise pants that covers down to her knees, fingerless gloves and sandals. Carries a backpack with a strap that goes across her chest.


In her battle mode she has a more pronounced hourglass figure and bustier frame. She also has more muscle mass than the average woman, including an eight pack of abs and Chun-Li thighs/legs (she also has a muscular upper body, but a majority of her strength is in her lower body.)

Age: 20.

Gender: Female

2'3" normal, 6'3" battle mode

Race: Exceed

Character Strengths:


-Thinks with her heart....

Character Flaws:

-Gets loud when angry.

-...but not always with her head.

Personality: Adventurous, outgoing, and never afraid to speak her mind; Sarafina is a spunky tomboy that enjoys a good brawl. This scrappy Exceed can rabidly change her emotions, going from happy to angry and then back to happy in a matter of seconds. When angry she can be comical with her outbursts. She likes doing more than watching and can get board watching others train or fight if nothing exciting is happening. She can be hot headed at times and acts before thinking when riled up.

She enjoys friendly brawls and real combat. It doesn't matter if she wins or looses in a friendly fight as long as she's facing a strong opponent. For her quirkier side Sarafina hates wearing dresses and frilly things. She also tends to walk around with something between her teeth, such as a stalk of wheat, a blade of grass, a small fish skeleton, etc.



-Friendly brawls

-People with a heroic spirit.


-Being called "cat" or "kitty" by people who should know she's an Exceed.

-When people or wizards fight dirty.

-Dark Wizards and other people who just want to watch the world burn.




Born and raised in an Exceed colony, Sarafina had a normal Exceed childhood. Her father, Nyanta, and mother, Tigerlily, told her stories that were passed down from generation to generation. Sarafina learned about Edolas, but her favorite stories were about the Exceeds that helped the Dragonslayers. She spent a lot of her time daydreaming what it would be like to be like Happy, Carla, Pantherlily, etc. When playing with the other young Exceeds she always insisted to play the part of Pantherlily.

She left home to pursue her dream when she was 18. During her travels across Fiore, she came across a small village and met a blacksmith that could add magical properties to his weapons. Sarafina asked the blacksmith if he could make a weapon like Pantherlily's Musica Sword. The blacksmith said that he could, but Sarafina didn't have enough money at the time. She managed to talk the man into letter her work for him without pay to get the sword and spent the following months helping the man forge weapons in her battle form.

After getting her Musica Sword-like weapon (a sword that the blacksmith called the Dillon Blade since he used a lion-based design) Sarafina thanked the man and continued her journey to find a Dragonslayer who would want to team up with her. During her journey she practiced her sword skills by taking low level jobs often dealing with bandits and weaker monsters that are still dangerous. Even though the search for a Dragonslayer has lasted 2 years, her adventurous spirit hasn't weakened. She feels like she'll find a Dragonslayer really soon.

"I'm going to help Caleon be the best Dragonslayer he can be!"

Guild: Lamia Scale

Character Rank: B-Rank

Guild Mark: Purple mark on her back

Guild Tenure: Recently Joined

Opinion Of Guild: "I can't complain, I've found my Dragonslayer partner and have interesting guildmates."

"I'm not always cute and cuddly."

Magic Ability:


-Battle Form

Aera is a Magic that allows its users to sprout large angelic wings that give them the ability to fly. While flying, the user can carry objects or people.The users can also change the speed in which they fly.

Battle form transforms an exceed into a buff, human sized Exceed and is more suitable to battle than the regular exceed form.

Disadvantages: 1 person carry limit. Flight time is limited due to magic energy consumption. Rabid flight speed drains magical energy faster.

The battle form doesn't last forever. It would be a good idea to utilize some kind of weapon to deal with strong wizards.

Level Of Expertise:

"Pantherlily is the coolest! My sword does what his did."


Dillon Blade:
A sword shaped like the Musica Sword that can grow and shrink due to magic infused into the blade. The sword has a lion head at the end of the hilt and a paw shaped marking on the blade near the hilt.

Exceed clothes and backpack:
Sarafina's clothes grow and shrink with her.

Misc Items:

-Folding out fishing rod.

-Basic First-Aid kit.

"I think the Exceeds from the past are inspiring."

"I want to make my ancestors proud."

Aspirations: "I want to team up with a Dragonslayer and have a strong partnership."
Last edited by a moderator:
I'd like to update Sarafina's height. 3 feet seems a little tall for an exceed from what I've seen from the show. I'd like to change it to 2' 3"


"I'm going to help Caleon be the best Dragonslayer he can be!"

Guild: Lamia Scale

Character Rank:

Guild Mark: Purple mark on her back

Guild Tenure: Recently Joined

Opinion Of Guild: "I can't complain, I've found my Dragonslayer partner and have interesting guildmates."

shadowdude505 said:


"I'm going to help Caleon be the best Dragonslayer he can be!"

Guild: Lamia Scale

Character Rank:

Guild Mark: Purple mark on her back

Guild Tenure: Recently Joined

Opinion Of Guild:
"I can't complain, I've found my Dragonslayer partner and have interesting guildmates."

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