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Fandom Avatar - Shattered Spirit - [CLOSED]


Now what?
Welcome to Neo-Republic City
293 a.g.

It has been 293 years since Sozin started the 100 years war, almost wiping away the last of the Airbenders. 122 years since Harmonic Convergence. 48 years since the death of Korra. 20 years since Avatar Li, her successor, killed himself. Under dubious circumstances, at best. And it’s been 20 years since we have had an avatar. As you can see… much has changed.
The city, once a charming affair with silvery facades over brick and steel, now seems something else entirely. Vast skyscrapers covered in glass rising far and wide, casting shadow and light in equal measure. Maglev Train systems run beneath, above and between them, transporting goods and services at breakneck speeds. Trade flourishing, still, under the foundations of an economic boom - first set in motion by President Zhu Li Moon, and the technological genius of Asami Sato.
While Wongyong might have set into effect many decrees against the expansion into the spirit realms, over the years these ‘ideals’ have been suppressed - and now the train network not only travels within the city, but also out of it - through the Neo-Republic City Portal, and into the spirit realm. From here it expands out to the North and South Pole Portals - connecting the three continents.
As such, around the Northern and Southern Portals, vast cities have been built as well, and had been given the names North and South Republic City respectively. Quickly enough the cities bled into the spirit realms and spanned the connection between them. The three became one, Neo-Republic City, the aforementioned cities being renamed as Northern and Southern Districts. For many years Spirits opposed this expansion, but for every ‘calm’ and 'traditionalist' spirit there might have been, there too existed a greedy one - prone to compromise and commerce, and those could always be bartered with. With the death of Korra, and the birth, and subsequent suicide, of the Universally considered ‘failure’ of an avatar - Avatar Li - the expansion of Human influence, and it’s industries could not be stopped. Giving rise the sight that is Neo-Republic City, now the home of almost 40 million people, spanning across three continents and far into the spirit plane itself.
The greatest changes within the city become stark when night sets in, when neon light floods the skies and the streets, reflecting off the chromatic and glass surfaces that made up most things in the city. Pinks, purples… White for the Airbender Districts, Red for Fire, Green for Earth, Blue for Water. These are mostly for show, however. The idea of nations has become a bit of a social faux pas. A quaint little idea that is highly marketable and mostly for show. What matters more are your alliances, whether it be to the social elite, to academic circles, crime rings, or to official and unofficial police - as these things have become far more important over the years.
Spirituality, too, has become a thing of the past, as children and elders alike traverse the city, linked into social networks, security guards more often than not no longer depending on bending - preferring to use guns and knives instead. People rarely wear the garb of their nations, preferring to express themselves with spirit body modifications, some even preferring to add cybernetic enhancements to their bodies - not always just for utility, and often for fashion.
Yet, among this seemingly universal swathe of apathy, some spirits have come to whisper. Tales of why no new avatar seems to have been born. Whispers saying that the world does not need an avatar anymore. That Li had known this, and killed himself because he knew he had no reason to exist anymore. Some say that he became so disappointed at the lack of spirituality in the world that he could not bear it anymore. Some say that vast social media campaigns pointing how ineffectual he was, drove him to the brink, and broke the Avatar spirit. As it is, no new avatar has been identified for at least 20 years. And, for the most part… it seems that no one cares.
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The general idea is, the avatar - at least publically - seems to be away. There does not seem to be a new avatar, no matter how many children are being tested. It is a time of relative peace, where people don’t really fight each other and bending has very much become a ‘hobby’ or ‘creative outlet’ unless you are part of the military. Bending development has slowed down as people focus more on technology and science. The most advanced forms of bending can be found in academia where it’s theorised about. (you may speak to me privately if you wish to explore any interesting variations - but note, unusual forms are still exceedingly rare) There seems to be some discontent among many spirits, but more powerful, more influential spirits, have begun working with humanity in order to secure support and other minor favours. With the interaction with spirits, there are many who have - over the years - developed strange physical characteristics as spirts have possessed humans either as a joke or as an attack. Some have even started to explore this cosmetically.
PROMPT: You are a person, who - during your life - and your interactions with the world - have come to realize that while there is great ‘peace’ at the moment, people have become disillusioned with wonder and spirituality. The air nation, for the most part, keeps to themselves, not sharing their spirituality, leading to many airbenders never even considering becoming monks. You have decided to leave whatever job, role, or vocation you might be following - and set out on a quest to find the Avatar again, in the hope of bringing back some semblance of unity, society and spirituality to the world. Whether you want it for yourself, or you feel that it is just missing and it is undermining humanity’s ability to grow - you want to find out what happened to Avatar Li, and restore balance.
WHY THE AVATAR IS ‘GONE’: Something happened to the avatar upon his death. Whatever that was, has split his soul, along with that of Raava. As such, instead of moving to a single new host, the spirit of the avatar reincarnated into four new hosts - one for each element - none of them from the ‘usual’ hosts. So, a traditionally ‘fire’ nation family may have had a child that bends air, water nation family having a child that bends earth… but only a single element per child. They would have had prodigious skill in their bending, and may have been tested - but never showed any further signs that they were the avatar. Only when these four come together will they have access to the avatar state. They will all have some sense of ‘absence’ or ‘longing’ within them. Beyond that - if one of them should die before they reconnect at least once… the Avatar Spirit may be lost forever. This is something that they do not know.
LIMITATIONS: There will be spots open for no more than seven people. Three of them will be for the ‘Avatar Spirits’ as I intend to take the ‘Earth Spirit’. The other four may come from any background you can think of, but I would prefer that they not all be benders. A nonbender weapons specialist, a martial artist, a ‘planning’ person, and maybe one pro-bender. So 8 TOTAL, including me. They must be around the age of 20 - the Avatar Spirits being 20, having all been born on the same day as Avatar Li’s death. Try to make something interesting, and work that feeling of needing spirituality into their background. Maybe loss, or lack of hope, of ambition, or a love of history… whatever.
ASSOCIATIONS: There are many groups that still exist in the world, and you must be associated with at least one. I am not going to make a lot of existing history for these, as I prefer they develop more over time. That being said, I will post a LORE page with some background for most relevant parties. When you choose one, I would like for you to make an Associate: a person in the group with which you have some or other connection. Their role, and so on. Note that you will be ‘leaving’ this group - so you can’t be dependent on this person, but if you needed some help or information, you would first go to them. I will expand on their canon if there is interest in a faction. I don’t wanna spend too much time on something that might not be relevant. (I am open to making a custom group, but having something with a bit of history allows for it to feel more authentic. Even if it just references a group within the Canon will make it feel more authentic)
I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with. Note, there will be only eight spaces and it's not first come, first served. I will choose the best eight.
You know me, my love. I shall throw in my interest for the "Water Spirit"
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Tentatively interested and at risk of seriously overloading myself but might there also be playable spirits?
Yello, yall. I am glad that there is a bit of interest. I will be adding the CS today, and add the first of the lore. You will find a list of all the major 'organisations' and factions, as well as a small bit of detail about the Nations as separate units - I suggest you take this into consideration when making a character.

Tentatively interested and at risk of seriously overloading myself but might there also be playable spirits?

I won't be allowing you to make a spirit as a character, but I will allow you to have someone who has had intensive physical changes happen due to exposure to spirit possession. Since the spirits are such a crucial aspect of the story, I don't want to give away things that they might be privy to. Sorry, if that is a disappointment, but I do allow for a lot of other customisation. Feel free to explore
Fandom - Avatar - Shattered Spirit - Character Sheets

CHECK OUT LORE FIRST, before making a character.

Here is the link to the Character Outline. You will notice it's not just a list. More of a general outline. Spend some time and make it unique and interesting. Add what you feel you need to, but make sure the basics are there - along with the few things that are mandatory.
AT THE MOMENT, we have seven spots open. I will edit this as appropriate.
  • AVATAR SPIRIT (earth) - TAKEN - TYPE TYPE - Detective Inspector. Lengan
  • AVATAR SPIRIT (fire) - TAKEN - FireMaiden FireMaiden - Zephyra Daichi
  • AVATAR SPIRIT (water) - TAKEN - Braddington Braddington - Jin Guoshu

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TYPE TYPE Are we allowed to have more than one orginaztion listed, even if our characters weren't messecairly apart of them officially? Like, say they have family members working for Cabbage Corp, and so they have access to something if need be?
TYPE TYPE Are we allowed to have more than one orginaztion listed, even if our characters weren't messecairly apart of them officially? Like, say they have family members working for Cabbage Corp, and so they have access to something if need be?
Yeah, as long as you justify it reasonably, I see no problem with it.
cool, if you have an idea, read the Lore page and make yourself a character. PM me if you have any ideas you want to explore.
I'm also expressing tentative interest--I'd have to fully read the lore to be able to figure out what I'd want to do here
But I do think this is a really cool idea!!!
Nice. Take your time. I am gonna give everyone a few more days to get their characters in order. Then we can start this horrible mess that I was wrought.
cool. Are you also going for the waterbending spirit? Or are you making another waterbender?
Was aiming for the waterbending spirit.

Okay. Cool. Then it's a faceoff. Our first one! I will inform both you and Braddington Braddington then that, should you not get the spot - perhaps have a backup idea in the works. Not needed for everyone. Just those who intend to take a position that might have some contesting

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