Avatar: Equalist City


Lucky Laki Malakis





The Equelist have succeeded in the take over Republic city and have moved to the rest of United republic of nations and are now trying to weave their influence to other nations. The nation is now a police state with benders and benders supporter are rounded up and taken to internment camps to have their bending removed or made to work with most never been seen again. Equalist member hold a position of power while others barely stay a float. The bounty of bringing in benders is high with people accusing others left right and center either due to mere suspicion or something more sinister. Resistance movements of both probenders and anti equalist are said to exist but neither our powerful or keen to work with one and other. What of the avatar and her teams? Their current status is unknown, some think they left the county to lick their wounds and regroup while other thinks they are either captured or killed. Either way they are not in the position to help. How are you gonna survive in this new equalist world?

In terms of Equalist expansion, they have taken over Republic City and United Republic and have started movements in both earth and fire nations. The equalist movement in the earth kingdom is gaining significant headway due to political strife with the earth queen. In the fire nation the movement is small but active barely kept in check by the Fire Lord and Zuko. Only the water tribes seem free of equalist influence due to the increase spirit activity and is considered a safe haven for benders though travel there in difficult and the influx of refugees is causing issue in itself.




0. My word is second only to the moderators'.

1. Standard site rules apply

2. OOC post in OOC thread.

3. Looking for at least Three lines per post.

4. This is for fun so please no fighting here.

5. One bloodbender allowed on a first come first serve basis. On that matter, no controlling of other peoples characters unless its been agreed by the affected individual.

6. Name an avatar in your other section of the character sheet if you have read this.

Hope we have a good time here.
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