Avatar: Equalist City


Lucky Laki Malakis



Bending Discipline (If bender)





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Name: Daichi Hibiki

Age: 16



(Without the mark on his head.)

Bending Discipline: Earth

Equipment: Earth Kingdom robes.

Occupation: Student

Personality: Daichi is a dark and cynical boy. He rarely smiles and often avoids social interaction with others. Despite this, Daichi thrives on interaction with others. He treats his friends with indifference, yet he secretly cares for them greatly and would gladly give his life for them. He has a very dark sense of humour and a fixation with pain and death.

History: Daichi grew up as a happy and cheerful boy with loving parents and an older sister who, he was very close too. His life was happy and fun until the Equalists began to invade. His town was one of the first to be attacked by the Equalists as it was on the border of the Kingdom

His parents fought to give Daichi and his sister Suki time to run away. The Equalists quickly dispatched them and went after the two children. Suki was captured but Daichi managed to escape. Scared and alone, Daichi was forced to wander the land looking for someone to take him in. On his travels, Daichi learned to further perfect his bending abilities until he became a formidable earth bender with frightening powers. His cheerful personality and childhood innocence were a thing of the past.

Daichi also developed insomnia on his travels, his fear of the Equalists chasing him taking his ability to sleep away from him.

Other: Aang!
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Name: Shisui Inoue

Age: 19


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/zero__00__avatar_au_firebender_by_yakitunafish-d5jeo7l.png.e332edfac2b82fde8b9d84d0b442a190.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46804" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/zero__00__avatar_au_firebender_by_yakitunafish-d5jeo7l.png.e332edfac2b82fde8b9d84d0b442a190.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bending Discipline: Fire

Equipment: A red sleeveless outfit in which looks very similar to the clothing of the fire nation but different at the same time.

Occupation: Ex-firebending trainer, current restaurant owner.


Shisui is the definition of a fire bender. Easy to mess with, doesn't trust anybody, hates his enemies and the list goes on. Though that's at most where he keeps his personality. He actually loves all the other cultures and deeply envies the Avatar for being able to learn all four elements. He curses himself for getting the destructive element of fire. He does love it's beauty when it's contained, but hates it at any other times. He has a short temper, and when the fuse blows, he blows everything else. He isn't deathly serious though, and likes pranking and being childish at times but only if the situation deems it to be correct, or else he's a real 'stick in the mud'. He also has a cocky side when it comes to fighting enemies, and will throw taunts out at anybody not worth his time. He likes to finish battles as soon as possible to keep his opponent off his feet and to get done as quickly as possible. For a good fire bender, he will get fatigued really quickly if the fight takes longer then it should.


Shisui was born to a High General of the military, Imonda Inoue. Oh, had Shisui known what his father had planned for him, he would've never agreed to get taught by firebending masters. Shisui's mother died early in his life, hence why he does not know her very well. He has two younger sisters and an older brother, though he is currently missing from a military mission. Shisui's only wish is to become as great as both his father and brother.At a young age, Shisui had demonstrated that his power to fire bend had great potential. His ability to generate Fire Whips at a young age and control them to an extent showed his father that his son could be even greater then he was. Well respected within the ranks of the Fire Nation, Imonda went and asked the Fire Lord to help his son learn how to control his flames from masters. The Fire Lord agreed, sending a couple of well known master Fire benders to teach the boy. Years later, Shisui's ability to generate fire was at a level to match his brother, which was several years older then him. His father, extremely proud of him, went on to claim that his son could fire bend at the level of the Avatar, and after that, it wasn't long that challengers appeared at the doorstep of the General's mansion. Challengers to what? You might ask. A challenge of great respect known as 'Agni Kai'. It was there that Shisui's ability was shown, easily defeating his opponents. Though also known as having a weak moral, Tsuko always spared the life of his challenger, deeming it stupid to waste such a bender. His father, outraged at what his son did at the duels, went on to challenge him. What a duel that was, though the winner was clearly his father, having much more experience in fights.

Not long after his loss to his father the whole world was tipped upside down as the Equalists began rapidly taking over nations at every turn until they ruled it all of it. Luckily for Shisui he was already cast out of his family and their records making him and unknown person, so as the fire nation began to get attacked Shisui simple left it to fall he didn't feel the need to fight for a nation that has done nothing for him but not before stealing some rather valuable things in which the right person would buy for a fortune, with coincidentally they did. With his new found money he set up a restaurant and having being persuaded by 'rebels' against the Equalists to allow it to be a meeting place he ended up joining the rebels schemes and has became a great assent for them, but for him his restaurant comes first and then his duty towards the rebels second.

Other: Roku



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Both character are accepted but I added a few more details in the overview about the state if the world. You might need to make changes. Also bare in mind we start of in republic city and then branch out.
Name: Kikia "Kia" Juno

Age: 16


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/IMG_20150211_214456.jpg.0d5c2c287bf2085ea9020faae3bcbf63.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46837" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/IMG_20150211_214456.jpg.0d5c2c287bf2085ea9020faae3bcbf63.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bending Discipline: Fire

Equipment: she usually has on the things in the picture above

Occupation: Student (learning master fire bending)

Personality: She is nightly aggressive to strangers, enemy's and especially the Equalists. Her brave heart and strong will to survive keeps her going, but hiding her bending in public is hard for her since it comes so naturally. She can be a little over confident at times but makes up for it in skill and agility.

History: Kikia was born in the fire nation under her dad how was leader of the nations imperial army, one day he went out to fight the Equalists... But never came back. Her mom died shortly after she was born so she is currently an orphan roaming through the nations trying to find more fire benders to train with.

Other: Aang! Because he's awesome!



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My Character Sheet:

Name: Thalia T. Reuvan (Tanith)

Age: 17


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.14759232ae193f32a98209b9e11a8ab4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46805" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.14759232ae193f32a98209b9e11a8ab4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Short, straight brown hair with matching brown eyes. A slender slim body and not physically strong.

Bending Discipline : Earth (Why all the fire?)

Equipment: She used to dress green indicating her relation with her Earth gift but now dresses as above to avoid the Equalists finding out.

Occupation: Student

Personality: Thalia is a retaliating, clueless, good-natured, happy girl. She's confident, sometimes aggressive but hates regrets. She practically grins at anyone she sees except if specifically told to remain serious and mature, which she can handle.

History: She was born an only child to two Earth kingdom citizens, but they soon divorced two years after, due to the husband being uncooperative. Her mother raised her happily until the Equalists forced them into hiding. They have also been attending rebel meetings which always would bore Thalia's exciting life. Life for her now walk by, rather dragged by slowly.

Other: Korra?



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Bending Discipline: Water, healer

Equipment: Equalist uniform, teaser glove and electrical batons

Occupation:Equalist Soldier

Personality: Out of uniform he is a laidback, flirty joker who tries to get along with everyone except benders of course. However he does secretive and hard person to get to know despite a cherry disposition. In uniform, he is quite and professional just doing his job.

History:A closeted bender, hiding his bending and joining the equalist to cover himself from the rapidly expending order in the world. Son of a water tribe immigrant and republic city born water bender, he had always had an interest in water tribe culture and bending though he never puplicly been seen bending. It was a real surprise for those who knew him when he had joined the equalist after their take over having no qualms about benders in the past or any reason to, even risking disowned from his family or the life of his family himself. He never did explain his reasons with people who knew him thinking him a opportunist or a coward.

Name: Leea Xû

Age: 18


Bending Discipline: Fire bender (blue fire and lightning)

Equipment: Traditional armor from her ancestors, polarbeardog fur

Occupation: Rebel

Personality: She is kind of a lone wolf, she doesn't care about honor, and she kills for the greater good, meaning if a few people are harmed in the process she doesn't care. But she is highly religious, always praying before a mission, and always praying for the people she has killed. She never hides her bending, because of her high skill set she doesn't feel the need to. Not even when she was captured once. She is highly known as a renegade of the fire nation, and she loves having her name all over the news. She is also a very cold person, she uses sarcasm and irony to talk to people, but this is mostly because of her past.

History: Leea has not had an easy life, she was born in a village of non benders, to nonbender parents, who when she showed her first signs of bending, they tried to kill her. She managed to escape, but until she was seven she never used her powers, but one day a man highly skilled in the art of firebending found her and taught her that she should cherish her powers, for one day she might need them. Her harsh training began and when the equalist began expanding her master was captured, but the process of removing his bending was to harsh and he passed away. After this she picked up her mantle as a renegade, and slowly began to make a name of herself, until she was at the top of the list of people who needed to be put through the "purification"

Other: She has never experienced real love and does not believe in it, but someone might be able to change her mind! :D

Btw Avatar Wan
[QUOTE="Anno Bane]Name: Leea Xû
Age: 18


Bending Discipline: Fire bender (blue fire and lightning)

Equipment: Traditional armor from her ancestors, polarbeardog fur

Occupation: Rebel

Personality: She is kind of a lone wolf, she doesn't care about honor, and she kills for the greater good, meaning if a few people are harmed in the process she doesn't care. But she is highly religious, always praying before a mission, and always praying for the people she has killed. She never hides her bending, because of her high skill set she doesn't feel the need to. Not even when she was captured once. She is highly known as a renegade of the fire nation, and she loves having her name all over the news. She is also a very cold person, she uses sarcasm and irony to talk to people, but this is mostly because of her past.

History: Leea has not had an easy life, she was born in a village of non benders, to nonbender parents, who when she showed her first signs of bending, they tried to kill her. She managed to escape, but until she was seven she never used her powers, but one day a man highly skilled in the art of firebending found her and taught her that she should cherish her powers, for one day she might need them. Her harsh training began and when the equalist began expanding her master was captured, but the process of removing his bending was to harsh and he passed away. After this she picked up her mantle as a renegade, and slowly began to make a name of herself, until she was at the top of the list of people who needed to be put through the "purification"

Other: She has never experienced real love and does not believe in it, but someone might be able to change her mind! :D

Btw Avatar Wan

Can I persuade you to take a different a bending? We already have three fire.
Maybe... no it's cool I will change it to water, can I be a blood bender then? I have never not been a fire bender but I am open!
Name: Zhu Ju-Long

Age: 18

Appearance: Ju-Long comes from an Earth Kingdom family. As such, he is a sturdy brick of a person. Coming in at 5'7", Ju-Long isn't very tall, and he's very broad. From a life of martial arts training and manual labor, Ju-Long, is exceedingly muscular. He is has a large, lean face, with small features. His mouth, nose, eyes, and ears are all on the smaller side, with his mouth being a small line while his other features are only slightly smaller than what you'd expect. He has green-brown eyes, reminiscent of dark, dirty moss. He keeps his dark black hair in a very short military cut, the same length as the stubble that has started to creep down on to the sides of his face. His arms and legs are very thick, but short, with his fingers being very blocky and thick. his torso is extremely muscular and defined. He has various scars and patches of scar tissue on his arms, legs, chest and back.

Bending Discipline: Chi Blocker

Equipment: The uniform of an Equalist Lieutenant is his standard gear. His is slightly modified to fit how he fights. Seeing as he isn't as acrobatic as most of the soldiers, his uniform has a lot of the extra padding and body armour that the others lack to increase mobility. He also uses his bare hands to fight over weaponry, reserving the shock glove on his belt to subduing captives after he has beaten them. His uniform includes a full face helmet, slightly better looking than the standard soldier ones, to remind everyone he is a lieutenant. Other than that, Ju-Long uses standard equipment for a member of the Equalist army.

Occupation: Equalist Lieutenant

Personality: A brisk fellow, Ju-long is a fairly easy going person with many friends who is well liked by most people he meets, though you wouldn't know from his business face. When on the job, Ju-long is strict and fairly unemotional. He is logical and fair. With him you know what you're going to get. He plays strictly by the books. This changes when in contact with a bender. He despises benders with a passion, and becomes cruel when near one. He has a particular hatred for Earth Benders. Earth Benders send Ju-Long into a rage. In a similar fashion, when Amon is around, Ju-long is devoted to him. Ju-long worships Amon and everything he stands for.

History: The Zhu family is a well-known family of Earth Benders. They hold a very high-ranking among the elite in the Earth Kingdom, with many members holding positions in the government and positions in the army. Almost every member of the family could bend, with those who couldn't generally being shunned or disowned. Ju-long was no exception. His father was the patriarchal leader of the family, so having his first son turn out to be a non-bender was devastating. He was kept out of sight for most of his life, living more among the servants than among his family. He practiced the family martial arts, hoping to make his father proud even without bending. He had to fight Earth Benders who were using the martial art with their bending. They had no sympathy for Ju-long, so his body is scared from all the beatings he took while learning. When his twin sisters were born, he was completely ignored, proving that he would never get the recognition he desperately needed. When they proved to both be benders, he was actually set to servant's work, doing manual labor. A few years later, another sister was born and, like Ju-long, she ended up having no bending. Days after that revelation, she disappeared, and was never spoken of again. That's when Ju-long realized his true position. He ended up almost following his sister when his parents gave birth to an earth bending son. No longer needed as a back up plan, Ju-long slipped out that night, narrowly missing the men his father had sent to take him away and do god knows what to him. He escaped to Republic city where he scraped by doing odd jobs. He ended up in an underground fighting ring trying to make money to survive. There he was pit against benders to see who would win. The crowd loved his ability to get past the bender's attacks and take them down completely. The sheer ferocity and skill he showed attracted the attention of Amon. In Amon Ju-long found everything he had wanted from his father. He dedicated himself to Amon and the Equalists, and quickly rose through their ranks. There he was taught to use chi blocking, as he was already good at fighting against benders.

Other: Ju-Long's fighting style is a mixed bag. He knows an earth bending martial art and chi blocking, but doesn't have all the components to use them. He has neither earth bending or acrobatic ability, so he mashed the two styles together to make something uniquely his. He has to get up close to use chi blocking and he can't dodge everything, so he uses the defensive martial art to ram his way through the bending attacks. between his naturally tempered body and his armour, he can stand most bending attacks with ease, slipping through and using his stubby fingers to punch through their pressure points and lock them down. Basically a sturdier, less agile, no fan version of the Kyoshi warriors.
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Hey. Think I can change my sheet a little? I'm seeing a lot of fire so I thought I'd switch to Earth for a bit of diversity.
Hey can i just ask if it's ok if I don't change it because now someone has changed theirs, and then i can make a waterbender male?
Name: Galen Gurnenai

Age 13


Bending disipline: Air and he has the ability to take the oxigen from people

Equipment: traditioal air monk robe.

Occupation:Air nomad

Personality: He doesen't like all the peace thingy of the nomads and probably he is the only one that likes fun stuff he hates to recive orders and he has avery good control of his powers, when he gets anoyed he gets really mad and sometimes he eve skip his trainingn when he is mad.

History:He was the only child of an Air jnoman and a water tribe woman his parents were killed by some fire nation renegades and he wents to the north air temple and follow thw steps of his father but then he realized thet the tnomads were his new family and he always tries to forget the death of his parents.

other: Rioku!

so I'M IN?

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