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Fandom Avatar: A Change In Pace

The Regal Rper

Mad Scientist
Characters, Welcome.

Here you will create your character, but before you do so there are rules that you must follow. Make sure you read Rules before continuing to create your character.

They go accordingly:






Type: Non-Bender, Bender, Spirit?








Weapons (Optional)
Content (Anything else you want to add can be put here)
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Gender: Female



Daughter of a republic city triad boss and mechanic to the gang, raised in crime all her life. Her father was almost always working on his criminal activities so was mostly raised by her mother but spend alot of time with his fathers gang becoming a sort of little sister and eventually den mother to all the men there. During that time, she learned from them fire bending and found a keen interest in mechanical things like cars and walkers. However a brewing gang war threatens to change all that.

Being one of the few women in a gang of often violent criminals, does not make a soft woman as even her fathers authority doesnt protect her always. She she is tough, crass and snarky and rarely shows any sign of weakness or doubt and usually appears as laidback and fun-loving. She is caring and protective to those close to her willing to do anything to her and if something would happen to them will effect her deeply.

Type: Bender


Skills: Mechanic, cooking

Bending: Firebending, lightning redirection

Salvaged Electrical Kali sticks from equalist uprising though ware and tear meant they had a limited electrical charge.
Content (Anything else you want to add can be put here)
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  • Akazami

    Nickname: Da

    Alias: "Nosy Brat"- Korra

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Name: Kaia Seiken (Pernounced: KIE-yuh (first name) SAY-ken)
(Kaia is not very tall; standing at about 5' 6", she is very thin and not to curvacious, but isn't shaped like a board either, she has semi-long black hair which is somewhat wavy, pail skin, a thin nose, golden eyes, and pale pink lips)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/superthumb.jpg.f1a47fef16e3b07cf82edf8e3c04d855.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125209" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/superthumb.jpg.f1a47fef16e3b07cf82edf8e3c04d855.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Kaia was born into a very poor family, one day, when she was 4, the neighbors in their run-down apartment complex set fire, which then set fire to their apartment, which, as a result, ended up killing her family, but she escaped having been small enough at the time to crawl from the debris, she escaped the flaming building after climbing out of the rubble by crawling down the tree that stood next to the apartment that somehow hadn't caught fire yet. She was 3 when she learned she could firebend, her father, who was also a firebender, taught her for a year before he died in the apartment fire. She lived on the streets for the next year, scrapping for anything she could find, even becoming a message carrier for one of the triad groups in Republic City, anything for enough money to buy a meal.

After Harmonic Convergence, when Kaia was 5 she found a place to live umong the spirit vines, but was soon found by Tenzin and Korra while they were looking around in the spirit vines, they found her running out of the spirit vines with a message in her hands, as she still ran messages for a triad group. They followed her and eventually caught her. When they found out what she had to do for a living and found out she was homeless so they took her back to Air Temple Island, where they explained her story to the rest of the new Team Avatar and Mako, having been down that path before, and knowing it wasn't the best path to go down, took her in to show her a better life. Mako raised her the best he could (though he was never very good with children) and taught her how to firebend like a real pro-bender, Mako also often had to take her to the police station with him, having been unable to find a sitter, it was there where she found her strong sense of justice, she was a well behaved child and often knew the things she shouldn't for a child her age. When Mako was forced to bring Kaia home on several occasions when it was required (mainly because of a big case or when Mako had to practically babysit Prince Wu) he had Bolin watch her, which he thought wasn't the best idea considering Bolin was as childish as Kaia. Kaia loved her uncle Bolin babysitting her though because he wasn't as stressed as her father. She was home-schooled by Jinora up until Kaia was 12.

When Kaia turned 13, her adoptive father had gained enough money to send her to a prestigious academy in the fire nation. She learned many things, such as traditional fire-bending and even got to meet general Iroh and Fire-lord Zuko in person. Her and Mako kept in touch through sending thousands of letters back and forth to each other. When she turned 18, she graduated and lived in the Fire-nation for the next year, now that she is 19, she has returned back to Republic City and is excited to reunite with her adoptive father once again.
Kaia is very well behaved, has great manners has a tendency to talk alot. She hates being disrespected, and has a certain moxie to her that causes her to be determined and passionate. Kaia is also very stubborn and has a slight temper. But she is also very calm and polite to most, she loves being around people, but because of an incident that happened to her during her time in the fire nation, has become very self concious and almost untrusting to most, especially men she doesn't know.
abilities and weapons
Abilities: she is extremely flexible (being about as flexible as Tai Lee) as well as fast, and has mastered her element, even being able to conduct and redirect lightning. She is also extremely skilled with the violin and the piano, having learned a bit from her birth mother and learning to master those instruments in the Fire Nation.

Weaknesses: Though she is flexible and fast, she can not dodge every attack that comes her way, and her small frame makes her seemingly more delicate than most, as she bruises or gets injured easier than most. Though she can conduct lightning like her adoptive father, she has a little trouble trusting her own self not to electrocute her while redirecting lightning, so she often doesn't do it. Though she is self concious, which makes her more aware of her surroundings so she knows what's going on, her self conciousness caused her to develop insecuriority complexes, which, in turn, causes her to become a bit sensitive about remarks to her appearance.

Weapons: none.
She has an extreme fear of thunderstorms, she's had such a ludicrous (at least she thinks it's ludicrous) fear her entire life. She also gets quite queezy when around blood, upon seeing enough blood, she does pass out.

no slide



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Aine Eveleen






104 lbs

?Hair Color?


?Eye Color?


?Full Name?

Aine Eveleen








June 15th



Aine's personality greatly reflects on one of the stereotypical waterbender, which could be a reason why Aine had always believed that she should've been a waterbender. Aine is often portrayed as a kind individual, determined to help the people she cares about. She's quite sociable, being good at talking to others, and convincing her way in or out of things. This doesn't exactly make her spontaneous or full of jokes and banter however, and she rarely would participate and the aforementioned actions. When "in the mood", Aine can be seen as a very chipper and happy person, with a sense of childhood innocence still within her.

When it's necessary, Aine can be an extremely hard-working person. This is evident when she completely changed her character in the matter of a year into an excellent student and bender with the help of her friend Edlyn. Aine often finds it hard to get the drive to do tasks, but when she does, Aine is determined to succeed no matter what. This is what dragged her to a high status in pro-bending, and in the police force. Other, than the help of her partner Edlyn of course. When she doesn't find her drive however, Aine can be a depressing person.

Without motivation, Aine's skills can be seen to drop almost overnight, and she's shown as a very somber and serious person. This could be a fuel for her efficiency when she does have motivation, not wanting to be reduced into a weakling again.



For the entirety of Aine's life, she always believed that she should've been a waterbender. Though the world obviously said otherwise.

Aine was born from two firebenders within Republic city, so it was quite obvious how Aine would turn out. During the time of Harmonic Convergence, Aine was at the age of two and obviously didn't remember a thing from the event. Supposedly, the event caused completely normal people to become airbenders, something Aine had trouble believing. It was only when someone other than her parents told her what happened, when she began to take the facts as truth.

From an early age, Aine had an extremely hard time firebending. In class, everyone was able to shoot fireballs and do all these fire-kicks, but all Aine could do was shoot flames the size of a golf ball. She obviously felt quite depressed by this, and believed that she'll never encounter the drive to become a good firebender. This went on for quite some time, and her parents even started to pay massive sums of money to have all these various tutors to come and help her. None of these professionals managed to help Aine's predicament, and even her parents gave up on Aine's firebending skills. At this point, Aine was transferred from a firebending academy into a normal school to receive normal education. It was only when she met her polar opposite, when she found her drive.

Her name was Edlyn, and she was the top of the class. She was a badass in combat to Aine's feebleness. She was the Albert Einstein to Aine's incompetence. And she was the extrovert to Aine's introvert. The odds of them even acknowledging each other was night impossible, but somehow they became best friends. Edlyn recognized Aine's trouble with doing just about anything, and she took it upon herself to change her. Initially, Aine refused. Stating that she could figure out everything by herself. But Edlyn kept annoying her each and every day, until Aine gave up and took up Edlyn's help.

Edlyn helped Aine with just about anything. Combat, studies, and communication were some of the things that Edlyn helped with. Looking back, her help helped Aine far more than any tutor would. By the age of 15, Edlyn believed that she had taught Aine enough and halted her teachings. By the end of the lessons, Aine was still mediocre at combat, though she become a skilled firebender, talker, and had an inept mind. Wanting to catch up to Edlyn gave Aine a reason to even try with anything, it gave her the drive to firebend. At some point, Aine had even figured out how to generate lightning, though she rarely using this for personal safety and inexperience. Edlyn, judging all of this, came to a conclusion. They were going to try out pro-bending.

For the first couple matches, Edlyn carried to duo into victory. Her waterbending prowess proved successful to any opponent, and they were quickly moving up the ranks. Aine soon followed, putting her firebending knowledge into the mix. The duo became quite successful during their short career, with pro-bending being an excellent source of money after they chose to live together. But Edlyn still wasn't satisfied with the adrenaline pro-bending was giving her, and she wanted something that would put her life on the line. Thus, the duo joined the police force.

Their careers as cops were almost as successful as their short run in pro-bending. Within a year, the duo became detectives solving all these crimes and defeating minor gangs. Everyone seemed to go to the two when they needed help, which in turn gave them more cash and something to occupy their time with so they didn't complain. Aine was at near full potential, and she felt powerful. It was only when the police force took away her only friend, when she was reduced to the weakling she was before. Edlyn was moved to assist the citizens of the Northern Water Tribe with various disappearances, and they refused to send Aine due to previous tension between waterbenders and firebenders during the 100 years war. With her partner gone, Aine left the police force and lost the reason to firebend. With her drive gone, Aine could barely firebend again, and stopped trying. Until, she was approached by Future Industries.

Recognizing her potential during her pro-bending and cop career, the company hired her as an operative. It was very much the same as when Aine was in the police force. But this time, Aine only took out the villains only threatening Future Industries. To compensate for her missing companion, Aine was given a state-of-the-art of electrified glove and body armour. By herself however, Aine has shown to never be as good as when she was with Edlyn. This, obviously worked against her and she only went against the "small targets".

It took a little while of getting used to solo-work, but Aine finally found herself in a comfortable position to go back to the police force. Working two jobs at the same time, she began focusing on her policing career again. Starting from square one once again, Aine struggled to take back the position she was in before, and is still struggling now.



?Bending Type?

- Firebending

- Lightning generation (basic)


- First aid

- Hand-to-hand combat

- Persuasion

- Above-average level intellect

- Acrobatics (basic)

- Weaponry (basic)

- Mechanics (basic)


- Electrified glove


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Seung Seo Jin

Call her Seo (pronounced see-oh) though.
In a kingdom of proud and stubborn people Seo was raised the same way. Born to a small sandbender tribe in the Si Wong Desert, Seo spent her childhood learning the art of earthbending and the secrets of sandbending. She was not the only earthbender child in her tribe and so she was taught the skills alongside her peers. Of her group she was not the best but she was not the worst either. As the years went on Seo became determined to find a life outside of the Si Wong Desert. As much as she loved her tribe and her family she felt that there was somewhere else she should be. So when she turned eighteen she said her goodbyes to her tribe and family and disembarked from her home territory.
Like the earth, Seo is tough and unbending. Like her people she stands her ground and fights for what she believes in. When problems arise Seo rushes into them head on to protect the people she cares about. She prefers defensive moves to offensive ones but she's also not one to run away from a fight. She's very stubborn and it can be hard to dissuade her from something once she's made her mind. Whether you want it or not she'll tell things like they are. Having a bad hair day? She'll probably point it out to you. She doesn't mean to offend anyone but having grown up with people who are like her means that she might not have the best people skills.
Abilities and Weapons


  • Can perform beginner to advanced earthbending moves however she cannot perform master bender moves.


  • Has the ability to bend sand naturally and easily, a skill that may be more difficult to earthbenders that do not live in the desert.


  • If a waterbender is present than Seo can work with the waterbender to bend mud.


  • Navigation
  • Hand to hand combat
  • Physical strength
  • Public speaking


  • When she's not in contact with the earth she's weaker and easier to take down. Like her idol, Toph, she goes everywhere with bare feet.
  • Water. When the ground becomes too wet she requires a waterbender to help.

(I didn't draw the picture. YukiHyo of DeviantArt drew the picture.)

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  • Name: ???

    Alias: Harbringer

    • Masked Stranger (According to radio)
    • Roaming Spirit (In the underground works where criminal activity is at its peak)
    • Messenger (Zaheer)
    • Descender


    Age:??? (Rumors pass through that he/she maybe in their late 30s or late 20s but as far as all leads have lead no one really knows)

    : A mystery (some that have had the chance of meeting Harbringer assume male due to his physique. Others assume female due to the figure, but since no one has ever heard its real voice before no one truly knows.)

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"A guy without goals always achieves them."

Born in Ba Sing Se to one of the poorer families, Irik struggled. By the time he could reach pockets, Irik had began stealing coin from anyone who happened to wander into his district with too much of a bulge in their purse. From there, Irik got involved in a street gang known as the obsidian blade. He dealt in more delicate aspects of the trade like coercion and bribery. After working with the Obsidian Blade for a year, he got bored, robbed them blind, and left Ba Sing Se, never returning. Irik quickly advanced from organized crime to merc work (since the coin was good) at 16 where he honed his Earthbending. Irik worked catching bandits, guarding jewels, and even doing a few rescues. After travelling the Earth Kingdom for two years, he had picked up a few fun (and sneaky) tricks. Still, mercenary work was slowing down and Irik still needed to pay the bills so he headed to Republic City to find some work.
Irik certainly isn't a bad guy. He wouldn't be opposed to everybody holding hands and singing Kumbaya, but Irik knows that's not how the world works. If you want something, somebody else had to lose something. He tends to rationalize it by taking the more morally righteous route. In this case, that means stealing from those with a heavier wallet. He's generally suspicious of anyone with authority, but unless they make a move against him (or someone pays him) there won't be an issue. Irik's wanderlust is one of his central traits, pushing him to keep on the move and seek adventure. Overall, Irik is a rebel without a cause. With a proper push, he could be fighting the good fight with all his ability.
Abilities & Weapons
-Combative Earthbending

-A stolen obsidian sword he's able to Earthbend

-Loves both bears and cats

-Never tried chocolate
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Basic Information



Alex Midarana









Hair Color


Eye Color


More Information



Growing up as a Fire Bender she had always been a hot-tempered female, as she gets irritaited easily, and lash out on people and her friends quite often. However she sometimes show little respect to her teachers when training to become a chi-blocker, and later on adapting as a fire bending skills she had a thing against air benders as she doesn't like or care for them or their kind.

She doesn't display much of her emotions and tends to hide them because of personal feelings and how she really feels, and takes on an annoying, and angery side of her.


Alex Midarana was born in republic city though raised by fire benders such as her mother, and father. When she was little she couldn't decide what she wanted to become, her father on the other hand wanted her to choose the path of a fire bender as she did have fire bending skills but, needed enough training to master in that feild. When she got older she sighned up for the pro-bending league, and become the few youngest to enter.

She was highly skilled in fire-bending as she started her pro-bending career's entering the finals two times in a row, becoming one of the best in the Republic City, soon after he two rewards she had still kept herself attempting to become better. She still had some flaws, and issue's on, and off the arena, and her trainer also father wanted her to take a break from pro-bending, and continue when she meets these terms.

One day her parents was attacked by a secret orginization who are known for stealing ones ability from bending for who knows how long, as she was being confronted almost having her abilities taken away an offer was made, as they wanted her to join there group and change history.​



Bending Skills

She is still a well trained fire bending despite from almost having her powers taken, she still wanted to learn how to bend lighting as lighting bending was part of the fire-bending technique.


Alex is highly acrobatic due to her height and weight, as she can slip through, and perform sweet combos, and or techniques with or without bending. She is quite sneaky, and stealthy when she wants to be, and also a great chi-blocker.


She's not much of a good strategist, and always go straight to the action instead of thinking of a plan and go with the flow instead of becoming careless, and reckless.


After joining the orginization became quite an impressive swordswoman as she weilds a katana once in awhile, though she favors in her taijutsu and has a distaste in weapons if her opponent is not weilding one his/herself​

More Below
Lao Shi

Gender: Male

Appearance: Lao is a pale-skinned young man that is about 6' tall. His hair is short and black, and his eyes are grey and always crinkled, a sign of Lao's everlasting smile. He is slender, almost scrawny. His legs and feet are always moving, whether Lao is walking, listening to music, or just moving his feet up and down out of habit.

Lao is usually shirtless, unless there is an occasion that calls for everyone to wear one. No matter the occasion, though, Lao will always wear his poofy green shorts and old geta sandals.

Bio: Lao was born in Republic City to a relatively successful earthbending family. As a result, Lao had a pretty nice life, excelling in his school classes and practicing his earthbending with his father. With his father, Lao was able to form precise structures with earth by the time he was 10.

When he was 16, he was offered a position on a construction site as a landscaper and mason. Lao loved the work, because when the buildings were finished, Lao could sit on top of them and admire the beauty of Republic City in its entirety. He is currently enjoying life to its fullest, always looking out to the brightest side of things.​

Lao is almost always smiling, whether he's staring out at Republic City while sitting on top of a building, or if he's just enjoying a bowl of noodles with his friends. It would be unusual for Lao to not be smiling.

Lao has generally been described as easygoing by everyone who has met him, and he would agree. His nature has led him into more than his fair share of sticky situations, but he could usually talk his way out of a lot of them. When push came to shove, though, Lao could hold his own with the best of them.
As an Earthbender, Lao is able to bend rock into any shape he pleases, as is customary with any basic earthbender. He's used this to his advantage in his career in construction, building smooth walls and the like. However, this does not mean Lao is not combat-worthy. Using ultra-precise bending, a skill he learned from his father, Lao can make any weapon he desires. He usually opts for blunt weapons, like staffs or clubs.

Weapons (Optional)
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@The Regal Rper

Mizu & Shui


: 18 (Twins)

Gender : Female

Sexuality : Bisexual (more inclined to romance a male than a female)


: 18 (Twins)

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Bisexual (more inclined to romance a male than a female)


Mizu and Shui were born in an unnamed village in the Southern Water Tribe, one close to Harbor City. They were the youngest two, with Shui being youngest, of five kids of the Village chief, who was one of the best water benders known to the Southern Tribe.


As a child, Mizu noticed how hard-working and responsible her family members were. Her father handled everyday business as a Chief and as a man with a family. Her mother did the cooking, housework, and sewing, etc. Her older brothers did the hunting and protecting of the village and her family. Her only sister babysat her and her younger brother. As Mizu got older, she took this to heart and began working as well.

She was the jack of all trades. Because she was mature for her age, she helped her father with his work giving him insight on what she thought he should do. She helped her mother and older sister with babysitting, cooking, etc, etc. She helped her older brothers find food for the village. Throughout all of this, she constantly became a better water bender, although when it came to Brain vs Brawn, Brain always prevailed for her.


As a child, Shui didn't have many responsibilities, as everything was taken care of for him. Because of this he was more outgoing and carefree than Mizu. While she worked, which she didn't mind, he went out and played with other kids.

Shui, prevailed in combat. As a child, he was naturally a better water bender, martial artist, weapon wielder, etc, etc than his sister. He spent every second of his day that he could training to get better. Because of this he excelled in athletics more-so. As they say, in Brain vs. Brawn, he has more Brawn.

Soon they received scholarships, Mizu on an academic scholarship and Shui on a sport scholarship to the most prestigious school in the Southern Tribe, one located in Harbor City. During this time, both Mizu and Shui both got better in the skills they lacked. Mizu trained and became stronger and more athletic while Shui studied more and became smarter, although their twin was always better in their field.

One sport inside of the school was a junior version of Pro Bending. Shui convinced Mizu to sign up with him and soon in the junior league, they were an unstoppable team. Because of this they were scouted out and given scholarships to a prestigious high school in Republic City. Finishing their schooling a year ago, they began to start pro bending as a profession


Mizu is really an introvert at heart but she has a way with words that people can't help be friends with her. She has always and still is mature for her age and is very responsible. Combat wise, she is better at making plans and finding weaknesses than she is doing actual fighting, although she is okay at it as well. Despite being bisexual, Mizu sometimes comes off as asexual because she usually keeps love at the very back off her thoughts. She is normally more likely to romance a male than a female, however she is not against giving a female a shot if she likes them.

Shui is an extrovert through and through. He loves making friends and meeting new people. While he sister is mature, he is always a little too foolish for someone his age and always has been. Combat-wise, he is better at punching and guarding than strategizing, just listening and waiting for his sister to make plans most of the time, although he is okay at it. When he interacts with people, specifically girls, he may seem as if he's flirting sometimes even when he's not. he is more likely to romance a male than a female, however he is not against giving a female a shot if he likes them.


Type : Bender

Both Mizu and Shui are water benders.

Mizu is smart/intelligent and a good strategizer.*

Shui is strong, athletic, acrobatic, and he has practice wielding swords and weapons.*

* Although, they have more skills, this is what they do better than most but not all people*


(They don't know this yet, but I hope for them to find out somehow later in the RP)Unfortunately, once they left for Republic City, their home village was hit by a tsunami, killing their family.

Mizu and Shui both have their own pet wolf. Mizu's is white, Shui's is Black. They had them since they were kids.

Despite how they look in the picture, the wolves are each not very big. Both are not longer than a foot and aren't very tall.



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Character Sheet

  • Name: Noah Shizukana

    Gender: Male

    Age: 20

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Appearance: Noah is a rather skinny person. This is even further emphasized with his taller height. Noah is 5 feet 11 inches but only 129 pounds. His hair is a dark brown of longer length; it goes down to a few inches above his shoulders. Noah's eyes are a dark blue and has fair/light skin color. Typically, Noah in a plain white shirt with long, draped sleeves. Over it, he wears a simple dark blue tunic with light blue trim. Moreover, Noah wears long, light brown, slightly baggy pants. This outfit allows Noah to water bend comfortably and it is modest, Noah's preferred style of fashion. An amulet containing spirit water is worn around Noah's neck, which he reserves for emergency.

"Well there's my weekly quota... a little more blood then preferred, but still an easy clean up."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Kamui.(Gin.Tama).600.1867477.jpg.af7185e53b3e6d74997a0accc8be4423.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133475" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Kamui.(Gin.Tama).600.1867477.jpg.af7185e53b3e6d74997a0accc8be4423.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Xia Gana






It's been thought for a while now, that when the devil takes human form, he takes Xia's body. Known as things such as "blood soaked monster" and "the demon among demons" Xia has a lot to live up to. One would be horrified to know that he lives up to these names quite well. Xia is a fighter, but not for the reasons one would think. While most fight for freedom, some fight for there country and others for things like money... Xia kills for necessity. He will kill for reasons as simple as someone being drunk and stepping on his toe. Something to keep in mind, Xia does not like fighting, he likes killing. To Xia, killing is as natural and necessary as breathing. Xia is one to reval in a good challenge. A fearless soul that knows nothing of backing down. He is known for a other worldly persistence, being able to bounce back from anything until his goal is complete. This in combination with his pride makes Xia a tough flame to snuff out.

The killing machine hides a soul. Somewhere in that mess of a human, Xia, exists a boy with a world not based on killing. Xia is kind, and that is an aspect that not too many people see. One would be surprised to know that Xia lives by a pretty strong, if not flexible, moral code. He does not kill the defenseless, most woman, all children and the injured. He will not strike an opponent on the ground. If an opponent is at an disadvantage then Xia will handicap himself to make it a fair fight.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Kamui.(Gin.Tama).600.2006316.jpg.300c4cda04b012d4902cc38af8ea19ab.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133474" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Kamui.(Gin.Tama).600.2006316.jpg.300c4cda04b012d4902cc38af8ea19ab.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Abilities: non bender

Demon style, flesh rending palm: A style of fighting that Xia has developed over the years after many, many killings. Focusing on quick decisive attacks and making every hit one that can kill. In battle Xia holds nothing back, fighting with the intent to kill, forcing his opponent to fight with the same vigor less they bite the dust. He is able to render parts of the body useless by use of both pressure points or just breaking the bone flat out. Part of his fighting style is that Xia has an incredible pain resistance. He is able to push his body to limits that normal people could not usually. However pushing the limits of his body can result in drastic repercussions. Ones such as causing a limb to stop working or in worse cases, breaking his own bones after forcing his body well past it's limits.

Even without pushing himself past his limits, Xia is an extremely skilled fighter. Being able to take on benders without too much worry. However he usually takes care of benders relying on a few extra toys.

Master domestic worker: There is only one thing that Xia is better at then combat, and that is household work. In no nation can you find a man better equipped to handle cooking, cleaning, washing, fixing, sewing, loving, building, and the list goes on and on and on. Known as the "Speed knitter" back home Xia has the ability to knit a par of mittens in only two hours. Able to create full five course meals in under three hours and limited money and only a moments notice! As well as the best lover in all the lands.


The bender killer set: Being a killer for hire, one with a specialty for taking out benders, Xia is well equipped for the job. Xia possesses many small and large toys that he uses in an intense battle. Toys ranging from explosive to sharp but all serving the same purpose. To kill, of course.


Xia wasn't always a gut tearing, intestine smashing, skull crushing maniac. In fact, Xia used to be the exact opposite. Raised as a well mannered noble, Xia never could have known the life he knew now. For a long time this was Xia's life, a life of luxury and comfort and plenty of shiny things. For as nice as it was, it didn't last too long. By the age of ten Xia was captured by a band of thieves. Stolen from his old life and thrown into a new, dirtier, life as a child sold on the market.

Forced to suffer a fate worse then death, Xia's existence soon became a game of life and death. Xia was thrown into a pit and forced to fight other young nobles. They were forced to fight, and not stop until one was left standing. Xia hated every second of it. He would kill, anywhere from once a week to twice a day. What started as first nobles fighting other nobles sooner or later just became a slaughter feast were all kids were forced to contend. As much as Xia hated killing, he hated dying even more. So, Xia killed for the entertainment of various people. This went on for years.

Some time in those many years of killing day after day, Xia found himself enjoying it. Maybe after the twenty-seventh skull crush, Xia began to see the appeal. After the fifty-fifth, Xia began to see the necessity.



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Name Arrow VonKor

Age 16

Sexuality straight

Biography Arrow lived with very strict parents everyday they would train and if there not training Arrow is doing his homework he could go outside the house for groceries, and school he would always be angry about these rules but found earth bending stress relieving so he often practiced on november 30 12:42 AM he snuck out, and ran away to start a life of his own

Personality Rude,serious,ruthless

his Height 5"6 weight 139

Abilities he can form a ball like rock amd throw it, he can make a earth walls surround himself, when he touches the ground under someones feet the ground turns to quick sand,

Weapons (Optional) he has thorns under his wrist

Extra he stopped bending at 14 so he is pretty rusty.
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Celia Corva






Gender: Female



Personality: Feels as though she must protect the ones that can bend. A friendly person until you set her off.



Skills: An assassin and an almost master smither. Very aglie that it seems as though she uses Airbending and gets mistaken for one a lot, though she is not. Her family is in touch with the spirit world.

Carreening slice- A large range attack that sends a large slice wave that goes for her enemy.

Earth Slice- Although having no bending, Celia is able to slice out a chunk of earth with her swords and kick it to send it flying towards the direction of the kick.

Sword Summon- Due to the swords being linked to her family by blood, Celia is able to summon the swords to her hands if they are thrown from her hands.

Fighting Style Dragon Arts- The way her family has faught for generations. It is a way that combines every nations bending styles to represent the elemental dragons. NOT ACTUALLY USING DRAGONS!!! USES THE BENDING FORMS TO FIGHT WITHOUT BENDING!!

Eyes of the Spirits- Due to her family being connected to the spirits, she is able to connect to the spirit world but only her mind is able to. This causes her to be able to bring her spirit dragon into her body to fight. Although powerful, this causes her to faint after using it. This is only used in rare occassions

Weapons: Two bending swords. A bending sword is crafted by an avatar that is of an element that is their choice. The blades were a family heirloom from one of her ancestors being an avatar. They are crafted from Metal Bending, causing them to be stronger than normal blades. Only those that are kin to the smith that made them may wield them.


Extra: Her brother was an earthbender that was killed because of his talent.











Bo'Lin is always wearing a suit, his tattoos always concealed, and his long hair being dressed into a bun to make him look more professional. No one knows about his tattoos, keeping his true identity a secret.


Bo'Lin is like the bigger brother of the whole group. He is very kind, his compassion for peace and the safety of everyone fueling his kind personality. Bo'Lin's big brother like attitude makes him a go to for almost any type of advice.

Of course, every saint has a secret. Bo'Lin keeps his background a secret from everyone, Tenzin being the only one who knows about the true origin of Bo'Lin.


Bo'Lin was born in a secluded area, his mother and father two nomads, who were from the Western Air Temple. His mother was a spirit bender, and her communication with the spirits was one of the strongest. Of course, the couple was chased by several cults who wanted the mother and her child for their spiritual powers. His father, one of the best air benders at the time, fought to protect the two. However, at the young age of 1, his parents gave the child to Ten'zin and his family, who swore to protect the child. Before the child left, however, the mother tearfully embraced her child, before saying her last words.

"Bo'Lin, I am so sorry. I can't believe that I won't be there with you. I.... I'm such a terrible mother... I'm so sorry.. Your father and I, we love you so much. You're going to become a handsome young man, and I know that I can trust you. I know you will become such a kind soul. Please be kind to Ten'zin, and always brush your teeth! Goodbye Bo'Lin. We love you so much."

With those parting words, Bo'Lin's parents quickly left, traveling as far away as they could, to distract the cults. Bo'Lin was raised um the Air Temples, taught how to air bend to a master level, his spirit bending easily at an expert's level. Bo'Lin was kept as a secret, his identity being known to no one, except Ten'zin. Bo'Lin became a politician, striving for peace between the four civilizations. However, his true origin was kept as a secret, as he knew that the four nations would be angered if they knew a bender was their leader. However, Bo'Lin is on a very successful route, his campaign growing at a fast rate. He is known to everyone as a peaceful, Civil Rights leader, striving to bring the four nations back together, united under a peaceful democracy.


Bo'Lin is a master air bender, being on the level of Ten'Zin, his air bending similar to his father; quick, powerful movements.

Bo'Lin is efficient with his spirit bending, allowing himself to incorporate it into his air bending. His spirit bending allows him to easily connect to the spirit world and draw power from there, strengthening his attacks. The tattoos covering his chest all the way down to his legs glow whenever he uses his spirit bending, which he has to keep covered up to not make his bending obvious.

However, he keeps this all a secret, not known to to the public or even the Avatar finding group that he is an air bender, or a spirit bender.

Bo'Lin is very flexible and athletic, allowing to quickly maneuver around, being light footed and fast.

Bo'Lin is a master of Tai chi and Taekwondo, two martial arts he learned from skilled fighters in the Western Air Temple.

He is able to use his spirit bending to not be affected by others bending, making him a competitive and powerful foe against blood benders. However, he is only able to keep this up for a small window of time, which is about two minutes.


(even though I saw that almost no one has this, I'm going to put it in to be a good sport.)

Bo'Lin uses his air bending to have a powerful defense and offense, but once someone finally closes the gap and hits him, he is a glass cannon, and it will affect him.


Bo'Lin does not use a weapon.



His suit that he is most commonly seen in.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/tmp_19216-24c4954edb04c3409650bb9a1c32b69c1055455356.jpg.727e3d6652813e42ad7fc8dbcfac6c16.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148664" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/tmp_19216-24c4954edb04c3409650bb9a1c32b69c1055455356.jpg.727e3d6652813e42ad7fc8dbcfac6c16.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Zhen Kanuku

Age: 20

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 177

Personality: While naturally cold and calculating, Zhen is very passionate and loyal. He is slow to anger and usually has a smile on his face. Also, he is a bit of a daredevil and tends to take the dangerous, unpredictable path over the one of least resistance.

Biography: Born of a Northern Water Tribe nobleman, Zhen Kanuku actually had a great upbringing. Not only was his family one of the wealthiest and connected of his people, but he was an only child and in line to inherit it all.

Tragically however the fates conspired against such a happy ending and instead opted for horrific tragedy as Zhen's entire family perished in a freak shipwreck just off of Ember Island in Hanzai Bay. The cause of the wreck was never determined and theirs, nor any of the other 742 souls' remains were ever recovered and a very young Zhen, -the last of his bloodline, was stranded on Ember Island which has been uninhabited since its volcanoes violently erupted during Sozin's Comets last pass.

For years Zhen spent his time fishing, communing with nature, just trying to survive, and utterly mastering Water Bending. When a passing airship finally spotted him building a fire at night on the beach though he was rescued and ever since he has simply opted to travel the world at the expense of his massive inheritance. He enjoys reading, learning about new cultures, sparring with other Benders, and meeting new people.

Abilities: Zhen Kanuku is a shockingly skilled Water Bender that never let's up. Borderline merciless, he ends up wearing down his opponents that are too strong outright. He is very intelligent but doesn't put it on display.

Weapons: Zhen does not carry any weapons, ever. He does however have a pet turtleduck that follows him EVERYWHERE.

Extras: The turtleduck's name is Kio.

@The Regal Rper

@Mina<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/tmp_16459-24c4954edb04c3409650bb9a1c32b69c1055455356.jpg.e2a8dd6dd2a08f2532ef9c488dd8f286.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148663" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/tmp_16459-24c4954edb04c3409650bb9a1c32b69c1055455356.jpg.e2a8dd6dd2a08f2532ef9c488dd8f286.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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