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Fantasy Avalos Academy CS (old, do not post)



Caught in a storm
Occupation: Teacher/Staff or Student+Grade (Fr,So,Jr,Sr)
Magic Classification: (Abjuration, Conjuration, Alteration, Destruction, Illusion, Necromancy + whatever specific type of mage they are)
Unique Spells: (Up to 12 unless teacher, teachers don't have a limit, but please don't give me an endless list to have to read)
Relationships: (Optional)
Sexuality: (Optional)
Name: Emily Cait
Occupation: Principal of Avalos Academy
Age: 32
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Magic Classification: Astromancer, Destruction
Unique Spells:
Biography: Not much is known of Emily's origin. According to her, she studied as a student once at Avalos. She is well known throughout the world as an expert on Dragons and is a former commander in the empire. She has since taken up the position of Principal within Avalos.
Personality: Emily is quite a benevolent principal. She is quite professional and efficient and is quite helpful. She can be abit tough on people, and prefers to shield others from information they don't need to know.
Relationships: N/A
Likes: Fighting, Research, Reading in her office, Taking care of dragons.
Sexuality: N/A
Weapons/Outfits/Equipment: Emily is often wearing her usual attire of astromancer's clothes with a principal badge.
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Name: Lena Cross
Occupation: Student, Sophomore
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Lena is incredibly beautiful. A fact often hidden by her reclusiveness and constantly wearing a hood.
Magic Classification: Necromancy, Bloodmage
Unique Spells:
Blood Siphon: by injuring her opponent, Lena can siphon some of their blood, increasing her power and healing some of her injuries. The amount depends on the amount of injury she causes to her opponent.
Bloody Mary: By injuring herself, Lena can temporally go into a state of greatly increased power, this however is shortlived and requires her to hurt herself
Bleeding Edge: Lena can strike her opponent with incredible power, causing them great injury which can potential leave them weakened.
Blood Minion: by using some of her or somebody else's blood, she can summon minions made out of blood.
Blood Weapon: Lena can form weapons out of her own blood. This causes damage to herself as a cost.
Wrath of The Blood Queen: Lena summons a powerful destructive wave of Red Energy which causes mass destruction in a 10m radius, this leaves her greatly weakened afterwords, meaning she can't use it often.
Blood Eyes: Lena locks her eyes with her opponent causing them to hallucinate with fear
Blood Salve: By taking the blood of another individual, lena can cause that individual to be bolstered for a short period, causing them to gain strength.
Blood Fog: Lena can cause a small area to become covered with red smoke.
Blood Duplicate: Lena can create up to 2 clones of herself that are weaker than her.
Shadow Travel: Lena can turn herself into a shadow and move through walls, although doing this causes her to get tired.
Shadow Stab: By placing blood over a shadow, she can cause injury to that person.

Biography: Hailing from Varsteed. Lena grew up in the Cross Family, a noble famiily that owned their own estate until an attack from monsters caused her family to retreat after the attack destroyed the mansion. As the only survivor of the family, lena was left with nothing and ended up spending much of her life in the Slums of Varsteed. At a young age however she discovered her affinity for Blood Magic after getting into a fight with a gang of thugs. From then Lena made a name for herself in the criminal underworld. However news of her reached the other Bloodmages who came to her one day and kidnapped her, raising her in the Community of Bloodmages. Lena excelled in the Community and even was known to be a prodigy and was eventually recommended for Avalos where she attends today.
Lena is quite mysterious. She tends to prefer to study rather than commence in battle, despite being quite powerful. She is dedicated to studying ancient magic in order to become the most powerful bloodmage to ever exist. She tends to be abit of a information or deal broker in Avalos, as people often come for her abilities for help with various problems. Lena is quite manipulative and is unconcerned with others, often appearing to even friends on her own terms. Lena is quite reclusive and tends to dislike hanging around people she considers stupid. She can be quite mean and calculating and isn't easily fazed.

Relationships: (Optional)
Likes: Blood Magic, Reading, Experimentation with magic
Idiots, People who waste time
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Weapons/Outfits/Equipment: Lena is almost always seen wearing her standard outfit with her hood covering her head. She refuses to take her hood off. She often uses knives or swords.

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Name: Karl Ustrinus
Occupation: Student, Sophomore
Age: 16
Gender: Male

Magic Classification: Destruction, Ignis Mage

Unique Spells:
Draw Flame: Karl draws in the energy of surrounding flames, allowing him to store it within himself to use in other spells.

Flaming Hide: Drawing on his stored energy Karl surrounds himself with enchanted fire which engulfs all who touch it far quicker than normal fire.

Flaming Line: By drawing on his energy stores, Karl can summon a thin pillar of enchanted fire, this spell ranges from being used a torch to cutting a battefield in two .

Infernal Steel: Karl can temporarily cover his weapons in fire but this is draining due to the fire not directly touching him.

Wings of the Phoenix: More of an extension of flaming hide, this spell allows karl to nearly fully become fire, giving him the ability of flight, however he is not able to maintain this state for long and he is vulnerable to water based attacks when using it.

Biography: Karl comes from a long line of wizard knights known as the Urstinii. Their type of magic is rare in the empire due to the storage of elemental magic within oneself being incredibly unstable. Karl is currently the only heir of the Urstinii and because of this he has been placed under a lot of pressure, being made to train for most of his life. Over the course of his time at Avalos Karl has worked on honing his magical abilities, supplementing them through physical and educational discipline.
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Name: Sicarius Knightwalker

Occupation: Dueling Teacher

Age: 25

Gender: Male


Magic Classification: Alteration, Spell Blade

Unique Spells: (Up to 12 unless teacher, teachers don't have a limit, but please don't give me an endless list to have to read)
  • True Swordsman: This awakens his physical abilities, senses, and swordplay to supernatural levels of speed, power, and skill. He becomes able to cut things that cannot normally be cut such as elements, magic, and energy.
  • Instant Duration: He becomes able to move in instantaneous bursts of speed. However the exhaustion is still the same as if he sprinted or ran the distance therefore it’s not viable for long range teleportation. The skill is however still perfect use for in combat.
  • Vorpal Vibration: This creates a series of micro blades upon his sword. This turns the blade into a high frequency vibration blade. This not only enhances the efficacy of the blade but allows it saw into things with prolonged contact. With each strike the blade weakens the particle bonds of its target whether its physical armor or a magical barrier.
  • Deny Projectile: A technique which reflects or redirects projectile attacks that he parried with his sword. It only works on ranged attacks.
  • Phantom Sheath: He draws his sword and slashes which leaves blue after image trails of his slashes. When he sheathed his blade the blue afterimages slash again. For example, he parried the strikes of another swordsman and then that swordsman pressures his attack by stepping into a the blue slash trail. Once he sheathed his blade the swordsman will then be cut in two if he is in the after image.
  • Sheath Burst: Upon sheathing his blade an omnidirectional shockwave is unleashed. The severity depends on how fast and hard sheathes his sword. Cannot be used with Phantom Sheath.
  • Dual Stance: He turns the sheath into a second sword in order to dual wield both blades.
  • Potential Unleash: By assuming a stance in which he readies for a quick draw he charges his blade with energy. He releases that stored energy in powerful strike when he finally performs the quick draw. This can be blended with Deny Projectile to return attacks stronger and faster than what was sent at him.
  • Concurrent Slash: He becomes capable of unleashing not one but a barrage of slashes upon performing an quick draw. He perceived it as simple a point in time in which he is able to unleash more strikes with speed and power of a quick draw. Others perceive it as quite literally a set of simultaneous strikes.
  • Emit Slash: This enhancement allows to him create slash projections. It doesn’t extend his blade but extends the range of his cuts to cut things at a distance. This can be blended with other spells except Deny Projectile.
  • Undrawn Blade: This cannot be used in dual stance. He cannot allow his blade to fully leave the sheath. He absorbs energy from blocking attacks without unsheathing completely. As for projectile or ranged attacks that are elements or energy they can be absorbed. The spell in released when he finally draws his blade and unleashed all the stored power.
Biography: Sicarius comes from a Wizard Knight bloodline in Mysterrios. They’re family name comes from the old days before things like surnames were even a thing. His family has been in practice of being Wizard Knights for a long time. Much of his family are pet of the security forces for Mysterrios. Another portion are in its military. The smallest portion end up in research or otherwise. Sicarius is apart of that small fraction of the family. He is an alumni of Avalon’s Academy having attended less than a decade ago. He underwent primary teaching with the Knightwalker family before his attendance. He emerged a different man from the academy from when he went in.

He only spent a couple year in the Mysterrios military before he found he lacked passion and would never have it to be there. Instead his wishes to teach and applied to return to Avalos as an instructor. It was at Avalos that he truly found his calling not just in teaching but in mentoring and ensuring the safety of the schools as well as its occupants. He took up a secondary role looking after the school’s security measures wary of individuals who would try and act against the academy. Even though he isn’t that old he found himself enjoying mentoring students to greatnes

Personality: Sicarius sees himself as an open minded individual. He is proud of his family history but accepted he would be different from most of his bloodline. He harbors no shame or ill will from his decision making. He sees himself as just as much a swordsman as a magic user, both always went hand in hand for him. As a teacher, he can be tough but it’s for the good of his students. He enjoys his job as teaching and enjoys mentoring even more. He loves Avalos Academy and what it does for the world. He’ll protect the academy with his very life.

Relationships: TBD

Likes: Teaching, Training, Mentoring

Dislikes: Stagnation, Predictability

Sexuality: Heterosexual

  • He wears a variety of outfits
  • His sword the katana Reiki, is blade forged not with fire but lightning by a magic weapon smith in service to his family. The sword is made to withstand the strain of his magic and to not break under normal circumstances. In the event of damage the sword simply requires magic energy in order to repair itself, however the severity increases the time it would require to heal.

Extra: He’s not into dating underage women.
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Name: Alderosera Nocturne Lockhart
Occupation: Student, Freshman
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Magic Classification: Alteration, Enchanted Weapon User
Unique Spells:

Soul Refrain- Nocturne: A Spell that uses the Aether in the Enchanted Weapon, "Nocturne" to Amplify the Speed of his attacks by over 5 times.

Soul Release- Ambrosia Synesthesia: A Spell that uses the Aether in the Enchanted Weapon. "Nocturne" to Release his Soul from the pores in his skin as an Aura around his body to defend him.


A young man born without any Aether into a family of Magicians. Both of his parents disowned him shortly after he was born due to his not being able to become a Magician like they were, however his Grandfather, who was a Legendary Magician that was summoned from another world that didn't have magic at all, saw fit not to give up on the Newborn, and took him in raising him from a young age to handle one-handed swords. So from the age of one, when he could pick up a wooden sword fit for his size, his grandfather trained him in the Art of the Sword, as well as Proper Etiquette from his Grandfather's home world of Earth. Years passed and when Alderosera was old enough to understand it, his grandfather told him about why his parents left him behind, and that he would never be able to use magic himself. Driven by a want to become the World's Greatest Magician, he strove to prove his parents wrong, and continued his swordsmanship training. By the time he was fourteen years old, he had mastered the basics of the art of the Sword that originated from Earth. With nothing more to teach him, his grandfather gave him a Sword imbued with Aether, a sword that would let Alderosera use his Soul and life force as a means to enhance his swordplay. The following year his Grandfather enrolled him into Avalos Academy and tasked him with learning and mastering everything the school had to offer.

Due to his being raised by a Summoned Earthling, Alderosera has a keen sense of etiquette, and an even greater sense of justice. He remains calm and collected at all times, but when threatened he assumes a focused and relaxed persona. He is what some from Earth would call a "Too Good to Be True" person.


Training, and being in Situations with Impossible Odds.


People who hurt others for no reason.

Sexuality: Straight

Wields the Enchanted Sword "Nocturne" and wears A blood red cloak, and white long sleeve shirt with brown linen pants. Wears black shoes.

Extra: None.

Felix Steamwinn

Appearance: Felix has a lean build and sturdy legs from running and climbing. His eyes are a green-hazel color filled with intense focus (when not laughing). His eyes are covered by a thick mop of golden hair. He dresses in mainly light armor to allow for better movement.

Magic Classification: Alteration Archer
Unique Spells: (Up to 12 unless teacher, teachers don't have a limit, but please don't give me an endless list to have to read)

xMark Arrow: when firing an arrow bolt, this spell causes the arrow to fly to a direct target envisioned by the user. This spell has no range limit, but the caster must use aether to clearly envision target before casting.
Control Beast: ability to temporarily influence a beast. Alex hasn't managed to get them to attack however, they only seem to cuddle him. "I'm working on it..."
Alter matter: changes the state of matter in a 6ft radius in front of the caster. this spell can turn items into solid, liquid or gas the user envisions. This is effective against other conjuration magic. Does not work on wands, staffs or sycths.
Alteration Ward: a protective spell encasing the caster in a bubble of protection.
Become ethereal: Allows Felix's body to temporarily enter another plane of existence, he is still able to hear and see but cannot communicate otherwise the spell will be broken. He is unable to attack while in this state.
Aether Bow: alters Felix's enchanted bow with aether energy, allowing for an extremely powerful fast strike.
Quickly: temporarily boosts speed.

Biography: Since the age of 2 Felix has been haggling and running from the royal guard through the streets of Polliniver. His mother, Sera, fell in love with a nomadic merchant Beau. Beau was a jack-of-all-trades man but he was most skilled in magical weaponry. Famous for his enchanted crossbows, he would travel alone with only a horse and a cart filled with trinkets, weapons, all sorts of odds and ends. Felix would often miss his father, but for the short times he stayed in Polliniver, they were the best memories he's ever had. Felix learned how to craft weapons and his father taught him a few tricky enchanting spells. Felix's mother was happy when Beau was there but heartbroken when he left, leaving Felix to his own devices. Felix has tried his best to always be happy for mother, but only sometimes he would succeed. As he grew up he took to selling his little creations in the streets but never made more than few coins. Beau was never to be seen after Felix's 5th birthday. Since then Felix has tried his best to keep his mother and his little sister, Ferreh fed and happy. He loves his sister and mother so when his letter for Avalos came, they cried adamantly for him not to go. But for Felix, it was no option. He was going to Avalos to make himself stronger and finally go after his father again.

Personality: Felix is seldom seen without a smile. He aims to keep those around him happy and laughing. He is a bit childish with his natural curiosity, naivety, and stubbornness. Felix is used to not having a lot and is always humble. He never turns away food and a chance to know someone deeper. He is impulsive at times due to his childish nature and will sometimes pick fights he's not always capable of finishing. He tends to push people away from his own life in attempts to make others happy however he is deadly loyal to those he loves and his friends.

Relationships: --

Likes: good food, running, getting lost somewhere

Dislikes: disloyalty, taking medicine, anything in school that's too hard for him

Sexuality: ??

Weapons/Outfits/Equipment: a well-made crossbow with magical enchantments and runes painted into the metal. the designs are intricate and mimic those of alteration magic. They glow a deep yellow color. A pouch, street clothes, boots, a spring, two crystals, a socket wrench

Extra: he has s bluebird friend :)

Hyuuna Minha

Student, Sophomore



Magic Classification

Unique Spells

Ifrit (Hell Fire)
Summons Ifrit, The Flame Demon. It's signature move fires off a stream of flames.

Shiva (Diamond Dust)
Summons Shiva, The Ice Queen. It's signature move releases a cold breeze that can freeze anything.

Ramuh (Judgment Bolt)
Summons Ramuh, The Lightning Sage. It's signature move casts down a powerful lightning bolt.

Titan (Gaia's Wrath)
Summons Titan, The Land Juggernaut. It's signature move stomps the ground to cause an earthquake.

Alexander (Divine Judgement)
Summons Alexander, The Ancient Weapon. It's signature move fires a beam of light, but requires time to charge.

Odin (Zantetsuken)
Summons Odin, The Legendary Knight. It's signature move dashes into the enemies and strikes them down with a single slash.

Bahamut (Mega Flare)
Summons Bahamut, The Dragon King. It's signature move fires a breath of strong energy.

Leviathan (Tidal Wave)
Summons Leviathan, The Sea Lord. It's signature move calls forth a huge tidal wave.

Phoenix (Flames of Rebirth)
Summons Phoenix, The Eternal Bird. It's signature move flies around and drops embers that can revive and heal anyone.

Carbuncle (Ruby Light)
Summons Carbuncle, The Jeweled Beast. It's signature move casts a protective magical barrier against all types of attacks, except ones within the anti-magic category.

Garuda (Aerial Blast)
Summons Garuda, The High Flyer. It's signature move fires off gusts of air.

Magus Sisters (Delta Attack)
Summons Magus Sisters, The Warrior Sisterhood. It's signature move attacks enemies on all directions.

Hyuuna grew up on a farm on the outskirts of Daegos. Her parents are not magicians as they both lack magical potential. For most of her childhood, she had been tending to farm animals, managing and harvesting crops, and lift heavy loads of resources which would be brought into Daegos itself to sell. Everything was simple that time until she turned 13, where she learned that she has magical potential when she first summoned a young Shiva. Her parents were afraid at first, but then comes to accept that their daughter is destined to be a magician than a regular farmer. After time went on, Hyuuna received a latter from Avalos. She was having doubts at first, but changed her mind when her parents encourages her to hone her summoning abilities. And thus, her journey to becoming a full fledged magician begins.

Hyuuna is known to have a very energetic personality. She is frequently seen having a bright smile on her face. She's optimistic and friendly, kind and polite, and humble. However, she is also hot-blooded and isn't up to date with the latest technology. She prefers to listen to her guts than her head, though she isn't at the average level of an idiot. She'll have a hard time adjusting to the etiquette of the big city.

Friendship, food, animals, fights, children

Bullies, studying, anyone who hurts her loved ones


In regards to weaponry, she possesses none, preferring to fight with her "self-made" martial arts. She normally wears light clothing and prefers to wear slippers. She carries a bag that has her pouch full of money, a canteen, some extra clothing, and for some strange reason, a jar full of pig slop.

Hyuuna possesses a "realistically" superhuman strength stemming from her time of lifting up heavy loads. This level of strength can allow her to lift up ridiculous heavy objects and bend steel with her bare hands.​
Name: Nyla Drin

Occupation: Student, Sophmore

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: Long black hair down to the middle of her back. Peculiar purple eyes that seemingly look through people at times. Nyla wears clothing nearly as black as her hair, often accented with either a deep shade of red or gold somewhere. It isn't uncommon to see a book dangling from the belt at her hip, often carrying around something to read. Nyla stands around five feet, three inches when standing straight.

Magic Classification: Illusion, Shadowmancer

Unique Spells:

Manifest Darkness - An area around Nyla becomes pitch black for those within its confines. Nyla has trained within this darkness to hone her own eyesight, becoming capable to see within most of it.

Shadow Whip - Nyla uses her own shadow as a weapon, lashing it out at foes. Typically she will try to trip someone up and set up for another spell.

Shadow Dart - Nyla breaks a piece of her shadow off, hurling it from a safe distance at an opponent. The dark dart can even pierce an opponent's shaddow in an attempt to bind them in place.

Shadow Takeover - Nyla bends the will of another person's shadow, using it to strike out with various attacks at its owner.

Nightmare - Nyla manifests the darkness or shadows around her to create terrifying looking beasts within them. The size varies based on what she has to work with around her. Nyla often combines this with her shadow attacks to make the monsters feel real.

Shadowmeld - Turning into the shadows herself, Nyla can sneak around undetected as long as there are shadows she can move to. If she moves into an area that no shadow exists, anyone will see a random shadow moving along the ground until she makes contact with another shadow and blends in with it. This also allows her to squeeze into tight spaces and get around obstacles, even if her shadow is visible.

Biography: Born in Vengefall to two doting parents who insisted on teaching her themselves, Nyla never got the chance to interact much with the outside world. She was often caught in attempts to sneak out if the house to find a friend to talk to. However, when she would make it out she would find herself unable to bring up the courage to talk to anyone and sneak her way back home. At a young age she started to show a knack for messing with shadows. Nylander started with small parlor tricks here and there. She would use the shadows as small extensions of herself, moving objects closer to her, to someone else, even getting to the point she could pick them up and dangling them in midair! When she showed incredible prowess from a young age, her parents gave in and insisted she attend Avalos High when she was of age. Nyla was both excited and terrified at the prospect. It finally gave her a chance to interact with someone besides her family, but to her it was scary all the same. Without having met many people outside of her family members, she wasn't sure how she would last at Avalos. It was so bad for her, that she skipped her freshman year at Avalos and pleaded with her parents to attend a normal school before going to train her magic. They reluctantly would agree, giving Nyla a chance to see what other people are like. Her entire freshman year she was quiet, and barely spoke to anyone. She sat alone on breaks, and read quietly to herself. It wasn't until a group of three people introduced themselves to her that she finally spoke to someone besides the teachers. Not sure what to say or do, Nyla gave them her name and assumed they would leave if she went back to reading. They didn't, taking a seat with the Shadowmancer and talking amongst one another and even trying to involve Nyla. She didn't seem to participate all that much, but soon found herself seeking the group out on breaks to sit with them. She enjoyed their company, despite not saying much herself. As time went on she would talk more, and eventually told them she was planning on transferring to Avalos, and showed them some of her magical abilities. Within the small group she became popular and rumors of her magic spread around school. With the news out, the faculty of the school spoke with Nyla's parents and pushed to get her transferred sooner to Avalos. By that time the end of the year was so close that they needed to wait. When the break between years came, Nyla was upset that she couldn't speak with her friends, unsure of where they even were. It wasn't until she started getting letters from the one day that she started beaming and immediately wrote back to her handful of friends. She would let them know when she was going to Avalos, and promised to write to them still, excited and nervous at the same time. They encouraged her, and told her to speak up some when she was there! Before long Nyla would be starting at Avalos High, starting over again, knowing no one.

Personality: Nyla is a shy individual in general. However, she is often interested in sitting in with groups, or even pairs of people and just listening to what they have to say. She won't interject herself into any conversation, but may answer a question or two if she is asked. Once she warms up to someone or to a group, she can be a bit more talkative and engaging. She wants to make friends and meet new people, but is clearly socially awkward when it comes to the whole thing.

Relationships: None

Likes: Reading, stargazing, listening to arguments/debates.

Dislikes: Yelling, Summer, bugs.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Weapons/Outfits/Equipment: Nyla doesn't carry around any weapons currently, but likely wouldn't be opposed to picking one up if it helped her out. She often has a book on her hip that will change our every few days to a different book. Her outfits are mostly similar but do change based on the seasons, she just likes the color as it matches her hair, and accents her eyes.

Extra: None
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  • Annabelle Domitrovich
    Nickname(s): Anna, Belle
    Age: Fifteen
    Gender: Female
    Orientation: Homosexual


    At 5'3 and 112lbs, Anna is the definition of 'petite'. She dresses in a girly, classical fashion, enjoying ties and button-up shirts as much as bows and ballet flats.
    Kind, caring, and generous, Annabelle is a good soul, through and through. She can be a little timid and self-effacing, and tends to lack self-confidence, but she will always listen to other people's troubles and offer to help with their problems. She's serious and dedicated, both in her classes and her duties for the Student Council.
    Everything cute (clothes, animals, plushies...)
    People who are mean or rude, coffee


    Junior student & Student Council secretary

    Annabelle's mother is a Vengefall councilmember and her father is a thief. Though her parents were very much in love, it didn't exactly look good for her mother's political career to have that kind of an association and, convinced to do so by her overly conservative mother, she gave the baby up to be raised by her father. Annabelle has a great relationship with her Dad- he taught her how to sneak and steal, but also about right and wrong, helping others, and how to be independant. Though a career criminal, he's not exactly a bad person, adhering to a Robin Hood-like code of values and principles, and the two are very close.

    Once the political climate in the city changed and relaxed a little, and Annabelle's mother had established her own influence, free from her mother's views and opinions, she offered to take Annabelle in. It was a tough decision to make, but she recognized the opportunities that she would have in this new situation, and was determined to make the most of it. She attended prestigious schools with the finest instructors, and became determined that, one day, she would make something great of herself and help people- just like her parents did.

    A school trip to Daegos showed her the wonders of a city in balance with itself and the world around it, and she vowed that she would one day bring that balance and harmony back to Vengefall with her. She was accepted at Avalos for high school and has been a model and diligent student since, joining the Student Council in her sophomore year. She is as determined as ever to lead by example and accomplish her goals, lofty though they may be.



    Magic Classification:
    Abjuration (cleric). Annabelle's specialty is support, and buffs in particular- lending her teammates strength, protection, courage... She's also able to conjure shields and protective domes. In addition to combat, she's also learning healing magic, but it's more complicated than the other stuff so it's a bit of a slow process.

    Unique Spells:
    Tonic Ray (gives an energy boost)
    Calming Ray (helps to relax)
    Centering Ray (helps to focus)
    Kinetic Ray (makes you faster)
    Empowering Ray (makes you stronger)
    Enlightening Ray (makes you smarter)
    Amplifying Ray (enhances magical ability)
    Lengthening Ray (extends magical ability)
    Replenishing Ray (recharges magical ability)
    Essential Shield (stops blows/projectiles)
    Aetherial Shield (stops magical attacks)
    Spiritual Shield (stops spectral attacks)

    She carries an Enchanter-made staff to help her control & augment her powers, and a pendant protection talisman.
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Hyuuna Minha

Student, Sophomore



Magic Classification

Unique Spells

Ifrit (Hell Fire)
Summons Ifrit, The Flame Demon. It's signature move fires off a stream of flames.

Shiva (Diamond Dust)
Summons Shiva, The Ice Queen. It's signature move releases a cold breeze that can freeze anything.

Ramuh (Judgment Bolt)
Summons Ramuh, The Lightning Sage. It's signature move casts down a powerful lightning bolt.

Titan (Gaia's Wrath)
Summons Titan, The Land Juggernaut. It's signature move stomps the ground to cause an earthquake.

Alexander (Divine Judgement)
Summons Alexander, The Ancient Weapon. It's signature move fires a beam of light, but requires time to charge.

Odin (Zantetsuken)
Summons Odin, The Legendary Knight. It's signature move dashes into the enemies and strikes them down with a single slash.

Bahamut (Mega Flare)
Summons Bahamut, The Dragon King. It's signature move fires a breath of strong energy.

Leviathan (Tidal Wave)
Summons Leviathan, The Sea Lord. It's signature move calls forth a huge tidal wave.

Phoenix (Flames of Rebirth)
Summons Phoenix, The Eternal Bird. It's signature move flies around and drops embers that can revive and heal anyone.

Carbuncle (Ruby Light)
Summons Carbuncle, The Jeweled Beast. It's signature move casts a protective magical barrier against all types of attacks, except ones within the anti-magic category.

Garuda (Aerial Blast)
Summons Garuda, The High Flyer. It's signature move fires off gusts of air.

Magus Sisters (Delta Attack)
Summons Magus Sisters, The Warrior Sisterhood. It's signature move attacks enemies on all directions.

Hyuuna grew up on a farm on the outskirts of Daegos. Her parents are not magicians as they both lack magical potential. For most of her childhood, she had been tending to farm animals, managing and harvesting crops, and lift heavy loads of resources which would be brought into Daegos itself to sell. Everything was simple that time until she turned 13, where she learned that she has magical potential when she first summoned a young Shiva. Her parents were afraid at first, but then comes to accept that their daughter is destined to be a magician than a regular farmer. After time went on, Hyuuna received a latter from Avalos. She was having doubts at first, but changed her mind when her parents encourages her to hone her summoning abilities. And thus, her journey to becoming a full fledged magician begins.

Hyuuna is known to have a very energetic personality. She is frequently seen having a bright smile on her face. She's optimistic and friendly, kind and polite, and humble. However, she is also hot-blooded and isn't up to date with the latest technology. She prefers to listen to her guts than her head, though she isn't at the average level of an idiot. She'll have a hard time adjusting to the etiquette of the big city.

Friendship, food, animals, fights, children

Bullies, studying, anyone who hurts her loved ones


In regards to weaponry, she possesses none, preferring to fight with her "self-made" martial arts. She normally wears light clothing and prefers to wear slippers. She carries a bag that has her pouch full of money, a canteen, some extra clothing, and for some strange reason, a jar full of pig slop.

Hyuuna possesses a "realistically" superhuman strength stemming from her time of lifting up heavy loads. This level of strength can allow her to lift up ridiculous heavy objects and bend steel with her bare hands.​
how exactly do her summons work? It would probably be too OP for her to have a bunch of summons out at once. Do they have only their signature moves? Also I don't know if a magical barrier that simply blocks all magic is really fair.
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Bellonna Rorschach

Occupation | Student, Sophmore

Age | 16

Gender | Female

Appearance | Standing at roughly five feet, Bellonna Rorschach has ruby red hair reaching her mid-back, it is quite thick at the ends. Her eyes a are soft, yet precarious cinnamon-brown, with a slight slant to them. Her complexion is a smooth light tan, marks of battle are nearly fading on different parts of her skin.

Magic Classification | Destruction, Chaos Mage [Subclass for Sorcerer]

Unique Spells | (Up to 12 unless teacher, teachers don't have a limit, but please don't give me an endless list to have to read)

Biography | Bellonna comes from an honorable family of magic knights, the sworn protectors of Varsteed. They are revered and hold noble positions in society, protecting it all the same. Her mother, Titania Rorschach-Dumont is the First Commander in the military, it is said that within her family bloodline were dragons. Married to Titania is Jaeson Dumont, her father who comes from a respectable, noble-rank knight household--although lacking in magic, they embody valor

Living a comfortable life up until around ten years old. This is when Bellonna was old enough to take advantage of this time to train her mind and body for the greatest endeavor she thought she would face at the time--getting into Avalos Academy once she came of age. Her mother had attended and graduated with flying colors, she felt the greatest pressure once she realized that she too, had to achieve this

Personality | Bellonna is the girl with the warrior’s spirit. She has the guile of a hardened soldier which fuels her tendency to take on burdens larger than oneself, Bellonna fears to lose her lionheartedness one day and not being able to live up to the expectations of those she respects. She is stoic, socially inept, but of a gentle soul. Bellonna has great respect for her mother and she also resents her, having a burning desire to pave her own, unique path

Relationships | TBA

Likes | Raspberry Cake, Reasonable Battles

Dislikes | Needless Quarrels, Swimming

Sexuality | Heterosexual

Weapons/Outfits/Equipment | Wields an Obsidian Bladed Jian Sword [strayed from her mother's use of the dao saber| Classy Prep Style, Favors the Color Scarlet | Chainmail [one spell she knows which can change her clothes instantaneously into a specific thing]

Extra | Bellonna will eat raspberry cake before a long, premeditated battle. If she doesn't get to train at five o'clock sharp, her entire day is ruined. She fears not being able to have the courage to overcome future difficult tasks and she often feels the burden of having to live up to expectations that don't exist, in her mind if she can't live up to them then she's nothing. One thing no one knows about Bellonna is that she is hydrophobic
I don't want to bother but you haven't listed any magic spells yet. If you're not finished then don't mind this.
Name: Kizaro Madare
Occupation: Teacher/Staff or Student+Grade (Fr,So,Jr,Sr) Teacher: Monsterology
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Magic Classification:
Unique Spells:

Personality: Kizaro is quite a elegant and perfected individual. She tends to be quite posh and self centered.
Relationships: (Optional)
Sexuality: (Optional)
how exactly do her summons work? It would probably be too OP for her to have a bunch of summons out at once. Do they have only their signature moves? Also I don't know if a magical barrier that simply blocks all magic is really fair.
Hyuuna can only summon one at a time, just for them to use their signature move, like how the summoning works in Final Fantasy. As for the latter question, it all depends on how strong the kind of magic is. Let's say fire magic, the barrier can withstand the magical flames if said flames are weak to average. A very strong pyromancer may overpower the barrier to the point of shattering. Meaning to say, while the barrier is powerful, it cannot withstand very strong versions of the most common magic, even her summons' signature moves.
Hyuuna can only summon one at a time, just for them to use their signature move, like how the summoning works in Final Fantasy. As for the latter question, it all depends on how strong the kind of magic is. Let's say fire magic, the barrier can withstand the magical flames if said flames are weak to average. A very strong pyromancer may overpower the barrier to the point of shattering. Meaning to say, while the barrier is powerful, it cannot withstand very strong versions of the most common magic, even her summons' signature moves.
In that case I approve.
Name: Lucian Gray
Occupation: Teacher/Staff or Student+Grade (Fr,So,Jr,Sr) Student, Sophomore
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Magic Classification: Soundmage, Illusion
Unique Spells:
Echo-location: Lucian sends vibrations through the environment in order to map out the location and people in it. Works for up to a 10m radius
Shockwave: Lucian can create shockwaves in specific directions to send opponents flying backwards.
Vibrofrequency: Lucian can vibrate his hands in order to cut through objects like a sword.
Screech: Lucian can scream visibly as soundwaves cause pain to eardrums and objects like glass to shatter.
Flying Banshee: Using soundwaves generated from his hands, Lucian can levitate himself and fly in a controlled manner

Biography: Lucian was raised in a candy shop in Vengefall. He spent much of his time having a normal life and attending school while helping his parents run the shop. Both his parents could tell from an early age that lucian was quite different from others and this was only confirmed when he discovered his magical talents at the age of 7. He began to enjoy his newfound powers, often to his own benefit, as none of his family had ever possessed any magic. He grew quite adept at being able to manipulate sound waves to the point where he was eventually heard of and invited to Avalos. To his own great joy he had never heard that a specialized magic school existed, and after some convincing he managed to get his parents onboard with the idea. He arrived at Avalos and to his delight many interesting students were attending along with him.
Lucian is quite catty. He often likes to mess with others and make others question themselves. You could say he likes to cause mischief. He often twists people's words and causes rumors to occur. People tend to be wary of him due to his unpredictable nature and the fact nobody knows why he does the things he tends to do. He often pops in at random intervals, being quite hard to keep track of. He can also be flirty with girls.
Relationships: (Optional)
Likes: Candy, Horses, Messing with people
Dislikes: Dragons, Water, Getting dirty.
Sexuality: (Optional)
Weapons/Outfits/Equipment: Lucian often wears normal clothing, preferring not to wear any specific clothing to designate a type of magic.

Emilia Viola

16, Sophomore


Emilia is tall for a girl, standing at 5' 10. She is a bit thin with neither defining muscles or curves. She keeps her hair well brushed and either down in theory classes or tied up in more practical classes.

Magic Classification:
Abjuration, White Mage

Unique Spells:
Flower's Envy: Emilia creates a large assortment of pink blooming flowers in a 15m diameter around her person. These flowers exude energy, and create a boundary for people to slowly regain energy and heal wounds. This spell does not discriminate friend or foe.
Viola's Ballad: A temporary 'relief' of injury, this spell can rewrite the past and return an object or person to a previous state of being. This rewrite loses effect after 10 minutes, and the target returns to their current state.

Dreaming Essence: Emilia create a small field of 1m around a point she can see and create a storm of petals. This causes a large feeling of drowsiness that can be shaken off, but so long as the spell is in effect and the target is already sleeping, they will stay asleep.

Emilia comes from Mysterrios of the Empire. Her family has long had an upstanding reputation due to their prowess as battlefield healers. Their unique family spell, "Viola's Ballad" has saved many a life. As such, Emilia enjoyed a posh and noble upbringing. She had no such lofty ambitions such as breaking from the family or staking claim to some new land, but she did understand the responsibility of the Viola name. Currently she is in competition with her two other siblings for the title of "heir," thus her motivation to attend the academy.
During her first year Emilia was rude, self-centered, and entitled. It was not until run ins with several other promising freshmen that she slowly came into a more (but not fully) humble state of mind.
Currently Emilia focuses on spells that can alter the state of allies and enemies rather than deal damage outright. Her favorite classes are any involving theory, as she excels in paper based academia. She has lofty aspirations to end her years at the academy as the president of the student council to strengthen her claim as family head.

Emilia tends be self-centered, cold, and entitled. She works on these traits, especially after realizing she was not the most capable at the academy, but struggles nonetheless. She can be impatient towards those who are lazy, but respects those who work hard. Emilia never fails to bring up her family's reputation and standing, and prides herself on it.


Long respected families. Desserts. Herbology.

The lazy. Her older and younger sibling. Destruction magic.


Weapons/Outfits/Equipment: WIP



Reina Calvane

Student Council, Senior



Often dressed in baggy warm clothing, Reina stands around 5 feet and 8 inches tall, with a slightly pudgy build, though it is hard to tell with her choice of clothing. Her hair is dyed a light white, nearly silver color and she always eagerly looks at everyone with her green hued irises.

Magic Classification:
Destruction and Alteration, Frost Magus

Unique Spells:

Frost Reclamation - Reina makes difficult terrain for her opponents around her. She freezes the ground and any liquid in a thirty foot radius around her, chilling the air and dripping the temperature immediately.

Ice Shape - Reina take premade ice and manipulates the shape of it. What she can create depends on how much ice she has. To make something intricate in design it also takes her more time to shape.

Glacial Cascade - Using a stream of icicles, Reina pushes her opponent away, leaving ice in a wave in front of her. The sharp pieces of ice risk puncturing her opponent, as well as pushing them into further hazards.

Ice Lattice - Reina command's small lines of ice with her finger tips. Each strand can move separately, extending from her fingers to pierce objects and potentially envelop a target.

Ice Shield - Reina can produce a quick shield of ice in a pinch for herself or a nearby ally. The shield is crudely made in haste most of the time, and struggles against blunt force or flames.

Cold Snap - Reina designates an area of ice and detonates it into shards. The shards can potentially pierce opponents, or objects, or potentially just to open routes between her ice.

Frost Cleave - Imbuing her sword with magic, Reina can slice through ice like it was butter and cleanly come out the other end.

Ice Waves - Reina charges her sword with her ice magic, before slashing at an enemy. Each attack for a few moments impacts with a burst of frost. Reina can focus the attack further to hurl a chunk of ice from the end of her sword.

Ice Breaker - Reina shatters all ice within a ten foot radius of her, creating small piercing pieces of ice. She can then manipulate the ice like needles, striking with precision.

The Calvane's are a prominent member of the magic community. For many years they have held various positions of power within Turtegos over the years. A Calvane can learn to cast spells before they can walk is a common hearing that follows whenever someone talks about them. Reina was no exception from her childhood. It was no surprise that she would pick up her talent and start following in many of her family's footsteps. The only difference she took was in her sophomore year at Avalos. Wanting to make herself different from her parents, siblings, ancestors and the like, Reina picked up a sword and started learning to wield it. Once she could swing it, she wanted to imbue her magic within it. Once she could do that, her combat style was quick to change. Unlike her ancestors, parents, and the like before her; Reina didn't want a position of power. She wanted to teach at Avalos once she was able to, always eager to try and get more information from the teachers and assist wherever she could. It wasn't uncommon to see her helping out underclassman with projects or magic in general, always eager to assist.

Reina is a friendly individual. Despite her upbringing, she doesn't think she is better than anyone else and even wants to bring out the best in people. She will often meet someone just for the heck of it, and may even introduce them to more people if they want. Reina often doesn't understand it when people turn her away however, and will try again to make friends with them in the future.


Meeting new people, helping others, relaxing, laying in snow.

Short-Tempered individuals, bullies, secrets.


Reina often wears winter clothing, unless it is extremely hot outside. Even when it is warm, it isn't unusual for the air immediately next to her to feel chilly. She keeps herself bundled up to protect herself from her own attacks, not willing to succumb to frostbite.

A small sword dangles behind her waist, easy enough to grab and hold in a reverse grip with her right hand. The sword doesn't possess any special markings or look all that impressive, but the sheath changes regularly to match her outfits.

Elliot Lionhardt

Student, Sophomore



Elliot is a rather average individual standing at about 5'9. His build is rather average as well, not really all that defined, but not a twig as well. On top of his head, Elliot has a mess of brown hair, which 99.9% of the time is tied back in a ponytail, and accompanying his uh, face is soft gold eyes which are usually lost in space. (As for attractiveness I'll let y'all decide that based on his appearance picture)

Magic Classification:
Conjuration, Weapon summoning

Unique Spells:
Magical Blade ~ A slightly transparent gold sword made out of magical energy that Elliot can summon to him. Due to his ineptness with magic, the sword looks unstable and as it is unable to keep to a clean edge it has trouble cutting all be it the sword is tough to break.

Elliot hails from a modest merchant family in Varsteed. He is the youngest son in the Lionhart family with three older siblings, and out of all of them, he's the only one with magical potential. His childhood was rather uneventful, nothing really happened that changed him and he grew up as a normal kid. It was only a couple of years before Elliot started his freshman year at Avalos that he discovered his magical potential while reading his favorite childhood book, a fairy tale about a knight who could summon a powerful magical sword. At the time Elliot idolized the hero, he wasn't that strong and often a target for the neighborhood bullies. Elliot envisioned what said sword, and low and behold a small golden spark of magical energy danced in his palm. At first, Elliot was terrified, having no clue what was going on he ran down to his parents and immediately they recognized it as magic. Shortly after Elliot's parents decided to send him to Avalos, and though some connections they were able to secure the boy

Elliot's first year at Avalos was rough, by the time he started school Elliot had little control over his magical ability, the grand sword he first imagined was more of a small butter knife. Now going to a prestigious Magic Academy where influential noble families and magical prodigies who are already skilled at magic really makes a nobody from a simple merchant family feel really, really small. Elliot quickly became a sort of an outcast and he was quickly seen as one of the weaker students. Still, Elliot stayed true to his studies and worked his butt off throughout the year to gain more control over his magical ability, and by the end of the year, he could roughly make the shape of an actual sword (Which is where he's still at).

Elliot sees himself as an everyman at this crazy magical school, or at least he sees himself as a mundane, boring person. In reality, Elliot's a pretty relaxed individual, he doesn't have to uphold any family prestige or expectations he's kind of free to act however he wants without the pressure of outside forces. He's a hard worker, and he's genuinely friendly with everyone no matter what their status is. Though, that doesn't stop him from feeling intimidated from some of the big-name students at the school though, to him they feel like they're on a completely different level. To be honest, he doesn't really feel like he belongs at Avalos even though he possesses some magical talent, he got in because his parents cashed in a few favors. Because of this, he's developed a problem with comparing himself to the more powerful students, fixated on the power gap between them. Despite all of this Elliot is still focused on becoming stronger and becoming a magician. Also, he's a pretty stubborn guy, he doesn't really back down from a challenge even if it gets him in over his head.

None (But open for some pre-established ones)


Having to spar strong opponents
Spicy food


Elliot wears prerry modest clothing (similar to what he's wearing in his picture)

Compared to his peers Elliots knowledge of magic is lacking. He didn't really have an interest in magic before discovering his affinity.
Name: Zoe Listam
Occupation: Archery Teacher
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Zoe has dark brown hair lowering down to just about the middle of her back, however it it usually tied up into a ponytail when she is preparing to do archery or when a battle is about to start. Along with this she also has brown eyes which tend to be quite relaxed but showing no emotion, they change when pulling back her bow, becoming more focused with a bit more life flowing through them. She is also ambidextrous meaning she can pull her bow back with either of her hands although she more commonly uses her left hand which is most the time accompanied by a full metal glove which she commonly uses as a backup weapon.

Magic Classification: Alteration - Weapon Enhancements
Unique Spells:
  • Arrow Enchant - As she grabs an arrow from her quiver, she alters one or more properties of it, her most common enchants are:
    • Harden - Makes the arrow more durable
    • Ricochet - Makes the arrow ricochet off objects
    • Split - Usually shot upwards, it splits into many smaller arrows as they rain down
    • Haste - Increases the speed of which the arrow propels

  • Quickstep - Altering the speed of her own body she increases her overall speed
  • Hi-fly - By altering the weight of Zoe and her equipment she can jump extremely high and can be used in pair with quickstep making her reach amazing speeds, however she tends to not be able to keep it up for long as while travelling fast in the air is very quick, there is almost no way to stop. Therefore after kissing a few trees she has only limited it to a 5-10 second duration.
  • Perceive - Altering all of her senses, she is able to increase her reaction time and all of her senses
  • Iron Fist Mode - In times of close quarters combat, Zoe makes enhancements to her iron glove and herself increasing the strength, durability and speed of her punch
  • Blast Punch - By altering the flow of aether in her glove, she begins to channel it into the edge for a couple seconds before releasing it all in a blast in front of her next punch
  • True Shot - By altering the strength and durability of her bow and and arm, she draws her bow back as far as possible before firing a extremely quick and powerful show at her target, but she is unable to fire arrows for a short period of time
  • Absolute sense - By applying perceive at its strongest Zoe gains the ability to pretty much see everything around her in that moment of time, but can only hold this for no more than half a second due to the amount of information she receives while its active and it tends to leave her completely immobilised for multiple seconds.

I accidentally went overboard with this, so to save time to those who don't want to read a life story I will sum up the entire biography in one paragraph (Probably should have done that first time round...)
Zoe grew up being taught by her guardian, they taught her how to use a bow at the age of six and ever since then she improved her skill. She took up a iron glove to fight in close combat where she was at her weakest. When deemed good enough she went on missions in the military providing covering fire, or special ops. After her guardian died he took up their role of mentor to teach all the new recruits of the military, so they could improve the military's strength. She was then asked if she wanted to come teach at the Avalos academy and after some time thinking about it she accepted and thats where we are now.
(Again, I am really sorry about the massive biography, I got caught up in the moment)
Growing up in Mysterrios, Zoe was mostly raised by the military there. Both her parents were in the military and despite having great skills, became casualties in on of their missions. Neither of them survived, leaving a 3 year old Zoe on her own. To honest her parents who fought in the military, their instructor Zerith took guardianship over Zoe and raised her while performing his military duties, he had already gone onto multiple missions with the military, but to secure better power for the future opted to stay back and instruct instead. This of course mean Zoe was usually nearby during rallies and training, with nothing else to do she usually ended up copying the exercises all of the troops performed in her own little space. When she reached the age of 6 she asked Zerith to teach her how to fight, at first he declined not wanting Zoe to end up like her parents, but after multiple weeks of continual asking, during mornings, evening and training, he finally gave in and told Zoe starting the next day he would teach her how to use a bow.

The next day he taught her the basics, such as aiming the bow, pulling back the arrow and how to keep the bow well maintained, then he pointed over to a target a couple feet away and said to call him over when she could hit in the middle three times in a row. He walked off to continue training the rest of the troops hoping the task was too much and she would give up and find something else, less dangerous to do. But unfortunately for Zerith, four days later during practice, she came back to him and said she had done it. Zerith gave the normal reaction of 'if you couldn't do it, there is no need to lie', to which Zoe stamped her feet and looked up at him shouting about how it wasn't a lie and how he could watch her do it again, so he followed her over to the target range and watched her as she picked up her bow and aimed it towards the target, the first shot flew out and hit straight in the middle, he was quite surprised but took it as beginners luck, then the second shot flew off and hit right next to her other arrow, at this point Zerith realised that she probably wasn't lying and right before the third shot a gust of wind blew past and hit the range, he looked around and thought Zoe might ask him to wait for it to blow over before her last shot, but she stayed standing there, eyes fixated on the target as small lines shined through the shaft of her arrow she shot her third shot, as it propelled quicker than the last two cutting through the wind and hitting the middle of the target again. Zerith looked in amazement and as Zoe was sticking her tongue out at him, he realised that no matter what he could do, she was going to follow her parents into learning how to fight.

Many years passed after that day in which Zoe continued to perfect her aim and art of the bow, after learning that she had the potential to use aether, she tended to mess around with it in her spare time, seeing what she could change and how she could use it to aid her. She had been training with Zerith for over ten years now and even though she was getting close to beating him, she just could never finish him, she would always get him cornered and then he would go all in and start closing the distance, he would do it more and more until she would eventually mess up or fail to gain distance and he would knock her down and next thing she knew there was a sword at her neck. But unless she started learning swordsmanship she couldn't expect to compete with him for probably another thousand years, she went to her room and started changing to her pyjamas, when she looked at her shirt and wondered what she could change for clothes, so she decided to increase its weight, immediately regretting it as it slammed into the ground just missing her foot, she slowly recovered from the shock and thought about it a bit more, maybe she could use her clothes as a weapon.

For her next fight with Zerith, she showed up wearing a metal glove on her left hand, he looked at it a bit confused but continued the fight either way, it played out exactly like the last ones, Zoe kept the pressure on for most the fight avoiding the few confrontations he tried to do, until he found himself with his back against the wall, he waiting till Zoe drew her bow before quickly dashing and appearing right in-front of her, she grinned and parried the incoming swing with her glove and quickly started with a counter attack which ended up just missing. She reached for another arrow and aimed it again at Zerith waiting to see what he would do. Moments later Zoe was on the ground with a sword at her neck again, her lack of close quarters combat let to her getting quickly deflected and leaving an opening.

Five years passed since then and she ended up being able to go on missions in the military, she was usually involved in either the back line artillery providing covering fire for the front line soldiers or sometimes she was sent on flanks leading a small group of soldiers and archers to take out fleeing enemies, influential leaders or to attack from behind the enemy. One day when coming back from a mission she was given a letter informing her about Zerith and how he has perished on the battlefield. It was going to be his last mission before he retired from the military, she took the letter to her room and sat down in the corner holding her legs in her arms and trying to hold back her tears, until she saw something else in the envelope the letter came in, she slowly crawled over and pulled out a small note, she vaguely remembered hearing from the person who delivered it, that it was found in his pocket during the mission. She quickly opened it up and as she read the message, she could feel the tears falling from her face 'Please live happily and don't throw your life away'.

After Zerith's death, Zoe fell back from directly fighting in the military and instead stayed back to train up the new recruits, filling in the place of her mentor, she continued to be an instructor for another four years before receiving a letter from Avalos Academy asking if she would like to be the teacher for the archery class, at first she was a bit hesitant, but after thinking it over she had always wanted a chance to explore a bit more and open her horizons, then after thinking about Zerith's last message again, she came to the conclusion to leave instructing at the military to becoming a teacher at the academy.
Zoe has an odd personality, during mentoring and work she is very strict, making sure no one does anything stupid that might cost them their lives and while she tries to keep up this strict personally outside of work, she tends to loosen up a bit and mess around more than she should. When tutoring or mentoring she will carefully watch everyone assessing how much they seem to be struggling in something and how much they excel in another, she will then use this try and help them in both, perfecting what they are already good at and improve what they are not. She prefers to see people helping each other out rather than working against each other, but does acknowledge that some people have boundaries they don't want other people to cross

Relationships: Worked along side Sicarius in partner missions while in the military

Likes: Archery, training, joking around, the thrill of the hunt

Dislikes: Bugs, bloodshed, using a sword

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Weapons/Outfits/Equipment: She is most commonly seen wearing her archery attire (In the picture above) with her quiver on her back and the metal glove on her left hand. She also tends to keep two flares in her quiver for emergencies
Extra: She likes to retrieve her arrows after most fights, gotta save them y'know
Varen Tyral

Occupation: Student, Junior

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Varen stands at 5' 10", and weighs in at around 140 pounds. He has scars all around his face, most notably around his eyes, and most prominently around his mouth, jaw, and neck. Furthermore, his jaw is also a patchwork of normal skin and grey, dead skin- courtesy of Eisengrauph. He hides this by wearing a mask over his mouth. He doesn't have hands- from wrist down. In order to compensate for this weakness, he managed to manifest replacement limbs made of magical energy. These magical arms function the same as standard arms, nothing more.

Magic Classification: Conjuration, Psychic

Unique Spells:
Conjure Soulknife:
Varen can form up to six daggers made of magical energy that float around him. He can pluck the daggers out of the air to fight in melee, or shoot them at enemies directly from their position in the air. These daggers are slightly stronger than steel, so they are breakable.
Conjure shield:
Varen can form a small shield made of magical energy, approximately the size of a standard round shield. As with the daggers, the shield can float around him, or he can use it in his own hands. This shield is stronger than his dagger, but it is still breakable.
Conjure chains:
Yet another conjuration of magical energy, this one works in ways both similar and different from the other two conjuration spells. It works similarly in that he can conjure a set of chains in his hands. It works differently in that his alternate placement is the chains can burst from the ground to wrap around their target. These chains are A.) Near weightless, and B.) some of the strongest of the conjured objects that Venetian makes. Varen prefers making these, as he prefers capturing opponents.
One of Varen's greatest achievements, Varen can create a small demiplane (at most, 30 feet diameter circle/sphere), in which he then teleports himself and a number of people (at most six others) to this small demiplane. Within this demiplane, anyone can create constructs of magical energy that range from spears to pseudo-living beings.
Within this tournament-like demiplane, if you are 'killed' within this demiplane, you are transported back to previous location you were in before being teleported to the demi-plane, and injured- the severity of the injury depends on the severity of the injury in the demiplane, and will never result in outright death- mortal wounds, at most.
Furthermore, people can exit this demiplane- this demiplane has one exit that anyone can use. Varen
typically places it behind him if he uses it to duel an opponent, but if an opponent gets behind him, they
can use this exit.
Conjure Evelynn:
Varen can conjure a familiar made of...you guessed it, magical energy. This familiar takes the form of a fox, and can shift into a cloud to travel around faster, though she prefers maintaining fox form whenever possible. Evelynn is playful, a trickster, and loves a good laugh. Which means she tends to prank others whenever possible. Expect shenanigans whenever she's around.
Disability aid:
This is rather three passive effects that Varen uses to make up for three separate disabilities. The first one is already discussed: Replacement for missing arms. Made of the same magical energy that almost everything else he makes. The other passive effect is his telepathy for his near muteness. While Varen isn't exactly mute, his voice is a painful, scrathy whisper that he hurts to do. To make up for this, he can communicate via telepathy to others. He cannot receive telepathic contact from non-telepathic users, so responses have to be spoken. Nor can he read others' minds. The third passive effect is a slight levitation. Varen cannot really walk- he limps around when not levitating. As such, he does an extremely minor form of self-levitation:
It is limited to a max of three and a half feet to his center of mass. It achieves all the same results you would walking, running, and jumping mechanically, and only one bonus. He can jump while floating- just float up a bit, before he has to float down... and he can run- tilting his body so that his center of mass is slightly more forward. If he has to jump across a chasm, he combines both of these. It's important to note that he can't fly 100 feet in the air, nor can he just ignore gravity. If he goes over an edge, he falls. The one advantage to this is that he doesn't technically land, which means no chance for a broken bone. However, he receives mental effects based on the severity on the fall, which can range to a headache, to a migraine, to death by aneurysm.

Varen was born to a Lianna and Valion Tyral, in the city of Pollinivar. His mother was a mechanic of the skyships, and his father was an alchemist. As such, Varen lived a middle class life. His life wasn't really eventful, up until his mother died in a pirate raid while working on an airship. That was when he was seven. Then, things began to spiral out of control. Two years in, his father had lost all of the money gambling, and had earned a reputation of being an untrustworthy and cheap alchemist. Cue an attempt to escape by Varen. He managed to contact an uncle who lived in Daegos, and he agreed to take in Varen. Varen just had to get to Daegos first. There was no way his father would let him just disinherit himself. So, Varen managed to find a smuggler ship via friends' connections. The departure from the city was tense, but they managed to make it out. Varen thought it would be smooth sailing from then on. How wrong he was.

For there was a mysterious ship preying on the pirates and smugglers of Pollinivar. A man who called himself 'doctor' Eisengrauph. He fancied himself an alchemist, a man who expanded science. Varen regards him as a monster.

On the mere fourth day of travel, they were assaulted. Most of the men were killed outright, the rest taken by Eisengrauph for his..experiments. For Eisengrauph wasn't a mere alchemist. He was a Fleshwarper. Such a title, for a gruesome profession. All this meant was that Eisengrauph was fascinated on how to twist the body to his needs, to mutate it into something unrecognizable. Thus began Varen's six months of hell.

Varen doesn't like to talk about what happened during those four months. People know that's where he lost his arms, his voice, and his ability to walk normally. They know that's where he was disfigured. That's all Varen ever lets anyone know about that time. However, he's seen horrors there, that much people can guess. For no longer did a happy, bubbling child depart from that horror-show. Instead, Varen was reduced to a cringing, shivering mess that could barely form coherent sentences.

Varen was rescued from this nightmare by his uncle, and surprisingly enough, his father. As soon as his father discovered that Varen was gone, he went full on panic mode, and gathered all the few coins he had to try and muster up a search party. It wasn't enough. So, he appealed to his brother. When Varen's uncle revealed to Varen's father about Varen's plan, there was an argument between the two. But eventually, that was set aside in favor of finding Varen. Six long months of fruitless searching passed by. Then, they finally picked up on rumors. They followed it to the end, and found the doctor's hide out. Men were gathered, and an assault was led. Sensing defeat, the doctor attempted to erase all traces of his activity in the area.

Varen was the only recognizable survivor.

After the incident... Varen's father came to an agreement with his brother: he would live with him in Daegos, and start a new life there. And thus began Varen's second half of his life. For much of the beginning of this time, Varen's time was filled with clerics, doctors, alchemists, and overall attempts to help him recover. While he did lose some of his fear, the shock and trauma never truly left him. He was always brooding; he never attempted to join in fun with the others. His uncle and father were seriously starting to worry.

Then Varen met Evelynn at 13. A small spirit of a fox, Varen discovered this playful creature while attempting to escape a... 'stifling' festival. Shenanigans ensured between the two; needless to say, a bond formed between the two. And with that bond, recovery truly happened. A mere year in, and Varen was already a much brighter figure, though, it was clear he would never be quite as outgoing as he was before. And it was then that Varen started to find ways to make up for his weaknesses, and manifested his magical abilities.

First came his telepathy. Varen couldn't speak for extended periods of time, due to how ruined his vocal chords were. Eventually, he learned how to project words with his mind, and made clear to his guardians that he was meant for wizard-craft. So, they enrolled him into Avalos. Varen spent his first year, while learning the basics, also figuring out how to overcome his weaknesses. He discovered how to levitate himself late in the first year, and early in his second year, formed his arms. He's taken to his studies with a passion, and he's determined to show that, while he's scarred, he's not broken.

Varen is a somewhat quiet individual. He hates making excessive noises, and he's so quiet, its rather surprising to other people when he 'sneaks up' on them. That's not to say he's excessively shy. While he does avoid certain topics and get self-conscious over certain things like his appearance (AKA scars.. hence the mask..), he generally likes having at least some friends. He loves reading, as it allows him to immerse himself in situations that he's not in. He's not too interested in sports and the like- he can't participate in it, so why should he care? Another thing to note about him is that he's an excellent cook. He loves making food for others, and while he doesn't eat much, (except for sweets. And he's particularly skilled at sneaking in bites to eat without anyone noticing.) he will drop- well, set down- almost everything to make a good meal for others.

While it doesn't seem like it at first, Varen is a very inquisitive person. While it doesn't extend to the point of being rude, he does like knowing the inter-workings of how things work. He particularily enjoys finding patterns. In fact, he can be rather obsessive about patterns. He has serious OCD- everything must be neatly arranged, or else he'll show visible signs of anxiety. Outside of personal matters like this, Varen likes showing his affection and friendship.. quietly. He's a romantic at heart, so he'll always see the brighter side of things, though, he doesn't like admitting it.

Mechanical things
Puzzles and problems

Loud noises
Undue attention
Horror stories

Varen generally keeps few things on him, however, here are some of the outfits that Varen DOES have:
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These three sets of outfit and the one seen in his picture are practically most of his clothing. Varen also owns a couple of crystals in which he stores some magical energy in- four in total.


They typically float around his head, similar to how everything else he makes floats around him; however, these crystals maintain a tighter orbit.




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Varen Tyral

Occupation: Student, Junior

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Varen stands at 5' 10", and weighs in at around 140 pounds. He has scars all around his face, most notably around his eyes, and most prominently around his mouth, jaw, and neck. He hides this by wearing a mask over his mouth. He doesn't have hands- from wrist down. In order to compensate for this weakness, he managed to manifest replacement limbs made of magical energy. These magical arms function the same as standard arms, nothing more.

Magic Classification: Conjuration, Psychic

Unique Spells:
Conjure Soulknife:
Varen can form up to six daggers made of magical energy that float around him. He can pluck the daggers out of the air to fight in melee, or shoot them at enemies directly from their position in the air. These daggers are slightly stronger than steel, so they are breakable.
Conjure shield:
Varen can form a small shield made of magical energy, approximately the size of a standard round shield. As with the daggers, the shield can float around him, or he can use it in his own hands. This shield is stronger than his dagger, but it is still breakable.
Conjure chains:
Yet another conjuration of magical energy, this one works in ways both similar and different from the other two conjuration spells. It works similarly in that he can conjure a set of chains in his hands. It works differently in that his alternate placement is the chains can burst from the ground to wrap around their target. These chains are A.) Near weightless, and B.) some of the strongest of the conjured objects that Venetian makes. Varen prefers making these, as he prefers capturing opponents.
One of Varen's greatest achievements, Varen can create a small demiplane (at most, 30 feet diameter circle/sphere), in which he then teleports himself and a number of people (at most six others) to this small demiplane. Within this demiplane, anyone can create constructs of magical energy that range from spears to pseudo-living beings.
Within this tournament-like demiplane, if you are 'killed' within this demiplane, you are transported back to previous location you were in before being teleported to the demi-plane, and injured- the severity of the injury depends on the severity of the injury in the demiplane, and will never result in outright death- mortal wounds, at most.
Furthermore, people can exit this demiplane- this demiplane has one exit that anyone can use. Varen
typically places it behind him if he uses it to duel an opponent, but if an opponent gets behind him, they
can use this exit.
Conjure Evelynn:
Varen can conjure a familiar made of...you guessed it, magical energy. This familiar takes the form of a fox, and can shift into a cloud to travel around faster, though she prefers maintaining fox form whenever possible. Evelynn is playful, a trickster, and loves a good laugh. Which means she tends to prank others whenever possible. Expect shenanigans whenever she's around.
Disability aid:
This is rather three passive effects that Varen uses to make up for three separate disabilities. The first one is already discussed: Replacement for missing arms. Made of the same magical energy that almost everything else he makes. The other passive effect is his telepathy for his near muteness. While Varen isn't exactly mute, his voice is a painful, scrathy whisper that he hurts to do. To make up for this, he can communicate via telepathy to others. He cannot receive telepathic contact from non-telepathic users, so responses have to be spoken. Nor can he read others' minds. The third passive effect is a slight levitation. Varen cannot really walk- he limps around when not levitating. As such, he does an extremely minor form of self-levitation:
It is limited to a max of three and a half feet to his center of mass. It achieves all the same results you would walking, running, and jumping mechanically, and only one bonus. He can jump while floating- just float up a bit, before he has to float down... and he can run- tilting his body so that his center of mass is slightly more forward. If he has to jump across a chasm, he combines both of these. It's important to note that he can't fly 100 feet in the air, nor can he just ignore gravity. If he goes over an edge, he falls. The one advantage to this is that he doesn't technically land, which means no chance for a broken bone. However, he receives mental effects based on the severity on the fall, which can range to a headache, to a migraine, to death by aneurysm.

Varen was born to a Lianna and Valion Tyral, in the city of Pollinivar. His mother was a mechanic of the skyships, and his father was an alchemist. As such, Varen lived a middle class life. His life wasn't really eventful, up until his mother died in a pirate raid while working on an airship. That was when he was seven. Then, things began to spiral out of control. Two years in, his father had lost all of the money gambling, and had earned a reputation of being an untrustworthy and cheap alchemist. Cue an attempt
Varen is a somewhat quiet individual. He hates making excessive noises, and he's so quiet, its rather surprising to other people when he 'sneaks up' on them. That's not to say he's excessively shy. While he does avoid certain topics and get self-conscious over certain things like his appearance (AKA scars.. hence the mask..), he generally likes having at least some friends. He loves reading, as it allows him to immerse himself in situations that he's not in. He's not too interested in sports and the like- he can't participate in it, so why should he care? Another thing to note about him is that he's an excellent cook. He loves making food for others, and while he doesn't eat much, (except for sweets. And he's particularly skilled at sneaking in bites to eat without anyone noticing.) he will drop- well, set down- almost everything to make a good meal for others.

While it doesn't seem like it at first, Varen is a very inquisitive person. While it doesn't extend to the point of being rude, he does like knowing the inter-workings of how things work. He particularily enjoys finding patterns. In fact, he can be rather obsessive about patterns. He has serious OCD- everything must be neatly arranged, or else he'll show visible signs of anxiety. Outside of personal matters like this, Varen likes showing his affection and friendship.. quietly. He's a romantic at heart, so he'll always see the brighter side of things, though, he doesn't like admitting it.

Mechanical things
Puzzles and problems

Loud noises
Undue attention
Horror stories

Varen generally keeps few things on him, however, here are some of the outfits that Varen DOES have:
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These three sets of outfit and the one seen in his picture are practically most of his clothing. Varen also owns a couple of crystals in which he stores some magical energy in- four in total.

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They typically float around his head, similar to how everything else he makes floats around him; however, these crystals maintain a tighter orbit.


It seems like you're done so please join in.
Name: Arianna Jo Lovell III
Occupation: Student (Junior)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Magic Classification: Enchanter, Alteration
Unique Spells:
  • Animate: This spell will "bring to life" any inanimate object. Her favorite thing to do this with is dolls. She hates doing it with things that don't have faces because the things she animates can also talk, and she finds it disturbing to hear voices coming from things with no mouth.
  • Infatuate: This spell is required to get her animated "friends" (be they dolls, books, etc.) to actually like her - sometimes she doesn't need to, but most of the time it is necessary. It doesn't work on actual people.
  • Moving Picture: This spell causes paintings and drawings to move on the paper/canvas they are on, though they cannot actually come off of it - they rather look like silent movies.
  • Puppet Soldier: This spell will get any of her animated "friends" to attack people/animals/things on her behalf. It doesn't work on actual people.
Biography: She grew up in a noble household in Varsteed, and because of that she's often described as a "spoiled brat" by most humans. Due to this, she has no friends that she didn't animate herself - and even then, a second spell is usually required to get them on her side. Of course, this just makes her seem even more spoiled to people, because she ignores them in favor of her dolls, so the cycle basically went on over and over and over...
Personality: Despite everyone seeing her as a spoiled little rich girl, the only thing she truly desires is one single friend who she doesn't have to create herself. However, due to most of her socialization being with little dolls that she has to force to like her, she doesn't really know how to go about doing such a thing. The longer she spends talking to Josephine and Maria (her two favorite dolls) the less and less she has the ability to make real friends - and yet, they're all she has.
Relationships: N/A, Unless her animated dolls count
Likes: Dolls, Painting, Learning about other cultures, Making friends, Talking to living people
Dislikes: People who assume things about her, Combat classes, People who insult her dolls, Makeup
Sexuality: Pansexual
Weapons/Outfits/Equipment: Pictured above is her "everyday" outfit. As for "equipment", she has Josephine (a porcelain doll dressed in intricate, peasant-type clothes) and Maria (a cloth doll with a simple red dress and a bonnet).
Extra: N/A
Name: Meteora Starlight

Occupation: Prgesident of the Student Council (Jr)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Magic Classification: Summoner, Constellation Queen.

Unique Spells:

Portal Manifestation: She has the power to open portals in any surface and in the air to travel to the Constellation’s Spirit Realm. Aside from summoning spirits she can also teleport herself by using the realm as a bridge, although she can only travel to places she has already been before.

Andromeda: A princess with the ability to summon and control magical chains, despite her royal origin she wears a black leather outfit since she’s basically a magical assassin. Her eyes have the rare ability to turn into stone anyone that looks into them.

Cassiopeia: She’s the mother of Andromeda, a queen of proud and high intelligence. Her magical power involves summoning mirrors which can be used as portals or to reflect magical attacks.

Ophiuchus: A deadly nurse with poisonous magic that can also summon snakes of all kinds for her attacks, since that’s her true form.

Gemini: They form is androgenic, their ability is to become the doppelganger of whomever they touch. This way the copy every aspect of them, including their magic, appearance, fingerprints, everything.

Virgo: The Pure Maiden, she has light magic that can use to purify darkness, heal wounds and protect her master.

Leo: A strong feline knight whose blade burns with the intensity of the sun and his gravitational shield can repel anything that hits it.

Corona Borealis: This spirit is a beautiful bride with a diamond crown that gives her ice magic and the ability to control beast and animals with their mind.

Celestial Mix: Meteora fuses herself temporarily with two of her summoned constellation spirits, since it’s so powerful she can’t summon any other spirits while in this state.

Empress of The Crystal War (Andromeda + Cassiopeia): An elegant monarch that has the power to summon any type of weapon (Guns, Swords, Spears, any weapon) and use them telekinetically to battle, those weapons are protected from magic and reflect it.

Gorgon Goddess (Andromeda + Ophiuchus): A serpent divinity with the power of petrification no longer limited to her eyes, she can send waves of “petrification energy” that will turn into stone anything and anyone that it hits. She can summon serpents to constraint her enemies and to attack them.

Dragonic Angel (Ophiuchus + Virgo): Majestic feathery wings along with a tail and dragon claws with scales, this humanoid form controls light magic to a new destructive level giving the holy purification of death, while also having high physical strength and speed.

Meteora Starlight doesn’t remember her true name or parents because as a newborn she accidently used her magic to open a portal to the Constellation’s Spirit Realm and got stuck in there. The spirits of that realm took care of her and raised her to be the young girl she is now. Although they spoiled her a little, giving her a princess complex, which only got worse when she learned she could summon them. From time to time she would travel to the human world and get into trouble with any authority figure that tried to oppose her.

Eventually the Principal of Avalos Academy intercepted her and tried to force her into getting a proper education which, naturally, she refused. It wasn’t after she got to fight with her and see her magic that she decided to enter her institution in order to know her better, under one condition of course: “I don’t care if we could be related; I don’t take orders even from celestial gods that could easily crush me with their stellar magic. So you will make me the President of the Student Council or you won’t see me ever again.”

She had a portal ready to take her back to home, her real home, because even though she might be human by birth the spirits raised her and are her true family. Also, she had 14 years living in the spirit realm and the exposure to all that magic is bound to have side effects. Anyway, she didn’t need to use the portal since the principal accepted her terms. That’s how she became the ruler of the students of Avalos Academy but also what made her mature over the responsibilities of the job.

Personality: She’s quite dominant, pushing everyone to their limits in order to make them reach their true potential and be of use to her. Although she can be a b*tch from time to time her methods work and that is reflected in the academic excellency of Avalos.

Relationships: None at the moment.

Likes: Magic, being in charge, Parties, Chocolate and Sweets.

Dislikes: That anyone tries to give her orders.

Sexuality: Straight.

Weapons/Outfits/Equipment: As Student Council President has established that Student Council members will wear special and stylish outfits according to their magic and responsibilities, this in order to make themselves easily recognizable. Her uniform has tons of glitter, jewelry, ribbons and stars. Her magical staff has a lunar gem that allows her to keep summoned a maximum of 3 constellations at the same time, without it she can only summon 2 at the same time.



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Name: Meteora Starlight

Occupation: Prgesident of the Student Council (Jr)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Magic Classification: Summoner, Constellation Queen.

Unique Spells:

Portal Manifestation: She has the power to open portals in any surface and in the air to travel to the Constellation’s Spirit Realm. Aside from summoning spirits she can also teleport herself by using the realm as a bridge, although she can only travel to places she has already been before.

Andromeda: A princess with the ability to summon and control magical chains, despite her royal origin she wears a black leather outfit since she’s basically a magical assassin. Her eyes have the rare ability to turn into stone anyone that looks into them.

Cassiopeia: She’s the mother of Andromeda, a queen of proud and high intelligence. Her magical power involves summoning mirrors which can be used as portals or to reflect magical attacks.

Ophiuchus: A deadly nurse with poisonous magic that can also summon snakes of all kinds for her attacks, since that’s her true form.

Gemini: They form is androgenic, their ability is to become the doppelganger of whomever they touch. This way the copy every aspect of them, including their magic, appearance, fingerprints, everything.

Virgo: The Pure Maiden, she has light magic that can use to purify darkness, heal wounds and protect her master.

Leo: A strong feline knight whose blade burns with the intensity of the sun and his gravitational shield can repel anything that hits it.

Corona Borealis: This spirit is a beautiful bride with a diamond crown that gives her ice magic and the ability to control beast and animals with their mind.

Celestial Mix: Meteora fuses herself temporarily with two of her summoned constellation spirits, since it’s so powerful she can’t summon any other spirits while in this state.

Empress of The Crystal War (Andromeda + Cassiopeia): An elegant monarch that has the power to summon any type of weapon (Guns, Swords, Spears, any weapon) and use them telekinetically to battle, those weapons are protected from magic and reflect it.

Gorgon Goddess (Andromeda + Ophiuchus): A serpent divinity with the power of petrification no longer limited to her eyes, she can send waves of “petrification energy” that will turn into stone anything and anyone that it hits. She can summon serpents to constraint her enemies and to attack them.

Dragonic Angel (Ophiuchus + Virgo): Majestic feathery wings along with a tail and dragon claws with scales, this humanoid form controls light magic to a new destructive level giving the holy purification of death, while also having high physical strength and speed.

Meteora Starlight doesn’t remember her true name or parents because as a newborn she accidently used her magic to open a portal to the Constellation’s Spirit Realm and got stuck in there. The spirits of that realm took care of her and raised her to be the young girl she is now. Although they spoiled her a little, giving her a princess complex, which only got worse when she learned she could summon them. From time to time she would travel to the human world and get into trouble with any authority figure that tried to oppose her.

Eventually the Principal of Avalos Academy intercepted her and tried to force her into getting a proper education which, naturally, she refused. It wasn’t after she got to fight with her and see her magic that she decided to enter her institution in order to know her better, under one condition of course: “I don’t care if we could be related; I don’t take orders even from celestial gods that could easily crush me with their stellar magic. So you will make me the President of the Student Council or you won’t see me ever again.”

She had a portal ready to take her back to home, her real home, because even though she might be human by birth the spirits raised her and are her true family. Also, she had 14 years living in the spirit realm and the exposure to all that magic is bound to have side effects. Anyway, she didn’t need to use the portal since the principal accepted her terms. That’s how she became the ruler of the students of Avalos Academy but also what made her mature over the responsibilities of the job.

Personality: She’s quite dominant, pushing everyone to their limits in order to make them reach their true potential and be of use to her. Although she can be a b*tch from time to time her methods work and that is reflected in the academic excellency of Avalos.

Relationships: None at the moment.

Likes: Magic, being in charge, Parties, Chocolate and Sweets.

Dislikes: That anyone tries to give her orders.

Sexuality: Straight.

Weapons/Outfits/Equipment: As Student Council President has established that Student Council members will wear special and stylish outfits according to their magic and responsibilities, this in order to make themselves easily recognizable. Her uniform has tons of glitter, jewelry, ribbons and stars. Her magical staff has a lunar gem that allows her to keep summoned a maximum of 3 constellations at the same time, without it she can only summon 2 at the same time.

I'm alittle hesitant to have a whole pocket dimension be apart of a character's power and backstory. It also wouldn't make sense for the principal of avalos to give special privileges to people just to join Avalos. So if Emily Cait ever would have tried to invite Meteora, she wouldn't have ever offered her to be apart of the student council as Avalos doesn't force people to be apart of Avalos or offer special privileges to beg people to join. However if Meteora had met her spirits through her magic then that would be fine. I'm just not quite sure how to approach the whole using an entire dimension to travel to or through as Dimensions aren't something i plan to take lightly in the lore as it took alot to make even Avalos have it's own pocket dimension.

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