Available Powers (Riverview Academy Information)


The Alpha and The Omega
Here is a list of powers and abilities available and not used. Once one is taken, the power will vanish from here to ensure that no one else takes it. Make sure to check the LIMITATIONS and create your own weaknesses to accommodate each power. Thank you.


User can create, shape and manipulate
fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire. Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity will be different.

Fires start when a flammable and/or a combustible material, in combination with a sufficient quantity of an oxidizer such as oxygen gas or another oxygen-rich compound (though non-oxygen oxidizers exist that can replace oxygen), is exposed to a source of heat or ambient temperature above the flash point for the fuel/oxidizer mix, and is able to sustain a rate of rapid oxidation that produces a chain reaction. Fire cannot exist without all of these elements in place and in the right proportions.



Magic users essentially have unlimited possibilities for how they use their power, with only their skill, personal power-level, imagination/knowledge, and/or morality to define the borders.

Note that not all "magical" superpowers are actually supernatural, but are based on alternative or futuristic "science".



The ability to manipulate energy within kinetic atoms, protons, neutrons, or electrons and convert the energy into
heat, light, or sound. The user can move, alter, or stop energy in themselves, objects, beings, or space. Users can convert one type of energy into another, store it within their bodies, and release it upon command. Some users can create objects from pure energy, or project it out in other forms. A user may be able to absorb ambient energy convert it into life-force and live solely off of that, especially in supremely hostile situations.



User can create, shape and manipulate
visible light, commonly referred to simply as light, is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, and is responsible for the sense of sight.

Primary properties of visible light are intensity, propagation direction, frequency or wavelength spectrum, and polarisation, while its speed in a vacuum (299,792,458 meters per second) is one of the fundamental constants of nature. Visible light, as with all types of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), is experimentally found to always move at this speed in vacuum.

In common with all types of EMR, visible light is emitted and absorbed in tiny "packets" called
photons, and exhibits properties of both waves and particles. This property is referred to as the wave–particle duality. The study of light, known as optics, is an important research area in modern physics.



User can create, shape and manipulate
air, common name given to the layer of atmospheric gases surrounding the planet Earth that is retained by Earth's gravity. It protects life on Earth by absorbing ultraviolet solar radiation, warming the surface through heat retention (greenhouse effect), and reducing temperature extremes between day and night (the diurnal temperature variation).

They can create, shape and manipulate
wind, movement of air relative to the surface of the planet. It is an important factor in determining and controlling climate and weather, and the generating force of most ocean and freshwater waves. Wind occurs because of horizontal and vertical differences in atmospheric pressure, and include breezes, squalls, gusts, whirlwinds, zephyrs, gales, tempests, and hurricanes.



User with this ability is a
werewolf with the ability to transform into a wolf or an anthropomorphic wolf-like creature, either purposely or after being placed under a curse and/or lycanthropic affliction via a bite or scratch from a werewolf, or some other means. This transformation is often associated with the appearance of the full moon.

The user gains the traits of werewolves, most obvious being ability to change into a wolf with the natural characteristics inherent to both wolves and humans, including senses, stamina , etc. In addition werewolves are often attributed strength and speed far beyond those of wolves or men and may have them in lesser amount even untransformed form.

Other than this, details vary considerably: some are limited to single form which ranges from completely animal to man-wolf (humanoid with fur, claws and fangs); some can shift between human, wolf-man (humanoid wolf) and pure wolf; while others are able to choose to what extend they want to change and what parts. Their wolf-form may be completely natural wolf in form, something resembling Dire Wolf or even something directly from the darkest dredges of human fear for wolves. Although some wolfen instinct is likely influence werewolf in transformed state, this varies from completely animal mind to perfectly aware human, even to the stereotypical monster lusting for blood.

Although it is very commonly linked to werewolves, they aren't all vulnerable to silver or other traditional weaknesses. For some these are no more or less harmful than any other metal or substance, some are essentially
un-killable for anything else.



Users can move far faster than the average member of the user's species, some at or above supersonic speed or even faster, possibly reaching or even exceeding light speed. This power is not without any ill effects however, as it can strain the body, but some users may be resistant or even immune to the effects of high speed travel including friction and inertia.



The user is or can become extremely malleable and elastic, allowing them to stretch, flatten, deform, expand, and contract their whole body, including limbs, torso, neck, etc. They are extremely hard to wound or hurt due to their body reflexively absorbing damage by stretching with attacks, but the user may still feel pain.



The user has complete control over the
bones of oneself and others, including growing, shaping, manipulating density/weight, using as projectiles/weapons, etc. They can also manipulate bare skeletons or separate bones.



User can accelerate or reverse age of organisms and non-living objects. They may cause a person to instantly become geriatric or reverse back to an adolescent or age objects to dust. They may also make themselves older or younger at will.


More powers to be added once some are used.
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I want my character to be able to manipulate dreams and also create illusions and to make dreams reality,walk in dreams etc is that ok

No one else steal that

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