AU: Tattoos


Senior Member



Character Sheet

Please spoiler or tab any images to keep this thread tidy. Your character is in their final year of high school, which is usually 17-18. Your character may have been held back (don't go beyond 20) or pushed forwards (don't go beyond 15), but other than this, most of these sections are flexible. If you are unsure, don't be afraid to PM me.

The tattoo that everyone shares is, "You will regret that, all of you." and it is written across the right forearm horizontally. It starts at the wrist and ends at the crook of the elbow. It will appear on the day the RP starts, so you will not need to make a note of it.




(Please tab or spoil):






(That your character has already heard):

(That your character has not yet heard):

Form Room:

(See below for class options):

Week's Schedule
(optional - include after school activities and commitments on here, you can just include these if you wish):



Form Rooms

The rooms are functionally the same, and just are used as a degree of separation during certain times to create a variety during role play. Hardly any time will be spent in these rooms, only attendance and announcements.

Room A:

Room B:

Room C:


Class Options

You may chose five of these classes. English and Maths are compulsory, and you will attend these in form rooms.

Sciences: Chemistry, Physics, Biology

Arts: Painting, Sculpture, Design, Photography

Social Sciences: Geography, History, Accounting, Business Studies

Technologies: Sewing, Cooking, Wood Shop

Languages: French, Spanish, Japanese

Most of the main role play will take place during lunch times, after school times, and weekends or holidays. We will try and not drag out classes, "They went to physics and design before heading to lunch," being an acceptable way to do this. If classes continue for too long, I may jump in and skip them. You can make up which classes you have what day, or make a schedule for yourself, though it's not too important.


Class Times

School starts at 8:30 where students go to form for half an hour. First block/period/class There are 3 one hour long blocks before lunch time at 12:00. There are 3 more blocks before school ends at 3:00. Students are allowed on school grounds until 6pm, but gates close at that time and trespassers will not be tolerated.



Don't worry too much about consistency when it comes to classes, as long as they occur during the right times. Detentions take place at lunch time for minor offenses and after school until 6pm for serious offenses.


Current Students

  1. @The Magnificent Marley - Daniel Morris
  2. @Mikkelle Sting - Willow Underfoot
  3. @SkyFilms - Byung-Soon Gwon
  4. @Laine - Samuel Marcus Webster
  5. @Fandoms4Ever - Sergio Xerxes Mann
  6. @DrHuggies - Yuki Hashimoto Smith
  7. @Nutter - Xaviera Heron
  8. @tamaracorine - Bethany James
  9. @LittleWolfie - Jessabel Richards
  10. (me) - Amelia Finlay

Read more about this role play...
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Name: Daniel Morris.

Nickname: None.

Age: Seventeen.


Personality: Daniel can be somewhat belligerent, depending on the situation. Occasionally he can be sort of awkward, but overall he doesn't have a problem with socializing. He's rather introverted, and prefers to be alone so he can work on schoolwork—grades are extremely important to him, and if he gets anything below an A- he stresses out.

He's not scared easily; in fact, he's very brave—and if he cares for you, he'll get protective and isn't hesitant to go out of his way to protect or help.

History/Bio: Growing up with just his mother, she had to work a lot to support the two of them. Being a single parent is difficult, of course. Daniel's parental figures seemed absent, with his mother gone and leaving him with a nanny all the time. Despite that, he still loves his mother. She's been nothing but good to Daniel, and he realizes that.

Daniel isn't one to have a ton of friends, but he's really not too bothered by it. For him, school is above anything social, and he tries to convince himself that he doesn't need friends; that they're a distraction. Sure, he has a few friends, but they live elsewhere. But Daniel is proud of himself and his grades, but he's too humble to admit that. He still stresses over everything that has to do with grades, and he's a very determined individual. And he doesn't recall ever being unhappy with his life.

Friends/Family: Barbara [ mother ], Henry [ father; unknown ], Angus [ best friend since Daniel was eight years old ].

Likes: Reading, Rain, Animals, Comics.

Dislikes: Being yelled at, Disappointing someone he looks up to, Failing a test, Lack of sleep.

Tattoos (That your character has already heard): "We're going to be okay." [ first tattoo ], "You okay?" [ second tattoo on his right shoulder ], "Aye, can I get a little help?" [ third tattoo on his right ankle, with a small scar underneath ], "You're such a dork, it's great. Seriously." [ fourth tattoo on his left upper arm ].

Tattoos (That your character has not yet heard): "Please, don't do this. It's irrational!" [ to be above his left collarbone in very small writing. ]

Form Room: ?

Classes: Chemistry, Photography, Accounting, Wood shop, Spanish.


- His favorite color is orange.

- He really wants a dog, but doesn't have one. So he's saving up as much money as he can.
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Name: Willow Underfoot

Nickname: Nope.

Age: 16

Personality: Quiet, mysterious, kind, friendly.

History/Bio: Revealed in role-play.

Friends/Family: Millie Underfoot(Grandma) John Underfoot(Grandpa).

Likes: Trees, dirt, pretty much anything outdoors.

Dislikes: Dresses, tight clothing, and tight spaces.

Tattoos (That your character has already heard): Someday you'll understand.(Across her waist. Her father said this.) I did it. I'm sorry.(On the lower part of her neck. Said by her mother.)

Tattoos (That your character has not yet heard): Don't worry about your past. Worry about your future.(On her left arm.) Just say yes.(On the back of her wrist.)

Form Room: Room A

Classes (See below for class options): Arts, Technologies, and Languages.

Week's Schedule (optional - include after school activities and commitments on here, you can just include these if you wish): Nope.

Other: Red
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Byung-Soon Gwon





Appearance (Please tab or spoil):




Byung tries to see the good in everyone, all his life never being given a chance has made it a habit for him to do so for others. He loves to see others happy even if he's not in the end, and to make others happy he finds it needed that he must be kind and caring to everyone. Byung is a sweet playful guy who always tries his best in school hoping to someday reach his step fathers expectations in the end. But behind his smile he's truly broken, his past leaving him with a broken charred soul that none have reached. The expectations as well are secretly his as well, he constantly tries to reach his own expectations as well but hasn't lately. Byung can come off odd due to his selflessness this pushing many people away from him, he often can not find his words when talking with someone. But once he trusts you he will be perhaps one of the most loyal people you will meet. He attempts to not be angered, though it is quite difficult to hear him yell at some point. But he can become irritated by idiotic people, and will often speak Korean when stressed.


Byung for most of his life lived in North Korea, his family consisting of his mother and twin sister. They lived happily together, no harms being done until his mother met his soon to be step father Kuroko. He became abusive once married, at some point his mother left while Mi-Cha and Byung where at school leaving them in his care. Having a well paying job, Kuroko Byungs step father moved around quite frequently and at some point they came to (where ever we are). And here they have lived, his step father punishing them when ever he saw fit. Due to this he attempts to not get to close to anyone.


Twin Sister: Mi-Cha Gwon

Step Father: Kuroko Chawswa

Mother: Chin-Sun Gwon (Deceased)


-Good Grades

-Playing the Ukulele



-Meeting people

-Helping others







-Selfish people

-Mean people

-His Step Father


Disappointing Someone

Tattoos (That your character has already heard):

-"Stop hurting yourself." (On the inside of wrist)

-"I want to be a bird, so I can fly away." (Over heart)

-"You can't leave me, promise?" - (Above shoulders blades)

Tattoos (That your character has not yet heard):

-"Drop dead!" (Behind his ear, on hairline)

-"I heard we had a new transfer student." (Edge of right foot)

Form Room:

Room C

Classes (See below for class options):

Chemistry, Sculpture, History, Wood shop, Spanish


His f
avorite Color is Teal

He has recently
transferred to the school, technically a new student

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Do you mind if I reserve a spot? I'm in class right now so I can't post a bio but I would really like to join this!
Name: Samuel Marcus Webster

Nickname: Dislikes his first name strongly – known by most as Marcus/Mark.

Age: 17

Appearance: 5”9, medium length dirty blond hair. Blue eyes. Skinny build.


Mark finds himself within a wide circle of semi-popular people within his school – his easygoing attitude and agreeableness make him a generally likeable person to most. Being an extraverted people-pleaser has it’s own drawbacks, however – he dislikes independent work and without his friends he feels as if he is at a loose end, and can be often found striking up conversation with complete strangers in a grasp for social contact.

A combination of being laid-back and having no motivation means he has always achieved average grades – despite any potential he may have for doing well. As well as this, he occasionally gets into trouble at school, usually because of pranks either he or his friends have played and often at another poor student’s expense. While he’s not acting maliciously when he does this, he fails to realise that some of his friends
are, and as a result can find himself disliked by the victims, who see it as more than a joke. He doesn’t necessarily know what he’s going to do after high-school, however he tries to ignore that fact and stay firmly in the here and now.

History/Bio: Had epilepsy from when he was five, but it is mostly controlled with medication.

His parents divorced when he was 12, after years of familial discord. He travels between the two houses on alternate weeks, often forgetting textbooks and school materials during the transition (and being penalised in classes as a result). While he likes his mom, the relationship with his father remains tense after his new stepmother moved in half a year ago. He rarely speaks to either of them whilst at their house, choosing to go hang out with friends or stay up in his room for the majority of time he is there.

Friends/Family: Michelle (Mother, 45), Samuel (Father, 47), Connie (Stepmother, 32) James (Younger brother, 14)

Likes: Motorcycles, Sleeping, Burgers, His friends

Dislikes: Being disliked, Early mornings, Detention

Tattoos(Already heard):

“Oh, thank God.” [Mother, Right Bicep],

“Can you hear me, Junior?” [Father, Across shoulderblades],

“That’ll be a dollar eighty-five.” [stepmother, Back of left leg],

“It’s not your fault!” [First girlfriend/kiss, just above right hip]

Tattoos(Not yet heard):

“What’s going on?” [back of neck, send me a PM if you chara wants to say this:P]

“You're just so...useless.”

Form Room: A

Classes: Chemistry, History, Business Studies, Wood Shop


- His favourite colour is green.

- Bites his nails when nervous.

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Name: Sergio Xerxes Mann

Nickname: Serge, SX

Age: 16

Looks: Look at the pic


Sergio is very alone and quiet. He is not shy, just wants to be alone. He is rather smart. He is wants to not talk to anyone and just wants to sit alone and never ever talk. He doesn't really like life. He doesn't like parties and has problems with getting ideas out.

History/Bio: At the age of 6, he was sent to a orphan home and was there for 5 years. When he was 11, he got adopted and had 2 siblings. At school he was always bullied and one of his sisters burned him with a match while trying to light a stove. His parents were middle-class and one day he ran away at the age of 13, and ended up living on the streets. A community project let him into the school to show kids that everyone was different (like in Percy Jackson, Tyson). At 15, he got to live with a middle-class family with no kids and still lives there.

Friends/Family: Jack (dad, 30), Amy (31, mom)

Likes: black, rock and roll, math

Dislike: bright colors, pink, bullies, life

Already Heard Tattoos: "I can tell why you have no friends." {On wrist} , "Why do you cut?" {Right arm}, "Who do you think you are." {leg}, (THIS ONE IS THE ONE BY THE PARENTS) "You don't need to worry." {On neck}

Unheard: "If you die, I will miss you." {on hand}

Dorm: 3

Classes: Chemistry, Wood Shop, French, Accounting, Photography


-favorite color is BLACK
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Name: Yuki Hashimoto Smith

Nickname: Yu or Hashi

Age: 15

Appearance (Please tab or spoil):

Spoiler: Appearance


Personality: Yu is a very intelligent young boy. He is already in his last year of college. Unfortunately this means he spends a lot of time with older, big people, and being short in height doesn't help, this makes Yu quite shy. Yu is also quite the analyzer and deduces everything he sees. Once he trusts you though he will open up and share his intelligence, unfortunately he trusts no one. Although he looks quite calm on the outside he is actually very stressed almost all the time. Yu has decided that this year, he was going to try and make friends, and be social with people from his classes. Finally Yu is a very soft and emotional guy, he rarely shows his emotions, but they are there, eating him up from the inside.

History/Bio: As you can tell by his name, Yu has Japanese blood in him. Hashimoto is his mothers maiden name and that is why it is his middle name. Yu is unusually smart for his family. Neither his mom or dad were smart, and Yu's dad is suspecting something of Yu's mother, as Yu looks nothing like his father. After school Yu mostly studies but every Wednesday after school he has piano lessons from straight after school finishes till 5pm. He also does karate from 6:00pm - 7:30pm on Fridays. Yu's family don't live in a huge home, but it isn't small. Yu gets his own big room but it is half taken up by his huge desk and bookcases covered in books. Yu has spent all his time alone through high school, because he is considered a 'freak' by his peers.

Friends/Family: Yu's father Jason Smith is a big bulky strong man. He usually disappears for weeks on end and comes back home with a lot of money. No one asks questions but Yu has already deduced whats going on (will talk about this in one of my first posts). His mother Sora Smith is a typical tiger mom. She forces him to study his but off almost everyday and only gives him some freedom at the weekend. Yu also has an older sister who just started university (or college), was constantly bringing home boys, so basically she is a s**t. Ever one quite different to Yu.

Likes: Good grades, Maths, girls, karate and he may develop more likes as the roleplay continues

Dislikes: His sister, bullies (of course), bad grades, anything that needs brute force, and may develop more as the roleplay continues.

Tattoos (That your character has already heard): "You sure this is the right one?" - Father, "AN A- STUDY HARDER!" - Mother, "Get out of here you little baby" - Sister. "Oi, look at me when I'm talking to you." - Bruce (the leader, shall we say, of the bullies who have decided to make Yu's life harder. "Can I please borrow a 2B pencil" - Byung

Tattoos (That your character has not yet heard): "I love you",, "Want to be friends?"

Form Room: C

Classes (See below for class options): Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Business Studies, French.

Week's Schedule (optional - include after school activities and commitments on here): Wednesday after school till 6pm Piano practice, Friday 6pm - 7:30pm.

Other: Favourite Color - Turquoise

Also speaks very fluent Japanese because of mother (sorry forgot to add :P )
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Name: Xaviera Heron

Nickname: Xavi (Ex-ay-vee)

Age: 18


Xaviera is what one may call a “wild child”. She’s stubborn and obstinate, refusing to do things the way people would consider normal. Her creative mind and artsy attitude certainly keeps things interesting, along with her capricious nature. Her loud mouth has a very tiny filter, so much of what she says can be rude even if it isn’t meant to be hurtful or mean. She’s just brutally honest, almost like a child. Also like a child, Xavi tends to have a strange imagination. Nevertheless, she is also fairly caring and generous to those in need of a helping hand. Also, while she doesn’t particularly enjoy school, she manages to get decently high grades. She knows her family would be disappointed otherwise.

History/Bio: Xaviera has never really had to struggle. Her grandmother married into a wealthy family, and when her husband died all of his wealth was passed onto her and her only remaining family: her son and his family, or Xavi, her mom and brother. It helped that Xavi’s father had become a fairly prominent business figure as well. Either way, she was able to afford most luxuries. She was expected to do well in school, and she got by easily. When she hit high school, however, she realized that she couldn’t always be so dependent on her parents. Determined to make something of herself by herself, she started to become more independent. She found odd jobs and taught herself various skills like Without realizing it, her whole demeanor changed. She was louder, and crazier, and her friends didn’t stick around to put up with it. She became a floater, drifting between friend groups and cliques but never really finding her place. The more she moved around, the meaner people tended to get. All she really wants is to find her purpose. If that makes any sense.

Friends/Family: Marie (mother), Lucas (father), Lucia (grandmother/abuela), Ignacio (younger brother/best friend; prefers Iggy)

Likes: Music, most visual arts, snowboarding, skateboarding, little kids, root beer, gummy bears, the mall, organized-ish chaos, and risks.

Dislikes: Silence, disappointment, school, but she also dislikes bad grades; serious situations (they make her extremely nervous), and stuck-up people. Herr mortal enemy is a hairbrush.

Tattoos(That your character has already heard): “You’re so chubby!” (Mother; Behind her right ear.) “Hush now, daddy’s here.” (Father; Around her left ankle.) “No fair!” (Younger brother; Above her right knee.) “Abuela lo hará mejor, niña.” (Abuela; On her left shoulder blade.)

Tattoos(That your character has not yet heard): “Outta my way, freak.” (Across hipbone.) “S’up, little missy. You lost?” (Down her spine.) “I’m fine, really.” (On the inside of her left wrist.)

Form Room: Room C

Classes(See below for class options): Physics, Sculpture, Geography, Cooking, and Japanese

Week's Schedule (optional - include after school activities and commitments on here, you can just include these if you wish): Xavi works at a skateboard shop in a nearby mall from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after school and 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturdays. She goes to Sunday mass with her abuela every week and then she and her family have dinner together.

Other: Her favorite color is electric blue, and her hair is unstoppable. Most of the money she makes at her job goes to her funds for a car. Oh, and she speaks fluent Spanish if anyone needs a tutor.
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Name: Amelia Finlay

Nickname: Amy

Age: 17

Appearance (Please tab or spoil):


Amy is an average girl. She can hardly stay focused on one thing at a time, and finds school extremely difficult. She stresses about all her school work, but can't bring herself to do it. She is terrified she will fail this year, and have to repeat it. She thinks she is dumb, and the people around her seem to do their best to reinforce this, making a big deal out of every mistake. Truly, she has average intelligence, and is more than capable of passing with ease. She loves the arts, but is so scared of being judged, she didn't take any of the ones she would have liked to. Most of her classes she only took to be with friends, or because she thought they would be easy. She has no idea what she wants to do with her future.

History/Bio: After being diagnosed with ADHD at a young age, she has been a constant trial-and-error of pills and medications. Her family were middle class, but most of their money went towards her and her sister's education. She has been convinced to believe she will never be accepted into university, and that this is for the best. She thinks she doesn't want to go in order to help her parents financially, but really, she would love to be a designer of some sort.

Friends/Family: She has a large circle of friends, but feels as though hardly any of them really are true friends. She is fairly alone, but tries her hardest to fit in.

Her family consists of mer mother, Joanne, her father, Liam and her big sister Bianca. Her best friend is no longer with us, but Amy still writes her letters and leaves her voicemails.


  • Cats
  • Sunshine
  • Fresh air
  • Drawing, painting, designing
  • Laughing


  • Thinking she's alone
  • Thinking about her future
  • School work
  • People talking smack about her best friend

Tattoos (That your character has already heard):

"Hey baby," - Mother - On the hollow of her throat

"Amy," - Big Sister - On the back of her right palm

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" - Best Friend - Across her stomach

"You're... Amelia?" - First boyfriend

Tattoos (That your character has not yet heard):

"You heard the man," - On her right shoulder

"Oh god, no, no, can you hear me?" - Along her spine

Form Room: Room A

Classes (See below for class options): Photography, History, Chemistry, Sewing, Wood Shop

Week's Schedule (optional - include after school activities and commitments on here, you can just include these if you wish): N/A

Other: Nada
Name: Bethany James

Nickname: Beth

Age: 17

Appearance (Please tab or spoil):
Beth is a person of few words - preferring to listen, rather than to speak. She fiercely cares for her friends, but is indifferent to almost everyone else. She has a dry sense of humour, and is critical of those in authority.

History/Bio: Beth's parents were firm believers that she needed to do well in life. They pushed her hard to learn well, to perform well in sports, and to always maintain her appearance. At times she found herself wanting to rebel, but she always fell back in line quickly and continued to perform as expected. Her parents split up when she was fifteen, proving that their way of life was just as messed up as everyone else's, and Beth let herself relax. Her grades dropped, her performance in sport faltered, but she became happier in spite of it all.

Friends/Family: Mother, Father, no siblings, friends with a few (sorry - can't think of who at the moment)

Likes: Coffee, reading, running

Dislikes: Dresses, make up, shoes

Tattoos (That your character has already heard): 'I love you', 'What was the point, anyway?', 'there's got to be hope.'

Tattoos (That your character has not yet heard): 'Laugh more. It's good for you.', 'I wish you would smile.', 'Who are you?'

Form Room: A

(See below for class options): English, Maths, History, Cooking, Photography

Other: Favourite colour is purple
@&\#039;67 Chevy Impala

Are you still interested in that spot? All the other spots are filled so if you're still interested, as soon as your character is up, we can start. ^^

If you aren't interested could you let me know ASAP, as there are other people who have missed out :)

Tapatapatapatapatapatapatapatapa Batman~
Name: Jessabel Richards

Nickname: Essa, Trouble

Age: 17


Personality: Resident troublemaker, Essa has a carefree attitude, live for the now and as if every day is your last. Half the time she doesn’t even care about grades or school, just partying hard, having fun and saying hell to the consequences.

History/Bio: Her mother died when she was born and her father has blamed Essa for it ever since. She was left to fend for herself practically except whenever she did something wrong she would get yelled at for it so she kept rebelling because she didn’t feel she owed her father anything since he’d all but abandoned her. Essa’s world got a bit brighter when she was 13 and her brother showed up on the doorstep. Turns out he’d been hidden away with her uncle because her father actually liked him. Twisted logic much.

Friends/Family: Ana [mother-dead], Richard [father], Jack [older brother she never knew about until she was 13]

Likes: High places, Fire, Rain, Adenaline

Dislikes: Her father, Being told what to do

Tattoos (Already Heard): Live [small of her back], What did you do? [nape of her neck], So you do exist [wrapped around her ankle]

Tattoos (Not Yet Heard): Oi Trouble [across her heart]

Form Room: A

Classes: Chemistry, Photography, Painting, Accounting, Spanish

Other: Her favourite colour is Midnight Blue
Sorry! My internet has been wacky but I'm back now! I have my bio, just need to find a picture. Thanks!
@&\#039;67 Chevy Impala Woohoo! Great, we'll be able to start soon

Tapatapatapatapatapatapatapatapa Batman~
Name: Sinead Maratova

Nickname: Sinny, only by family

Age: 17



Personality: Strong-willed, carefree (in some cases, careless), introverted, private with herself and her thoughts. Sinead is full of curiosity, as much as others are full of curiosity about her. She possesses a magnificent vision for people and their choices, and a style of empathy unique to herself. This often leaves others very much in the dark about her, while her knowledge of others increases exponentially. She is often very poetic, reveling in irony and justice and paradoxes, and cares more for the way events fold out than who is causing them to happen or why. Sinead has a peculiar love for animals, and particularly horses, as she believes they possess spiritual and fantastic qualities. She spends her free time raising and training horses and dogs, but her house is full of all kinds of animals. She prefers their company over that of other human beings, though will sometimes make an exception. Sinead keeps to herself and her animal friends, making it very difficult for anyone of any skill or profession to determine what goes on inside her mind. Sinead is seen as a mystery, an enigma, a puzzle to solve for many people. She enjoys playing games with those who wish to figure her out.

Aside from her interesting psychology, Sinead is fiercely loyal to friends. If anyone manages to gain her appreciation, they will never lose it. Sinead is extremely sensitive to betrayal or people lying to her or using her for their own purposes, as her mental skills have often made her a useful tool for strangers. She can appear cold, sarcastic, or even brash and harsh to people she is unfamiliar with. She often tries to remind herself to be polite and gracious, but has a hard time getting very friendly with people. Her heightened sense of empathy makes her unable to do anything truly cruel, and she always considers the effect that her actions will have on others before she does anything. This can make her indesicive and hesitant to do anything rash, and is often viewed as a weakness. Sinead is constantly caught between wanting to protect herself from getting hurt, and wanting to protect others from the same experience.

History/Bio: Sinead was born in Alberta, surrounded by horse farms and equestrian centers, and her parents were professional trainers. As a young girl, she was an excellent competitor and won many international competitions. When she was 16, she had an accident that shattered her leg, and she had to take time off. After that, and the death of her beloved horse, she moved to away for a low-brow life of raising and training horses for the local circuit and occasionally giving lessons. She also runs a small dog rescue, and finds homes for dogs or puppies that had been abandoned or abused when she finds them.

Friends/Family: Moira (mother), Stephen (father), Samantha (sister), Alana (best friend), Beverly (childhood friend)

Likes: Animals, riding, reading, music, running, nighttime, fog, traveling, tea, bonfires, sleeping, training animals, finging homes for animals

Dislikes: People who don't think of others, people who use other people, unintelligent people, hot days, sleeping in socks, chocolate, alcohol

Tattoos (That your character has already heard): Hello, love (left wrist) Light of my life, how are you? (left hip) Shiny (right ankle) You looked great out there (right shoulder) Come with me (lower back)

Tattoos (That your character has not yet heard): Hey, your shoe is untied (will appear along left collarbone) [[shoot me a PM if you want this to be you, maybe a possible romance side plot?]]

Form Room: A

Classes (See below for class options): Biology, Photography, History, French, Cooking

Week's Schedule: Teaches lessons to kids on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school, rides every day either before or after school

Other: Favorite color is maroon, wears contacts, speaks with a Canadian accent
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