AU Multiverse RP

Primal Conundrum

Always assume I'm laughing
So quick version of this idea: we all play characters that are canon from somewhere, but with an AU spin on them. Could be a gritty version of Shaggy from a Film-noir version of Scooby-Doo, a steampunk version of Ghost Rider who drives a monowheel, you get the idea.

All of these characters would be part of a team of dimension-hopping pseudo-police, concerned more with preserving the integrity of individual realities instead of meteing out justice. As such, to some worlds they could seem quite evil depending on what they're doing, in others they might be saviours.

The specific team that the players are part of is kinda the bottom-of-the-barrel team, it's composed of agents who are too valuable to decomission, but too unreliable / dangerous / disruptive to be put into a better team. They're the D-listers, the ones that get called in when every other team is busy or when it doesn't matter how obvious they are in their duties.

If they work well together, it's quite possible that they rise through the ranks, becoming the team that the other teams look at and say something like this.

Anyway, does that sound interesting to anyone?
This does sound interested to me. It sounds like even though they are cannon toons, they can still be semi OCs since they are an alternate self, so correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what it seems like. OCs with an appearance and underlying pesonality built in. Count me in.

Also, will this be a group role play? I think that'd be cool.
Group for sure, I grew up playing D&D so I'm much more comfortable in groups than on 1x1. I think you've pretty much grasped the essence of it as well- the characters are 'personalized canon' more or less. You can change them fairly radically if you'd like, as long as you can RP the differences!
Sweet. Count me in. Is there a role play started already where I can create a toon sheet?
Haven't started it yet, I'm still new to this particular site so I'm gonna look around and figure out what kinda formatting new threads here tend to use. I'll most likely get a thread up for it sometime today.

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