Attribute Specialties


New Member
I was wondering about the following:

Do two attribute specialties that enhance the same ability work with each other during a single action ?

For instance:

1) I have a Strength Specialty of Melee +1

2) I have a Dexterity Specialty of Melee +1

This would be possible right ? I add one dot to my strength during an action where I use my melee ability. (I did, I rolled Dex + Melee) and I add one dot to my dexterity because I'm using my melee ability..

That would mean I get 1 extra attack dice, and do an additional extra damage right ?
That would be right. They wouldn't add to the same ROLL, but there's nothing preventing them from adding to their appropriate rolls. Dex for hitting and parrying with Melee weapons, Strength for damage with Melee weapons. The Lunar charm for such can be quite handy. Note however that such when totaled with any Ability specialty dice cannot be higher than three. This often can mean its more useful to take Attribute specialties in things that are not modified by abilities, such as Soak, Damage or Movement speed related specialties...though of course better worded.

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