[Attack on Titan: Outside the Walls] Luka Winters


Proud Helljumper of the U.N.S.C
Name: Luka Winters

Appearance: Midnight black hair and golden eyes with specks of ice blue inside.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/damn.jpg.67444c640ee59fce831bf89411f44dd8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29702" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/damn.jpg.67444c640ee59fce831bf89411f44dd8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>







~Caring/ kind (only to those he trusts/Ryker)


Luka was born and raised for six years inside wall Rose before his parents, both in the Survey Corps, passed away, eaten by Titans like everyone else. He resented the Survey Corps and the Titans ever since, being driven from his home and into wall Maria, where he met the most important thing in his life, Ryker. Ryker was his sunshine, his light in the darkness of sorrow, his most precious treasure. He did everything with the other male, followed him everywhere and helped him find adventure or fight bullies, but he strongly detested Ryker's aspiration to become a member of the Survey Corps. When the wall was breached and the Titans poured in, Ryker just took his hand and ran all the way into wall Rose saving both of them from imminent death. It was then Luka decided that he wanted to keep his treasure safe, joining the Survey Corps to watch his back, only to keep Ryker safe.

Standard issue Survey Corps blades, 3DMG, Survey Corps cape

Social class:
Survey Corps

Pre-established relationships:
Ryker Summers (Best Friend)

Especially skilled at 3D maneuver gear, horseback riding, accuracy and power when taking down Titans. He always wears the white bandanna Ryker gave him for his fourteenth birthday on his wrist.

((Anything I missed? I hope it's not too late to join!))



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