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Fandom Attack On Titan 1x1 Descriptive Roleplay


New Member
Hello everyone! I'm Lezra and I'm pretty new to this website. I used to role play quite a lot but life got a little crazy and I stopped for two or three years. However! With quarantine and everything going on, I've found myself becoming very nostalgic and missing my old roleplaying days. Attack On Titan is my favorite anime in existence and also my favorite thing to roleplay.

I like to think that I'm fairly chill when it comes to roleplay. I don't have very many rules, the only thing is that I only really like to double up, meaning you play your OC and my love interest, and I'll play my OC and your love interest! I'm pretty open when it comes to who I might like for my love interest so you can pick whoever you'd like. I've tried to strictly use cannon characters before and I've just found that it becomes kind of boring. OCs of every race, gender and sexuality are more than welcome! Any kind of hate will not be tolerated, sorry not sorry :)

I'm also open to other storylines! We can follow the main one or do some sort of modern AU, whatever you may be interested in. I'm completely fine with cursing, guts, gore, dark plots, all that fun stuff, but I'll be sure to ask you what triggers or limits you may have.

All I ask is that you write a decent amount, I tend to write quite a but and you don't have to write as much, but just give a little effort. And please try to write at least relatively the same amount for your oc and my love interest. They don't have to be the exact same length, I just hate one someone goes all out for their characters part and then writes like a third of that for my characters love interest. I will write at least the same amount for my character and your love interest, though sometimes I might actually write more for your love interest. I want to make sure that's fair and both parties are enjoying the roleplay! Other than that, just please try to use as much proper grammar as you can. Mistakes here and there are fine, we're all human.

I also love talking outside of the role play, so please feel free to do that as well, I love making new friends! Please feel free to private message me if you're interested!

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