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Fantasy ATLAS: What Remains - LORE



Architect of Worlds


Mercy | Clemency | Compassion | Healing

Crown and wings made of olive branches.

Eleos plate
It is hard to ignore the calm atmosphere here, as everything is well-kept. The plate is populated with vast gardens and cozy Cabanas. Everything is in the proper place and the well-manicured gardens and landscapes allow anyone to find a place to relax. Aside from the gardens are the hospitals and buildings used to care for the sick and afflicted. Rehabilitation centers here see to the care of those who have been released from prison.


Eleos had been the final goddess to join the group, not because she had been tough to convince, but rather because the other gods didn't originally think of bringing on a goddess of mercy. It dawned upon the others that if they sought sanctuary for humans, then they needed someone who knew how to bring peace in war. The Turquoise Prince, a god of war, took it upon himself to seek her guidance and assistance.

The Greek goddess did not come as instantly as they would have hoped. She took effort in studying their values and agendas.While there had been relief knowing that other gods and goddesses were making move for a new age, Eleos made certain that was truly the case. Many of those in the group had rocky pasts, but they were truthful and thus she joined.

Eleos aided in forgiving criminals and brought in those they had captured during war. She wanted them to find comfort and healing of one's body and mind. She avoided prisons and hunted for an ideal land without persecution. While there is little crime and hatred between the five plates, to this day, she still works on her utopia with compassion for all those involved.


People can easily be fooled into believing she is forever soft spoken, however such is not the case. Eleos has passion for her compassion. She will broaden her back, look straight at those who defy and torment others, and shall shout their wrongdoings. Yet, even with such a booming voice, she sets ease into those who listens. While she is usually soft spoken, it is for those around her to find comfort, not because she is inward in her thoughts.
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Fertility | Manliness | Agriculture | Wisdom | Seasons



Large-bearded man that is often seen with a harp and cauldron. Sometimes with features similar to woodland creatures.

Dadga plate

Great golden fields of wheat and barley stretch beyond what the human eye can see. The sweet smell of ripening fruit and the rich scent of the soil permeates the air. People here work long hours in the sun to cultivate crops and livestock. Herds of cattle are found in expansive ranches, and keeping watch is the horse riders who spend their life with the herd. At the end of the day, the people are able to gather together in their homes or meet in vast groups for an evening of fun. (who doesn’t like a good hoedown?)
Farmland covers the majority of the plate separated by the fences that hold livestock and other farmland creatures. Great barns, homes, and places to gather blend into the land.


Dagda, often viewed as a godly father to his people, saw the same of them. His children. His beloveds. It wasn't a secret that this god would walk with his people and join them in dancing, games, farming and walks through his forest. He'd laugh and chime in his stories. He'd care for the youngest of them all, holding babies while mothers needed to rest. His boisterous laugh is contagious and well-known, so when it disappeared, even he worried. He watched and aided where he could when his people suffered. All these wars from deities, they were making the mortals that worshipped them suffer. How could such immortal beings treat humans as though mere terrain to battle upon?

Dagda left his people to find an answer to this feud. He ventured. Walking the surface of the Earth. Prancing along the heavens in the skies. And trekking the shadows of the underworld. Eventually, he stumbled into Huitzilopochtli, who he nicknamed as Huit and found that the Aztec god wished to end the suffering as well. A god of sacrifice and war couldn't take it anymore, and they began to have lengthy talks of how to end it. They were the beginning of the five.


As you could imagine, Dagda is loud, outspoken, sometimes saying things at the wrong time and without thought. He cherishes humans far more than any other deity of the five. Even now, on plates high above the Earth, he walks with his people. Despite his whimsical attitude, there are times he is quiet so he may observe the mortals about them. Always seeking how to serve them better.
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Sun | War | Sacrifice



The turquoise prince (often seen in turquoise) with hummingbird features.

Huitzilopchtli plate
The distant sounds of battle can still seem to be present in the structure of this city, even now arenas still hold battles of might as warriors hone their skill with the same dedication they would a blade. Fighting is not the only focus here as people gather in the arenas to sharpen their skills in wordcraft as well. To some, it is a peculiar sight to see a calm lecture in the same arena as an intense sword fight but those who live here understand the correlation. Despite the activity, a select few rooms lay dormant gathering dust. The strategy halls once used to propagate war lay unattended in honor of the peace now found. Grand temples and meeting halls tower into the skyline here as well as the combat arenas.


His parents taught him to bring order to the world. War wasn't his means of bring chaos and it never had been. He watched his fellow deities bring forth grand wars that may shatter the world they were so inclined to protect. He, without the other four deities, decided to fight. The Turquoise Prince rained down on the gods. He spoke with them. Went to their worshippers. Used all means to end the destruction, and he died. Though, deities eventually come back together again and came across Dagda. A god that he had never crossed paths with before, what with their people being far from one another.

The Turquoise Prince saw that he had been incorrect about one thing. Not all deities were battling as he had thought, and there he found the sun of a new tomorrow. He went to work. While unofficial, he is deemed as the 'King' of the five gods. Similar to Zeus when Kronos had been brought down, but without any special authority.


Calm and rigid, is what most would say about him and they'd be correct. He is matter-of-factly and doesn't beat around the bush. His mouth is the only facial feature people can see, and it is talked about that making him smile is rare, and often an exciting experience to be the cause of such emotion.
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Writing | Moon | Science | Time | Judgement



Has the head of an ibis. While not often portrayed winged in actual mythology, for the rp, characters are welcome to adopt wings.

Thoth plate
The more barren parts of the world lay here, Desert and plain stretch on in great swaths. though the flat land is put to good purpose. Trade routes and roads crisscross the landscape allowing for commerce to move quickly and efficiently. Market vendors dot the road and large factories fill what would be empty space. Most magnificent of all are the great courts, gleaming buildings of limestone and majesty. Each is distinct but an architectural marvel. Inside the debate of law and order is carried on by the various politico. Actual tribunals to discern the fate of all are held in smaller courts. The innovation of these people is apparent in the ever-shifting economy and production of goods. Here you will also find the writers and record keepers.


Thoth wrote it all. Every deity. Every battle. Every change in the land. He did not want to let a single bit of history go without record. He was left alone from the other gods. Seeing as he wasn't standing up against anyone and instead writing their legacy, they found it best to leave him be and continue to write the histories of Earth. Inevitably, such ended up being a foolish mistake, for Thoth had been the third to join the five.

The Turquoise Prince once said to him, "You write and what you write is good. Soon there will be a void. No heavens, Earth or underworld to keep record for the future, as there will be no future either. You will exist with your writings in nothing."

This drove Thoth to put down his pen and stand. He took his writings and gave them two Dagda and the Turquoise Prince. He had reams of information on all the deities and their tactics. It turned the tide in their war. He also provided counsel for both gods as well as their followers.


Seemingly distracted and hyper-focused on whatever he is working. Penetrating his thoughts is a whole other battle in of itself. His duties come first and he offers all that he has learned to his people. He does care though, as he often is seen making events to have open conversation with mortals, though perhaps that is just a different fixation.
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Constellations | Maps | Navigation | Boats



Depicted with a scarf that resembles wings. Often seen weaving, knitting, with looms, threads, etc. The moon in her hair is said to help with navigating.

Skarf Plate
Here lies the majority of the seas and oceans, great craft plow through the water breaking waves across their hulls. Captains stand tall along the bridges of these vessels conquering sea in calm or storm, night or day. Some carry goods, others fish but all respect the restless ocean. Cities and towns along the seas are coastal in nature and rely on the sea for their living. Here also nestled in the high mountains are the observatories that allow astronomers to peer into the sky with their lenses and read the constellations and coming weather. Most of the people here weave in some sort of fashion. What they create often clothes those on other plates or blankets them, but they also make works of art with their skill.


Connections. Togetherness. Travel. These were and are all important to Skarf, and while she never had a following prior to the Deity War, those who stumbled upon her found her important. Skarf often walked trails and boarded vessels to aid in the navigation of people who roamed the Earth. When passing by travelers, she'd give them some kind of cloth covering, a shawl, scarf, blanket, etc, to keep them warm. Only later would people look upon the cloth and see a map to help. She even helped underworld deities, such as Hades, with souls who had lost their way.

Skarf knew connections and ways to move between Earth, heavens and underworld, and had maps prepared ages ago. These became vital in their war and also provided information on the best masses of land to peel from the Earth to bring up to the skies. Most other deities did not know of her efforts in helping the five. It appeared she was still the nameless goddess helping weary travels on their way, but she had begun guiding them to the masses of land.


Unusual and mischievous. Often seen marching about and dancing while she sings. Similar to Dagda, she is often with the mortals, but yet, she is hardly ever worshipped as the rest of them are. If it wasn't for the moon in her hair, she'd be confused as a mortal, and she does not mind it in the least. Loud and keen to laughter, but not one to take up residence in a mansion or the symbolism thereof.

Calibutcher Calibutcher
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Plates Overall​

The function of the plates highly relies on one another. If Dagda's didn't exist, then the other four plates would have issues feeding the people. If Thoth's didn't exist, then order would be tough to keep. Because of this, all five deities convene and constantly work with one another to better maintain these masses of land.

On the individual plates, there are different laws that are in place, so long as they don't overstep. These laws tend to be personal preference and opinion of the deity in charge. It'd be impossible to list them all, nor have we created an entire book of every single law, but here are some:

In a place of mercy, it is entirely not allowed to cast judgement into your actions that may harm or discriminate another person staying/living on the plate. As there are many let out prisoners here, it isn't rare to see someone talk down, sabotage or even attack someone who was released. This law was put into place to keep sanctuary for those who seek it.

Plants serve the plates in many ways, not just farmland. They are required to make sure people can breathe and many carry other properties such as herbs for medicine. Dagda decided that while other plates can do what they wish with their plants, despite him being the reason their trees even grow on theirs, his own would prohibit intentional and needless destruction of plants. For harvest or means of pruning, or walking upon grass and it is necessary. If removing a plant helps another flourish, it may be allowed once agreed upon that it is the best course of action.

As strange as it may sound, common law here involves the right to demand someone to battle with you. There are more ways to battle than with fists or blades. From words, to strategizing, and all the back to true fighting; any may be included if all parties agree. It could appear barbaric for a law to allow injury, but it is often just as peaceful as Eleos there.

Burning of any writings is strictly prohibited. There are many ways a written word may be destroyed on accident, but it is deemed that setting it aflame on its own is intentional, and a mockery to history and time. The only exception to this law is if writings were burned secondary to an event. If an entire building goes down, the fist order of business is to figure out why it has, not so much the writings that may have been inside.

While Skarf plate tends to be more laid back, the goddess has set forth the rule that the people there can't hoard cloth from the rest of the plates. The goddess values connection, just as distant stars connect into constellations. Breaking this law will ban you from living on her plate.

Plates Hierarchy​



Above is a tiered list of who is in charge. It is simple and to the point, and that's mostly because the deities could destroy it all if they wanted to, no one here has much authority compared to them. I'll describe each role further and why they came to be.

Deities, just as explained above, are ruler of them all and work together. That being said, many view Huitzilopochtli as their 'Reigning King'. It is an unofficial title, however many of the deities base their final choice on his.


Just as with royalty, a regent is a placeholder of sorts for a Queen/King. In this case, these members were placeholder for the deities when they had sacrificed themselves for their plate. The deities have since returned as they do not truly die. They've continued to put in place a Regent however. When the last one dies, a new one is chosen. This person is taught everything and with their deity (as there is one per deity) always. If their deity goes down once more, they will act as a mini-god and take their throne of sorts.

There are two types of Hands on the plates, and there can be as many as each deity sees fit. Left Hands are those who enforce the law, protect the people, and come in emergency (essentially Police). Right Hands are those close to their deity and help with counsel and debate, sometimes even be their bodyguards due to their closeness with the deity. Essentially, a Left Hand may arrest you, but a Right Hand would decide the consequence. Anyone can become a Hand, but they must earn it through their actions and abilities.

People are just well, the people on all the plates. They still play an important part. The lands would not function as well as they do without everyone involved, especially with their skills.

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