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Realistic or Modern Atlantic Seas Schools for the affected

Jack in the Box

The Jack-o-lantern in a Box





Appearance (description/picture/GIF/anime)

Power (only one and the effects that come with it NOTHING TO OP unless you talk to me first)

Student or Teacher (talk to me first if you want to be a teacher)

Back Story​
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Name: Evan Lee

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Nationality: American

Appearance (description/picture/GIF/anime):


Power (only one and the effects that come with it NOTHING TO OP unless you talk to me first): I have the power of enhanced perception. Basically, my mind and senses can work at incredible speeds, granting me superhuman reflexes and coordination. I can dodge bullets... well, most of the time.

Student or Teacher (talk to me first if you want to be a teacher): Student

Back Story: So, I was a fairly average high school kid until I discovered my powers at age 15. Being a huge comic book fan and all, he decided to have a go at trying to be an actual superhero with a secret identity called the Viper. Sure, I knew that all I was doing was looking to for excuses to pick fights with random strangers and not crusading for justice or whatever, but seriously, what do you expect a teenage comic nerd to do if he's suddenly developed superpowers? Anyway, I found out that I was in over my head when I caught a stray bullet trying to invade a drug dealer's house. He unmasked me and left me for dead, and I was rescued and put in the hospital. My parents were upset to say the least, then they sent me here. To be honest, I'm the most excited I've ever been in my whole life. I don't have to keep my powers to myself anymore, and I'm living in a place with people just like me, which is something that I've always dreamed about but dismissed as wishful thinking until last year.

Name: Alina Sangria

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Nationality: American

Appearance (description/picture/GIF/anime):

Power (only one and the effects that come with it NOTHING TO OP unless you talk to me first): Alina has the power of healing. For now she can only heal minor wounds and injuries on others but once in training she can learn to heal herself and major injuries. The only draw back is the longer she heals, the more energy it takes for her to do it.

Student or Teacher (talk to me first if you want to be a teacher): Student

Back Story: Alina is a very studious student. She known to be very sweet and friendly when first meeting but can be very vicious when angry. She loves to help as much as she can and tends to be very naive when it comes to trusting others. She believes in second chances and will stand up for others if they are being bullied. She noticed her power around the age of 12. She was playing in her parent's backyard and saw a bird underneath the bushes with a broken wing. She took the bird into her hands and was able to nurse it back to health instantly from her touch. She watched in awe as the bird flew away completely alright. The next morning she noticed her appearance had changed. Once a brunette, her hair was now bright pink. She assumed it was because her powers were activated. She practiced in secret with her healing powers but noticed after a large injury or anything close to it, she begins to feel weak and have to stop. She also noticed that she can only at the moment heal others but not herself. She hopes that by attending this school, she can learn to heal larger more extreme injuries as well as her own.​
Name: Kith

Age: 13

Gender: Plant (he/him)

Nationality: American

Appearance: 5'4, large golden brown cloudy eyes, short light brown hair with patches of blond, very pale lightly tinted green skin with many small brown spots, feminine build with a male chest, has a single dimple on his right cheek when smiling

Power: is kind of a plant??? can grow any plant and is unaffected by natural poisons or irritants, injuries aren't as traumatic as on a normal human but still hurt and take time to heal

Student or teacher: Student

Backstory: Kith lived in the city with his mom and his older brother. He had been partially blind since birth and despite all the babying due to his disability, he grew up very quickly. He learned to rely on his sense of hearing and touch, while also memorizing the layouts of rooms. He had always been fascinated by plants, having bookshelves upon bookshelves dedicated solely to herbs and such. One day while he was working on his window garden, something sucked him up and spit him back out. He thought he might have just fallen over or fallen asleep standing and had a dream, but when his mother came home and started fussing over him trying to scrub the "green ink" off his skin, he knew something was up. He was taken to the doctor and after a few tests his mother was told of a school that would be built for children like her son. She warily agreed after being assured that her son would be treated well and his condition accommodated. The school was not built yet and wouldn't be for a while so Kith and his mother agreed home school would be best until they knew his powers and the extent that they reached. Over the course of the next few weeks he found he could mimic any plant, as long as he had absorbed at least a small piece of that plant first. So he spent the next few years before he went to the academy getting his hands on as many different plants as possible. When the time finally came his bags were stuffed to the brim, almost bursting, with mother's promises of sending more as soon as she could.
Sorry it took so long :/

Name: Dominac Ven Revara

Age: 45

Gender: Male

Nationality: Caucasian/Hispanic

Appearance: 6ft 2in


Power: Stop the most powerful ability to date Dominac can stop most things from happening from people using their powers, kinetic energy, and ect all though he can stop time he can not stop things in the past or future from happening. (note this gives Dominac a sort of omnipresece in wich allows him to search through space)

Student or Teacher: Principle

Back story: growing up in North Carolina Dominac spent his youth all ways fascinated with academics always reading science books history testing/quizzing himself on all subjects. But anything physical he would be lackluster in due to his health problem where his heart would stop and brain would go into sort of coma this kept him from doing much. By the time he was 15 is when the Event happened when he fell into the void he spent for what seemed to be 30 years but then as he exited the void it was no more then 10 minutes in our time now he is 45 and is working with the government to contai... I mean make a safe place for people to use there powers.

Name ~ Kiba Ichiro

Age ~ 16

Gender ~ Male

Nationality ~ Japanese

Appearance (description/picture/GIF/anime) ~

(only one and the effects that come with it NOTHING TO OP unless you talk to me first)

Student or Teacher (talk to me first if you want to be a teacher) ~ Dragon Form: Pretty simple, yet complicated. Kiba can turn into a dragon, albeit he can't very well control the ability. He is in full control of his actions while he is a dragon "unless" the reason he shifted is by way of duress (danger). While in his dragon form he is not able to breathe fire (though he's capable), and instead has the ability to crystallize objects with his breath. Essentially turning it to diamond. And, of course.. Fly. He's roughly the size (and weight) of a flat-bed truck, and as a reptile grows slightly each year. His tail is about sixteen feet once transformed. He has no way of communicating, but can fully understand English (Of course, unless enraged). This obviously raises his default strength, and dexterity. His base form is (very slightly) enhanced, but a well trained fighter could still put him on his butt in a heartbeat.

Back Story ~
Underwhelming. Kiba was the high school nobody for... Well, highschool. He dreamed of being the cool guy in school, or at least being liked. It just wasn't the case. He was a black-haired short guy, and not exactly the most charismatic pick if you would ask any girls. Though, after the event, he would awake one day an absolutely changed individual. He had... Everything. He felt braver, looked better, and spoke his mind on instinct. Whereas he was winded climbing the stairs in his house, he found himself able to sprint all the way to his school in Hokkaido without problem. His Mother was out of the house, almost... Always, and wouldn't learn of his change until she returned home and found the letter stating he was taken. The reason for such pretty simple actually... While he got away with his enhanced looks, as he still had his face more or less; when you turn into a raging dragon in the middle of P.E... Well, there's a problem. So now, he's on way too Atlantic Sea Schools, to supposedly be "surrounded by people like him, and understand his uniqueness". Or at least that's what the weird guys in the suits said...
Name: Saki Hattori

Age: 16

Gender Female

Nationality: Japanese-American ???

Appearance (description/picture/GIF/anime)

Power (only one and the effects that come with it NOTHING TO OP unless you talk to me first)She can control things but only for a short while. This ability last longer on animals and people with a weak mind state. Sometimes she can get a glimpse of what you are thinking.

Student or Teacher: Student

Back Story : Saki first lived in Japan with her father. She worked at a small bar type place and was the main attraction there. She was known as 'Muteki no p?k?pureiy?' which translated to 'The Unbeatable Poker Player'. People have come from around Asia to try their luck with her but always ended up losing. Sometimes her powers assisted with her wins but a lot of it was her own skills in poker. This was also how her father got extra money. She did this line of work until she turned 13 and got tired of her way of life and told her dad she wanted to stop but her father refused her wishes outright. When her dad refused she left a few days after with another girl named Diana to America. Diana took care of her like a sister but soon after arriving she told her about hearing voices. Diana had listened to her complaints and noticed that she was saying some stuff that she was never told. After those incidents a letter came in the mail about a school for people like Saki.
Name: Ava Gentian

Age: 15

Gender: female

Nationality: Canadian

Appearance (description/picture/GIF/anime):

short black hair in two sloppy pigtails. Green eyes and slightly tan skin. Generally wearing a tool belt, and has lots of burns from making things explode.

Power (only one and the effects that come with it NOTHING TO OP unless you talk to me first): Ava has a unique ability to see inside of any machine and know how it works, how to build it, and what it's made of, then she can talk to it.

Student or Teacher (talk to me first if you want to be a teacher):


Back Story: Ava was always slightly angered about having somewhat clichéd neglectful but rich parents. Because of their richness, Ava was always able to have materials to make things with. Her parents were horrified to find their house filled with slightly explosive machines and thier daughter talking to a toaster. They took her to the doctor, who sent her to the shrink. That didn't work out for long. Then Ava was sent off to this school. She is not happy to be a student.

Name:Anki Aboli




Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.3676a16cdc24d420917a72fb1c99c6d1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135218" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.3676a16cdc24d420917a72fb1c99c6d1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>stands 6ft 2in weighs 165lbs

Power: Demonic physiology

Anki essentially has the body of a demon. He is immune to disease,poison,venoms and most toxins.

His body is also abnormally strong,fast, and durable.(about 5x a normal human)

In addition he recovers very quickly from wounds capable of being up and about only a day after near death injuries.

But by far his most terrible ability is his transformation<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.0a41939d79f3f189fd101ce576f1ac74.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135216" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.0a41939d79f3f189fd101ce576f1ac74.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>stands 9ft 8in weighs 1698lbs

in this form his strength is increased to ridiculous proportions, his skin becomes like granite, his healing accelerates tremendously. However his speed remains the same and his intellect drastically drops.

(Basically the hulk)

As of yet he has no control of this form and refuses to use it. However if near death of severely distressed he may bring it out.

Student or Teacher:student

Back Story:Anki has had a relatively normal life before his abilities awakened.

He was in his junior year at highschool and seemed to never get a very at anything. In reality he simply suppressed his anger and kept to himself, when people would pick on him for his timid nature, he would take it and try and walk away.

That changed when the event took place...

The event triggered his transformation,and all of his repressed rage was unleashed on an unsuspecting highschool,the. The neighboring area, then the military that responded.

When Anki finally woke back up he was in Venezuela deep in the jungle being woken up to the sound of helicopters.

He was promptly detained by the U.S military and transferred to the academy to be trained as a weapon...

Other: Anki does have a few weaknesses, his own immunities prevent any medicine from helping him. Healing abilities besides his own damage him instead of healing him. After a transformation he is left unconscious for several hours.​



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Name - Svenn Andersson

Age - Fifteen

Height - 5'9''

Power - Svenn has the ability to absorb and use others powers. So far he can run at supersonic speeds, and can control wind. He can only copy power every three hours, due to the power rewriting his genetic makeup.

Backstory - His mom had him run down to the gas station to run an errand for her. He arrived in the middle of a robbery. The robber didn't have a gun, so he foolishly decided to tackle him. The robber wasn't expecting it, so he successfully crashed to the ground. He could feel something tingling inside his body, but before he could do anything he was sent flying by a blast of wind sent by the robber.

(All I could do :/ )
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Um need better description and a more detailed backstory also maybe tone it back on the powers to either a time limit or can only copy one power at a time. :/
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Name: Professor Lumen





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.21e38ddf0bb281dd91500eb5bc062530.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135421" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.21e38ddf0bb281dd91500eb5bc062530.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Power:Primordial Light Mastery:

Professor Lumen has mastered the art of light,he was born with the power to manipulate light. Over the years he has augmented his natural power with ancient magics.

Student or Teacher:Teacher

Back Story: Lumen was a prominent spiritual figure in ancient Egypt. He built his people up into greatness, but offended the Egyptian gods in the process.

Lumen was born powerful but he couldn't stand against the gods as a mortal. So he sacrificed his own life to be sent to the underworld. There he underwent a series of challenges,eventually earning a spot with the gods in their domain.

This was all a part of his plan however, he stole the sun god Ra's armor of the sun... Which was permanently seared onto his flesh.

But using the power of the sun gods armor to augment his own he tore the Egyptian gods Parthenon to shreads and saved humanity.

He spent all his time after that studying the knowledge of the gods but his attention was drawn Back to earth when the Event happened.​



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"Mhmm and you say you are a god...... *sigh* welp what can you bring to our school MR, Lumen?" I am curious too he can be in I guess but what class would you teach?
[QUOTE="Jack in the Box]
"Mhmm and you say you are a god...... *sigh* welp what can you bring to our school MR, Lumen?" I am curious too he can be in I guess but what class would you teach?

Lumen can teach ancient history, he was there after all. He can also offer private tutoring for anyone with a more mystical based power.

"Don't think to highly of the gods, they were simply powerful mutants from another world who came to ours to feel superior, they aren't as divine as many think..."
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.2ab845c0bfd8e6a0dbce07ab000616cc.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135428" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.2ab845c0bfd8e6a0dbce07ab000616cc.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name- Michael Bryant




Appearance (description/picture/GIF/anime)

power- can become as small or as big as he wants

Back Story - Michael was a kid that had morals and tried to live by a standard until it happened to him. He saw some people who looked like they were doing rituals he then stumbled in and they continued the ritual with him in the center, the man that did the ritual called it "fate", he then found out he had powers and used them to do all kind of mischievous things in his house and town. His parents thinks sending him to this school will help and make him a hero. He doesn't really want to be a hero he just wanna live his life and enjoy his powers, but he'll make the best of it.



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you good but if you can I want to know more about a character so if you could be more detailed in the backstory that would be appreciated. :)
Name: Jia Xing (Though that may be a alias of hers. Wants to be called Professor Liu.)

Age: N/A. But physically she's 23

Gender: Female

Nationality: Chinese

Appearance (description/picture/GIF/anime)

Power (only one and the effects that come with it NOTHING TO OP unless you talk to me first) She possesses exceptional fighting skills, can move extremely quickly and seems to learn things by just seeing or hearing them though she says learning to much gives her a headache and makes her extremely lightheaded but she got better using it and can now learn more without extremely bad side effects but still gets them. (This doesn't include powers that are impossible to copy like shoot lasers.)

Student or Teacher: Teacher

Back Story: She is the wandering deity of a bird. She has lived for quite awhile and has seen many wars and such other things. She would follow travelers and normal everyday people to learn of their cultures because that was her basic purpose. The person who was the first person she saw was a old woman who she stayed with. When the woman died she felt little grief but did honor her by spreading the feathers of birds and flower petals around the old woman's home. For years she wandered around the earth until she stumbled upon her current workplace and decided it was interesting enough to stay for.

@Jack in the Box
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