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Fandom ATLA | Oc RP!


Perpetually Exhausted
Hello! This is just a little search thread solely for ATLA. I’ve been wanting to use my Oc for this series and haven’t seen many other threads mentioning it; or chats not getting much of anywhere. So! Let’s get rules out of the way.

Main Rules
I - I understand English is not everyone’s first language. All I ask is that you use good grammar, and please be at least semi-lit; at least 5 sentences ! It’s hard to reply to anything less. Mistakes are bound to happen, I could count more than a handful of times I edit a response because of typos. And some still escape my eye.

II - I ask that my roleplay partners are 17+ but 21+ is preferred as I myself am near my mid 20’s. It’s what is most comfortable for me, I ask it is respected.

III - 18+ mature content does not equal sensual content. Heavier topics are welcomed so long as they are delivered respectfully. So tell me if any triggers you have!

IV - I do have a full-time job and life outside of roleplay, so please don’t bombard me if I don’t answer in a couple of days at a time. If I wind up taking a break, I’ll do my best to warn you before hand! And I ask that you do the same, if you can.

Roleplay Preferences
I - As far as pairings go, I am happy to engage in any gender pairing, and am open to hearing about different pairings. Romantic and platonic relationships are welcomed greatly!

I’m only looking for Oc x Oc rolepays at the moment, unless you can really convince me of you RPing a canon. I welcome any gender, sexuality, and relationship! You want romance? Sick. Wanna be enemies? Bet. Want to make life long friendships? Awesome! I’m open to generally everything, so long as it’s legal!

And of course, here’s my OC I’m wanting to play as!

Name: Sovu
Age: ~18
Height: 5’8
Gender: Male

Nationality: Earth Kingdom
Bending: Water bender
Current residence: Villiage outside the main city of the Northern Water Tribe

Personality: Sovu is an empathetic soul, but it does not mean he isn’t snarky at the worst of times. He is stubborned and firm, inquisitive and level headed. He is one to attempt deescalating a situation or taking the time to observe situations before fighting. He would much rather use his energy preserving a life than fighting against one. Not to be confused with weakness. Sovu also has tendencies to become single minded and bull headed, needing to be set straight.

Rough backstory: Sovu comes from a smaller town in the Earth Kingdom, raised by his mother who is an earth bender, and a father who is a non bender; but has a family history of water benders. His bending came to him a little later than other kids, and as there weren’t too many water benders around, a tough decision was made to leave with his father for the North Pole and connect with cousins residing there in hopes of understanding both the bending and traditions, the culture better. | Sovu has spent nearly 7 years in the North Pole, communicating with letters to and from his mother. He hopes to return for a visit someday soon.

Character Art <COMMISSIONED>

Anyhow. Please DM me or leave a comment if you’re interested! I’m also available to take this onto Dis/cord if prefered!
I’m intrested in this if you still are! I have an atla oc I’ve been wanting to use ^^ I can do it here or discord :)

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