Athena Addams


Flaming Ice Queen
Name: Athena Addams

Age: 19

Gender: Female



(Her hair is a dark purple-blue, her eyes are grey, ignore the outfit in the pic...)


Strega fashion, gothic, and warm, thanks to her time in Norway, and she loves dressing as if she's in a snowy fantasy world.




(If you search Strega fashion or Mai Magi, you'll see more of the stuff she would wear)


Reading, creating her clothes, archery and fencing, spending time in forests and outdoors (usually reading), working on her Etsy store.

Favourite Book:

She can't decide between Zoe Marriott's Frostfire, or Shadows on the Moon.

Most Hated Book:

None so far... 


She grew up in Norway with her Mum (who moved them both from Britain when Athena was 2), and moved to (wherever this is set... America?) once she finished her education in Norway, which she finished early due to being ahead by a few years. Spending most of her time reading in the forests surrounding their home, she learnt English from her Mum, and lives most of her life in them. When she isn't creating her wardrobe, or jewellery for her Etsy shop, she's reading a fantasy novel.

She makes a living from her Etsy shop, and earns enough to pay rent for her cabin in the woods, her dream home. She has everything she would ever want, and often goes into town on her bike to get more books from the library, food and socialising.

She has a natural talent for arts and crafts, and has been practising archery, kendo (and fencing), and martial arts in general since she was little.


Her Mother is British, so Athena's accent is somewhere between Norwegian and British.

She's incredibly pale, but only because whenever it's sunny, she always carries a parasol... (And she never tans)

Her favourite genre is fantasy, especially gritty and dark ones.

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