I Thought We Were Normal


made up of opposites
Uh, I don't know if you guys want to even do CS's or not, but I'll just put this here.. because what if you do?! :o

And if you do.. make them prettyful for your bud Cloud <3

Normal kid CS

Description:[/b] (A physcial description of your character. Things that aren't in the photo.)
[b]Age:[/b] (I think sixteen is appropriate. So in the 15-17 range. Teenagers, woo!)
Date Of Birth:

Strengths:[/b] (At least three character strengths)
[b]Weaknesses:[/b] (At least three character weaknesses)

Magical Kid CS

Magic Name: (Some random old-sounding name )
Description:[/b] (A physcial description of your character. Things that aren't in the photo.)
[b]Age:[/b] (I think sixteen is appropriate. So in the 15-17 range. Teenagers, woo!)
Date Of Birth:

Strengths:[/b] (At least three character strengths)
[b]Weaknesses:[/b] (At least three character weaknesses)
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Tracy Haliberton

Description: Tracy is bespectacled brunette, to put it simply. Her long hairly commonly stylized with one or two ponytails and a blue hairband. With eyes of blue, she doesn't stand very tall compared to many other students, but she does hold herself with a sense confidence.

Her body, itself, is lean but fit, from some of the more athletic clubs that she participates in. Tracy normally prefers to where more formal attire, such as a blouse and skirt but she is not opposed to casual clothing outside of school or between clubs. Whichever route of fashion she takes, she holds a distaste for the slovenly, and is well groomed formal or casual.

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Date Of Birth: August 25, 1997

Birthplace: Providence, Rhode Island

Height: 5' 5"

Weight: 118 pounds.

Projected Element, if applicable: Lightning


Tracy is a very ambitious and open minded young woman and drives herself to a successful life. To those around her, she seems to be energetic in her studies and outgoing in her activities. Exceptionalism seems to be the core value she lives by. For the most part, she is very good at getting along with others. But that could be in part by having a knack for saying what people want to hear.

Tracy is very intelligent, and she knows this, and she likes it when other people know this, too. She exhibits a very logical personality, generally choosing practicality over sentimentality. Though she does come off as nice and respectful, she is known to be a smartass. She knows the value of subtlety and uses it often. Often employing methods of manipulation and direction on the lesser minds of other students.

Do not be mistaken, she is not a bad person, just as she strives for success, she expects others to do the same, and pushes them in helpful direction. Mostly because it can be tiring to suffer the presence of fools. She enjoys that people come to her for help an advice. Most time she will give it to them. She likes how it makes her feel. She enjoys getting ahead and being the best and the brightest. This all being said, she is not without internal problems. See if you can bring them out.

Tracy is, as previously stated, very intelligent. A trait that she uses very often. She is always quick to come up with plans and is good at predicting outcomes. Also the girl seems to have a gilded tongue, and smooth talk enough to make any politician proud. Is also pretty good at remaining calm and collected under pressure. Being in multiple clubs has also given her a rounded experience in many fields. From chess club, to the science club, to even the martial arts or soccer club.

One thing that plagues her comes from a sort of subtle arrogance and confidence that she has. This has a tendency to cause some friction when it surfaces. She also has a tendency to be affected by what people think about her, and though she seems to have it together, that facade can be broken by pushing in the right places. Lastly, though, is her logical mind. With the right spin on things, she very well could change her mind. For better or worse. She is also not above hypocrisy.

Tracy was given up for adoption at birth. She knows little about her birth parents, and could care less (so she says). Though the facts behind that circumstance are rather too inconsequential to get into. The feeling of abandonment did probably stick with, and it might be said that it is what drove her to such ambition to be the best. The more simple explanation is more likely, she is just naturally smart.

She was moved orphanage to orphange over the years. Until eventually ending up in the the city of Binghamton, New York at the age of seven. Like all children there, she went to school. While most of her orphans at arms found it a chore, Tracy found it a pleasant relief from her sibling "dregs of society", as she liked to call them.

Not that she hated them, there was a certain sense of camaraderie between them. Especially the one that she considered a sister, Leon. Having been in the same orphanage with the girl for many years now. She was a handful and a headache, but at the end of the day, she was always there for Tracy. As different as they may be, they always seemed to understand each other.

Those two girls never did get adopted, leaving them to be the only constants of that particular orphanage, and its oldest inhabitants. Tracy found her relief at school, where she spent most of her time. She was always signed up for extracurricular activities and various clubs. She even offers to oversee detention, mostly due to her sister being a very common visitor there. Still, much better than going back home.

Over the years, she has aced her studies, and has been Class President for several years running. A model student, as any faculty member will say. Many students look up to her, and as well off as she seems to be, she still feels dissatisfied. There has got to be something more to life than this.

* Tracy is slightly thalassophobic. Though she does enjoy swimming, you won't likely catch her(willingly) in any water that she can't touch the ground or can't see through.

* She loves to read. Her favorite genres include romance, mystery, and horror. Especially books with dark psychological undertones. Enjoys video games and music of the same themes.

* Despite what her slender figure may suggest, she loves to eat. This is especially seen after going through a breakup. She doesn't have good luck in the field of love.

* Though she isn't a drop dead beauty, she does like to feel pretty and cute even if she says that looks are superficial and the maintenance of it is impractical.

* More to be added as I think of them.
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Joshua Reines, "Suleyk"

Joshua Reines

Magic Name: Suleyk

Description: Joshua is a tall and skinny fellow who tends to keep his hands in his pockets and slouch, as you can see in the picture. His brown hair (excuse the black and white picture) is messy and unkempt, and tends to fall over his face in a messy yet good looking sort of way. His nose is sharp and his small lips are usually pursed into a frown. Joshua's eyes are a sharp icy blue, almost piercing, and he always wears a silver necklace with a small heart on it, as well as his signature beige scarf, so the necklace is hidden well. He has a thin scar across his right cheek, from the bottom of his eye dragging to the beginning of his lip. Joshua tends to dress in warmer attire, it makes him feel more at comfort at safer, though he'll never share this with anyone.

Age: Seventeen (17)

Sex: Male/Straight

Date Of Birth: February 12th 1997

Birthplace: Aria, the magic palace.

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 150 lbs.

Element: Before he was sixteen: Water. After sixteen: Ice.

Joshua is very cold, reserved, and serious. He does not joke around and he doesn't like it when others joke around, either. For some people, the world may be one big ball of sunshine, but not for Joshua. It's more of a dark stormy cloud. Joshua is quite the know it all, and is often the guy who will roll his eyes when you make a mistake, because he will know the answer, and it will seem very simple to him.

Joshua is a perfectionist. He does not declare something finished until it truly is, and if he knows they'res work to be done, he will not stop until it's really over. He is very dedicated and loyal, and although he may not seem like it, he cares a lot, just in his own way. He's very protective and would give himself up to protect the ones he loves.

Like ice, Joshua is cold and stiff, unmovable unless broken, but can be melted. If the right person comes along, perhaps you could soften Joshua's firm and reserved persona. Before his last meeting with the shining woman, Joshua could control water, but once she left, he found that he could no longer manipulate water, but ice.

Strengths: Joshua is clever and quick. He has fast reflexes and keeps a cool head in sticky situations. It's very hard to get him upset. He trains and studies hard, so he's very knowledgeable and tries to learn as much as he can about everything. Although he may see the world as a cruel place, he finds it intriguing, and studies it as best as he can.

Weaknesses: He may be clever and quick, but he is rude, and stubborn, and hard-headed. He refuses to admit he's wrong even when he knows he is and is very prideful. If you do manage to make him angry, he gets very, very, very angry. You've been warned. He may not be emotional, but he can be quick to lash out if he has. Joshua can push people away easily, saying things that he may not truly mean.

Joshua was once a smiling young boy, the world a playground, he saw the good in everyone. He was silly, and always laughing, and fascinated with the things around him. He was loved by the kingdom, and he loved them back. Joshua always envisioned himself as the king, how he would make everyone happy, bring peace to all the lands.

Joshua would often sneak out of the palace and explore. His curiosity often got the best of the young child, and when there was so much outside, so many wonders and people and things, why would anyone want to be shut behind iron walls? He never strayed very far, until one day. He fell, and tumbled down the hill, earning several bruises and a cut across his cheek from a thorn bush. Hurt, scared and alone, the young boy began to cry, out of pain and fear. He could not climb back up the hill, and he had never gone this far, so he didn't know any way back up.

In the distance, a soft voice began. It sang to the crying child, the voice soothing and warm. Joshua stopped crying, holding his bleeding cheek and looking around for where the voice was coming from. It became closer, until the figure of a beautiful woman appeared out of the thicket. She had bright red hair, and a soft, kind smile. She wore a golden dress and light surrounded her.

"Don't cry, child." She said to him, helping Joshua up. The boy was in awe of this mysterious, shining woman. She pulled his hand away from his bleeding cheek, and gently touched the wound. It began to stop hurting, and Joshua had realized she healed it, leaving a small scar. "T-thank you, miss." Joshua whispered. The woman smiled again, and kissed his forehead, the moment her lips connected with his skin, he felt.. alive. Light. Free. Then she was gone.

Joshua was left with his mouth wide open, dumbfounded. He sat and waited for the woman, hoping she would come out again, but she did not. So he began to look for a way back up the hill, and he found that it was surprisingly easy.

Every day after that, Joshua waited in the same spot, trying to get the chance to see her again. She would appear every now and then, speak in riddles to him, every time her light getting dimmer. Then, for one whole year, she did not show. He was now sixteen. The next time he saw her, she was no longer shining. She was pale, and fragile, her once golden dress dark and dirty.

"I am sorry, young prince. I did not mean to keep you waiting, but I fear this will be our last meeting. Dark times are upon us. Stay strong." She took his hand, and placed something inside it. Then, once again, she was gone.

In his hand was the small necklace. Joshua was heartbroken. What had happened to this woman? Was she alright? What did she mean? He put the necklace on, and from that day since he never took it off. Joshua became cold, and quiet, wary of the world, because of the woman's warning. Jonas never shared his secret with anyone. No matter how much he was pestered about the scar, he did not answer.


  • Joshua never knew that he had a sister until now. His parents always looked at him as if there was something missing, but he could never figure out what.
  • His accessories are his beige scarf and silver heart necklace.
  • Joshua's favorite thing to do is read. He is often found in the castle library, with his nose buried in a book.
  • He will never, ever tell anyone, but at some point he was in love with the shining woman.
  • Joshua has a slight fear of heights. He does not know where this originates from, but the thought of being up high on a pegasus or a griffin makes him feel queasy.

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Name: Cindy Reines

(As a Child During Days In Tremin)

Magic Name: Kiyooda

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Date Of Birth: February 12th, 1997

Birthplace: Aria, the magic palace.

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 122

Element: Fire

Personality: Headstrong and persevering, Cindy attacks any and all challenges with the strength of a roaring fire. Contrary to the widely perceived notion of fire being something of a turbulent force, Cindy is surprisingly easy-going....at first; like the flame of a burning candle. It is from here, that her personality goes into one of either two ways. If the situation manages to engage the girl, catching her fancies, the small candle-light blossoms into crackling torch providing warmth, love, and affirmation for all. If things happen to sway the girl's flame in the other however, the candle instead becomes a spewing furnace, spitting out hot cinders on its way to an unfortunate critical mass.




Strengths: Her resolve, passion, and sheer force of will, are the three hallmarks that have been successfully getting Cindy, through the numerous low points of her life. The girl is far from the fastest, and definitely far from the smartest, but never are you likely to find another person, that works nearly as hard as her. May it be 5 weeks past the deadline, or 2 years since everything's been all said and done, you can be rest assured that this girl will see things through, till the very end.

Weaknesses: There are certain moments in life, when sometimes the fire just gets too hot to handle. Cindy's, is no exception. Volatile, is one word that can be used to describe the girl when emotions are running high. In a second she'd lash out at anybody; vehemently spitting up hot vitriol at those unfortunate enough to be around her. If deep bouts of emotional instability wasn't enough, an easily kindled string of impatience, can make the girl even harder to deal with. This refusal to wait, watch, and listen, coupled with her stubborn reluctance to heed the advice of others, often leads the young girl into more trouble than things are worth.


"Okay Cindy, out in the fields with you. There are only a few hours to pick before dark. I want you back before then alright? Now hurry!"
A nod with a sluggish grin, was the usual answer Cindy gave her mother before heading out into the field. It wasn't a beautiful life like those people had in the palace, but at least she had a mom who loved her. And lots and lots of potatoes. Going outside to pick a few for the evening stew was a normal routine for the girl, but as with all kids, curiosity sometimes gets the best of them.

'Dark, schmark. Why does she always bother me about that? The sun just goes away..What's so special about that?' It was then a sharp grin spread across her face. 'Well, I have enough potatoes, may I'll just take a little nap and see what all the fuss is about. Yeah! She'll be so proud of me, I stayed all the way till dark and came back; no problem. This is gonna be great!'

It wasn't. Awaking to the sound of a low growl rumbling through her ears, Cindy was shocked to find a trio of wolves circled around her, licking their paws in open anticipation.
"Mommy..help me.." were the only words she could utter before the first one lunged at her. It's jaws closed on her raised arm, crushing it between a pair thick jaws. As another one prepared to jump upon her back, a bright light shone forth out of nowhere, stealing her vision and leaving mind in a haze....

When she woke up, she found herself laying in bed, with her wounds miraculously recovered and only leaving a few light scars. As her eyes were drawn to the spot on her arm by what she swore was a twinkling light, the moment was interrupted by two voices talking in hushed tone coming from the kitchen. One was her mother..but who was the other? A family friend..? She didn't think they had any..

Stumbling up out of bed and across the room with tippy-toes, she quietly made her way to Kitchen, hiding behind the wall just beyond the door.

"You should know better than that, leaving her outside after dark. Something could have happened! In fact as I've already told you, something did happen!"

"Yes, yes..I know..I'm sorry. I always tell her to come back in before the sun goes home...but this time, I don't know what happened...she always listens to me...I promise...she always listens to me..."

"Well , I cannot overlook this. It was too close a call. One mistake and that's it. If I wasn't there, she would have been gone." The new woman now crossed her arms, yet spoke softly to the ashamed mother, "I know it's stressful, but this may be out of your hands now. You need to tell her about her family. Get her somewhere she can really be safe. And that's not here in Tremin. It's time to take her to the castle."

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Name: Leon Carsid


Upon seeing Leon for the first time one would be hard pressed not to spot the blaringly bright, purple hair that flows down the length of her body ending at the small of her back. There are, more often than not, pink hair pins that hold up the mass of beautiful hair, sometimes ending in pig-tails.

Her eyes are a striking green that tend to change color appearance depending upon what colors she is wearing. She is not overly tall, but definitely not short, either standing at 5'9" tall. She is always seen wearing her typical school outfit that she secretly loves wearing even when not at school. Her body type can be easily described as toned and even somewhat more muscular than the average person her age. She holds herself as one that is vain and not afraid to let others know how beautiful she truly is.

Age: Sixteen

Sex: Female

Date Of Birth: February 29, 1998

Birthplace: Houston, Texas

Height: Five feet and nine inches

Weight: 153 pounds

Element: Earth

Personality: There are many defining characteristics of a person that can easily be used to describe their personality, but Leon is an exception to that rule many times over. She has the looks of a pageant queen, but not the personality. She has no qualms about telling anyone how ignorant and stupid they are, especially in the ways of fashion as she deems herself quite the fashion savvy teen. Not only does she verbally abuse people from time to time, but she also has the muscles to back her words up as she also loves to work out and keep her body in tip-top shape.

Perhaps the biggest personality trait is her boisterous attitude towards things she deems worthy of her time. In spite of these possible vices, she is a tried and true friend should her friendship be gained. She will stick up for her friends should the need arise, but won't blatantly go out of her way to help many others unless she's asked by one of her friends; and even then she would only do it ever so reluctantly. Leon loves a good dirty joke, and isn't afraid to tell one even sometimes at the most inopportune times. There are times when she gets in fights just to prove how much better she is than someone else. This is especially true for boys.

Strengths: Strong will and doesn't easily buckle to peer pressure or outside forces. Has a strong sense of duty even if often misguided. Physically strong due to her love of working out in the gym.

Weaknesses: Her brash attitude towards life and people can often get her in a lot of trouble. She is a bit of a loner and doesn't typically get along with people she first meets. Because she feels she is superior than a lot of people, she finds herself in troubling situations more often than not.

Biography: Leon's parents were so hoping for a boy so much that when she was born, they gave her a male's name just out of spite. That was the beginning of her joyful life. She was a problem child from day one and life for her parents didn't get any easier as they were getting older and older and weren't able to have another child. Like any good parent would do, they gave her up for adoption because they didn't want to deal with her any longer.

Life for her became a series of blurred images and bad memories which only forced her to become more and more turned against the world and the people in it. When it came time for her to get into middle school, she had already been denied adoption so many times that she didn't care any more about it. This turned her further into herself and she started her journey into the teenager she would become.

She quickly realized just how blessed she was with good looks and would use this to her advantage to get what she wanted most of the time. In spite of not being interested in boys, she wasn't against using them for her own good. If she couldn't get them with her looks, she would beat them into submission. Life continued like this until she was abruptly transferred to an orphanage in New York because no other one would take her in the state of Texas so the orphanage made sure to get her as far away from the state as possible and hoped New York would fix her awful disposition.

Oh, how she hated the place and it's infernal accents and stupid amounts of traffic, and that was all before she was placed into her school.

It was in the school that she would fall into the routine of her life. Only to find things were pretty much the same in New York as they were in Texas; people were just not as nice was all, which gave her all the more ammunition she needed to beat up on her fellow classmates.

It was at the orphanage that she would meet Tracy and she immediately hated her. Tracy was a stuck-up snob and Leon didn't care for her at all. Over the course of a small amount of time; however, the two would be inexplicably drawn together as if the world deemed them destined to become friends. Leon hated Tracy at first, but grew to accept her as a friend. Throughout the years spent at the orphanage ( and in detention as Leon was more often there than in class ) the two would become almost impossible to break apart.

  • Leon hates her first name, but doesn't change it for some unknown reason.
  • Leon is homosexual and has a crush on Tracy, though she would never admit it to anyone.
  • In spite of being a bully and somewhat brutish, Leon loves girly things and dressing up. If asked about this paradoxical behaviour, she would punch the person asking.
  • Going further with that, Leon loves cute stuffed animals and has a secret teddy bear she stole from a store hidden at the orphanage.
  • Leon has a huge fear of being alone in spite of how she tries to act.
  • Leon also has a strange fear of owls she never says why.

This is a work in progress, but mostly done. Still wanting to add a few miscellaneous facts.
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Gwyneth (Gwyn, please) Irons


Gwyn is of middling height and is muscled leanly. She prefers tank-tops and any kind of pants with numerous and large pockets. She is never seen without her tool belt, which is worn but very well cared for. Her hair is bleached white (originally reddish blonde) and usually is stained with engine grease. She has big, dark green eyes that are ever moving. She has notably pale skin again usually stained with grease.

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Date Of Birth:

Birthplace: Dublin, Ireland.

Height: 5'5

Weight: 120 lbs

Element: Metal


Lets just get this out of the way. Gwyn never shuts up. She talks constantly, vocalizes every thought that runs through her head, even if its at a low murmur. She tends not to care if people are listening or not and explains it as how she thinks. Those who fight through the constant chatter find her to be kind and thoughtful. She's friendly, logical, insightful and most of all would drop anything to help a friend. On the other hand she has a quick fire temper and tends to ignore smaller social details.

Strengths: Mechanics and engineering, Boxing, violinist

Weaknesses: Unsubtle, quick tempered, overly skeptical


Gwyn was born to a poor family grew up on the outskirts of Dublin Her father was a musician and her mother was a housewife so they had no idea why she was always so good with machines. She grew up relatively happy though, her home was near a scrapyard and she spent many an hour sifting through junk, fixing and building. That's not to say she didn't have trouble. Besides mechanics she has one other passion. Boxing. The reason she developed this was two fold. When she was in middle school she was bullied harshly for her poverty, engine grease stained clothes and hair which was stained by the black grease. This was around her first unofficial take your daughter to work day,. Despite her gifted skills with machines, her father insisted that she learn the family trade, the fiddle. She was progressing fairly well and her father said it was time to play in public. In Dublin's rowdiest bar. She nearly ran when she saw that she had to play over a fist fight. So she did what any normal 13 year old would do and tried to break up the fights. She tried asking nicely, pleading and shouting. Then she broke a bottle over a patrons head and gut punched another. She showed up t school the next day with bleached hair and Grease highlights. She broke her bullies faces in and was never given any guff from her class again.

Shortly after , the family moved to America and after a lonely semester, she befriended a certain group ofter teens.​
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Name: Michael F. Hodgson. Just call me Mike, aight?

Mike is a stocky guy, not quite thin but not exactly fat. Unfortunately, his face does not quite match up with the rest of his body, being more gaunt and bony than most people would consider healthy. His eyes are a dark brown usually mistaken for just being black, which Mike hates to no end. He's almost always wearing his hat, which he uses to keep the rest of his hair tucked up and away rather than getting it cut. His clothes are usually loose and plain, with long sleeves and battered old shoes he insists are lucky.

Age: 17


Date Of Birth:

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania


190 lbs

Personality: Mike is very laid back, to the point that he'd be very easily mistaken for being high most of the time. This translates over to both his movement speed and his speech patterns, as both are both slow and unhurried. Mike usually spends his days lounging somewhere, dicking around with his phone, half-reading a magazine, or chatting with whoever happens to be hanging around at the time. Most of what he considers chatting, though, is the other person doing most of the talking and Mike occasionally chiming in with unwanted (and usually irresponsible) advice. Mike is an advocate of the ideas of peace and love to the utmost degree, which means that the advice he usually gives is skewed towards that direction.

Mike is very understanding of other people's problems and tends not to hold things against them. He's also more than willing to help someone if they need it. Surprisingly, Mike is actually a skilled cook, but avoids flaunting his talents to keep himself grounded.

Mike is very trusting and willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt virtually all the time, assuming that whatever they did that was wrong was merely a lapse in judgement. Mike's concentration is also a bit lacking and his room is littered with half-assembled models and unfinished books as a result of that. Additionally, Mike isn't the strongest guy and occasionally struggles if a door is too firmly shut for him to get open.

Mike was born in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, to a fairly large family with a handful of other children. His brothers and sisters were all incredibly straight-laced and conservative, as were his parents, which lead to Mike (who preferred to be called either Michael or Hodgson at this point) adopting much of the same values. He had a few friends, almost all of which were just as conservative as he was, and spent most of his time studying so he could graduate at the top of his class and live the life that was expected of him. It was at this point that Michael met Chloe, who embodied nearly everything that Michael wasn't, and Michael (Now called Mike by everyone but his parents) had a drastic change in perspective. Rather than viewing people as creatures that had an obligation to live to an ideal, Mike viewed them as individuals who needed encouragement to pursue their own ideals. Naturally, this didn't sit well with his parents, despite his siblings mostly either relaxing a bit around him or ignoring him entirely, and Mike was ordered to stop seeing her, which he refused to do.

After a few day-long screaming matches, Mike was shipped off to live with his aunt in New York who shared similar views to his own. He adjusted well enough to life in the city, and actually considered New York to be his hometown more than his actual home in Harrisburg.

Quick Facts

  • Mike's natural hair color is a dark brown, but he bleaches most of it. The rest is actually kept in a tight braid he keeps tucked in his hat.
  • Mike is actually massively afraid of spiders, and to a lesser extent crabs. He claims it's due to how they walk, but the fear actually comes from when his older sister locked him in the spider-infested cellar for three hours.
  • He has been reading the same issue of Homesteading Weekly for a month, but still isn't even half way through it.
  • Despite seeming for all the world that he's stoned most of the time, Mike doesn't actually smoke pot. He does sneak the occasional cigarette from his aunt though, who quit smoking a week before Mike moved in but still buys packs so Mike has something to smoke.


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