At the Airport


Next Door Hottie
As soon as you step out of the airport, cameras flash in your face. You blink a few times, before realizing a red carpet has been laid out for you and all the other contestants, who look as dazed as you do. Cameras point at you from all directions, one slowly going over every contestant's face. Around the red carpets are barricades, which hold back screaming fans. Scary looking men in black suits and sunglasses escort you to a row of gleaming limousines. You notice a gun in one's belt. The cameras follow you to a banner, saying, " Welcome To Who Will Win His Heart!" It's all just... breathtaking.

(To RP in the limo, go to one of the Limo subtopics please. There is one limo for every 4-5 people.)
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As Harley exits the plane, the flashes of light startles her; she wasn't too used of the idea of being alone without her sister. They got separated at the airport once they arrived and now the twins were by themselves in a sea full of new faces and lights; so now anything and everything was a bit terrifying but also in some ways bland. Being escuarted out of the airport she makes sure to walk very slowly and methodicly, being sure to examine everything, when in a quick second one of her heels had fallen off.

This resulted in her falling into the guard who turned in time to catch her, they make eye contact before she turns away, "Sorry, I hurt my heel real badly on the flight. I guess I was sitting the wrong way." She laughed awkwardly. The guard nodded his head and did what any gentlemen would do for a lady in that situation, he took her hand and practically carried her to the car. Once again another "accident" took place when she was seated in the car, the heel that broke off earlier had been the cause of a mass flooding of paparazzi to come onto the red carpet blocking the way of the other contestants. 

Apparently one of the security assigned to one of the contestants came to pick it up when the paparazzi started getting even more riled up for the next person to come out, resulting in a weak link on one of the sides.

Mentioned @Bowa

(I wanted to start an obstacle at the very beginning and this is all I can think of for now @JustNick  -_- )

Rosalie slowly walked down the terminal from the plane. She wasn't looking up as she walked, which meant she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings. Instead, her eyes were on her daughter as the little girl played with her mother's hair. Rosalie continued on until she bumped into someone. Looking up, she smiled apologetically at the man, who scowled angrily at her and snapped "Watch it, lady". Rosalie frowned and brushed her hand over her daughter's hair and continued walking. When she neared the door, she noticed a man with a security vest on waiting for her. She walked up to him, preparing herself for the onslaught of camera flashes and screaming fans. She was worried about Sofia's reaction. She was young, and a crowd so big and riled up may scare the girl. 


The doors opened and Rosalie stepped out. Cameras flashed in her face and she placed her hand on the back of Sofia's head. Because of the crowd of paparazzi on the path to the limos and the fans that were slipping past security, she had a bouncer on either side of her that shielded her and her daughter from the crowd. As they shoved people aside to get her to the limo, she kept her eyes on Sofia, who was hiding her face in Rosalie's shoulder. "It's okay, Sofia. They'll be gone in a minute," she said. A few moments later, they reached the limos. Rosalie was led to Limo 5. When security opened the door for her, she slid in and they shut the door behind her.
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Anna was working for most of the flight on a previous article, nothing special too special just a life work of a recently deceased celebrity. It was funny, the celebrity had some good works but was pretty much forgotten for years before his death, now he is considered one of the most influential people of the centuries leaving aside issues of sexual assault and drugs issues. Still she could appreciate some of the mans work but still it wasn't anything special and made no secret of. She was always like this, never spared the truth and led no one stop her. This prince show was straight up her alley because of it, a formerly unknown prince wanting to find love on tv? Sure he was just looking for his for months of fame, she pitted the poor girl who got drawn into this farce. When the flight ended she had finished her piece and all she had to do was send it, she groaned when she stepped out and got a face full of papparazzi. She groaned and just covered her eyes against he flashes as she rushed to her limo

Alex was few passengers away, waiting to step out. She had seen the flashes from the window and shook her headed, barely started and already had vultures circling. Part of her was excited though, she was the only transgender women here as far as she knew and wanted to cause a stir about it. In so raise awareness and all that. True she hadnt officially came out as trangender, she was woman and that's it but wont deny her past as a man. She took a deep breath as her turn came and stepped out with gusto.

Lauren spun around in circles as soon as she stepped off the plane. This was so cool! And it had to be her best adventure yet. She couldn't be any more excited even if she tried. Facing back forward, Lauren practically skipped to the doors. When she reached them, the security guard reached to open them. She stopped him with a smile. "I've got it," she said. Placing her hands on the doors, she took a deep breath. Then, with a wide, bright smile on her face, she pulled them open and stepped out. She waved at the fans and smiled. As the cameras flashed, taking hundreds of pictures of her and the other contestants, she stopped for a moment to pose. She knew she wasn't famous, or really known at all, but she would be after this. Even if she got kicked off. Then again, she wouldn't really mind if she got kicked off. She wasn't there for love after all. She didn't believe in it. To Lauren, love was just another thing people felt. Another thing that almost always led to getting hurt. As she continued down the red carpet to the limos, she decided she was there for the adventure. Nothing more, nothing less. Opening the door to Limo 4, she slid in and pulled the door closed behind her.

Once Carter exited the airport she was blinded by the flashing of the cameras. Each minute that passed

made Carter feel more nervous and excited at the same time. As she walked down the red carpet, she noticed that in front

of her were a few security guards in front of each limo. So much attention was on her and the other contestants, that she couldn't

help but blush a little. But even if she was barely blushing, it was so noticeable that her smooth white cheeks had a pinkish

color to it. She greeted the security guard as he opened the door to Limo 2 for her and then she entered it.

After Purity got of the plane, shoe couldn't help but have a smile on her face. She couldn't wait

for the opportunity to meet other people and most importantly, get a chance

to date a prince! She fixed her red hair a bit and then when she opened the airport doors, camera's were

flashing and there was a red carpet leading to a few limos. Purity walked down the red carpet and entered Limo 1

after the security guard opened it for her.
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As Mikey, Emilia, and Rhett soon step out, a bunch of cameras just... Blocked their sight. "Stop it you assholes!", Emilia shouted. While the next two just gone into their

respective limos. When the limo's we're gonna go, she dashed for her limo.

(For the next post:

Bold = Rhett

Ilatic = Emilia

Underline = Mikey, To make it easier.)
Eugene's flight in first class had been a dream. She'd flown twice in her life, both times economy, and the experiences didn't even compare. If she played her cards right and hit it off well with the prince, she'd make sure this kind of luxury was a regular occurrence. No, it wasn't all about the money for the short Asian woman, but let's be honest: life was easier and more fun when you got the best of the best. 

She'd gotten a chance to scope out some of the competition while wheeling her six-hundred dollar suitcase (it came in a set) through the terminal, and she could honestly say she wasn't intimidated. Sure, most of them were gorgeous - even the guys - and any one of them might be better suited for the prince...but if it came down to perseverance, desire, and ambition...Gene was sure she had this in a bag. The thought brought a slow, sly, confident smile to her lips.

The awaiting crowd, while jarring, wasn't something to avoid. Gene pulled her sunglasses onto the top of her head and smiled, waving back at those who waved, dipping her head politely towards those who screamed, and even stopping twice to sign autographs and let fans take selfies with her. Sure, she could play the modest card and slip past the crowd as if the attention was unwanted, but the reality was that if she and prince charming worked out, the paparazzi was going to become a well-known friend. She had to show her future beloved that she could handle the media's attention...and look good doing it. She considered this test #1, and was pretty certain she had nailed it. 

The end of the carpet led to her limo, and she placed a gentle hand on the guard's shoulder, thanking him for serving her, and blew a kiss to the crowd before disappearing into the vehicle. 
Lights flashed everywhere as Park stepped out and onto the red carpet. She squinted in irritation as she stepped forward, her white sneakers contrasting greatly against the scarlet. She placed her sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, sighing in relief as her vision was cleared. It was vital for her to make a good impression, and with that thought in mind, she waved enthusiastically, flashing her best smile. Park glanced over at the other contestants, a smile still plastered on her face as she analyzed the others. Most all of them were extremely gorgeous or handsome and they seemed to be pretty experienced. She noticed the discomfort of a select few and the plain irritation on the faces of other few. Park moved forward, towards the end of the carpet. The limo was long, sleek, and looked extremely pricey. Before she entered, she flashed another smile towards the crowd, and then slipped inside, murmuring a quiet thanks to the guard.


Mavis slipped out of the airport, her sunglasses already perched on her head. She slipped them down so they covered her eyes as the cameras shutters flashed, snapping countless pictures of the contestants. She didn't bother looking over at them, it wasn't the reason why she was here, and instead gave a small smile before making her way forward. The crowd was a bit overbearing, but she was used to it, having stood in said crowds to monitor activities. At the end of the carpet was the limo she was assigned to, and before she slipped in, she gave a knowing smile to one of the guards as a small acknowledgement, and then closed the limo door. 
Taz grinned as she stepped off the plane happily enjoying the attention she muttered to herself "Well well this is going to be a fun time" her eyes glittered with mischief. She waved happily at the cameras as she walked towards the limos walking immaculately on massive stiletto heels. She looked up at the banner and grinned, she was prepared for this but honestly she didn't really care about winning. She was more interested to see how frantic and panicked the competitors got over the tiny things. Though admittedly the cash would be wonderful

Raven Reyes did not take airplanes. Ever. Raven Reyes drove everywhere. It didn't matter how many days it would take her to drive, she'd do it. Except this time. She'd tried. But she'd failed. Apparently, she was required to take a plane because the first appearance of the contestants was shot there. So here she was, walking across the terminal to the airport's exit to get into a limo. God, she hated limos. This would be the first time she'd ever taken a limo anywhere, even as a famous actress. People stared as she walked through the airport, a few people coming up to her for autographs and pictures. When she made it the doors, she threw them open. The screaming ramped up immediately. People screamed as they recognized the 22 year old actress. She smiled and waved, stopping for pictures and autographs every two seconds.


"Ride or Die!" she yelled, pumping her fist in the air. That was Paul's motto. Both in life, and in the movies. God, did she miss him. Smiling and waving as her fans, she opened the door to limo two and got in.
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Steven was used to the paparazzi, it didn't really surprise him that they were there. He smiled and waved towards them, before stepping into the limo

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