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Asylum plot.


Junior Member
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Hello all! Recently I came up with an idea for a role play set in an asylum. This isn't based off of American Horror Story: Asylum, in case you were wondering. I think I'll write out my plot and setting idea first, and then go onto my rules/guidelines.

Please note- I'm really only looking to do this plot with one person, but if you have an idea for a spin on this idea I would love to hear it! :-)

The setting- This can be set in modern day or maybe in the 1950's, whichever you would prefer.

At first glance, Bradbury Asylum for the Criminally Insane seems like your average asylum. It's run by a church, controlled by nuns and orderlies, and has a few doctors on call at all times.

If you become familiar with the place, however, there's one conclusion that you will reach. Every patient is a person who nobody would have expected to go insane. Often educated, sometimes wealthy people, who have suffered some sort of mental break down and committed a crime. People with no history of violence. Seemingly nice people. Until they lose their minds, that is.

The plot twist-

The 'patients' at the Asylum did not lose their minds on their own. Every patient is there because somebody wanted to get rid of them. The doctors at the Asylum alter the patients memories using mind-altering drugs. They also develop the patient's mental illnesses using the same technique. The Asylum is an elegant ruse. In the real world, the crimes 'committed by the patients' are simply unsolved crimes that the patients are framed for. None of the patients remember much of the first couple of weeks at the Asylum, as those memories have been altered or erased completely.

The plot- I'm good with playing character A or B.

Character A is new to the Asylum, and Character B has been there for a while. They quickly form a friendship. Character B has always been suspicious about the Asylum, and together with Character A, they uncover the truth about the place. And then, of course, there's the matter of escaping.

The plot itself can change, but that's my basic idea for the general direction I would like the role play to go in.


I would really like the characters to eventually enter a romantic relationship with each other.

My rules/guidelines-

*I would really like a partner who replies at least once a day. Many days, I can reply more than that but once a day minimum is fine.

*Spelling and grammar are very, very important to me. Capitalization, commas, all that good stuff. If I can't understand what you're trying to say, then it's not very fun for me.

*I want to play a female character. I ask that you play a male. I don't really want to double for this plot. Please tell me your favorite color so I know that you have read my rules.

*Please match my post length. I normally post anywhere from one paragraph to three, or maybe four if I'm feeling particularly creative. Please, for the love of God, no one liners.

*I can role play over threads or PMs, although I prefer PMs.

*Don't god-mod, no Mary/Gary Sues, etc.

*Give me a post that I can actually reply to. If you give me a reply with no action or dialogue or anything, than I'm stuck grasping at straws for what my character should be doing.

Please post below or PM me if you're interested in this. Thanks for reading! :-)
My favorite color is blue, and if you're still looking, I'd love to RP this with you! It sounds absolutely amazing, to me!
FiPLedgeil606 said:
My favorite color is blue, and if you're still looking, I'd love to RP this with you! It sounds absolutely amazing, to me!
Thanks, I PMed you! :)
My favorite color is lilac, and I'd love to do this plot with you. PM me and we can discuss.
iGross said:
My favorite color is lilac, and I'd love to do this plot with you. PM me and we can discuss.
I'm sorry, I didn't see your response until now! I'll PM you.
Hey, favourite colour is green. I think this plot has potential and would love to explore it with you. Should you still be looking for someone to rp with, send me a pm.
Urdragon said:
Hey, favourite colour is green. I think this plot has potential and would love to explore it with you. Should you still be looking for someone to rp with, send me a pm.
Hey, sorry I haven't responded to you until now! Had a couple of off days, ya know? I'll PM you.
Hey. More than glad to join you on this crazy train. I'm perfectly willing to play a male, and I'm a veteran of The Escapists. I know my way around escaping compounds. Let me know if you're interested.

(Note: I will reply once a day minimum. However, this may be later at night. My weekends get very busy.)
[QUOTE="Simon Henriksson]Hey. More than glad to join you on this crazy train. I'm perfectly willing to play a male, and I'm a veteran of The Escapists. I know my way around escaping compounds. Let me know if you're interested.
(Note: I will reply once a day minimum. However, this may be later at night. My weekends get very busy.)

I PMed you! :)
Purple is my favorite color. I'm very interested. Mental illness and asylums are my specialty. I'm okay with doing this plot, or we could change it up or whatever you want to do.
My most favorable color happens to be violet and your developing plot has certainly piqued my curiosity. I do have one question to inquire, though. If the patients were admitted into the establishment and are not completely insane, then would they not have to go through a psychiatric evaluation beforehand? Or were these tests not conducted during the time period? Overall, the premise of the story line seems intriguing. I have an interesting character in the process of development. If you are further interested in discussing upon the ropes of your plot, feel free to send me a private message.
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BeyondLovesL said:
Purple is my favorite color. I'm very interested. Mental illness and asylums are my specialty. I'm okay with doing this plot, or we could change it up or whatever you want to do.
PMed you. :-)

MoneyLiz said:
My most favorable color happens to be violet and your developing plot has certainly piqued my curiosity. I do have one question to inquire, though. If the patients were admitted into the establishment and are not completely insane, then would they not have to go through a psychiatric evaluation beforehand? Or were these tests not conducted during the time period? Overall, the premise of the story line seems intriguing. I have an interesting character in the process of development. If you are further interested in discussing upon the ropes of your plot, feel free to send me a private message.
I PMed you, answering your question. :)
I am very much aware that this it has been almost a year since you have last posted this lovely thread, but here I am, a year later, and very much interested. So, if you are still active in RpNation and you'd like to roleplay this amazing plot, shoot me a DM. Also, my favorite color is pastel yellow. Thanks.

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