[Astrum: Heavens] Signup Thread

Helix Nebula

Three fries short of a happy meal: WHACKO!!
This is the Signup Thread. Simply post which coordinates you would like on the map, specifying whether you wish to be a nation or a nomadic fleet (E.g. "G-8") and once I have approved that claim, you can go ahead and create your nation/fleet thread.

Galaxy Map

Note! Pitch-Black areas and areas inside the white circle, cannot be claimed!

Note! Earth and our Humanity, cannot be claimed as they have been established as a major NPC. You may still create a race of Humans if you desire (though it is not preferred), but it is recommended to have them separate from the Earth.

Nations Index


[E-6] The Mundus Somniantis - Highdarklord

[K-15] The Kzinti Imperial Hegemony - Freeman

[R-8] The Rev'mar Tsardom - Wolf Rawrrr

[s-7] The Vryndrin Stellar Imperium - Myllinnia


[?-??], [J-15], [K-15] The Sol Systems Alliance

[?-??] The New Jotoki Ascendancy

[?-??] The Asgard


[M-13] The Earth's Celestial Naval Forces - Crocmon

[K-4] The Stoneheart Pact - Percy

[O-5] The Intellectual Patronage of Huergo - VonRidel

[b-5] The Mangkr Empire - Belial

[F-19] [Fleet] Unnamed - Commissar Gaunt

[i-1] [Fleet] The Trillarian Migrant Fleet - Xenthriss

[D-17] [Fleet] The Vatian Plurality - Orzhov

[s-7] The Vryndrin Stellar Imperium - Myllinnia

[O-11] The Free World Republic - Uziel

[C-9] The Dominatus Machina - Wyrrmie

Note: Nations in the void, can still be reclaimed. If you desire to do so, simply contact me via PM.
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Admiral searching for a good home, is loyal, brave, intelligent, and wont go starting pointless wars out of boredom! :D
Contrition003 said:
Admiral searching for a good home, is loyal, brave, intelligent, and wont go starting pointless wars out of boredom! :D
Instead of making an Admiral, make a Fleet, hell make a Pirate fleet, were you could be an Admiral...
Freeman said:
Instead of making an Admiral, make a Fleet, hell make a Pirate fleet, were you could be an Admiral...
i've never done nation building before, the reason i liked this RP idea was because i could experience and see the NB aspect first hand without having to stumble blindly in a sad attempt at playing a nation :P
I could use an admiral. I hate making charecter profiles and dont mind delegating the duty of admiral to you
I'm thinking, I'm thinking! Didn't exactly put me in a good position, what with aliens that have a grudge AND I can't communicate with.
Hmmm, is it possible to lead a fleet that conquers worlds to strip them of resources and manpower?
Xenthriss said:
I'm thinking, I'm thinking! Didn't exactly put me in a good position, what with aliens that have a grudge AND I can't communicate with.
Im sure most aliens you communicate with wont be so quick to try and destroy you, Im sure it was just a Joke man. I know Most Mangkr would actually try to kill you, we would be more prone to help you then anything else so long as you dont try and attack us, or disrespect us or our honor.
Orzhov said:
Hmmm, is it possible to lead a fleet that conquers worlds to strip them of resources and manpower?
Absolutely. Though if they permanently conquered other worlds, settling them, they would be a full blown nation, rather than a nomad fleet that comes, conquers and moves on.
True, I was trying to figure out if they could sort of do the crazier thing of moving in, seizing all the population to put to work while they strip mine and move on. Basically leave the world a dead husk while they move on to new targets.

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