[Astrum: Heavens] [Q-5] Araxius Republic


*wicked cackling *

Nation Name

The Araxius Republic




Consul Pa’usiz Oz-Ix, A-ert

Consul Al’zis Tu-yuz, S-ert


Araxius: The Araxius are divided into two subspecies, one from the jungles that cover much of their world and were once the great leaders in the ancient past of Araxius that are the biotechnological back bone of and the S-ert, a once nomadic warrior people that specialize in the mechanical technology that allow the Araxius to explore the Milky Way.


A-ert: The traditional architects and great thinkers of the Araxius. The A-ert are the smaller of the two sub-species, with slender, exoskeletal bodies and being made for climbing the massive trees that their ancestors once inhabited. They are normally 5’-5’6 tall and tend to be cunning and are physically weaker than the S-ert.


Racial Ability:

Genetic Architects: The A-ert have an almost instinctual understanding of genetics. This has allowed them to create the magnificent bio-ships and the powerful medicines they have today. On the flip side this has allowed the A-ert to create plagues so deadly they could wipe out entire species in a matter of days

S-ert: A once nomaic race from Araxius Primes Equatorial desert. In the past they were the warriors and mercenaries of the Araxius, leaving their desert homes to fight in the jungles for fame, glory and riches. The S-ert are built for the rocky desert from which they hail, where the top predator were massive Reptilian creatures of almost legendary strength and brutality. The S-ert are large, average height being 6'-6'9. Their bodies, in stark contrast to the A-ert, are covered in thick layers of 'hair' and are heavily muscled, with four main limbs, arms and legs, have four more 'legs' coming out of their backs used to either increase movement or be used as weapons.

http://browse.deviantart.com/art/Oz-Skritchwybbe-112790858(the pic won't load in properly.....>_<)

Racial Ability:

Workers of Metal and Stone: Unlike their jungle-dwelling cousins the S-ert were forced to make things by hand, digging into the earth and gathering iron, clay and copper to build weapons, armors and use stones for cities. This made the S-ert rely on mechanical technology rather the biological technology the A-ert used. It is through their understanding of mechanical physics and mathematics that has allowed the Araxius to leave Araxius Prime.

Form of Government


The Consuls are elcted via genetic voting from every citizen of the Araxius Republic, the consuls are of the A-ert and S-ert. The Trustees, a group of 200, 100 A-Ert and 100 S-ert are elected much the same way, each Araxius represents a city of the Araxius people. the Trustees vote on laws and the Consuls pass them. In times of war the Trutsees are who decide if the Araxius are to be in a war.

Important Officials

Eax'sap Ex-sya, S-ert, Trustee of War

Sea'op Sa-tas, A-ert, Trustee of Dipolomacy

Economic System

Free market

Economic Tier

Decided by moderator.


D-Euis: The Araxius use currency that is literally grown to have unique genetic markers that look like VERY small replicas of some of the creatures of Araxius. These small creatures are completely sterile and live for only ten years. Besides being currency they can also be used as pets by other sapient races;

Nation Bonus

Life Bringers: The Araxius, through their combined tech, are able to terraform a world with amazing efficiency. This has allowed them to turn a barren wasteland world into a paradise within a few short decades.


Araxius society as it is known today is a product of 10,000 years of co-operation between the A-ert and S-ert.

Before the start of their co-operation both species were seperated by a xenophobic fear of each other, their cultures almost the opposite in every way. The A-ert kept the their jungle-cities, keeping a relative peace among themselves. Their cities were quite powerful and kept protected by living domes spiked vines, it up from the inside by bio-luminescent sacs. The S-ert, by contrast, were a nomadic warrior people of the vast equatorial desert, roaming the white sands for generations, hunting the migrating desert animals. The few cities they had were massive fortresses of stone and metal, impenetrable to the creatures that roamed the desert and to rogue bands of S-ert.

This changed when, for the first time in nearly 3,000 years an A-rt and S-ert met peacefully. They met under less than desirable conditions, the A-ert, a female, had wandered out of the jungle and into the desert, on a quest to gather a strong desert animal to sell in her city. The S-ert, a male, was a wanderer, a willing exile among a nomadic people. The A-ert found her powerful beast, one of the powerful reptilian creatures of the white sands. While she avoided the worst of the beasts attacks the female could do very little against the scaly hide of the desert monster. The S-ert, having heard her cries for help, a sound universal among them, arrived just as the creature was about to devour the A-ert. With the strength that allowed his people to survive the desert the S-ert attacked the beast, quickly killing the already tired creature. The A-ert, who had passed out from shock and her few, but somewhat serious wounds, was taken by the S-ert to his camp. With that began the practice of hiring the S-ert for bodyguards and eventually, mercenaries in times of war.

Eventually A-ert and S-ert seen themselves as simply variations of the same people, and 4,000 years later the first A-ert/S-ert city was founded in the very spot where A-ert and S-ert first came together. In a relatively short time the once seperate governments of the A-ert and S-ert merged to become a fledgling republic that united them all under one flag. Now they work together to make their place in the galaxy.


  • Preservation of life in any form
  • Peace and understanding among others, especially those different than themselves
  • Understand how life come about and influence
  • Resorting to violence as a last resort, and ending a conflict quickly with as little damage as possible.

As a whole the Araxius culture is focused on peace, unity and understanding each other an other species.

Nation Goals

To explore the universe, and to add to their ever growing stores of genetic information to make their own biotechnology better.
Home System Name


Home System Coordinates


Celestial Bodies

Sun: Araxius


Rap-us: A medium sized world close to Araxius, the surface is a molten wasteland still rich with materials

Araxius Prime(Capital): Home world of the Araxius barely larger than Earth and rich in oxygen. The Northern and Southern hemispheres are almost completely jungle, the equator is all desert, with the occasional oasis.

Araxius Minor: The first world terraformed and colonized by the Araxius, it is a small, but extremely dense world, and a near perfect copy of Araxius Prime.

Neighboring Systems

T'sixa Minor



Colonized Systems

For now, leave blank. You will list all other planets and star systems your people have explored and/or colonized later on.


Decided by moderator

Decided by moderator

Unique Unit

Biomorph Adapter: The pinnacle of Araxius warfare. A large bio-mechanical creature that resembles a large ball of metal, organic spikes and molecular acid spewing geysers. The creatures greatest strength is that whatever damages it, the beast can adapt to it with it's rapid healing process. For example Napalm would burn it terribly, however several minutes later the Biomorph Adaptor would have adapted a fire-proof chitin skin to prevent further fire-based damage



Using the instructions provided in the Main Guide, create & customize five unique spacecraft for your people, which will automatically be assigned to a fleet for you to use- Once your nation is approved. (Also use this portion to list any future spacecraft, your nation might develop and build) You can use pictures to enhance the descriptions, as long as the pictures are not ridiculously huge.

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