[Astrum: Heavens] Dominatus Machina Headquarters


Look at you, a pathetic creature of meat and bone!

The senate house and Executive / Military buildings seated in the main Machine Dominion City next to the 'Cradle'. All important decisions go through here and keeping the two in such close proximity allows for a quick commute for either side.
It has been done! After many decades of trial and error- Waste of resources and exchanged work hours, it has been done. The first functional 'Faster Than Light -Drive' of the Machina has been completed and installed aboard their ships. Interstellar travel, is now finally available and all that needs to be done now, is to decide the heading for the Machina's first- Extrasolar exploratory mission!

Δ-5, has suggested sending a military-oriented flotilla, to the system- C902, which is the closest to the Machina's home system (C901). "By securing this position, we will have secured our immediate area of space and can expand, without threat of alien violation!" It says, in an attempt to convince A-3. Then speaks up ∑-6, "Negative! It would be more logical, to send a small group of say, three ships, with minimal armaments! This way, any contact with alien beings, is less likely to be mistakenly construed as hostile!"

There are voices that would deem it wise, not to explore at all- They are, however, quickly silenced by the overwhelming majority that are pro-exploration & expansion. Yet, despite their opinions, their suggestions and even their demands. The decision lies solely, in the hands of A-3.
A-3 turns to his monitors quickly and Reviews the costs.

(A-3) I have reviewed the data. I am submitting we send the new flagship MDNS-A and a small compliment (2 Cruisers, 2 Frigates, and 1 destroyer) to the closest solar system. Δ-5, ∑-6, I hope you will both understand that if there truly are potentially other alien life-forms abroad we shouldn't bring a fight, but we should be ready for one. As the court has spoken, We will begin the mission as soon as the vessels are ready. I would be unwise not to, at the very least, scout our own surroundings. To other business. We should also decide on other factors for the future. Have the preliminary scans for our immediate neighboring planets come through for our feasible inhabitation project?

He continues the normal bureaucratic requirements of a concerned leader before dismissing the group. Before heading home he reviews his reports looking for discrepancies. As he hoped he has found none.

Once home he reviews the scientific network, eats a hearty dinner and approaches his resting room with the nagging question.

"Have I done the right thing today?"

((In the future, use the default font size for normal dialogue. Easier to read, and prevents a single post from taking up extra space on a page.))

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