[Astrum: Heavens] Dominatus Machina H-6


Look at you, a pathetic creature of meat and bone!
General Info

Name: H-6

Race: Machina

Gender: Asexual

Age: 256


Visual Appearance:


Physical Appearance: H-6 stands about 1.8m Tall and weighs in at a very average 95 kg

Personality Information

Likes: A good rational debate, meeting interesting organisms, learning new languages even if they aren't very efficient

Dislikes: When emotions get involved, a failed opportunity to open relations, Resorting to violence immediately

General Personality: H-6 is a product of integration of the 'feeling' Machinas. Proof that there is a place for emotion in the Dominion. His emotions are just right for talking with a good amount of fervor and ambition without being imposing. Even with added emotions H-6 is still greatly interested in logic and science, like any Machina. If Aggravated or provoked he will automatically default to logic and not allow emotions to get the better of him.


Stuff: a solar charging unit with direct conduit attachment, 20kg in processed materials (food)

Equipment: A light pistol (hidden), Ballistic and energy dampening vest.


Unique Powers: N/A

Skills/Spells/Talents/Other: N/A


Class: Ambassador

Job: Diplomat


Rank: Diplomat

Character's History

History: H-6 was created in the middle of the unification war under the government of the unfeeling. His upbringing was relatively difficult, being one of the few 'feeling' in the nation, there was a certain level of scrutiny against what he was. However, he was never denied any opportunity offered to any of his heavily logic driven brethren. If his differences did anything, they made him more competitive and driven. He attempted taking on more than most others attempted, to prove that he was worth their consideration. He assisted in the war efforts by joining a factory crew once he was able to work in one. He quickly learned more and more about what he was building and proposed plans to improve them, and shorten their stay on the assembly line. Once they were reviewed he was given his own line and the minimum required workers to prove his concept. His additions were a success, quickly nationwide factories all over the nation were outputting almost an additional unit per day. Shortly after he was put in charge of his own factory. The government took notice and called him in to be an advisor to the nation on how to approach the threat they faced.

Towards the end of the war he was asked to seek relations with the remaining forces to seek a peaceful resolution to the war. Talks quickly broke down even though the offers for integration were fair. The nation of the 'feeling' did not want to join them. He witnessed their destruction and reflected on that their emotions were part of him, but he would never let them get the better of him. Once the 'feeling were cleared out and their governing body dissolved and deactivated he was put in charge of clearing and redistributing the cities remaining resources and area. The first rebellion struck shortly after. He was called in to mitigate the problem, and he was successful in dissuading many of its members to cease this silly nonsense. That as a people "We must work together if we are to survive and thrive. Soon we will be joining the stars, and if we are to be successful we must be joined in the endeavor. We may meet another form of life that would want nothing more than to wipe our memory from the galaxy." The remaining leadership was subsequently imprisoned and deactivated. However the ones he was able to convince otherwise, he personally oversaw their reassignment and reintegration into society. He has kept in touch with many of them since and has noted that they are content. Once the nation was space bound with their first 2 deep searching stations in orbit he was appointed Leader of diplomatic relations and looks forward to first contact and the start of what may be a great friendship.

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