[Astrum: Heavens] Dominatus Machina A-3


Look at you, a pathetic creature of meat and bone!
General Info

Name: A-3

Race: Machina

Gender: 'His' response; "What kind of question is that?" (Machinas are asexual)

Age: ~5hepta cycles (approximately 500)


Visual Appearance:


Physical Appearance: A-3 is slightly taller than average compared to most of 'his' kind. Standing at approximately 1.9m tall and a total weight of 110 kg, A-3's features are rather featureless and devoid of emotion. A-3's mechanical exoskeleton is black and grey with mildly glowing red power conduits and white flashing.

Personality Information

Likes: Logical conversation, science and mathematics, administrative work, progress

Dislikes: emotional argument, theology, hold-ups and delays, unnecessary violence, Organic material in a machine system

General Personality: A-3 is definitely a no fuss type of person. Anything that delays an inevitability or an immediate goal is superfluous and outrageous. Whenever he speaks it will always be direct and linearly progressive with no filler. Though he has been known to ask his associates "How are your children?" He strictly means How are their studies and their progression to being fully integrated into society. A-3 has also been known to laugh, but usually it is at something so outlandish his processor can't handle attempting to compute it and his laughing sound is a byproduct of his brain performing a partitioned cycle dump.


Stuff: a solar charging unit with direct conduit attachment, 20kg in processed materials (food)

Equipment: A heavy pistol, Ballistic and energy dampening vest.


Unique Powers: N/A

Skills/Spells/Talents/Other: N/A


Class: Leader 2

Job: Executive Representative of the Dominatus Machina


Rank: Leader

Leader Bonuses:

Industriousness - Reduce the amount of time necessary to implement economic reform and economic projects

Organization - Allows the research of multiple techs or reforms without a time penalty

Character's History

History: A-3 is the combined efforts of several citizens attempting to create a greater version of themselves. He was created at the beginning of the unification war and within the first quarter of the war had reached maturity. He began his career in the political system guiding his local region to a prosperous and industrial boom, starting the planning and execution of the first Magna Factorum. He also lead his quadrant to be one of the most productive, until he was called to serve in a national capacity. Halfway through the war A-3 was appointed as an assistant to the Head of Industrialization and Development. In his new political position, he was able to assist in the implementation of nationwide Factorums like the one he had designed before. Before his boss could see finalization of the first new factory he was assassinated and A-3 took his position readily, initially as an interim official, but then was appointed permanently to the position shortly after. By the end of the war he was in such good standing that it was only a matter of time before the current nations leader stepped down and he would be appointed to lead the country.

When ?-75 stepped down for deactivation A-3 was quickly voted it (by his other representatives) to become the executive leader. Immediately upon taking office he began a new economic reform policy to streamline the economic state of the planet. He has also began planning for the Space elevator program. This will jumpstart their space exploration program, he is only standing by on the research project for the ideal material to commence execution.

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