~Astronaut's Introduction ~


New Member
My name is Astronaut and I'm a 20 year old guy. This is my first time on a role-play site and I can't wait to get started! As English isn't my first language, I can't promise that every sentence will be grammatically correct and every word to be perfectly spelt. However, I will do my best! No hard feelings, right?
I'm not sure what else to write, so... ...bye! =)
*Awkwardly waves good bye to anyone watching*
Hey, welcome to RPN. I’m Yukio, this sites (favorite) gay fetus. I see we have some similar interests, so I’d be glad to roleplay with you sometime. If you have any questions, want to roleplay, or just chat, dont hesitate to contact me.

(And don’t worry. English was my first language, and even I can’t grammar correctly.)

I have to go, so bye bye!
Happy roleplaying!
( ̄∇ ̄)

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