Assassins Territory


A professional writer is a amateur that never quit
The war has started. The world is ran by assassins guilds, ruthless people who claim rein over the lands. If you cant fight your own battle, get your own vengeance or protect your own life, then you find the people who can. The Guilds. It wasn't long till the guilds began to turn against each other. It was only natural when they were pitted against each other for money. One is told to kill this man. The other to protect him. Their can only be one victor, and so the rivalry began. What started as thousand of guilds has fallen to only 5. This is the story of the guilds, and the journey that might end this war. Will you be friend or foe? Its for you too choose. Were does your loyalty lie?

Post Character Bio. Ill Tell tell you if its accepted. No "God" Like characters please =)

Intended for mature audience. Violence, Blood, Gore and Sexual Situations Possible.

Any Species Accepted! One Paragraph Minimum. Follow all RPN rules.

Rp is based in past; mid-evil, samurai like times. So all weapons must match such a time period. Swords, knifes, throwing stars etc.

Guild Names and Locations-

Northern guild :Ttytus

Southern: Rohan

West: Reventre

East: Mordride

Central: Clorea

Name: Siri

Species: Elemental Demon

Powers: Control Elements; Incredible Speed/Agility, Quick Healing

Age: 240 Years Old (Appearance 23 Years)


Personality: Sweet and Caring, unlike most demons she hates to kill unnecessarily. Shes shy but strong in her beliefs. She wouldn't hesitate to save your life.

History: Is Ranked 3rd and has an alliance to the Guild in the Northern Plains. She hates the war and only keeps her allegence because she owns a debt to the guild leader.

Shes often sent on high ranked missions, the guild leader knows. She will never fail him.

Name: Zehel

Species: Man-Beast/Celestial Beast

Powers: Speed, Agility Strength, Razor Sharp Claws, Rapid Healing, Thought Pusher. Can see events even if he is not their. He merely looks to that person and he sees what they are doing. Blood can heal others wounds.

Age: 1340 Years (Appearance 27)



Personality: Quiet and Straight to the point. He hates killing and wants to save everyone. To most he seems very "holy" constantly talking about the gods. Though Renowned in his appearance he seems to lack the commonsense that is well known in the human world. Such as he doesnt understand why being naked around people is bad or what a kiss would mean to someone. And in this aspect people find him strange.

Background: Zehel is a Celestial Beast (Man-Beast) his species once known as the Gods Guardians, because they lived in heaven with the gods. He traveled down to earth with a god. This god became polluted and began to ravage the earth. Zehel tried to stop the god, but in battle became severely injured. He had been in a coma for 1000 years. This god "Daico" has disappeared since their battle. She is presumed dead. Only been awake for a few months, he searches for god items that hold godly auras. Without this "Aura" He would eventually loose his mind and go rampid killing everyone. He also is trying to find his way back to heaven. He knows nothing of earths customs.


If you have any questions message me =)
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Name: AER

Species: Berserker.

Powers: Destruction, Various weapon use and Increased strength.

Age: Unknown.

Appearance.:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/berserker_by_pedidos_desu-d50y24e.jpg.4f65418f1e38dc4c3cb5d2f32f8a693c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1003" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/berserker_by_pedidos_desu-d50y24e.jpg.4f65418f1e38dc4c3cb5d2f32f8a693c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality- Harsh and Cruel sometimes. Maybe a soft spot exists but not at the time. He speaks when necessary and will not hesitate to attack.

History- Not much is known about Aer except he is out to kill for money. He belongs to no guild as for the moment. He wanders around looking for anything that gets in his will. he doesn't hold back with his prey, almost if he is enjoying the kill.

Bio- Unknown.



  • berserker_by_pedidos_desu-d50y24e.jpg
    223.3 KB · Views: 39
lol ok ill make this then go to bed :3 
Name: RinRin

Species: Man-Beast/Celestial Beast

Powers: Human form:Speed, Agility, SSSupersonic Scream, very good snese of smell

Wolf form: Razor sharp claws and teeth, immense strength, The abilty to rearaange the bones in the human body, both human and wolf form.

Age: two hundred years old (Appearance sixteen)

Appearence: Human form is the girl, Her wolf form is behind her

Personality: She is a quiet girl, only speaking when told or asked to. From time to time when she really wants to talk she would blurt out ,using a loud voice or a low one. She only follows one person and that is Master Zehel. she has a posseive and jealous side which leads her to be rude and cruel to other females. She loves food and hates her human form. She finds it repulsive on the fact she has to hide it.

Background: RinRin was one of the greatest warriors in heaven, untill she commited the most horrid of crimes.She killed of one of her companions for no reason, or at least that's what the councial said. Unable to have the right of free trial she was banned from the heavens and throwed down to the earth. Shewas confused and wanted to fight for her right, but clearly she had none to begin with. There she sat in the woods crying , wondering how she would live in a world she did not know
Name: Celine Exitium

Species: Crow Demon

Powers: Manipulate wind, Speed, Strength, Swordsmanship, Fight/Wing manifestation, Shapeshifting, Claw Retraction, Agility

Age: Unknown



Personality: Celine can be considered two people. When at work she is cold hearted and focused. She's got a job she does it, just as simple as that. However, she will only kill those she's ordered to. She finds it unnecessary killing those who she has not been ordered to kill even if they get in her way, that doesn't mean she won't harm them though. Nevertheless, when she's pretty much living her normal life where she's got no job to do, she's really free spirited and kind of friendly, that is if you don't get in her bad side.

History: She grew up on the streets along her best friend. Once the two of them discovered they were quite skilled at battle and fighting they decided to make use of their abilities. They went through all kind of jobs until they found out that killing for money was extremely profitable. That has been the way they'd been leading their lives up until now. Though they do not belong to a specific guild they do have connections with them. Up until now she has been yet to find a reason to abandon her 'profession'

Name: Sicar Orgyilkos

Species: Fox Demon

Powers: Illusion manipulation, Shapeshifting, Canine abilities, Fox-Fire manipulation, Insanity inducement, Flight (For a short time though), Life-Force absorption

Age: 600 years (Appearance 24)



Personality: Sicar can be usually laid back and free spirited. He can be considered somewhat 'kind' even when he does a job he tries for his 'victim' to suffer just a little. He would even let them see a perfect world with his illusions as he kills them as they are inside them. He thinks of the world as a tainted one though he believes himself to be just as tainted as it. He is loyal to his friends.

History: He has lived a pretty long time and so most of his life he cannot remember it perfectly, just blurry memories. He does remember that one day he found a little crow demon girl on the streets and he stayed by her since then. One day Celine came up with the idea of them being assassins and Sicar did simply not refuse.
Name: Toki White

Species: Angel

Powers: Quick Healing,Super Smart,Pure White Wings,can boost other's strengths

Age: 323 Years Old (Appearance 17 Years)

Appearance: (Down below on the left,he has blonde hair and his left eye is blue while the other is red.)

Personality: Being pretty shy,he doesn't talk much until he gets to know you. He always seems cheerful and excited when it comes to new things though,and can be a real dork sometimes.

History: Being and Angel it was very important to be and stay perfect,though Toki was not from the very beginning. His red eye made all others wonder what could possible be wrong with him,even though he was perfectly fine. Realizing that he was just imperfect Toki was cast away down to earth stated as a mistake,from then on Toki was forced to roam the earth with no help from his kind.~Continued in Shin's~

Name: Shin Black

Species: Demon

Powers: Incredible Speed/Agility,Very strong,Black demonic wings,horns,can decrease other's strengths

Age: 399 Years Old (Appearance 20 Years)

Appearance: (Down below on the right,he has Pitch black hair and light blue eyes.)

Personality: He has a very stubborn personality,though is soft when it comes to Toki.Not really caring what others think,he'll do what he wants when he wants whether or not he's aloud.

History:Shin had always hated what he was,it was annoying to him even though he knew he couldn't change. He would always just roam around the earth staying away from people,but one he noticed stuck out from the rest. A boy sitting alone and Shin could tell he wasn't human,but Shin didn't do anything to threaten the boy since he had already seemed scared enough. Instead he had walked over and sat by the boy and without a word just pat the boy's head,seeing the boy had done nothing against Shin's actions he figured maybe this boy would be interesting and then maybe this life wouldn't be so boring.

Okay so there is only 5 guilds that remain. If you choose a guild you are welcome to name it. Each guild holds grounds over certain territories. So they are like kingdoms in a way. Each has its own rules and leaders. Make sense
Darktanion said:
Okay so there is only 5 guilds that remain. If you choose a guild you are welcome to name it. Each guild holds grounds over certain territories. So they are like kingdoms in a way. Each has its own rules and leaders. Make sense
I meant, like, what are the guilds called. Thats what confused me.
Oh sorry, guess I forgot to name them.

Northern guild :Ttytus

Southern: Rohan

West: Reventre

East: Mordride

Central: Clorea
Name: Naomi Cain

Species: (Confused) Bull-Shark Demon

Powers: Strength, Telepathy, Can Smell Blood From Miles Away & Gills

Age: 130, looks 12-13


Personality: Naomi is very independent and strong willed, and will do anything for her friends. She finds it hard to hurt someone, but would if it meant saving more people. She is creative, and kind. Yet, she is also cynical. She has never been the most trusting person ever.

History: Naomi is excellent at blending in, even with her superior attitude. She enjoys killing and pain, and is often an out cast because of her very, very odd quirks. She hates heat, and finds it hard to survive in. Even with that, she loves swimming; especially in the norths icy waters.

Guild: North(likes the cold)

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