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Fandom Assassin's Creed : Revolution (maybe MxM if romance is even a thing)


Master Of Boredom
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Alright let me just put this down nice and hard, before anything.

I am pretty much a geek for this particular game series and the worldbuilding and lore so i would pretty much like to try and stick somewhat in it's common sense so no funny business. Also just to reinforce it, no minors so please be 18+.

I am expecting literal gritty stuff you would see to happen in the game to happen in rp, this is not a walk in the park or highschool heartthrob rp so do expect to treat it as such. Betrayals, conflicts, corruption, bloodshed and ambitions will certainly take the vocal point of the story.

Even if there will be a bit of romance sprinkled in here and there (ezio im looking at you) it will not be the main focus. So in that sense, i do hope that my partner would dish out a character that makes sense in that particular setting and role. Being an assassin is about the survival of the fittest, so i would expect a seasoned fighter would have some scars (or none cause hey who knows they are one lucky fella) or mark of age on their features. (Give me those rugged looks and some mustache to sweep the floor with, wrinkles can also be quite majestic).

So with that, here is the plot or what bare setting i can put out.

"It all started when the queen was poisoned and then from there everything went downhill."

In medieval times upon the lands far north, a kingdom ruled upon mountains of stone and distant seas. It's people flourish under the guiding hand of it's king or so it may seem. These land was named "Centura" A land swayed by the words and treachery of others, with crumbling position within it's throne. Little did the people know that soon they will be strangled by the influence of man they know not of, an order of brutal control. The templars thrived within their walls, with the assassin's forced to run underground and hide in a secluded island south from the main land.

For the templars numbers were too great and powerful, their allies stretches far than one can ever hope to list upon a page. All hope seems lost as the king's grieving mind had little sway to even fight back the unsound influence of his advisor, the greatest templar of all. Victor Rudiviano, the king's younger brother. With the next king on the line being the eldest son of the king and one of Templars trained puppet, the future of Centura and her people shall end in bloodshed.

Only there is one thing the templars have forgotten, the assassin's had a plan they have long hatched and waited patiently to execute. With preparations fulfilled, they are now ready to march and secure Centura's bright future. With a little help of someone who is back from the dead, the assassin's are reay to take their stand and return to liberate the kingdom from the grasp of the templars tyranny.

And that's kind of the gist of it, ofc theres more but i think it will be much better to learn it as we go. Now if you're interested then you may go ahead and dm me, i just need a very bare character info. (A pic and prefferably realism so obviously no anime, name, age, and few short words to describe what first impressions they will give off, like the example down here)

Art by Alle Page

Age: in his early 30's
Sex: Cis-Male
Faction: Assassin
Distinct features: Has albinism and a nasty scar on his abdomen while also tends to grin in any circumstance.
Impression/personality: Secretive, Analytic, Cautious, Manipulative, Distrusting, Intelligent, Laid back, Loyal.

And the rest we can learn in the rp, alrighty.
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