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The Boy Savior
Roleplay Availability
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The Big City of Los Vegas is not all it seems the streets are filled with villans, crooks, assassin's, and gangsters of all kinds. The streets run red with blood now a days the four corners of the city are run by four major gangs. The Vipers, they are the slimiest bunch of people you’ll know them by their viper tattoo somewhere in their body. They are known for being able to escape the grasps of police many times over and their “services“ aren’t to pricey but be careful because the might stab you in the back. The Glitch Techs, they are known for doing all sorts of gadgets For criminal masterminds. Customizable Weapons, Bombs, Viruses, ect. You name it they’ll get it done at a pretty high price but once you get it it’s worth every penny. The Cleaners, world renowned for their ability to make people disappear without a trace some even say they were hired for the hit on JFK. No body knows where they cane from but they will make a person disappear like magic. A few days layer their body will be shipped to you and arrive at your door step. They are people you don’t want to mess with. And Finally the Blood Shots, they will clear building not one survivor left in the building all of them dead. Mostly they are hired for hits on large areas, even the government has hired them In times of great need But don’t get it twisted they are ruthless. These for Gangs have been at war for years and one day the leaders of the gangs decide to maybe stop fighting so they arrange a meeting so they can all sight a peace agreement but at the meeting some guy in all black came in and murdered all the leaders no hesitation. At that point it was all out war between gangs. Will the new generation of leaders be able to step up to the plate find the guy who did this and stop the war?

Viper Leader:
Viper Members:

Glitch Tech Leader:
Glitch Tech Members:

Cleaners Members:

Blood Shot Leader:
Blood Shot Members:
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Ok thanks pm your character and their gang I’m going to post this on offsite ads and see if it gains more traction

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