Assassin RP


New Member
So, I have an RP in mind, and I'll just cut right to it. This'll be a 1x1, with multiple characters, as I am not a huge fan of group RPs.

Plot: Remember that time way back when countries were ruled by a king or a queen or both? Well, in this world, it's still like that. And with royalty running around, there's going to be Assassins, sent out by one country to kill another's leader, so that that country either crashes and burns, or so they can take control of it. Assassin's are despised as they are seen as the lowest of the low, but yet whenever somebody wants someone dead, that's who they call upon.

Characters: There's four characters I have laid out, and they'll all be involved, so there's no need to worry about picking the one you like best.

Riven: Expert marksman, hand-to-hand combat expert, and very agile and fast, much like a cat, Riven started training when he was 10, as it was either that or die. Riven can pretty...well, for lack of a better word, sassy at times, and is always cracking jokes to lighten the mood. Riven is very loyal, and will not question anything about a given job, no matter how much he disagrees with it.

Derrick: Derrick may look threatening to those that don't know him, but those that do know that he's really a sweet guy, and very laid back. For an Assassin, at least. Derrick is the intelligence behind his guild, meaning, he monitors the city and the whereabouts of his fellow Assassins and their targets. He is Riven's tutor, though to him, Riven's more like a son. Not a whole lot is known about Derrick, as he is very secretive of his past, and really only talks to Riven, Anya, and Irina.

Irina: Irina was born into royalty, and is the next in line for the throne of Poland. Currently, its her father that's running the country. She excels in archery, poison-making, and knows the very basics of healing. She's sneaky and agile, and she uses that to her advantage. Irina is stubborn, and when she has her mind set on something, there's no chaining it. She's also a very caring person, and despite her deadly skills, would rather see the problem resolved without bloodshed.

Anya: Anya is one of the best medics you will ever come in contact with. She's also highly skilled with a blade, so if you want even a slight chance of surviving, take away anything sharp and pointy. Anya is a bit different from people, as she has pink hair and eyes due to a weird flaw in genetics. Anya is a very quite person, and likes to work solo on missions, but will go out with a partner if need be. She's very mysterious at times, and is very persuasive.

So, now that you've met the characters and know a bit about the plot, all you got to do is decide if you'd like to RP it with me. Just comment if you're interested, I'm up for doing more than on RP! So, only one will be in the Thread, and the others will be in PMs. All are welcome! I do hope to be RPing with some of you soon. Ciao!

~Rubi Hawke
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