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Active [Aslan City] The Ethereal Luminary Entrance Exam Arc Part II


Roleplay Artist
Location: Aslan, Grand Duchy of Roran

Temperate, gentle cool breeze.

Time: Early Morning

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

Professor Ward
ねつき (@netukitune) on X.jpg

The professor would give a nod to Adelhein of acknowledgement. “If you’re going to duel someone in magic, you best hope you have the skill to backup your decision, duels outside of the walls of this fine academy can carry much heavier consequences then being seen as lesser than someone else as I’m certain many of us know.”

He would allude to the fact that dueling was something that sometimes took place to the death when mutually agreed upon in more severe circumstances.

“Ah right, since I've seen many new faces around here..I am Professor Ward, and I will be instructing you on the next part of this examination..” The old magic caster spoke out to the group once more.

Scarlett Ashford
Scarlett had been paying attention to the Professor a bit more until she suddenly snapped out of it and looked to Adelhein as he spoke to her. “Oh, yes, I am an Ashford. It’s nice to meet you too Adelhein El-Melloi Von Breyer, I imagine with a name like that you must be a noble no?” She’d inquire with a smile and gave a sort of formal curtsy gesture.

Her eyes lit up a bit when he mentioned the puzzle. “Oh yes I did solve the puzzle actually! You had to move the shapes vertically, the rectangle rune first followed by the Pentagon and then Triangle, but the triangle’s tip had to be facing the top most side of the Pentagon for the magic to work proper-” She’d pause before looking a bit bewildered,

“Wait..did you just say that you beat Nolan Cryros in a duel?...”

Nolan Cryros

It wasn’t all that long after their conversation that yet another orange portal appeared, and low and behold who came out of it, Nolan Cryros coming down to the ground and looking around a tad smug and arrogant looking.

“Nolan you made it!” a female voice could be heard calling from the congregation of students.

“Well of course he did!” Another responded excitedly, the pair oogling him with some others.

“Ah Mister Cryros, I was expecting you, Nice resourcefulness in the face of a challenge congratulations.”

“Well of course I made it, there are only so many descendants of Caden the white afterall. It wasn’t that hard to find someone I Could beat…” He’d look around the area before his eyes would set on Adelhein, narrowing.

“Tch..” His fist would tense up. He’d then walk his way over to Adelhein, as eyes followed him
And he stood between Adelhein and Scarlett.

“Is this guy bothering you Scarlett?” He’d ask, a seemingly genuine tone of concern in his voice as he spoke.

“Just say the word if he is, he’s abnormal and I personally wouldn’t want to touch him with a polearm that has [reach]”

“Why don’t you come over to the other side with me? Maybe if we’re lucky we can be partners for the next part of the exam. I know we aren't supposed to get preferenital treatment but..it doesn't hurt to try sometimes.”
Nolan give a smile her way and put a hand on Scarlett’s shoulder to which she’d move back a bit apprehensive.

“He’s doing no such thing Nolan.” She’d reply a bit curtly, looking back at him and then Adelhein, to which Nolan would give a displeased side eye Adelhein’s way.
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter // Gilgamesh

Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


Taking in the words said by the faculty representative, Adelhein nodded, easily grasping the meaning behind them. “I see, I see. It is only expected that duels can lead to… deadly consequences. Such is the possible result of duels between the mundane, so it wouldn’t be that different between magi.” He concluded, more to himself than anyone else. Albeit, the young magus had not partaken in one-on-one duels previously, he knew those happened in the shadows, away from faculty members back in the Clock Tower. “Refreshing nonetheless…” Speaking silently, an unknown glint appeared behind his crimson eyes.

Professor Ward… Adelhein would commit that name to memory. He wondered if the mage led some specific department within the Luminary academy. Well, why not ask him? “Professor Ward, are you the head of one of the departments in the Luminary Academy? Astromancy or Creation perhaps?” The young magus would ask, saying two departments, which were present where he had studied.

Shifting his attention towards the red-haired girl, Adelhein’s expression was both soft and curious. “Indeed, I’m a noble. I probably was the head of my family for a short while..” His attention would drift for a singular moment, wondering who was leading the El-Melloi back in England. Well, that was water under the bridge. “Considering the deference from the Professor, would I be right to assume you are a noble as well?” The young magus would ask her in turn, a smile appearing on his lips in return to her own.

Giving her his full attention, he would absorb the information about the puzzle. So, not only there was an order, but also the correct orientation to each of them? It appeared he had been much further of solving the puzzle than he had initially thought. Despite being an elitist, Adelhein was visibly impressed. Was it luck that brought him that bold challenger, which ended up guaranteeing his advancement to the next phase of the exam?

Tilting his head sideways a bit, the young magus appeared not quite grasp the surprise on Scarlett’s face, nodding to her question. “Yeah, that is right. He did say something about being of a great lineage… but, well, people lie about those things, right?” Skepticism dripped from his voice as he spoke about Nolan’s supposed heritage.

It wasn’t the portal that made Adelhein’s attention drift somewhere else, but Professor Ward’s voice. Quickly scanning the area, his crimson gaze would fall upon Nolan.

With the left corner of his lip curling up slightly, into a grin, he watched as the spellcaster he had defeated previously marched towards both him and Ashford.

The words that Nolan uttered were met with the grin being kept through and narrowing of eyes. Underneath the surface, however, Adelhein’s temperament bubbled, his right fist clenching and making the leather of his glove groan. It seemed this guy had not learned his lesson the first time around. But that could serve him, in actuality, depending on what happened.

What did make the otherwise cool expression on his face change was the attempted touch on Scarlett’s shoulder and what followed. “It seems that who is bothering Miss. Ashford here would be you, Cryros.” His lips became flat, eyeing the blond-haired man between them as if he were of no consequence. “Maybe it would be best to save face and return over to the other side by yourself? Wouldn’t want the descendant of ‘Caden the White’ to be known as being… ‘pushy’.” His words held a hint of warning, as he observed Nolan’s reaction to it.
Location: ???, Grand Duchy of Roran

Weather: Temperate, gentle cool breeze.

Time: Early Morning

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

Professor Ward
ねつき (@netukitune) on X.jpg

Professor Ward nodded at Adelhein’s comment about the dueling being refreshing.

“Hm, you must come from an interesting background to have experience with magic academic departments such as those, I am a Professor which works in the defense magic department of the academy actually, should you pass the exam you may very well have me as a mentor given the classes I teach.”

Scarlett Ashford

“Oh I see, head of the family at our age?” She’d comment not particularly meaning the question literally, it was albeit more inquisitive at the prospect.

“But yes actually I’m from the Noble House Ashford, my father is the head, I presume you aren’t a local then, since I haven’t heard of that name until now.”

Her face continued on surprised for a bit as he mentioned that people lied about that sort of thing.

“I don’t think I was expecting to hear anyone beat Nolan in a duel I mean he’s-” Before she could really address that part about the false relationship suggestion, Nolan had appeared and they were back in the present.

Nolan Cryros
Nolan looked back at Adelhein with a very false sounding politeness in his voice, a smile which was very much insincere,

“Surely you jest, Scarlett has known me far longer than she has you, I plan on spending a great deal more time with her too, I hardly think it’s pushy, it’s only natural that a skilled magic user like myself and her would end up working toget-”

“That’s all quite Alright Mr. Cryros The teams were already decided for this next exercise when the last students who could make it appeared here, and you will not be working with Miss Ashford, we are more interested in testing people who are not familiar with one another outside of the institution for the next team portion of the exam.”

Professor Ward spoke naturally.

“Oh, is that so? Well that’s certainly unfortunate, oh well, I suppose I’ll be seeing you later then Scarlett..” He’d say then giving a narrowed side eye and more serious look to Adelhein before he walked off.

Scarlett looked back a neutral look on her face, giving a simple nod.

She then looked forward when Professor Ward continued to speak,

“You will now all receive a formal briefing for the next stage, those of you who will be working together as a team will have the same color appear on the bracelet you were given to wear.

The objective of this test will be to enter the cave and use teamwork to secure the most valuable magic artifact you can manage. They have been strategically spread throughout the cave, and the lower the level you retrieve your item from the higher chance to receive a better score and thus passing grade.”

“You will have a good deal of autonomy in how you decide to act and how you decide to use your magic to approach this challenge, you will be on a time limit which you can check by using the magical interface on your bracelet. Now then are there any questions before we formally begin this portion of the exam?”

And just like that Adelhein and Scarlett’s provided accessories both turned a crimson hue, while others turned different colors, it seemed that most were in duos.

“It..looks like we’ll be working together then.” Scarlett looked back to Adelhein with a bit of a smile once again.
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


Adelhein nodded, hearing about the department in which Professor Ward worked at. The young magus looked at him in appraisal, wondering for a moment about the skills which the old man could possess. When he is accepted in this university, if Ward ends up being one of his mentors, he would be sure to acquire everything single bit of arcane knowledge that he is able to provide.

Adelhein allowed a full, wide smirk to form on his lips, seeing Nolan’s plans to team-up with Scarlett turn to ashes. “Well, well, well, seems that Fate has different plans in store for you.” The mocking tone on his tone was palpable, as he said those words just after Professor Ward.

“Then again, a highly skilled mage such as yourself will certainly have no problems with a different partner, mmm? Unless your pedigree is lacking, making you a mongrel, rather than a pure-breed. Be sure not to lose so… quickly this time around.” A cruel glint shone behind his crimson eyes, schadenfreude pure and unapologetic.

With his attention being focused back on Professor Ward, hearing the instructions for the next part of the exam. As he heard the information about it, he brought his gloved hand to his chin, falling pensive, already churning with ideas of what would be the best tactic to approach this trial.

Certainly getting an artifact from the very first level of the cave would be ideal, and he assumed there would be quite a bit of competition to secure them. The mention of autonomy made one of his eyebrows raise. I suppose that means that taking artifacts from others is not out of the question. He thought to himself and, even though that wouldn’t be the first tactic he would employ, he had no qualms in employing such. His victory was paramount, after all.

“No questions about it. The explanation was crystal clear.” His eyes darted towards his bracelet, seeing the crimson color of it, matching the color of Scarlett’s bracelet as well. Splendid.

His eyes slid towards the crimson-haired girl, his expression now fully relaxed, welcoming even, a shrewd smile on his lips. “It will be a pleasure to be working with you, Scarlett.”

“Indeed, I am the head and only El-Melloi currently present in Ryke, but I’m not a local.”
Continuing, Adelhein kept a light and inviting tone. “My apologies for not recognizing your lineage sooner.” Giving her a quick neck bow, he offered his hand, palm up, for Scarlett to take it, with the intent to hold hers. “How would you like to approach this trial? It seems it would be wise to remain in the very first floor, searching for an artifact.”
Location: ???, Grand Duchy of Roran

Weather: Temperate, gentle cool breeze.

Time: Early Morning

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

Nolan Cryros

“It would seem so.” Nolan replied simply with a false gentleman’s smile, clenching his fist.

“Perhaps between us you’d benefit more from the crutch.” He’d reply with an additionally false friendly tone despite the words not being particularly pleasant, the words following after Adelhein’s jab at his pedigree to so speak, however after that he would speak no more on the matter.

After some inconsequential questions, even after Adelhein’s confirmation about the explanation being clear, during Professor ward’s explanations to some of them

Scarlett Ashford

Scarlett would look over to Adelhein and give a nod.

“I mean I’m pretty fortunate to be working with someone who was able to beat Nolan in a duel, at least that’s my understanding of what happened right? He isn’t really the best loser...but that’s besides the point.” She’d say with a smile.

“Ah that would explain it then! Well welcome then.” She’d continue cheerily enough.

“It’s not a problem at all…” She’d accept his hand. “I look forward to working with you too..if you’re to call me Scarlett is it okay..if I call you Adelhein then?” She’d inquire perhaps a bit of pink on her cheeks, before looking away slightly and then back. The lack of formal titles being thrown about and his gesture making her feel like their conversation was a bit more friendly than she was anticipating.

“Oh, the first floor? As in the deepest one counting up? I believe while that is the most dangerous area we would be able to get one of the rarest items and therefore the best possible score..if we’re strategic about it I have no problem delving down there.”

She’d then lean in a bit closer and speak softer to be more discrete, “And while it’s probably a bit mean if we really had too we probably could take one off another pair who finds one down there themselves..there wasn’t anything in the rules forbidding it after all..”
Unfortunately, it didn’t look like the group would be getting a map of the cave. Scarlett would have appreciated that.

That’d make things too easy after all but when all was said and done, suddenly the words “BEGIN” Would appear above the group in blue text signifying the start of this portion of the exam and so would the scramble of potential students attempting to get in first, some spells here and there already being thrown to knock people out of the way and with the chaos ensuing. It wouldn't be long before the familiar spikey ice pieces were being thrown about that

Scarlett would wait momentarily, before looking for an opportunity to get moving…and if Adelhein was willing when she saw the opening she’d pull him along holding onto his hand and heading into the mouth of the cave, and pretty quickly they were faced with three main paths One to the left, one continuing toward the center and one to the right, the center one looking like it started to incline downwards, the left one curving into a sort of staircase and the right one looking more like a stone smooth ramp which headed down, all of the paths dimly lit, the entrances at the very least looking narrow.


“I’m fine with whichever one you think suits us best.” She’d reply, they’d probably want a quick decision while they were ahead so that they weren’t left with whatever was left over.
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


Adelhein would nod to Scarlett and confirm that indeed, he had defeated Nolan in their short-lived, entrance duel. Deeply inside his mind, he still thought it was bizarre the fact that the blond-haired man was thought to be of a prestigious lineage. Certainly enough, where he came from, not all great families’ magical expertise lent potency for combat. In fact, pure combat magecraft was, sometimes, looked down upon.

With his hand being accepted, the young magus’ crimson gaze looked directly into her violet eyes. “Of course, it makes only sense for us to be in first name basis. Adelhein or Adel would be perfect.” He told her with a relaxed smile on his lips. While he could notice the faint, pink hue on her cheeks, he was none the wiser as to why. Maybe excitement of the oncoming trial?

“Exactly, the lowest level is a good choice. Oh… so this cavern is filled with challenges? This seems to be getting more interesting by the minute…” There was some palpable curiosity behind his eyes, previously thinking that the only obstacles would be the other competitors themselves.

And, while thinking about the other competitors, Scarlett would lean towards him, telling him about a possible plan… which had been the exact same thing he was thinking before. “I’ve thought the exact same thing.” He said back, his tone barely above a whisper. “This partnership couldn’t be more perfect.” A smirk appeared on his lips.

Without thinking twice, as soon as Adelhein felt the tug on his hand by Scarlett, he matched, or at least tried to, her pace, delving into the cave at the perfect opportunity. With a firm grip on her hand, he took the first few steps into the rocky maw, the first challenge appeared before them. His eyes darted between the three options, knowing that time was of the essence, lest they leave that place with empty hands.

Considering how fast they would arrive at the bottom, he took chose the most efficient looking route. “Let’s go through the right one. Seems like that one will take us down the fastest.” The young magus said, looking back at Scarlett for a moment, before focusing on the chosen path once more.
Location: ???, Grand Duchy of Roran

Weather: Temperate, gentle cool breeze.

Time: Early Morning

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

Scarlett Ashford

“Very well then Adelhein” She would reply, looking like she had been on the precipice of deciding whether to call him Adelhein or Adel, perhaps the even shortened form being even a tad too much for the time being, perhaps when she knew him better it would come more naturally.

She’d nod at him addressing the fact the cavern was filled with challenges. She was also pretty pleased to hear him say that he wasn’t opposed to her more possibly aggressive plan, she generally wasn’t afraid to get her hands dirty if it meant achieving success.

“You think so? I bet your magic must be pretty strong if you beat Nolan, guess I’ll get to see it play out myself.” She’d reply with a smile, pretty pleased with herself all things considered.
In the present thankfully Adelhein went with her through the cave to push their advantage on the other competitors who were trying to make their way through.

Scarlett would give him a nod, a look of determination in her eyes as she kept holding onto his hand and made her way down the right most path, doing the best to keep traction as they went down the stone ramp, after a while of descending and the light turning dimmer.

“Alright, let’s try to get through here quick and dirty if we have too even..” Referencing the fact it’d be perfectly viable for them to knock someone else down who got their first and then head back up fast.

The sounds of the racing footsteps of others and casting becoming more faint as they progressed, it wouldn’t be long until the pair found themselves in a dark stone hallway,

Skeletons #1-#3

In the distance of the hallway however it wouldn’t be long until something a bit problematic started up..the creaking of bones..and suddenly three figures rose up from the distant hallway darkness, skeletons carrying arming swords and shields, began to advance slowly on the duo, not saying a word, the sounds of their steps being heard.

Two Handed Sword Skeleton
Screenshot 2024-09-15 214904.png

In the very back of the three skeletons was another, one of which hooded with a larger two handed sword who seemed to stand still, brandishing the weapon… The skeletons were about 50 ft away, the one in the back about 60.

"Get ready for combat, I gotta get in close to be effective.." She'd say softly.
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


With Scarlett in hand, Adelhein advanced into the jaws of the unknown, taking the smooth slope offered by the right path. His shoes slid against the rocky terrain of the cave as he attempted to control his descent, being successful thanks to the crimson-haired girl. And, the more he descended, more the dim light gave way to darkness, overpowering and merciless. Yet, was that so different from the moonless nights in which he patrolled the streets of Fuyuki with Saber at his side? Where every shadow lurked the possibility of a combatant, ready to strike when he least expected? His nerves were calm as ever, his eyes, sharp. And nothing would shake his confidence.

Eventually, both his and Scarlett’s descent ended, a heavy thumb against the flat ground where they stood. “Agreed, quick and efficient, regardless of who we have to take down.” He agreed with every bit of his partner’s plan. They had to act swift, decisive, leaving little room for error. Had he been more aggressive in the battles of the distant war, would destiny have taken a different course? His free-hand clenched, making the leather glove creak, every so slightly, a silent promise to never repeat his mistakes.

As they kept walking, the sound of the others participants disappearing were not lost on Adelhein. For him, that could very well mean a boon: a place not reached and untouched by other participants. Who knew what sort of artifact they might end up stumbling around that area? The very thought made one of the corners of Adelhein’s lips curl upwards. A crushing victory in this part of the exam would bode will for both him and Scarlett.

His crimson eyes fixed on the hallway which both were approaching. His eyes narrowed, ever so slightly, taking the sight of the trio of shambling skeletons who guarded the path ahead, as well as the two-hander, just behind them. “Curious… I wonder if that is necromancy or natural occurring skeletons.” Curiosity dripped from his tone, watching the labored march of the creatures towards the pair. While skeletons could make for useful familiars, he would much rather control iron golems.

“Gotcha. Best to wait for them to approach us, perhaps? I can hit them from here.” There was some mirth on Adelhein’s, as he lifted is free hand, turning towards the skeletons with an open palm. Steadying his breath, he began activating the magic circuits on his body, an action so natural, which has already been repeated countless times. With that, mana began flowing through his system, exuding from his form and dripping towards the rocky ground.

Sensing the metallic components of the soil, he had no need to conjure the elements, but could instead use those already present. The ground below the four skeletons would begin to shake, slightly, iron and other ferrous components being brought from the depths of the earth. “Mercurius Venator!” The young magus uttered, as a burst of magical energy is sent from him. In tandem, the ground bursts from under the skeletons, massive ferrous spikes bursting to try and impale each one of the creatures. And, in addition, poisonous, mercury ready to injected into them.

1/2 - Attacked all four skeletons with → (Normal) Mercurius Venator - Magic E, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Selective F, Affinity Indirect F, Affinity Deflect F, Affinity Incapacitating F, Affinity Blight [Poison] F, Energized E - After declaring the name of the ability, 5 metallic stakes burst from under 5 targets, seeking to impale them from below with the range of up to 30ft, while also dealing extra poison damage - Grade E 0 Post Cooldown (FLUX) Mercurius Venator - Magic F, Magic Range E, Magic Targets F, Selective F, Affinity Indirect F, Affinity Deflect F, Affinity Incapacitating F, Affinity Blight [Poison] F, Energized E - After declaring the name of the ability, 5 metallic stakes burst from under 5 targets, seeking to impale them from below with the range of up to 100ft, while also dealing extra poison damage - Grade E 0 Post Cooldown

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