Asking Obvious Questions

call me rae

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So to start off I just want to say that I'm mostly basing this off one x one roleplay experience. I'm sure something equivalent happens in groups I just don't do them often enough for it to have happened.

The issue is asking obvious questions for no discernable reason.

Example -when someone posts in your search thread "do you wanna roleplay?"

Well yes obviously I want to roleplay as I just spent a lot of time and effort making a thread specifically dedicated to that purpose.

It's especially annoying when they ask like specific questions that are answered in the thread.

Example - Do you wanna do a Harry Potter roleplay?

When it lists under cravings and fandoms - Harry Potter roleplay

I mean again I would think it's a no brainer. Yes obviously I want to do a Harry Potter roleplay or I wouldn't list all these ideas I have to do a roleplay based on the series.

And look it's one thing if your doing it in a PM because I can assume that you used the site search feature and got my name that way.

But when your posting on a thread specifically dedicated to searching for a roleplay I would think asking that question is kind of redundant.

Especially when you seldom respond when people take the time to actually answer your obvious question.

Example -

Do you want to roleplay? - poster

Yes, [ links search thread ] here is a list of my fandoms and cravings. - me.

.... [ no response from poster ]

Or even more frustrating

Do you want to do XYZ roleplay ? [ as listed in my search thread ] - poster

Yes, here are the plots I have in mind : - me

- plot blah blah blah [ listed in search thread ]

- plot blah blah blah [ listed in search thread ]

- plot blah blah blah [ listed in search thread ]

.... [ no response from poster ]
To be fair, people will list cravings that, after having already started several roleplays with that craving, are no longer interested in it or won't update their post to mention that they are no longer looking for roleplays because they have acquired all the roleplay partners they want/need. No responses at all are annoying though.
I'm sure similar occurrences can happen with groups, the question would just be phrased differently. "Are you looking for more people?" I suppose it isn't as 'obvious' because it could depend on how many positions were originally available for the specific group, where with one on ones are rather different because it mainly depends on the roleplayer's availability and not a position like a group roleplay.

I think the 'obvious' question is more out of politeness than oblivion. And it's also more out of the host's interest rather than their interest. In the music world, if you don't hear back, the answer is no. In the roleplaying world, I find the latter also to be true. Don't be discouraged. People have different interests and writing styles. It can be hard to find a roleplaying partner at first, but once you've found a group of people that you can work well with, it's a lot easier to make connections and network.
Mordecai said:
To be fair, people will list cravings that, after having already started several roleplays with that craving, are no longer interested in it or won't update their post to mention that they are no longer looking for roleplays because they have acquired all the roleplay partners they want/need. No responses at all are annoying though.
Fair enough I think it's more the timing and lack of follow up that bothers me.

It's one thing when your messaging me once my thread has been open for several days or it's got like five pages of conversations. Then sure asking if I'm still interested is perfectly reasonable.

But when I just posted my thread like two hours ago and there is no replies yet then asking if I want to roleplay becomes kind of redundant.

But really even that in itself doesn't bother me so much as it amuses me.

But it's when I respond to your question and you never reply back that I get kind of annoyed.

It's like if your not going to bother trying to make a roleplay with me than why waste my time with a question?

What do you expect me to magically make a roleplay with you based purely on your asking if I'm interested?

It's either rude or it's lazy.

Because either your just blatantly wasting my time with no intention of ever roleplaying with me.

Or you somehow expect me to magically reach across the internet and read your mind and be able to come up with a roleplay you are excited about based entirely on you giving me some kind of half-assed interest.
Musician said:
I'm sure similar occurrences can happen with groups, the question would just be phrased differently. "Are you looking for more people?" I suppose it isn't as 'obvious' because it could depend on how many positions were originally available for the specific group, where with one on ones are rather different because it mainly depends on the roleplayer's availability and not a position like a group roleplay.
I think the 'obvious' question is more out of politeness than oblivion. And it's also more out of the host's interest rather than their interest. In the music world, if you don't hear back, the answer is no. In the roleplaying world, I find the latter also to be true. Don't be discouraged. People have different interests and writing styles. It can be hard to find a roleplaying partner at first, but once you've found a group of people that you can work well with, it's a lot easier to make connections and network.
I hadn't thought of it that way. I just kind of assumed it was like that old adage " Ask a silly question.."

Usually I just roll with it, so it's not like a deal breaker or anything. But I can get kind of sarcastic in my head when I reply. But I'm kind of sarcastic in general so that's probably a personality issue more than anything.

I mean when I reply I'm perfectly polite and take it at face value so it's not like I'm sending nasty replies.

Do you want to roleplay ? -- What do you think?

For the most part it isn't something that is going to ruin my day I just always kind of wondered what the thought process was behind sending such an obvious question.

I mean if I want to roleplay with someone I act like I'm filling out a resume.

I'll give you my name, occupation, hours of availability, and any ideas I have based on your prompts.

But then I'm aware I'm somewhat unusual in my ability to over plan.

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