Chitchat Ask Auren


7th Level Procrastinator
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Heylo Lovelies!

So.. I figured I'd do one of these because I need more distraction in life, obviously. xD

Name's Auren. I'm a Moderator for the Modern/Realistic Roleplays. I have a pet cat, I game, I read, I write, I draw, I breathe, and I'm generally that chick with a top hat in the SB. >D

So, ask yer questions and I'll answer 'em. My only rule is that I ain't gonna answer the same question twice.
[QUOTE="THE J0KER]Do you even lift?

Nope. I let all the handsome men do that for me. ;3
Musician said:
Can we see a pic of your kitty? =O
He's the most adorable-est.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/IMG_7422.jpg.6eaf072e9f19d4c3471d3cc3305a3203.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31926" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/IMG_7422.jpg.6eaf072e9f19d4c3471d3cc3305a3203.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • IMG_7422.jpg
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Ricia said:
What is your favorite animal??
This is a way harder question than it seems. I love animals, so picking one is just difficult. I think I'll just say my favorite of the week: Giant River Otter

Because they terrify me to a whole new level.
Alexandra95 said:
what's your favorite games o:
Oh, this is going to be a list. I'm going to just try to go in order, and hit the big ones.

Tomb Raider - PC

Pokemon Yellow - GB

Chrono Cross - PS1

Spyro - PS1

Golden Sun - GBA

Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town - GBA

Lady Sia - GBA

FF: Tactics - GBA

Sigma Star Saga - GBA

Pokemon Ruby - GBA

Pokemon LeafGreen - GBA

Sly Cooper - PS2

Xenosaga (trilogy) - PS2

Kingdom Hearts 1&2 - PS2

Jak and Daxter - PS2

Radiata Story - PS2

Tales of the Abyss - PS2

Tales of Legendia - PS2

Okami - PS2

Primal - PS2

DMC3 - PS2

The World Ends With You - DS

Crisis Core: FF7 - PSP

The 3rd Birthday - PSP

Dante's Inerno - PS3

Prototype - PS3

AC (series0 - PS3

Ratchet and Clank Future (Tools of distruction and crack in time) - PS3

Heavenly Sword - PS3

Prince of Persia - PS3

Tomb Raider (Prequel) - PS3

Fire Emblem - 3DS

DustForce - PC

WildStar - PC

Voxatron - PC

[QUOTE="The Out Of World]You played Spyro the Dragon? You are clearly a saint.

xD I played the originals, all three that were made for PS1. I didn't care for the new Spryro on the PS2...
Yes... I spoil all the centuries old stories...
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]Can I have your hat?

No. This hat was a gift from my lovely brother, and it is mine. >D
augmentedspartan said:
What is your opinion on Prototype 2?
Honestly? I got the game, but never got around to playing it. v__v One day though!
augmentedspartan said:
What's your favorite movie?
I have a lot of these. I think my most recent one is Guardians of the Galaxy.

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