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Fantasy Ascension's Phylogeny display

Quote: "Life is my light. Death is my night. Both, my flight."​


Name: Sphinx
Age: 60
Species: Descended
Blood%: 60 Seraphim; 40 Nayu (Portal jumping. Portal sensing. Portal conjuring. Ghost vision. Angelic wings. Air walking. Halo light. Soul detection. Poison resistance. Blood consumption. Night vision. Wings are large and hard to move around with, those with halos make hiding in dark impossible as it is a ring of intangible light. Physically weaker and emits a smell and aura noticeable and attractive to all descendants. His hearing is more susceptible to being damaged by loud noises.)

Gender: Male
Sex Preference: Homo
Height: 6 ft
Weight: 180 lb

Apparel: Mostly padded with thick, skin-tight basilisk armor with a black and silver silky cloak fitted around his massive wings. His celestial face is sometimes covered with a thin black and silver veil, for filter protection from basilisks and loud noises.

Personality: Less concerned with death than the average Descendant, but distrustful of everyone especially Dragons due to his sought-after Seraphim nature. Loyal and devoted to the Nero King to the point of passion, lust, and love. He would gladly offer Sleeth his Seraphim and Nayu blood to drink. Extremely protective of him and would fulfill every order to the last detail. Hostile towards those who dare oppose his King, but terrified of the King's sound attack.
Occupation: Royal guard to the Mythue family.
Faction: Dolofon and Aion.

History: Always concerned with Sleeth, his King, Sphinx spent most of his time serving and protecting him. He never wanted to see any other Nayu replace his King, and if there were any plots, he always stopped them.
Exp: In the art of stealth and poisons, Sphinx trained with the Elite and fought basilisks and dragons in the jungles of Nero. As for his Seraphim side, he was left to figure that out himself.

-- Within his vicinity, he can see souls of the living through reasonable barrier. Can't see through living souls like people, pets, trees, and earth. This uses up his soul faster. Oracle -- Can see and communicate with ghosts. If his blood is drunk, the drinker is granted temporary ghost vision. Portal Control -- He detects, conjures, relocates, and removes portals as distant as the eye can see. As long as he touches or is touched by that person, that person can jump through portals with him. Soul-Drinker -- Being not Seraphim enough to absorb or manipulate souls, he is still Nayu enough to consume blood and thus absorb some soul's essence from it. The more blood he drinks, the more replenished his soul.
Weapons: Lunar Claymore -- Enchanted sword that when unsheathed glows in the dark.
Quote: "Bright light can blind just as easily as absolute darkness"

Sero Hamara



60% Nayu and 40% Sol


Sex Preference:



Physical appearance:

Because of his Sol blood percentage, he actually has pure white hair instead of a darker color.

Apparel: Loose fitting clothing that doesn't impede movement. Light armor is hidden underneath these clothes. His gloves are blade resistant and tough enough that if he could move quick enough, he could knock down bullets. The mask on his face is for missions only, though it possesses no defensive or even disguising qualities. It is an offensive object. The mask contains enzymes from his own teeth, it is toxic. If he is captured or even in battle, an opponent is actually quite likely to touch his mask, allowing the poison to seep into their skin.

Single seat vehicle that can reach up to two hundred and fifty miles an hour at full throttle. It is a prototype given to him by the Magoi for his services, as well as to test the systems. It's speed is great, but the probability of it exploding is also high the faster he goes.

Sero likes to push himself in combat, ignoring the possibility that he will die. He isn't a combat oriented person though, only using it to further himself, a way of meditation. When not in combat, he actually enjoys sampling new foods as well as foods made in different ways.

On his quiet days, he likes to find a nice, plant filled area and relax in the sun, a strange practice for a Nayu, especially with his blood percentage. With his Sol blood however, it was required from a young age and he grew to enjoy it. What he enjoys most about it though is listening to the plants. They don't speak in words or language, to him, there is a low hum that is very soft. When listening to it, the hum fills his body and makes him feel as though he is one with the planet.

When he is working, he is all business and quiet serious. To do his job, he'd even give up his life.

Assassin Guard

Dolofon (Partial Association) Magoi (Partial Association)


Adv. App.:

Sero's father was an assassin in training to be the next King and as such trained his son in an equal way. He was trained in the sword and in stealth. However, his father didn't want him as a next king in training, he wanted him as a guard. He was trained not to kill from the darkness, but to see the attempts coming from the enemy. When he failed, he was beaten. This led to his habit of pushing himself further and further, as to never fail.

After his father died, he continued his training, even taking jobs to be a guard.

His mother trained him in Plant Manipulation, teaching him to listen to plants. She also taught him two of the spells known to her. After his father died, she took him away to widen his knowledge.


Poison Burst: Sero can summon plant poisons from another, far more toxic plane of existence. However, it is a very small amount, enough to catch an enemy off guard or coat his sword in a variety of poisons.
Melding: Also plant based, but this is different, it is more of a personal healing spell. It allows him to meld a portion of his body with that of plants, borrowing their energy to heal one's wounds. It is a very draining process as his blood percentage is low.

Enhanced Poison Resistance: Due to close proximity with poisons, even more than usual given his spell, his natural resistance to poison has only increased than normal.

Mental Fortitude: Because of a major defect in his eyes, his mental abilities have grown to compensate, relying on his psychic sense to detect immobile people. It has grown to the point where he can detect even people hiding their presences.

Dusk. A simple white sword that he carries with him. It's only special quality is that it is made from Dragon Bone, very old and very well maintained bone. Each time the sword is doused in blood, it seems to only get whiter.

Sero's father was one hundred percent Nayu and in quite a decent position, wanting to become the next king. It was due to his enjoyment of Sol blood that Sero came to be. His mother wasn't a random woman or some quick fling, she was a slave, bought by his father for her blood and her body. In short time, Sero was born. His mother wasn't one hundred percent Sol and in fact had Nayu blood herself, resulting in Sero's blood percentage being what it is.

His father was less than pleased to suddenly have a child, however, he thought it would be a good idea to have a close guard that was absolutely loyal to him, so he was trained to be just that guard. When his father was busy, his mother took care of him, teaching him her spells and the ways of the Sol, to balance out the ruthless nature of his father. She didn't blame her son for the actions of his father and actually held him close to her heart. As a child, Sero was sweet to his mother, caring for her after his father's feedings, using his understanding of poisons to neutralize his father's hemotoxic venom.

Fortunately for her, his father died taking the King's Test. Sero was young but took on his mother as his own slave. He eventually left with her to her homeland of Vrondi, settling down in Sunfire for some time. As he got older, he began taking on Mercenary work. Thanks to his association to his father, he had contacts in Nero. He did some work for the Dolofon, not as an assassin, but protecting the targets of other assassination groups that the Dolofon considered important.

Thanks to his mother's connections, he did some work for the Magoi as well. He'd travel to places of known magical repute and gather information on new or lost spells. Due to working, he got along in life quite well.

Sero doesn't just attack people for blood, he has several people, in many different places, that he contacts when he is in need of blood. It is a beneficial relationship with them, similar to a FWB relationship. If he has to bite someone, he wears special caps over his fangs to prevent his toxin from affecting them.

Sero has a rare disorder in his eyes. Instead of being completely blind, he is only blind to static objects. This is known as statokinetic dissociation, meaning that he can only perceive objects and people that are moving. This is where his Psychic Detection is most effective, enabling him to be aware of presences that are standing still.

Because of his vision, his perception towards moving objects and people is far better than most. Without the distraction of static vision, he can see things that move faster than normal.

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