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Fantasy Ascension. Dragon/Angel/Demon RP


New Member

Arc #1

..::The Death Cultists::..

A sea of black. Waves of erratic motion. An army of oozing black mud covered beings. A sky of black and a moon lit with silver light. Glowing its majestic hue on the heads of all below. The feeling was. Excitement. As if the nights air gave birth to wicked spirits of incessant laughter. The spectacle around blue flames was maddening to the mind.

A numbing experience it was to observe the numerous horrors being done all at once. Fornication, murder, cannibalism, and combinations of the three. A figure stood above it all. On a high stone sat a slender and necromantic being. A cloak swayed in the wind, a pitch black shadow that danced around the edges like the ends of the fire below.

There one could see, if one were able. To see the walls that surrounded the horde. A fallen, and ancient, castle of old gods and kings. No longer able to protest the wicked atrocities that happened upon their thrones. A hood cloaked the figures head. But a mask glistened with the rays of moonlight that touched it.

When the world opened to be ruled from outer realms was the day the era of torment began. A curse was cast upon us. We were once mighty, fearless, and unquestioning. Now we exist to ponder and wonder if what we do with ourselves is impure. Sick. WRONG. I wish to see things return to its former glory. I have a way to do it.

With your deeds you have awakened the dark angel. He who holds the door sealed. He who is one of our forefathers. And he who is the lord of death...

..The dark mass shouted in a wild and beastly howl of pleasure...

I know he is awake because the prophecy written long ago says he will manifest in our realm if the correct ritual is done. This will garner his attention for us. Once he is summoned he will no doubt respect our wishes to serve him. And in doing so we will be granted eternal seats in his dark realm. Possibly to torture those poor souls that end up there FOR AN ETERNITY!!

...Another rejoicing howl from the black mass below...

And so when the moon light reached the peak of the sky. And its rays shimmered upon the dancing flame. A flame burning with the hunger for blood and flesh. Angelic women, fair young and beautiful, being burned with it. Their innocent screams being stifled by hundreds of cries of pleasure.

It was then the moment happened. The darkness came. IT came for good, and it came for keeps.

A bellowing sound could be heard. Before a black hole expanded from the center of the flame. Absorbing all around it with a slow pull. This silenced the banshee like screams throughout the area. It was soon replaced with screams of fear.

A sound from so many at once gave the same heart pounding effect as merely passing the sounds of hell itself. Those incapable of escaping felt as their bodies were pulled in, and torn apart. Stones lifted from the earth. Dust whirled within it. The hole grew larger and seemed as though it would encompass all.

It's happening... Our lord is arriving..

The hole collapsed in a wave of darkness. A literal manifested shadow that swept over all. Knocking them all upon the floor. But soon they scrambled to get to their feet. A low hum could be heard as a thick blackness, two dimensional in nature, sat where the large flame pit was. There a large skeleton stood. With two large black horns on its head. Its eyes were imbued with a blue flame. It gave a menacing feel to it. Despite its stone, statue like stance. Unmoving or twitching even as those around it began to draw their weapons.


One not so obedient moved in. His stature was large, larger than most. His ornaments displayed his deeds. Skulls, body parts, and blood. Lots of blood caked onto his body.

He had a dragon like appearance, despite a human form. He rushed in. And clashed his blade on the skull of the skeleton, which equaled him in height. All watched as the axe broke into a thousand pieces upon contact. An excessive blow back that would boggle any mind. However it did not end there. The skeleton did not appear to move. But its right hand was around the mans neck, already having him midair and helpless. Each blow with his fists tightened the grip of the monster.


A voice echoed from the summoned demon. The blue flame in its eyes turn pitch black and then expanded out and engulfed the man. He screamed in agony and fell to the ground as a lump of darkness, no longer retaining his original form in the slightest. The darkness then began to rapidly spread. Many trying to escape to no avail. The darkness reached about a dozen of them before turning to the skeleton.

Covering it until a new shape was made. The shape of a slender yet muscular man. A blue and orchid hue to his skin and red eyes that rivaled dragons. His back was bare, save for his flowing black hair, and so was his body. Yet at several feet tall, and sculpted to a fine edge, he commanded a respect that out weighed his lack of clothes.

He gripped his fists and looked as if he was unpleased. But not displeased. His nonchalant appearance demanded those before him bow. As they did. This made him smirk, then he looked to the moon. It was full and bright and beautiful just like his appearance. He truly appeared as a god amongst mortals...
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The kingdom of Fotia. The volcano peaks sat high above the bustling kingdom below its mass. The clouds were below the volcano edges and formed a shadow on the heads of the several hundred people below. The day was in its earlier hours, but was well on the way. People sold and mingled, shopped and played. A vibrant and functioning society that would make any emperor proud. Even this emperor.

Fiery eyes gazing on the functioning lifts. Their gears rotating goods and people to higher areas of the city, those areas protruding from the volcano side. There was always a mist emerging from the ground, like an aura of milky white rising from the city. Their toils and cares all reaching the skies and permeating it in the form of clouds that blocked the sun from their already warm bodies. Not a person could be seen, within the walls of the volcanoes and the city that uses them, without a bead of sweat decorating some area of their bodies.

This mentioned emperor. This sovereign leader was Magnixx. His hair, dreaded and long, whirled in the wind. His position was high above the city. His castle was erected from the side of a volcano, yet it melded well with it.

It almost appeared as though it were a part of it. Lava flowed from a few of its stone dragon statues. All meant for design, but represented the power over fire and lava their people had and their kinship to it. His wings were at his back and didn't move except for the ends which danced like a leather garment. He stood on the edge of a ledge, where the wind was free and strong. Despite the risk he seemed unfazed within the dance of gusts around him.

Outside the walls sat the towns and the open lands meant for farming and game. There the atrocities of that lit moon night rose to afflict the Fotian nation. This was done in the same way to the rest of the lands. First the horns of a horrific nightmare sounded. Loud yet unpleasant in its tone. The horn was like the thunder before the lightning and gave birth to a growing army of darkness. Bodies, limbs, fragments. All were decorations for this armada of beasts.

There were indeed brutal wild men who lived by their own cutthroat regulations. But this was something else. Something more sinister and directed. A black snake the size of several horses peered its head from behind the horizon line the army marched upon. There, atop the Basilisks head stood a slender hooded masked figure. Next to him stood a elegant being that was indistinguishable from male or female. Long black flowing hair and sharp red eyes and facial features. A beautiful figure behind horrors too ugly to be redeemed.

They attacked. They raped and pillaged the outskirts of all the lands except for Nero. Those dark pitiful caves the outsiders live in are not worth tormenting it seems. Those soldiers tasked by the kingdom to protect the farmers did their best. But they were low in numbers and were overwhelmed. This called upon the powers of the kingdoms to help prevent the total destruction of their farm lands and free farm labor.

Magnixx stepped out onto the battlefield. A basilisk was attacking and helping the savages attack. This required his attention. However. He was not to lift a finger in this fight. Even as the massive reptile turned many people to stone and gored on flesh it didn't require the kings power. He brought with him a single dragon slayer from his guild and armada. This man bowed to his king before stepping into the zone of the basilisk.

A rare creature in these parts..

If it were not for the wild and vile outfits and tactics of these savages the many kingdoms fighting would think their enemies from Nero territory. But while basilisks were only native to that land it was not impossible to charm one under strong spells. One would reason. So the slayer stood tall, armored helmet shaped like a fierce dragon covered his face as well. His clothes were limited to armored leggings and gauntlets. His muscles were large and matched the heavy blade he wielded. Holding it downward as he approached. Finally meeting the beast only a few feet away.

With only a single second to process something was close to it the Basilisk turned its giant fangs on the slayer. A crash into the earth was met with a howling roar of flames. The basilisk's mouth was blown through by a massive pillar of fire. Crashing around the slayer were the parts of the beasts head that would have aided in its devouring of his person entirely.

Instead it decorated the ground around him with dead flesh and before him was the uncoiling of a headless serpent several times his size. He turned to his king who merely nodded approval before the soldiers of his kingdom cleaned up the rest of the aggressors.

One thing to note was that none of the pillagers retreated, many seeking death over capture or prolonged injury and doing so with a smile.

All over the lands were battles like this taking place and being quelled. Leaving all wondering who or what they were. The only answers being the notes left on some of the bodies. Claiming that, in terms only madmen would use, their ways of living is the true way. To murder, kill, devour and be the strongest all while serving death is the true way for a Descendant and the way their new god commands.
The battles came to an end. Those who were a part of it were resting in many of the towns. One of those towns was Sunfire. A colossal tree, hollowed out from the inside, yet still breathing life into its many leaves and limbs. Once inside the guarded gates you will enter a brightly lit interior. It was light from outside somehow reflecting inside like a glass ceiling.

The first level. Homes of those who live in Sunfire. Most are workers and shop owners. Though a home is always available for purchase through the temple.

The second floor. Shops and other essential locations. The shops were open. The temple was busy with injured soldiers. The Taxis were there doing their healing and mending.

The third floor is a circular flat wooden area on top of the tree. This is where gatherings are held by the Taxis and is decorated with stone statues of king Vrondi and angelic beings holding candle lights.
Beating a powerful pair of black wings, Sphinx looks down at the mother tree and the town Sunfire it birthed. Its eternal fire burns, a symbol of enduring light, but his halo burns ever brighter.

His black and silver cloak billows with an occasional strong zephyr as his feet lowers and lands on the third floor. He makes sure to wipe his mind clean, in case of any prying Sol. He would search for the blue feather that represented the Aion headquarters.

Sphinx would need to speak to Mirror about something private. Something he shan't think about right now. Expecting to see some Taxis and Aion members, Sol and Seraphim, Ascended and Descended, he takes in the sights of Sunfire and its greenery. He tries his best to tuck in his gargantuan wings, but they do brush against people and statues. Apologizing, he strolls with a hand clasped on the hilt of his lunar claymore.

OmegaxRai OmegaxRai
It was relaxing, even if it wasn't quiet. He could hear the people bustling about in during their every day lives. Sero himself was taking a break to enjoy the sunshine, though his eyes were covered by a small cloth to protect them from the light. The grass he was laying in was cool as the individual blades seemed to caress his skin. It was a feeling only second to being held by his mother as a boy.

Despite his relaxed posture as he laid in the grass, the fingers of his right hand still rested along the hilt of his sword, Dusk. Just because he was taking the time to absorb the light from the sun didn't mean he wasn't being wary. Even in Sunfire, he could still be attacked. He'd thwarted enough assassination attempts that there were bound to be some on his own life as well.

In the town where his mother lived and worked, he certainly wasn't going to let himself get killed, even if he was enjoying his time relaxing. He cocked his head slightly, listening to the murmurs of nearby people as they discussed the recent battles. He hadn't participated, he wasn't very helpful in large scale combat, but he kept his information current in case it was of use later. He was certain it would be as well, even if it was just avoiding danger.

Thirty minutes. That was the time he had left before he'd fully recharged himself, then he'd have to get up, he still had some things to do before he went off to get his next job.

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