As The Tides Turn...

usagi froggy

Rhythm Heaven Enjoyer





Role: (If you can think of other roles I didn't specify you can put them here)




Lead Actress: (Reserved for me)

Lead Actor:








Asst. Director:

Makeup Artist:








Invites: @SatiricalEulogy, @LuckyANDKitty, @muretti

(keep genders even. It's okay if there are, like, One or two more girls, but don't make it crazy unbalanced! We need enough for pairings ;) )

Read more about this role play...
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Name: Eden Benedict Waters

Age: 24

Gender: Male


Personality: Eden is well mannered, always smiling and being friendly with his students. He enjoys acting and wouldn't trade it for the world. He loves helping others though does get frustrated when he messes up a scene. He can be very loving and enjoys the comany of others as well as reading books or playing his gutiar.

Role: Actor

Relationships: His very close with his two sisters and parents. He adores his friends but as far as his love life goes he has no relationship

Crush: Possibly but no one has caught his eye yet

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Name: Marissa Lynthe (Mari)

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Personality: Mari is a rather laid-back person. She doesn’t like to get in anyone’s way, but she also doesn’t like those who constantly boss her around. Often times she just doesn’t listen and forgets to do things easily, so someone usually needs to be by her side to keep her in check so things run smoothly. She makes light of most situations, but when she gets upset it’s easy to tell. While on screen, however, Mari finds it easy for her to mask her emotions and take on a completely different persona if necessary. Perhaps it is because she must do this so often that when she’s off-camera, everything is out in the open.

Role: Actress

Relationships: Her mom, sorta-kinda. The woman’s more like her manager at this point. Besides her, Mari finds friends in most of the people she encounters, but especially the oddballs for some reason.

Crush: N/A


Marcelle Mason








Marcelle is easily annoyed, reacting badly to being criticized and being told how to do things. She's usually rude but isn't without her nice moments, especially when working with someone who knows what they are doing. She loves being a video editor but would honestly like to be paid more for her job. Marcelle isn't good at masking her emotions or comforting people, which leads to her losing friends easily. When Marcelle is determined to do something she'll stop at nothing to get that thing done, consequences disregarded.


Editor (puts the video, auto, graphics, etc. together after filming has finished)


None, really.


See above.

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Name: Bellanona Christoph (Bella)


Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf4ef14ed_images(4).jpg.75e877abd10cbf907882a558cef28e52.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19051" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf4ef14ed_images(4).jpg.75e877abd10cbf907882a558cef28e52.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Bella is a passionate writer who loves directing. She always has an idea or plan on how to make something better or more eye catching. She's pretty relaxed on set, but can have a mental breakdown when something just wont work out the way she planned for it to be. Bella is an eccentric girl with a shoot for the moon and go beyond type of personality. She loves to keep everyone in high spirits and has a very weird sense of humor. Bella can turn dark almost instantly when people try to talk down to her or tell her what she's doing wrong. She hates with a passion to be criticised about her work. She doesn't have many friends since most are just befriending her to earn some star points in the land of Hollywood, and she tends to avoid socializing with others unless it involves business. Bella's style is all her own in every way, and nobody can disagree with that when they see her. Although she doesn't go out much, when she does she is a crazy chipmunk on crack who is shameless and a fun ball of energy.

Role: Asst. Director

Relationships: Bella has a love-hate relationship with the Director. Her sister Celia and her are very close, but they've been at each other's hair recently with Cee always popping up on set to sneak a peek at the stars and what's going on. Bella and her twin brother Alexandru are really close, but she hasn't seen him recently due to him being busy with an upcoming movie he's acting in, a baby on the way, and photoshoots.

Crush: N/A



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Myia Harmon








Myia is a my way or the highway kind of gal. She is a major perfectionist and is known for filming the same scene thirty times to get it just right. She doesn't take well to criticism, and it can put her in a bad mood for days. She gets stressed very easily, and as such absolutely depends on coffee for survival. She cares deeply for all of her actors and crew, though she won't hesitate to criticize them if she feels that they could do better.

Outside of filming, Myia is much more laid back. She enjoys things like yoga and walking her dog Emmy. She is much easier to get along with when the cameras aren't rolling, as the lack of stress and need for caffeine does wonders for her mood.




Myia both loves Bella and hates her at the same time. She wishes that she had her creativity and innovation, but doesn't like the constant interjections when she's working. She can find Bella's chipper demeanor exhausting at times, and her style choices are often too wild for Myia's tastes, but ultimately she enjoys working with Bella, even though she is known to criticize her.



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Name:Mikey Christianson

Age: 15



Personality:He cares about people deeply and gets mad when friends or family are hurt due to being bullied by someone else. For a boy he is pretty sensitive about things and does cry even in public. Mikey is open to new things and will try anything that comes his way. He has a cool vibe to him but not one where he ignores people to be cool.

Role: Actor


Name: Emmerson Ardslee

Age: 18

Gender: Female



Personality: Resident prankster and a complete tomboy, Emmerson almost always has a smile on her face and an idea up her sleeve. She’s very straight forward and with her, what you see is what you get really, no hiding behind a mask or anything. Emmerson, as well as playing with the lighting is mainly like the jester of the crew.

Role: Lighting

Relationships: None

Crush: None
Name: Rosalyn Nagtalon

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Appearance: (Attached file)

Personality: Rosalyn is a calm person overall who keeps her emotions in check and is usually happy in a mellow sort of way. She is kind and polite to others, though usually quiet and tends to stick in the background. She usually only speaks when spoken to or when needed. Sometimes though, when a topic interests her enough, she becomes a chatterbox. She is a hard worker and is loyal to her family and friends. Rosalyn is also impatient and doesn't have much tolerance for people who play around too much.

Role: Screenwriter

Relationships: ---

Crush: ---<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf713ca29_RosalynNagtalon.jpg.7c51bdf87ba6a79220739073fa9515c6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20516" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf713ca29_RosalynNagtalon.jpg.7c51bdf87ba6a79220739073fa9515c6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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